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Lab 16 Plant Flashcards
The ______ part of a plant is the reproductive part
of the plant.
If a plant has both male and female parts on the
same flower it is a?
If a plant has separate male and female flowers
then it is?
In a flower, what is the corolla?
What is a calyx in a flower?
The female reproductive parts of a flower are
called what?
The male reproductive parts of a slower are called
What is does the stamen consist of?
Asexual plant reproduction consists of?
Sexual plant reproduction consists of?
In asexual plant reproduction, what are the
underground stems called where the
reproduction takes place?
Onions and crocuses are examples of?
In nature, reproduction often takes place via what
type of reproduction?
What does the pistil of a plant consist of?
What lies at the base of the style?
The structures where the female gametes are
produced are called what?
Where do pollen grains develop?
What is pollination?
Name the four informal divisions of the plant
Flowering “seed-bearing” plants fall under which
division of the plant kingdom?
Conifers or “cone-bearing” trees, including pine,
spruce, redwood and juniper trees fall under
which division of the plant kingdom?
Mosses, liverworts, and hornworts fall under
which plant kingdom type?
Ferns, horsetails, and club mosses fall under
which plant kingdom type?
Which type lacks a vascular system for
transporting water and other substances?
Which two types reproduce via pollination?
Perfect flower
Imperfect flower
Typically colored petals.
Typically green petals that surround and protect the
bud of a flower.
The pistil
The anther and filament
Vegetative reproduction
Sexual reproduction
Stigma,style and ovary
The ovary
The anther sac within the male reproductive system
The transfer of pollen by wind or carried by an animal
from a stamen to a stigma
Bryophytes, gymnosperms, angiosperms, and
seedless vascular plants
Seedless vascular plants
Angiosperms and gymnosperms
Lab 16 Plant Flashcards
Which two types reproduce via external
Which type has single-celled extensions called
rhizoids instead of roots?
Which two types do not produce seeds as a part
of reproduction?
Which type contains non-flowering, seed-bearing
Which type goes through sexual reproduction
with the female gametes called ‘cones’?
Which type goes through sexual reproduction
where the female gametes are called ‘pistil’?
Which types possess roots that extend into the
ground to anchor and absorb water and minerals
for the plant?
Gymnosperms are commonly called “_____”
The seeds of angiosperms are enclosed in the
protective tissue covering called the ______?
Which type contains flowering seed-bearing
Name two main systems of a plant.
What system is above ground and is responsible
for photosynthesis, transpiration, and respiration?
Which system includes the stems, leaves, and
adaptations for reproduction?
What system is below ground and functions to
anchor the plant to the underlying material and to
absorb nutrients and water?
Which system stores food for the plant and
transports nutrients to the shoot system?
Name three major parts of the plant shoot system.
Mechanical structure, storage for food reserves,
and the pathway for water, minerals and hormones
to move throughout the plants are three main
functions of which major part of a plant shoot
Stems can be which two things?
Woody plants have stems composed of which two
What are the three types of tissue from the
Bryophytes and seedless vascular plants
Bryophytes and seedless vascular plants
Angiosperms, Seedless vascular plants, and
Naked seed
1. Shoot system
2. Root system
The shoot system
The shoot system
The root system
The root system
1. Stems
2. Leaves
3. Flowers
1. Herbaceous (non-woody)
2. Woody
1. Cellulose
2. Lignin
1. Ground tissue
Lab 16 Plant Flashcards
structure of the stem?
What tissue is the “muscles and bones” of the
What tissue is the “skin, hair and nails” of a the
What tissue is the “veins and arteries” of the plant?
Which tissues function in food storage, wound
repair and structural support?
Hemp is and example of which tissue cells
bundled together to form very strong fibers for
structural support?
What tissue has protective layers?
What tissue functions to transport water, minerals
and food throughout the plant?
What is the site of photosynthesis, transpiration,
and respiration?
What is thin, flat and broad, providing a large
surface area to volume ratio?
What three tissues are leaves composed of?
Name the two dermal tissue layers.
What is the area in between the ground tissue
Which two layers do mesophyll consists of?
2. Dermal tissue
3. Vascular tissue
Ground tissue
Dermal tissue
Vascular tissue
Ground tissues
Ground tissue
Dermal tissue
Vascular tissue
1. Dermal tissue
2. Ground tissue
3. Vascular tissue
1. A thin upper epidermis
2. A thin lower epidermis
1. A palisade cell layer
2. A spongy cell layer
What cells are elongated and tightly packed?
Palisade cells
The structure and arrangement of which cells lends Palisade cells
well to the absorption and direction of sunlight
into the inner depths of leave?
Photosynthesis mostly occurs in which layer?
What layer is comprised of loosely packed cells
The spongy layer
under the palisade cells and is an area of gas
What two cells are present in the lower dermal
1. Stomata cells
2. Guard cells
Which cells are pores on the lower portions of the Stomata cells
leaves that allow for gas exchange in transpiration
and respiration?
Which cells swell up to close the stomata and
Guard Cells
shrink down to allow the stomata to open?
Which are the veins you see in the leaf?
Vascular Bundles
What does vascular cells allow transport of to and Water and nutrients
from areas of the plant?
Lab 16 Plant Flashcards
Which part of the plant is where reproduction
takes place?
When a plant has both male and female parts on
the flower it is called..
When a plant has separate male or female flowers
they are called..
Which plant is an example of a plant that has
imperfect flowers located on separate male and
female plants?
What does a flower consist of?
What are the male parts called that are part of a
perfect flower?
What are the female parts called that are part of a
perfect flower?
What does the pistil (the female parts) consist of?
What does the stamen (the male parts) consist of?
Which ways can a plant reproduce?
Which plant reproduction mode is vegetative?
Which plant reproduction mode consists of
Which plant reproduction mode is familiar to us in
the form of “cuttings” that can be taken from one
plant to start another?
What represents a new plant that is an exact
genetic replica of the original plant?
What is not required during the growth of
Which ones are the underground stems?
What are some examples of bulbs?
Which reproductive system is located at the top of
the pistil?
The stigma secretes a sticky substance that traps
the _______
What is the pollen known as?
What is the stigma supported by?
Where are the female gametes (the eggs)
What is the anther supported by?
What consists of the egg as well as the cells that
support and protect the developing embryo after
After fertilization, what do the ovules become?
After fertilization, what does the ovary become?
The Flower
Perfect Flower
Imperfect Flowers
The cannabis plant (hemp plant)
The Corolla and the calyx
Stigma, style and ovary
Anther and filament
Asexually or sexually
The growth of cutting
The tubers
Onions and crocuses
The Stigma
Male Gametes
The Style
In the ovules
The Filament
The Ovules
The Seeds
The Fruit
Lab 16 Plant Flashcards
What does the stamen consists of?
What occurs in the anther?
What develops in the anther?
The cells that the pollen grain house develop
What happens when the pollen grain leaves the
What are also known as the breathing parts of the
What is the process call double fertilization?
How is an endosperm formed?
What is the seed?
What are cotyledons?
What is a monocot?
What is a dicot?
When does pollination to occur?
What is coevolution?
Wind pollinators consist of?
What are animal Polinators?
How are pollinators attracted to a flower?
Hummingbirds are very attracted to which 2 colors?
Why do Hummingbirds have elongated beaks and
long tongues?
Flowers consist of what reproductive parts?
Where do flowers sexual reproductions take place?
How does “fruit” develop?
What is fruit?
What is the sequence of occurrence?
What are characteristics of the fruit and what does it
The anther and the filament
Pollen Grains
Haploid Sperm
It is bound for the stigma
Guard Cells
2 sprems travel through the pollen tube to the base of
the style and to ovary
The sperm not used to fertilized the egg moves down
along with the first but joins with the binucleate cell
in the ovule
The sperm and egg covered with a protective coating
enclosing the zygote and the endosperm.
The first leaves that appear on the plant embryo
When there is only 1 cotyledons
When there are two cotyledons
It occurs with pollen being carried by wind or by
animals from the anther to the stigma
It’s the interdependent evolution of 2 or more species
Flowers that are adopted for pollination by wind or by
Flowers that are pollinated by animals have
characteristics that function hand in hand with their
Through fragrance, color, pattern, and visual
Red and Orange
So they can reach the nectar deep in this tubular
shaped flower
Female and male reproductive parts
Via pollination and the sperm fertilizes the egg in the
ovary of the flower
By the flowers ovary wall expanding, which develops
into fruit
The mature ovary of any flowering plant
Flower, pollination, double fertilization, seed
formation, ovary development, petals and sepals fall
off, ovary enlarges and bursts from calyx, ripened
ovary= fruit
Fleshy and spongy matter that protects the seed(s). It
Lab 16 Plant Flashcards
aids in dissemination of the seeds so they can
What is the pericarp? And what is inside?
The ovary wall. And inside is the seed(s).
What is the exocarp?
The outermost layer
What is the mesocarp?
The middle layer
What is the endocarp?
The inner layer
There are different kinds of fruits depending on what? The organization of the flowers from which they arise.
What are simple fruits?
They develop from one ovary and can be dry or fleshy
What are Legumes?
Members of the pea family.
Describe characteristics of Legumes
They have a dry pericarp (outer covering of the ovary)
which splits along the edges when mature
What is an example of a legume? And why?
Pea pods. The pod is the ovary containing the seeds.
What is another example of a legume? And why?
A peanut with a stony shell. When you look at a
peanut you will note the persistence of the style at
the far end of the shell. If you break one of the nuts in
half, you will see a tiny structure stuck to one of the
halves (the embryo). We eat the seeds of the peanut.
Not opening at maturity refers to what?
What are dry and indehiscent?
What part of the achene do you eat? Give examples.
Seeds Ex. Sunflower seeds and buckwheat
Grains come from what family? Examples within this
Grass family including corn wheat and rice
family include…
What are dry, contain only one seed and are
Grains; cornnuts
indehiscent? Give an example of this item.
Another name for the ovary wall
A one seeded, indehiscent, dry fruit with a hard shell
is referred to as…
An example of a true nut
Hazelnut and acorns
Which fruit contains three layers, develops from a
single carpel, and has only one seed?
What are derived from a compound ovary which has
many seeds embedded in the flesh?
Citrus fruits such as Avocados, lemons, limes,
oranges, and grapefruits referred to as
Name the outer, middle and inner layers of berries
Exocarp-outer; mesocarp-middle; endocarp-innner
What are the dividers between sections in citrus fruits Carpel walls
Which plant is unique due to its derivation from an
inferior ovary?
What is the enlarged ovary wall of pomes called? Give Receptacle Ex. Apples and pears
Male parts of a plant are called?
Stamens; Style
Female part of a plant is called?
Lab 16 Plant Flashcards
What can be aggregated or multiple fruits?
How are aggregate fruits formed? Give Examples
Compound fruits
From several ovaries of one individual flower;
Strawberries; blackberries
What are considered the remnants of the styles of the fuzzies
pistils in aggregated fruits?
What are formed from individual ovaries of several
Multiple fruits
flowers fused together?
A flower that contains the stem, sepals, petal,
A perfect flower. Be able to label a diagram.
receptacle and all reproductive part, is considered?
What are several functions of the stem of a
plant? How does the anatomy of the stem contribute
to a successfully functioning stem
What are several functions of the leaf of a
plant? How does the anatomy of the leaf contribute to
a successfully functioning leaf?
Where does photosynthesis occur in the leaf of a
plant? Explain what is present in that area and how the
structure of the different cells assists in
Describe the processes and events that lead to
double fertilization.
Name all the parts of the male and female
reproductive systems in plants.
What is produced from vegetative reproduction and
how is that different from what is produced from
sexual reproduction in plants?
How may symmetry affect pollination?
How do you determine the means of pollination
and probable pollinators for certain flowers?
Do markings, colorations, size and shape affect
What characteristics can affect pollination?
Lab 16 Plant Flashcards
What is a process or event that occurs that leads to
double fertilization?
Which is a part of the male reproductive system in
Which is a part of the female reproductive system
in plants?
What is produced from vegetative reproduction?
Vegetative reproduction and sexual reproduction
in plants differ in what ways?
What is a “true” vegetable?
List several “true” vegetables and the part of the plant
which they represent.