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Integrated Pest Management
FIFRA Definition of “Pest”
(1) any organism that interferes with the
activities and desires of humans or (2) any
other form of terrestrial or aquatic plant or
animal life or virus, bacteria, or other microorganism (except viruses, bacteria, or other
micro- organism on or in living man or other
living animals) which the Administrator
declares to be a pest under section 25(c)(1).
Each pest species has a given status within
a complex
Key pests
Minor pests
Secondary pests
Occasional pests
Potential pests
Chronic pests
Accessory Species
– Vectors (Pest status often linked with pathogen)
– Alternate Hosts
IPM Defined
IPM – A system that maintains the population of
any pest, or pests, at or below the level that
causes damage or loss, and which minimizes
adverse impacts on society and environment.
Attempts to balance the benefits of pest control
actions with the costs when each is
considered in the broadest possible terms.
During the 1940’s
• 1940 – DDT patented as an insecticide
• 1942 – BHC found insecticidal
• 1943 – 2,4-D found effective as a herbicide
• 1946 – Gerhard Schrader hired by Bayer
• 1946 – Houseflies found resistant to DDT
“The most discussed of the new insecticides is dichlorodiphenyl-trichloroethane, shortened to DDT but also
called Guesarol. This compound has remarkable power
to kill insects, particularly body lice-the ‘cooties’ of
World War I. The prevalence of typhus, carried by body
lice, in the Mediterranean theater of this war has
emphasized its value. DDT’s effectiveness in war may
well be overshadowed by its value in peace. Painstaking
investigations have shown it to be signally effective
against many of the most destructive insects that feed
upon crops.”
Scientific American, July 1944.
The concentration of pesticides
in higher levels of food chains
Trophic Levels
Based on: Mader, S., Inquiry Into Life, McGraw-Hill
Most food chains consist of four trophic levels
DDT in Food Chain
DDT is concentrated as it
moved up food chain
This is because energy is
lost (from respiration) as go
up food chain but DDT is
Based on: Campbell et al, Biology: Concepts and
Connections, Benjamin Cummings
Overview of Lesson
•Pests, DDT and biomagnification
•DDT, eagles and falcons
•Endangered Species Act
•Organic foods
Bald Eagle
•Once was widely
distributed over U.S.
•As a top carnivore it feeds
on fish
•Swoops down and
captures fish off the
surface of the water
Photo courtesy of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
•Scientists discovered that DDT was
concentrated in the bald eagle
•DDT affected the eagle’s ability to reproduce
Photos courtesy of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Scientists found that
the eagle eggs had thin
egg shells and broke
Nests contained
broken, rotten eggs
The number of young
produced per breeding
pair was reduced
Population of adult eagles
declined to 4,000 and the
eagle was listed as
Photo courtesy of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
During 1950’s
Organic chemical pesticides become routine on
all crops
• Viewed as “modern” farming
• Low risk, “cost of business”
• Few/no regulations
• High prices/demand for US exports
• Problems would not be addressed until 1962
Problems Arising During the 1950’s
• Pest Resistance
• Bird/Fish Kills
• Human Poisonings
• Secondary Pests
• Biomagnification
As the Effects Spread …
• Public became increasingly negative toward
chemical companies.
• 1970 – EPA established.
• 1972 – DDT banned (biomagnification)
• 1973 – IBP project started
– Emphasized pest control as a system
– Introduced pest modeling/decision tools
– Only for insects
IPM Concept Solidifies in the 1970’s
• 1975 – First textbook, Metcalf & Luckman
(former had been criticized in SS)
• 1978 – CIPM project replaces IBP
– Included weeds & plant pathogens
– Included economic analyses
• 1978 – KY statewide IPM program began
r- vs. K-selected pests
Annual weeds,
some insects