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Chapter 9
A Classification of Joints
▪Synarthrotic- immovable joint. 4 types.
▪Amphiarthrotic- slightly movable joint. 2 types
▪Diarthrotic- freely movable joints.
▫surrounded by a fibrous articular capsule, lined by Synovial membrane
▫articular cartilages have no perichondrium and have a higher water
▫synovial fluid fills cavity, does not allow cartilage to touch.
*Know both functional and structural classifications of articulations*
▫Accessory Structures of Synovial Joints
-Cartilages and fat pads
▫Factors that stabilize synovial joints
-Collagen fibers of capsule and/or ligaments
-Shapes of articulating surfaces
-Presence of bones, muscles, fat pads around joint
-Tension in tendons attached to bones
Form and Function of Synovial Joints
▪Describing Dynamic Motion
▫Linear motion (gliding)
▫Angular motion
▫Depending on the number of axis movement can occur, articulations can
be described as:
▪Types of Movement
▫Medial rotation
▫Lateral rotation
▫Plantar flexion
▫Lateral flexion
▪A Structural Classification of Synovial Joints
▫Gliding joints
▫Hinge joints
▫Pivot joints
▫Condylar joint
▫Saddle joint
▫Ball and socket joint
Representative Articulations
▪Intervertebral Articulations- two places on vertebrae where there is connection
▫Between superior and inferior articular processes
▫Between adjacent vertebral bodies
▫Intervertebral discs- pads of fibrocartilage
-Annulus fibrosus
-Nucleus pulposus
-Vertebral end plates
▫Intervertebral Ligaments
-Anterior longitudinal ligament
-Posterior longitudinal ligament
-Ligamentum flavum
-Interspinous ligament
-Supraspinous ligament
▫Vertebral Movements
-Lateral Flexion
▪Shoulder Joint- glenohumeral joint
▫Glenoid labrum
▫Major ligaments of the shoulder joint:
▫Muscles that stabilize the shoulder joint:
-Teres minor
▫Collectively known as the rotator cuff.
▫Bursa of the shoulder joint:
-Subacromial bursa
-Subcoracoid bursa
-Subdeltoid bursa
-Subscapular bursa
▪The Elbow Joint- complex hinge joint that involves the humerus, radius, and
▫Humeroulnar joint- largest and strongest articulation at the elbow.
▫Humeroradial joint- smaller joint
▫Extremely stable joint because:
▫Ligaments of the elbow joint:
-Radial collateral ligament
-Annular ligament
-Ulnar collateral ligament
▪Hip Joint (coxal joint)- sturdy ball & socket diarthrosis
▫Acetabular labrum
▫Articular capsule is extremely dense and strong
▫Ligaments of the Hip Joint (5 total)
-3 ligaments are regional thickenings of the capsule
-iliofemoral ligament
-pubofemoral ligament
-ischiofemoral ligament
-Transverse acetabular ligament
-Ligament of the femoral head
▪Knee Joint- 3 separate joints combine to form one complex hinge joint
▫Medial and lateral condyles of the femur and tibia
▫Patella to the femur
▫Capsule is fairly thin, and incomplete on the anterior side.
▫Strengthened by ligaments, tendons, and muscles
▫Contains 2 fibrocartilage pads, menisci; Lateral and Medial
▫Fat pads and bursa aid in cushioning and reducing friction
▫Ligaments of the Knee Joint
-Patellar ligament and 2 patellar retinaculae bands
-Popliteal ligaments (2) oblique and arcuate.
-Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
-Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)
-Tibial collateral ligament (medial)
-Fibular collateral ligament (lateral)
Aging and Arthritis
▪Osteoarthritis▪Rheumatoid arthritis▪Gouty arthritis-