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Unit1: Modeling & Simulation
Module2: Behavioral Modeling
 Description of the pulse
 Sources of delays
 Different ways of behavioral modeling
◦ Delay table
◦ Timing modeling in RTLs
Variations between input-output signals
◦ Output value varies according to the function
◦ Arrival of output varies w.r.t input
Complete behavior of the circuit is described by
amplitude and time variations of the output w.r.t to
The model which enables the complete description of
the block is called as behavioral model.
Representation of any Gate
Any gate can be represented by ideal gate and adding delay
model to it.
Ideal gate represents the function model of the gate.
Functional modeling is a part of behavioral modeling.
Why do we need behavioral
Any pulse in a digital circuit has a certain
◦ Amplitude
◦ Width
◦ Rise time
◦ Fall time
To get the exact behavior of a circuit we need
transient analysis of the circuit for a digital circuit.
Modeling a Digital pulse – type 1
We can model the pulse
into a square signal.
The pulse is assumed to
be start at 50% of the of
the signal. Amplitude.
Pulse Width = t2 - t1
Rise time and Fall time
Rise time
Fall time
Rise time: time taken by the signal to change its value
from 10% of its amplitude to 90%.
Fall time: time taken by the signal to change its value
from 90% of its amplitude to 10%.
tr and tf are also called Rise time and fall time delay.
Propagation delay
Propagation delay of a gate
defines how quickly it
responds to a change at its
It is measured between the
50% transition points of
the input and output
waveforms :
Input and output pulse for an
Modeling a Digital pulse – type 2
Due to Rise and fall
delay another way of
modeling a pulse as
square pulse seems to
be insufficient.
Trapezium is used to
model a pulse.
Delay model as a Table
Green lines : 10% and 90% values
Red lines : 50% values
Delay type
Delay Value
Tr(Rise time)
1 ns
Tf(Fall time)
1 ns
1.4 ns
Pulse width
4.2 ns
Sources of Delays
Logic high  voltage nearer to Vdd
Logic low  voltage nearer to Vss (ground)
The cause of delay is that any signal is an analog quantity
which needs a finite amount of delay for voltage to
change from one logic state to another.
Two types of delays
◦ Propagation delay or transport delay
◦ Inertial delay or switching delay
Transport Delay
Causes of delay
◦ Transportation of charge carriers from source to drain in a control device
◦ Charging and discharging of various nodal capacitances
The time interval between the generation of a signal transition
at a gate output (source) and its arrival at the input of a fan-out
gate (destination) is known as propagation delay.
How does transport delay vary?
Increases with increase in
◦ Operating temperature
◦ Marginal supply voltage
◦ Output load capacitance
If the output is used to drive many other gates, the
propagation delay increase drastically.
Inertial Delay
Minimum time for which the input signal persist in
order for change to appear at an output.
Pulse duration less than inertial delay does not contain
enough energy to cause the device to switch.
Combined effect of inertial and
transport delay
Since the pulse width is less than inertial delay, output
does not switch for the first input pulse.
 Transport delay is around 10units
Gate delays
In RTL also we can have
timing description using
behavioral model.
RTL code :
AND #5 a1 (e, a, b);
OR #4 a2(out , e, c);
NOTE : Here #5 means 5 units
of delay.We have to assign
unit of delay in RTL model.
Ex : 1 unit = 1 ns
AND gate have a delay
of 5 units and OR gate
have a delay of 4 units
as shown in figure.
Test bench and Waveform
Test bench in RTL is the values of inputs given at
different time.
For the previous circuit the test bench can be this :
A= 1'bO; B= 1'bO; C= 1'bO;
#10 A= 1'b1; B= 1'b1; C= 1'b1;
#10 A= 1'b1; B= 1'bO; C= 1'bO;
#20 $finish;
• Waveform shows the input and output signal at
different instance of time
• The waveform of the circuit shown previously when
given the inputs of test bench is shown below.
Rise and fall delay
Each pulse has its rise and fall delay.
• Rise and fall delay can also be modeled in RTL if needed
/ / Rise and Fall Delay Specification
and # (rise-delay, fall-delay) a2 (out, i1, i2) ;
and #(4,6) a2(out, i1, i2); / / Rise= 4, Fall = 6
Rise delay of output of gate is 4 units and fall delay of
output of gate is 6 units.
Procedural and Non-Procedural
RTL can be divided into two classes based on timing
description :
– Procedural : Statements are sequentially executed.
C = A.
The value transferred to C is the new value of A
– Non-Procedural : Statements are executed in parallel.
B = A.
This leads to an exchange the value of A and B.
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