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World History 9 Syllabus with Objectives of Lessons
The Renaissance and Reformation (1300-1650)
1. The Renaissance in Italy
Describe the characteristics of the Renaissance and demonstrate understanding on why it began in Italy.
Identify Renaissance artists and explain how new ideas affected the arts of the period.
Demonstrate understanding on how writers of the time addressed Renaissance themes.
2. The Renaissance in the North
Explain how the printing revolution shaped European society.
Describe the themes that northern European artists, humanists, and writers explored.
3. The Protestant Reformation
Summarize the factors that encouraged the Protestant Reformation.
Analyze Martin Luther’s role in shaping the Protestant Reformation.
Explain the teachings and impact of John Calvin.
4. Reformation Ideas Spread
Describe the new ideas that Protestant sects embraced.
Demonstrate understanding on why England formed a new church.
Analyze how the Catholic Church reformed itself.
Explain why many groups faced persecution during the Reformation.
5. The Scientific Revolution
Explain how new discoveries in astronomy changed the way people viewed the universe.
Demonstrate understanding on the new scientific method and how it developed.
Analyze the contributions that Newton and other scientists made to the Scientific Revolution.
The Beginnings of Our Global Age (1415-1796)
1. The Search for Spices
Demonstrate understanding on European’s motivation for exploring the seas.
Analyze early Portuguese and Spanish explorations.
Describe European searches for a direct route to Asia.
The Beginnings of Our Global Age: (1492-1750)
1. Conquest in the Americas
Analyze the results of the first encounters between the Spanish and Native Americans.
Explain how Cortés and Pizarro gained control of the Aztec and Incan empires.
Demonstrate understanding on the short-term and long-term effects of the Spanish on the peoples of the Americas.
2. Spanish and Portuguese Colonies in the Americas
Explain how Spain ruled its empire in the Americas.
Analyze the major features of Spanish colonial society and culture.
Describe how Portugal and other European nations challenged Spanish power.
3. Struggle for North America
Explain why the colony of New France grew slowly.
Analyze the establishment and growth of the English colonies.
Demonstrate understanding on why Europeans competed for power in North America and how their struggle affected Native
4. The Atlantic Slave Trade
Explain how triangular trade worked.
Demonstrate understanding on the nature of the Middle Passage and describe its effects.
Analyze the impact of the Atlantic slave trade.
5. Effects of Global Contact
Explain how European exploration led to the Columbian Exchange.
Analyze the commercial revolution.
Demonstrate understanding on the impact that mercantilism had on European and colonial economies.
World History 9 Syllabus with Objectives of Lessons
The Age of Absolutism (1550-1800)
1. Spanish Power Grows
Describe the empire that Charles V inherited.
Analyze how Spanish power increased under Philip II.
Explain how the arts flourished during Spain’s golden age.
2. France under Louis XIV
Demonstrate understanding on how Henry IV rebuilt France after the wars of religion.
Explain how Louis XIV became an absolute monarch.
Describe how Versailles was a symbol of royal power.
Identify Louis XIV’s successes and failures.
3. Parliament Triumphs in England
Describe the Tudor monarchs’ relations with Parliament.
Analyze how clashes between the Stuarts and Parliament ushered in a century of revolution.
Demonstrate understanding on how the English Civil War and the development of the Commonwealth led to the Glorious
Explain the development of English constitutional government.
4. Rise of Austria and Prussia
Outline causes and results of the Thirty Years’ War.
Demonstrate understanding on how Austria and Prussia emerged as great powers.
Describe how European nations tried to maintain a balance of power.
5. Absolute Monarchy in Russia
Explain how Peter the Great tried to make Russia into a modern state.
Identify the steps Peter took to expand Russia’s borders.
Describe how Catherine the Great strengthened Russia.
The Enlightenment and the American Revolution (1700-1800)
1. Philosophy in the Age or Reason
Explain how science led to the Enlightenment.
Compare the ideas of Hobbes and Locke.
Identify the beliefs and contributions of the philosophes.
Summarize how economic thinking changed during this time.
2. Enlightenment Ideas Spread
Identify the roles that censorship and salons played in the spread of new ideas.
Describe how the Enlightenment affected the arts and literature.
Demonstrate understanding on how philosophes influenced enlightened despots.
Explain why Enlightenment ideas were slow to reach most Europeans.
3. Birth of the American Republic
Describe characteristics of Britain and the 13 English colonies in the mid-1700s.
Outline the events that led to the American Revolution.
Summarize the events and significance of the American Revolution.
Analyze how the new Constitution reflected the ideas of the Enlightenment.
World History 9 Syllabus with Objectives of Lessons
The French Revolution and Napoleon (1750-1850)
1. On the Eve of Revolution
Describe the social divisions of France’s old order.
List reasons for France’s economic troubles in 1789.
Explain why Louis XVI called the Estates-General and summarize what resulted.
Demonstrate understanding on why Parisians stormed the Bastille.
2. The French Revolution Unfolds
Explain how the political crisis of 1789 led to popular revolts.
Summarize the moderate reforms enacted by the National Assembly in August 1789.
Identify additional actions taken by the National Assembly as it pressed onward.
Analyze why there was a mixed reaction around Europe to the events unfolding in France
3. Radical Days of the Revolution
Demonstrate understanding on how and why radicals abolished the monarchy.
Explain why the Committee of Public Safety was created and why the Reign of Terror resulted.
Summarize how the excesses of the Convention led to the formation of the Directory.
Analyze how the French people were affected by the changes brought about by the revolution.
4. The Age of Napoleon
Demonstrate understanding on Napoleon’s rise to power and why the French strongly supported him.
Explain how Napoleon built an empire and what challenges the empire faced.
Analyze the events that led to Napoleon’s downfall.
Outline how the Congress of Vienna tried to create a lasting peace.
The Industrial Revolution Begins (1750-1850)
1. Dawn of the Industrial Age
Analyze why life changed as industry spread.
Summarize how an agricultural revolution led to the growth of industry.
Outline the new technologies that helped trigger the Industrial Revolution.
2. Britain Leads the Way
Demonstrate understanding on why Britain was the starting point for the Industrial Revolution.
Describe the changes that transformed the textile industry.
Explain the significance of the transportation revolution.
3. Social Impact of the Industrial Revolution
Explain what caused urbanization and what life was like in the new industrial cities.
Compare and contrast the industrial working class and the new middle class.
Demonstrate understanding on how the factory system and mines changed the way people worked.
Analyze the benefits and challenges of industrialization.
4. New Ways of Thinking
Demonstrate understanding on laissez-faire economics and the beliefs of those who supported it.
Describe the doctrine of utilitarianism.
Summarize the theories of socialism.
Explain Marx’s views of the working class and the response to Marxism.
World History 9 Syllabus with Objectives of Lessons
Life in the Industrial Age (1800-1914)
1. The Industrial Revolution Spreads
List the industrial powers that emerged in the 1800s.
Describe the impact of new technology on industry, transportation, and communication.
Demonstrate understanding on how big business emerged in the late 1800s.
2. The Rise of the Cities
Summarize the impact of medical advances in the late 1800s.
Describe how cities had changed by 1900.
Explain how working-class struggles led to improved conditions for workers.
3. Cities Changing Attitudes and Values
Explain what values shaped the new social order.
Demonstrate understanding on how women and educators sought change.
Learn how science challenged existing beliefs.
4. Arts in the Industrial Age
Demonstrate understanding on what themes shaped romantic art, literature, and music.
Learn how realists responded to the industrialized, urban world.
Describe how the visual arts changed.
Nationalism Triumphs in Europe (1800-1914)
1. Building a German Nation
Identify several events that promoted German unity during the early 1800s.
Explain how Bismarck unified Germany.
Analyze the basic political organization of the new German empire.
2. Germany Strengthens
Describe how Germany became an industrial giant.
Explain why Bismarck was called the Iron Chancellor.
List the policies of Kaiser William II.
3. Unifying Italy
List the key obstacles to Italian unity.
Demonstrate understanding on what roles Count Camillo Cavour and Giuseppe Garibaldi played in the struggle for Italy.
Describe the challenges that faced the new nation of Italy.
Growth of Western Democracies (1815-1914)
1. Democratic Reform in Britain
Describe how reformers worked to change Parliament in the 1800s.
Demonstrate understanding on the values that Queen Victoria represented.
Summarize how the Liberal and Conservative parties helped bring a new era to British politics.
2. Social and Economic Reform in Britain
Identify the social and economic reforms benefiting British workers and others.
Describe how British women worked to win the right to vote.
Demonstrate understanding on the causes of conflict between the British and the Irish nationalists.
4. Expansion of the United States
Describe how the territory of the United States changed during the 1800s.
Summarize how American democracy grew before and after the Civil War.
Analyze the impact of economic growth and social reform on the United States.
World History 9 Syllabus with Objectives of Lessons
World War I & the Russian Revolution (1914- 1924)
1. The Great War Begins
Describe how international rivalries and nationalism pushed Europe toward war.
Explain how the assassination in Sarajevo led to the start of World War I.
Analyze the causes and effects of the European alliance system.
2. A New Kind of War
Demonstrate understanding on why a stalemate developed on the Western Front.
Describe how technology made World War I different from earlier wars.
Outline the course of the war on the Eastern Front, in other parts of Europe, in Turkey, and in the Middle East.
Summarize how colonies fought in the war.
3. Winning the War
Describe how World War I became a total war.
Explain the effect that years of warfare had on morale.
Analyze the causes and effects of American entry into the war.
Summarize events that led to the end of the war.
4. Making the Peace
Analyze the costs of World War I.
Describe the issues faced by the delegates to the Paris Peace Conference.
Explain why many people were dissatisfied with the Treaty of Versailles and other peace settlements.
The Rise of Totalitarianism (1919-1939)
3. Fascism in Italy
Describe how conditions in Italy favored the rise of Mussolini.
Summarize how Mussolini changed Italy.
Demonstrate understanding on the values and goals of fascist ideology.
Compare and contrast fascism and communism.
5. Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany
Analyze the problems faced by the Weimar Republic.
Describe the Nazi party’s political, social, economic, and cultural policies.
Summarize the rise of authoritarian rule in Eastern Europe in the 1920s and 1930s.
World War II and Its Aftermath (1931-1955)
1. From Appeasement to War
Analyze the threat to world peace posed by dictators in the 1930s and how the Western democracies responded.
Describe how the Spanish Civil War was a “dress rehearsal” for World War II.
Summarize the ways in which continuing Nazi aggression led Europe to war.
2. The Axis Advances
Describe how the Axis powers came to control much of Europe, but failed to conquer Britain.
Summarize Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union.
Demonstrate understanding on the horror of the genocide the Nazis committed.
Describe the role of the United States before and after joining World War II.
3. Allies Turn the Tide
Demonstrate understanding on how nations devoted all of their resources to fighting World War II.
Explain how Allied victories began to push back the Axis powers.
Describe D-Day and the Allied advance toward Germany.
4. Victory in Europe and the Pacific
Describe the reasons for the final defeat of the Nazis.
Summarize how the Allies began to push back the Japanese in the Pacific.
Explain the American strategy for ending the war against Japan and the consequences of that strategy.
5. The End of World War II
Describe the issues faced by the Allies after World War II ended.
Summarize the organization of the United Nations.
Analyze how new conflicts developed among the former Allies in the years after World War II.