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Trigeminal Nerve Worksheet #2 – Distribution by Region
Dr. Darren Hoffmann
Dental Gross Anatomy, Spring 2013
Now that you’ve accounted for the territory of the CN V branches, nerve by nerve, it’s important to
reprocess that information from the other direction – by dividing up the various facial regions into their
respective nerves. Some of the areas are large and simple, but some areas have multiple nerves and
each nerve has discrete territories within a region. For each region, you will be asked to identify which
nerves supply each of the different subdivisions of those regions. Line drawings will be used as a
mechanism to visualize the different subdivisions and their contrasting nerve contributions. You should be
able to use the nerve supplies you filled out in Exercise #1 to address each of these areas.
1. Sensation to the Eye:
Which nerves supply the eyeball itself?
Which nerve supplies the medial angle of the upper eyelid?
Which nerve supplies the upper eyelid?
Which nerve supplies the lateral aspect of the upper eyelid?
Which nerve supplies the lower eyelid?
On the image below, identify the nerves responsible for each of the indicated areas:
2. Sensation to the nose/nasal cavity:
Outside surface of nose
Which nerve supplies the median strip of the nose?
Which nerve supplies the lateral sides of the nose?
On the image at right, identify the nerves responsible for each of the indicated areas:
Trigeminal Nerve Worksheets, Refining Distribution – Page 1
Lateral wall of nasal cavity
Which nerve supplies the roof of the nasal cavity and upper/anterior part of lateral wall?
Which nerve supplies the posterior/lower part of the lateral wall?
Which nerve supplies the lateral wall next to the nostril opening?
Which nerve supplies a small patch of the lateral wall near the floor?
Nasal septum
Which nerve supplies the upper/anterior part of the nasal septum?
Which nerve supplies the lower/posterior part of the nasal septum?
Which nerve supplies the flexible part of the nasal septum near the nostril opening?
The images below are from the Liebgott text. I had to edit one feature of them because the images
were incorrectly drawn. Based on the above information (and comparing with your textbook p. 300
3rd ed., p. 327 2nd ed.), see if you can figure out what the error was.
Make sure that each of the distributions noted above makes sense based on the images shown below.
Also, make sure that you can relate the image we drew in class of Ant. Ethmoidal nerve from V1 to
the part of the pathway that is shown here.
Lateral wall of nasal cavity
Nasal septum
Trigeminal Nerve Worksheets, Refining Distribution – Page 2
3. Sensation to the teeth:
Mandibular teeth
Which nerve supplies all of the mandibular teeth?
Maxillary teeth
Which nerve supplies the maxillary molars?
Which nerve supplies the maxillary premolars and mesiobuccal root of 1st molar?
Which nerve supplies the maxillary canines/incisors?
4. Sensation to the gingiva:
Mandibular gingiva
Which nerve supplies the lingual gingiva and floor of the mouth?
Which nerve supplies the vestibular (buccal) gingiva of the molar region?
Which nerve supplies the vestibular (buccal/labial) gingiva of the incisor, canine and premolar
Maxillary gingiva/palatal mucosa
Which nerve supplies the palatal gingiva/mucosa of the hard palate of the canine/incisor region?
Which nerve supplies the palatal gingiva/mucosa of the hard palate posterior to the canines?
Which nerve supplies the palatal mucosa of the soft palate?
Which nerve supplies the vestibular (buccal) gingiva of the molar region?
Which nerve supplies the vestibular (buccal) gingiva of the premolar region?
Which nerve supplies the vestibular (labial) gingiva of the incisors and canines?
On the images below, the gingival regions are indicated by the dotted lines. Attribute the proper
nerve to each of the regions of gingiva. You could also color-code the teeth to each of the correct
alveolar nerves if you are feeling particularly creative. I’ll leave it up to you to figure out which
image is mandibular and which is maxillary (think foramina).
Trigeminal Nerve Worksheets, Refining Distribution – Page 3
5. Sensation to the lips:
Which nerve supplies the upper lip?
Which nerve supplies the lower lip?
6. Sensation to the cheek:
Which nerve supplies the mucosa of the cheek and skin of the cheek?
Which nerve supplies the upper part of the cheek mucosa in the region of maxillary molars?
The image below is a frontal section through the oral cavity in the region of the molar teeth. See if
you can properly name each of the five nerves represented in the image. This is a way to integrate
the material from the cheek, gingiva, palate, tongue, and teeth in a deeper context - the oral cavity
as a whole.
Sensation to the paranasal sinuses (for details on the sinuses, anatomy and innervations, see pp. 301-308
of Liebgott 3rd edition or pp. 328-335 of Liebgott 2nd edition)
Which nerves supply the maxillary sinus?
Which nerve supplies the sphenoid sinus?
Which nerves supply the ethmoid sinuses (air cells)?
Which nerve supplies the frontal sinus?
Trigeminal Nerve Worksheets, Refining Distribution – Page 4
A great Trigeminal nerve summative activity:
On the image below (which you’ve seen several times now) see if you can identify all of the nerve
branches depicted in the drawing. The only one I can’t account for is the one that comes up onto the
chin region from the neck below. Other than that, they’re all well-defined by their facial distributions.
Trigeminal Nerve Worksheets, Refining Distribution – Page 5