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Review of
Coordinate and
Analyzefollowingsentences: What is being coordinated? What kinds of subordinate
clauses are used? How do coordination and subordination interact?
• E.g. 1. The sociological perspective opens a window onto
unfamiliar worlds and offers a fresh look at familiar worlds.
first predicate
• The sociological perspective [opens a window onto unfamiliar
worlds] and [offers a fresh look at familiar worlds].
second predicate
• Coordination: two predicates are joined with ‘and’
• Subordination: no subordination in this simple sentence
• 2. Sociologists consider people's jobs, income, education,
gender, age, and race.
direct objects
• 2. Sociologists consider [people's jobs], [income], [education],
[gender], [age], and [race].
direct objects
• Coordination: the direct object is made up of a series of
coordinated noun phrases joined with ‘and’
• Subordination: no subordination in this simple sentence
• 3. We often think and talk about people's behaviors.
• 3. We often think and talk about people's behaviors.
• Coordination: ‘and’ is used to combine two verbs... ‘think
about people's behaviors and talk about people's behaviors...’
with ellipsis in the first verb to avoid repetition of ‘about
people's behaviors’
• Subordination: no subordination in this simple sentence
• 4. Today instantaneous communications connect us with remote areas of
the globe, and a vast economic system connects us not only with Canada
and Mexico but also with Belgium, Taiwan, and Indonesia.
• 4. [Today instantaneous communications connect us with remote areas of
the globe], and [a vast economic system connects us not only with
(Canada and Mexico) but also with (Belgium, Taiwan, and Indonesia)].
• Coordination: two independent clauses are combined with ‘and’ in this
compound sentence
• the 2nd independent clause uses ‘not only with’... ‘and’ ... ‘but also’...
‘and’. A series of countries is provided using two coordination devices.
• Subordination: no subordination in this long, complicated compound
• 5. Political scientists are especially interested in how people attain ruling
positions in their society, how they maintain those positions, and what
the consequences of their activites are for those who are governed.
• 5. Political scientists are especially interested in [(how people attain
ruling positions in their society)], [(how they maintain those positions)],
and [what the consequences of their activites are for those who are
• Coordination: ‘and’ is used to coordinate a series of three wh-clauses
that are the objects of the preposition ‘in’
• Subordination: subordination with a series of 3 noun clauses as the
object of the preposition in this complex sentence
• COORDINATION is used to make a set out of a series of 3 subordinate
• 6. The chief concern of anthropologists is to understand culture.
• 6. The chief concern of anthropologists is to understand culture.
• Coordination: no coordination
• Subordination: subordination is with the infinitive clause
• 7. Sociologists also study how people govern one another.
• 7. Sociologists also study how people govern one another.
• Coordination: no coordination
• Subordination: subordination with a noun clause as the direct object
of the verb
• General Review for Mid-term
Identify the headwords of the subject noun phrases in the followingsentences
1. The counties of Croatia are the primary administrative
subdivisions of Croatia.
1. The counties of Croatia are the primary administrative
subdivisions of Croatia.
2. Gunpowder, also known since the late 19th century as black
powder, was the first chemical explosive and the only one known
until the mid-1800s.
2. Gunpowder, also known since the late 19th century as black
powder, was the first chemical explosive and the only one known
until the mid-1800s.
3. Between the 16th and 20th centuries, European nations
controlled at various times the Americas, most of Africa, Oceania,
and large portions of Asia.
3. Between the 16th and 20th centuries, European nations
controlled at various times the Americas, most of Africa, Oceania,
and large portions of Asia.
4. The name Mediterranean is derived from the Latin
mediterraneus, meaning "inland".
4. The name Mediterranean is derived from the Latin
mediterraneus, meaning "inland".
Are the underlined prepositional phrases
adjectival or adverbial?
1. This was an important route for merchants and travelers of
ancient times.
2. The distinction between North Africa and much of Sub-Saharan
Africa is historically and ecologically significant.
3. Over a hundred years and more, all the territory was
eventually conquered by the Romans.
4. Kingdoms became more centralized after the breakup of the
5. The reasons for the decline of the Empire are still debated
Mark the boundaries and write the
name of the pattern
1. Following the time of the conquest of the last of the independent
Greek city-states and Hellenistic (post-Alexandrine) kingdoms, almost
all of the world's Greek speakers lived as citizens or subjects of the
Roman Empire.
1. Following the time of the conquest of the last of the independent
Greek city-states and Hellenistic (post-Alexandrine) kingdoms,/ almost
all of the world's Greek speakers/ lived/ as citizens or subjects of the
Roman Empire. (intransitive)
2. Persons of these territories are legally nationals of the Republic
of China.
2. Persons of these territories /are /legally /nationals of the
Republic of China. (to be +subject complement)
• 3. Facebook's market growth started to stall in some regions,
with the site losing 7 million active users in the United States
and Canada in May 2011.
• 3. Facebook's market growth / started / to stall / in some
regions, / with the site losing 7 million active users / in the
United States and Canada / in May 2011. (basic transitive)
Parallelism (Revise the following
sentences regarding parallelism)
• 1. Other difficulties involved with using ASC are that they are
not only hard to isolate but also hard obtaining and purifying.
• 1. Other difficulties involved with using ASC are that they are
not only hard to isolate but also hard to obtain and to purify.
• 2. Tertiary education generally results in the receipt of
certificates, diplomas, or getting academic degrees.
• 2. Tertiary education generally results in the receipt of
certificates, diplomas, or getting academic degrees.
• 3. Education occurs through any experience that has a
formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or the way s/he
• 3. Education occurs through any experience that has a
formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or the way s/he
• 4. The stem cell, because it is the necessary building block, can
help to repair damaged cells and multiply into healthy tissue.
• 4. The stem cell, because it is the necessary building block, can
help to repair damaged cells and can multiply into healthy
tissue. (otherwise there is ambiguity)
• 5. In doing so, these cells hold the likelihood of curing some
forms of cancer, juvenile diabetes and Parkinson’s disease.
• 5. In doing so, these cells hold the likelihood of curing juvenile
diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and some forms of cancer.
Identify the passive sentences
and change them to active
• Lady was given her name by her mother. Being the only girl in
a family of four, the name fit her well. She was raised by her
mother and her two older brothers. They spent a great deal of
family time together. She remembers going to all of her older
brothers’ football, baseball and soccer games to offer support
of the sports in which they were interested. As she grew up,
she also became interested in sports, and decided to engage
in volleyball as an extra-curricular activity. Lady decided to try
out for the team and she was encouraged by her family. She
and her team were trained by a former U.S. Olympic volleyball
team member. Her memories of playing for such a remarkable
coach are full of exciting details.
• Lady was given her name by her mother. (Her mother gave
Lady her name) Being the only girl in a family of four, the
name fit her well. She was raised by her mother and her two
older brothers. (her mother and her two older brothers raised
her) They spent a great deal of family time together. She
remembers going to all of her older brothers’ football,
baseball and soccer games to offer support of the sports in
which they were interested. As she grew up, she also became
interested in sports, and decided to engage in volleyball as an
extra-curricular activity. Lady decided to try out for the team
and she was encouraged by her family. (her family encouraged
her) She and her team were trained by a former U.S. Olympic
volleyball team member (A former US Olympic volleyball team
member trained her and her team). Her memories of playing
for such a remarkable coach are full of exciting details.