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Name ___________________________________________
Date ____________________
Algebra 1A
Algebra 1A Exam
Directions: Write the letter of the best answer on the line.
_____ 1. In which quadrant or on which axis would you find the point (2, 7)?
a. Quadrant I
b. Quadrant II
c. x-axis
d. y-axis
_____ 2. Use <, =, or > to compare 6
_____ 3. Which expression best describes the phrase 9 less than 4 times a number? Use the variable n to represent
the unknown.
a. 9 − 4𝑛
b. 4 − 9𝑛
c. 9𝑛 − 4
d. 4𝑛 − 9
_____ 4. Identify the graph of A(-4, -1).
_____ 5. Maria can deliver 30 newspapers in one hour, and generally works between 5 and 7 hours each week.
What is the range?
a. 30 – 150 newspapers
b. 150 - 210 newspapers
c. 5 -7 hours
d. 7 – 9 hours
Name ___________________________________________
Date ____________________
Algebra 1A
_____ 6. If you asked 10 friends which day would be most convenient for them to come to a party and you got the
following results, which measure of central tendency would you use to pick the best day?
_____ 7. Give the reasons for each step shown below.
3x + 4(3 – 2x)
= 3x + 12 – 8x
= 3x + 12 + (–8x)
= 3x + (–8x) + 12
= (3 + (–8))x + 12
= –5x + 12
a. Distributive Property
Commutative Property of Subtraction
Commutative Property of Addition
Distributive Property
Additive Inverse Property
c. Identity Property of Multiplication
Definition of Subtraction
Commutative Property of Addition
Distributive Property
b. Distributive Property
Definition of Subtraction
Commutative Property of Addition
Distributive Property
d. Distributive Property
Definition of Subtraction
Associative Property of Addition
Distributive Property
_____ 8. True or False. The expressions −(−2𝑥 − 11) and −2𝑥 + 11 are equilavent.
_____ 9. Evaluate (𝑥 − 14) ÷ 𝑦 + 𝑧 for x = -10, y = -2, and z = -12.
a. 0
b. -24
c. 24
d. 12
Name ___________________________________________
Date ____________________
Algebra 1A
_____ 10. Suppose you choose a marble from a bag containing 7 green marbles, 5 red marbles, and 6 blue marbles.
You replace the first marble in the bag and choose again. Find the probability P(blue, then red).
_____ 11. The pair of figures is similar. Find the missing length x.
7 ft
8 ft
15 ft
22 ft
_____ 12. Which statement describes how you can solve the equation 15 + 4 = 60.
a. Subtract 4 from both sides, and then multiply both sides by 15.
b. Subtract 4 from both sides, and then divide both sides by 15.
c. Add 4 to both sides, and them multiply both sides by 15.
d. Multiply both sides by 15, and then subtract 4 from both sides.
Name ___________________________________________
Date ____________________
Algebra 1A
_____ 13. What is the solution and graph of the compound inequality −1 ≤ −𝑥 − 2 < 1?
a. 𝑥 < −3 or 𝑥 ≥ −1
b. 𝑥 ≤ −3
c. −3 < 𝑥 ≤ −1
d. −3 ≤ 𝑥 < −1
_____ 14. Which word phrase best completes the statement below?
The graph of the absolute value equation |𝑥| < 4 includes all points whose distance from 0 is _________.
a. Greater than 4
b. Greater than or equal to 4
c. Less than 4
d. Less than or equal to 4
_____ 15. Which inequality contains -12 in its solution?
a. 𝑥 + 8 ≤ −4
b. 𝑥 + 8 > 4
c. 𝑥 + 8 ≥ 4
d. 𝑥 + 8 < −4
_____ 16. On a drive to the city a car traveled at a rate of at least 55mph on the highway and no more than 70mph.
What compound inequality and graph represent the rate at which this car traveled on the highway?
a. 55 < 𝑥 < 70
b. 55 ≤ 𝑥 < 70
c. 55 < 𝑥 < 70
d. 55 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 70
Name ___________________________________________
Date ____________________
Algebra 1A
Directions: Answer the following questions. SHOW ALL WORK and box in your final answer.
17. Simplify the numerical expression 32 ÷ 4 − 2 ∙ 3.
18. Simplify the expression 24[62 − (12 − 9)2 ].
19. The sale price of an item, s, is found by taking the difference of the retail price, r, and the discount, d. Write an
equation to represent the situation.
20. Write an equation to model the situation. Use the variable c to represent total cost and s to represent the sales
price. The total cost equals the sale price plus a $25 delivery charge.
21. A hiker starts his ascent at 50 feet below sea level. He ascends 1,200 feet. Use addition to find his height above
sea level.
Name ___________________________________________
Date ____________________
22. Simplify(8 − 3𝑥) (2).
23. Simplify 6(𝑏 − 5).
24. Write a subtraction expression modeled by the number line shown. Then find the difference.
25. Name the property that the equation 4 + (−3) = −3 + 4 illustrates.
26. Solve the equation 48 = −6(𝑥 − 7).
27. Solve the proportion
= .
Algebra 1A
Name ___________________________________________
Date ____________________
28. Find the length of the missing side.
29. Simplify ±√81.
30. Find the percent of change of 10 ft to 7 ft. Describe the percent of change as an increase or a decrease.
31. Solve the inequality 4𝑞 − 5 ≥ 19 − 8𝑞.
32. What is the solution of −3|𝑎 − 7| = −6?
Algebra 1A