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The Nation, Sunday June 28, 2009
Signs, planets and constellations
Peculiarities of zodiacal signs
It is imperative for a student
of Astrology to become familiar
with rashis or zodiacal signs as
well by name and symbol before
proceeding to learn their nature and
Following are the 12 rashis or the
signs of the zodiac with symbols
indicated against their names.
Each Rashi or sign has its own
peculiarities as determined by
ancient Maharishis or sages of yore.
For example, each sign represents
some element in nature such as fire,
air, earth, and water. It is useful for
a student to be conversant with the
nature and peculiarities of each
sign for this knowledge is essential
for reading a horoscope.
The signs are basically
categorised as movable signs, fixed
signs, common signs, odd signs
and even signs. The movable
signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra
and Capricorn. The fixed signs
are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and
Aquarius. The common signs are
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and
Pisces. There are still two other
categories of signs called odd signs
and even signs. The odd signs are
Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius,
and Aquarius. Those classified
as even signs are Taurus, Cancer,
Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and
All odd signs are cruel and
masculine. All even signs are
mild and feminine. Again signs
are classified as Fiery signs
(Agnitatwa rashis) viz: Aries,
Leo, and Sagittarius, Airy signs
(Vayutatwa rashis) Gemini,
Libra, and Aquarius, Earthy signs
1. Mesha
2. Vrushabha
3. Mithuna
4. Kataka
5 Simha
6. Kanya
7. Thula
8. Vrushika
9. Dhanu
10. Makara
11. Kumba
12. Meena
your own
Part 4
(Bhutatwa rashis), Taurus, Virgo,
and Capricorn, and Water signs
(Jalatatwa rashis) Cancer, Scorpio
and Pisces.
Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio,
and Sagittarius are signs of long
ascension and those of short
ascension are Capricorn, Aquarius,
Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini.
(This order has to be reversed for
places situated south of equator.
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are
fruitful or productive. Gemini,
Leo and Virgo are barren. Gemini,
Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and
Aquarius rise by head and are
therefore called Sirodaya rashis.
The signs rising by their hind part
the Ram (male sheep)
the Bull
the Twins
the Crab
the Lion
the Virgin
the Balance
the Scorpion
the Centaur
the Crocodile
the Water-bearer
the Fishes
are called Prushtodaya. They are
Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius
and Capricorn. These details
become useful when determining
the character of a native – a person
born in a particular Lagna.
What the stars foretell for your lagna
July 1 to 7
By Sudarshi
(The auspicious days of the
week: Thursday July 2 up to
5.48 pm, Saturday July 4 up to
4.47 pm, Tuesday July 7 up to
2.51 pm )
Aries (Mesha)
The lord of Lagna, Mars exalted in the lagna will move on
to 2nd House of Taurus on July
3, where Venus is already positioned. The native will shine at
public forums because of his
oratorical skill. Venus, a malefic for those born in Aries will
not cause harm due to his being in association with Mars in
the 2nd House. Material gains
and a rise in the standing of
the family are indicated. The
Sun in the 3rd House in conjunction with an exalted Mercury will produce good results
such as gains from brothers
and sisters and paternal relatives. Mercury despite being
a malefic will not cause harm
due to being with the powerful Sun while the 3rd House is
subjected to the special aspect
of Jupiter. Jupiter occupying
the 11th House is auspicious
in that the native will not suffer from want. The native will
become a popular figure among
friends and colleagues. Saturn
in the 5th House is likely to interrupt your studies. However,
those engaged in business will
make huge profits
The auspicious day:
The auspicious colour:
The auspicious number: 9
The ideal partner would be a
person born in Aries, Leo or
Mars will enter the Lagna on
July 3 when Venus, a malefic
despite being the lord of the
House is already occupying it.
The period up to July 27 is not
auspicious for you. You may
develop a propensity for sensual pleasures and vices like
gambling. You are advised to
take to meditation and such
religious activity which could
discipline you. You might even
be blamed for wrongs done
by others. Your troubles and
mental unrest will end when
Mars exits from the Lagna by
August 16. You are also prone
to accidents and advised to
avoid reckless driving and
the practice of martial arts
and sports where the element
of risk is high. Saturn, a benefic planet for you will counter much malefic influence
and may even bring wealth
to you in good measure. Jupiter, being positioned in the
10th House is capable of giving you political success and
high position. Saturn in the
4th House will produce good
results like the acquisition of
new vehicles and comforts of
a good home.
The auspicious day:
The auspicious colour:
The auspicious number: 6
The ideal partner would be
a native of Taurus, Virgo or
your property.
The auspicious day:
The auspicious colour:
The auspicious number: 6
The ideal partner would be
a native of Gemini, Libra or
Cancer (Kataka)
If the native is a school
child, he will do well in his
studies. If the native is an
adult, he may even lose his
job and wife will be subjected
to mental and physical suffering. The native is likely to
suffer emaciation of the body.
Mercury and Venus are your
benefics and Mars and Jupiter
are your benefic planets. You
might lose a few good friends
when Mars enters the 11th
House on July 3. However,
your income will go up. Jupiter occupying the 8th House,
the Marakasthana, will not
inflict death. Happiness after
marriage indicated.
The auspicious day: Monday
The auspicious colour:
The auspicious number: 2
The ideal partner will be a
person born in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces
Gemini (Mithuna)
The Sun, a malefic, is occupying your Lagna. Jupiter
despite being a malefic will
produce good results such as
high positions for children,
cordial relations with family
members and relatives and
a keen interest in religious
activity as he is occupying
the 9th House. Your only benefic planet is debilitated in
the 12th House. As a result
you will develop the tendency
to seek sensual pleasures, to
engage in gambling and wining and dining. Mars moving
on to the 12th House on July
3 is inauspicious. Take care
to avoid sustaining a fracture
possibly below the ankle and
an attempt to damage
House and the Sun occupying the 11th House. The 11th
House, the Ayasthana has
gained further strength due
to its receiving the special
aspect of Jupiter. Meanwhile,
the 4th House which is Leo
also has gained strength from
the special aspect of Saturn.
As a result you may perform a
heroic deed which will bring
you fame and honour.
The auspicious day:
The auspicious colour: Red
The auspicious number: 4
The ideal partner would be a
person born in Aries, Leo or
The auspicious day:
The auspicious colour:
The auspicious number: 8
The ideal partner will be a
person born in Gemini, Libra
or Aquarius
Your only malefic is Venus who is occupying the
6th House with Mars. The
Sun and Mercury in the 7th
House produce a Rajayoga
which will prevail until Mercury exits from Gemini sign
by July 15. The native is due
to achieve success in studies
and diplomacy due to Jupiter
powerfully positioned in the
3rd House. Saturn, the death
inflicting planet will cause
no harm due his being in the
9th House. The waxing Moon
moving on to the Lagna on
July 5 will bring good health,
fame and happiness to the native.
The auspicious day:
The auspicious colour:
The auspicious number: 3
The ideal partner would be a
person born in Aries, Leo or
Mars, the Moon and Jupiter are your malefics. Venus, an auspicious planet
occupying the 9th House
will bestow high position on
your father. The lord of your
7th House Jupiter, being the
lord of the 4th House as
well, a successful marriage
or love affair is predicted.
Venus being the lord of the
2nd House you will shine as
an orator. You will excel in
Mathematics or Science and
rise to eminence in an academic field which however,
will confine you to a sedentary life.
The auspicious colour:
The auspicious number: 6
The ideal partner would be
one born in Taurus, Virgo or
Mercury, Mars and Venus
are your malefics and Jupiter
and the Moon are benefics.
The Moon gets debilitated
when it enters the Lagna on
July 3. Fear from enemies and
thieves and the possibility of
disease striking you, are indicated. This brief malefic period will end when the Moon
enters the Sagittarius sign on
July 5.
Jupiter in the 4th
House will bring you the comforts of a good residence and
vehicles. Mars and Venus in
the 7th House indicate problems plaguing marriage or a
love affair. Disease likely to
affect liver, kidneys and bladder. Saturn in the 10th House
will bring you gains from
trade and commerce .and perhaps a windfall.
The auspicious day:
The auspicious colour:
The auspicious number: 6
The ideal partner would be
one born in Cancer, Scorpio
or Pisces
Libra (Thula)
The Sun, Mars and Jupiter
are your malefics and Saturn
and Mercury are your benefics. Saturn occupying the
11th House will bring you
gains from business and even
Aquarius (Kumba)
The Moon, Jupiter and
Mars are malefics. Venus is
the only benefic planet. MarsVenus yoga (combination) in
the 4th House will produce
good results. This Yoga occurs
when Mars enters Taurus
sign on July 3 and it will last
until Venus moves on to Gemini sign on July 27. Saturn in
the 7th House will either delay your marriage or cause
unhappiness in married life
or love relationship. Jupiter
positioned in the Lagna will
give a boost to your standing
in society.
The auspicious day:
The auspicious colour:
The auspicious number: 6
The ideal partner would be
a native of Gemini, Libra or
Virgo (Kanya)
Leo (Simha)
As warned in the previous
forecasts, you are undergoing Shani Lagna Ershtakaya.
However, the worst period of
the Erashtakaya will end by
September 10 this year when
Saturn moves on to the next
sign, Virgo. Venus and Mercury are your malefic and Mars
is the benefic planet which
is occupying the 10th House
in conjunction with Venus.
There will be a promotion or
appointment to a high position after July 3 due to Mars
being powerful in the 10th
from gambling and other sinful activity. Mercury exalted
in the 11th House will bring
you fame as a mathematician
or a philanthropist. The native will occupy a prominent
place in the family circle and
among his friends and relatives. Ravi, although a malefic, will produce a Gnanayoga.
You will shine in academic
activity. Ravi-Chandra- Budha
yoga in the 9th House will
bring you fame and wealth.
Mars, Jupiter and the Moon
are your malefics. Mercury
and Venus are your benefics. Saturn, despite being
the lord of the Lagna, gains
death inflicting powers as a
result of being the lord of the
8th House which is occupied
by Rahu (Dragon’s Head).
The Moon too is not capable
of producing any good as a
result of being placed in the
death-inflicting 7th House
when Rahu is occupying the
adjoining House. Jupiter in
the 2nd House may cause loss
of wealth and affect your vision. The Moon entering the
Lagna on July 8 when the
Rahu is already occupying it
is inauspicious and will affect your health and also your
standing in society.
The auspicious day:
The auspicious colour:
The auspicious number: 8
The ideal partner would be
a native of Taurus, Virgo or
Pisces (Meena)
Saturn, Venus, Mercury
and the Sun are your malefics. Mars and the Moon are
benefics. Jupiter the lord
of the Lagna occupying the
12th House is inauspicious
as this could subject the native to imprisonment, foreign travel fraught with difficulties and troubles from
enemies. However, the Sun
being in a quadrant, Mars
with Venus in a Moolatrikona and the strong aspect of
Jupiter will greatly counter
the evil effects.
The auspicious day:
The auspicious colour:
The auspicious number: 3
The ideal partner would be
a native of Cancer, Scorpio
or Pisces