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538 ieee transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, vol. 55, no. 3, march 2008 Pyroelectric Energy Conversion: Optimization Principles Gael Sebald, Elie Lefeuvre, and Daniel Guyomar Abstract—In the framework of microgenerators, we present in this paper the key points for energy harvest ing from temperature using ferroelectric materials. Ther moelectric devices profit from temperature spatial gradi ents, whereas ferroelectric materials require temporal fluc tuation of temperature, thus leading to different applica tions targets. Ferroelectric materials may harvest perfectly the available thermal energy whatever the materials proper ties (limited by Carnot conversion efficiency) whereas ther moelectric material’s efficiency is limited by materials prop erties (ZT figure of merit). However, it is shown that the necessary electric fields for Carnot cycles are far beyond the breakdown limit of bulk ferroelectric materials. Thin films may be an excellent solution for rising up to ultra-high elec tric fields and outstanding efficiency. Different thermodynamic cycles are presented in the paper: principles, advantages, and drawbacks. Using the Carnot cycle, the harvested energy would be independent of materials properties. However, using more realistic cy cles, the energy conversion effectiveness remains dependent on the materials properties as discussed in the paper. A particular coupling factor is defined to quantify and check the effectiveness of pyroelectric energy harvesting. It is de fined similarly to an electromechanical coupling factor as � c ), where p, 90 , "� , c are pyroelectric co k2 = p2 90 /("33 E E 33 efficient, maximum working temperature, dielectric permit tivity, and specific heat, respectively. The importance of the electrothermal coupling factor is shown and discussed as an energy harvesting figure of merit. It gives the effectiveness of all techniques of energy harvesting (except the Carnot cycle). It is finally shown that we could reach very high efficiency using h111i0.75Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3 )-0.25PbTiO3 sin gle crystals and synchronized switch harvesting on inductor (almost 50% of Carnot efficiency). Finally, practical imple mentation key points of pyroelectric energy harvesting are presented showing that the different thermodynamic cy cles are feasible and potentially effective, even compared to thermoelectric devices. I. Introduction onstant advances in electronics push past bound aries of integration and functional density toward completely autonomous microchips embedding their own energy source. In this field, research continues to develop higher energy-density batteries, but the amount of energy available is finite and remains relatively weak, limiting the C Manuscript received June 6, 2007; accepted November 26, 2007. This work was supported by the Agence Nationale pour la Recherche from the French government, under grant #ANR-06-JCJC-0137. The authors are with INSA-Lyon, Laboratoire de Génie Electrique et de Ferroélectricité, Villeurbanne, France (e-mail: gael.sebald@insa Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TUFFC.2008.680 system’s lifespan, which is paramount in portable elec tronics. Extended life is also particularly advantageous in systems with limited accessibility, such as biomedical im plants, structure-embedded microsensors, or safety mon itoring devices in harsh environments and contaminated areas. The ultimate long-lasting solution should therefore be independent of the limited energy available in batteries by recycling ambient energies and continually replenishing the energy consumed by the system. Some possible am bient energy sources are thermal energy, light energy, or mechanical energy. Harvesting energy from such renewable sources has stimulated important research efforts over the past years. Several devices from millimeter scale down to microscale have been presented, with average powers in the 10 µW to 10 mW range [1]. Work on vibration-powered piezoelectric electrical gen erators has led to new energy conversion techniques, such as synchronized switching harvesting (SSH) techniques, based on nonlinear processing of the piezoelectric volt age [2]–[7]. As a result, the mechanical-to-electrical energy conversion capability of active materials is significantly in creased: typically by factors of 4 to 15, depending on the considered technique. From the efficiency point of view it has been shown that SSH techniques may be implemented with electronic circuits consuming less than 5% of the en ergy produced by the piezoelectric element. This novel ap proach is very promising for improving the effectiveness and power density of piezoelectric microgenerators. But it can also be theoretically extended to most other energy conversion processes (for example, strain/stress variation, temperature variation, and other processes). Thermoelectric modules are the main way for energy harvesting from temperature. It is now possible to find commercial thermoelectric generators from µW to kW electric output energy. These are based on temperature gradients leading to heat flow through the thermoelectric generator, and a small percentage of the heat flow is con verted to electric energy. Materials properties are the key parameter for improving both the output power (increase of the thermal heat flow, thus making it difficult to keep the temperature gradient) and the efficiency (improving the Seebeck coefficient and figure of merit). However, the possibility of harvesting thermal energy is limited in the case of microgenerators because the temperature differen tials across a chip are typically low. Pyroelectric materials may be used for thermal energy to electric energy conversion. The pyroelectric effect was discovered before the piezoelectric effect and is mainly used for pyroelectric infrared temperature detectors. Contrary c 2008 IEEE 0885–3010/$25.00 © sebald et al.: pyroelectric energy conversion: optimization principles to thermoelectric generators, pyroelectric materials do not need a temperature gradient (spatial gradient), but tempo ral temperature changes. This opens different applications fields, where temperature gradients are not possible and where temperature is not static. Small-scale microgenera tors with dimensions smaller than the temperature spatial fluctuation length may with difficulty be subjected to tem perature gradients. Natural temperature time variations occur due to convection process, and this thermal energy is difficult to transform in a stable temperature gradient. On the other hand, it is possible to transform a temper ature gradient into a temperature variable in time using a caloric fluid pumping between hot and cold reservoirs. The pumping unit may require much less energy than the total produced energy (depending on the scale of the de vice) and may produce temperature variations of 1 to 20◦ C at 2 Hz for example. To optimize energy harvesting from temperature, the first step should be the optimization of energy conversion. Then, the problems of electric loading (modifying the cycles shape) should be addressed. The aim of this paper is to present methods for optimiz ing energy conversion from temperature variations using pyroelectric materials and to describe the most important parameters in materials choice and device design. The first part is devoted to thermodynamic cycles that could be used for energy conversion and the second part deals with a pyroelectric materials survey. Finally the practical ap plication problems of thermodynamic cycles are discussed in the last part of the article. 539 TABLE I Coefficients Used in the Simulations. Coefficient Unit Value εθ33 F·m−1 1000ε0 ∗ 10−3 2.5 × 10−6 301 300 C·m−2 ·K−1 J·m−3 ·K−1 K K p cE θh θc ∗ For Carnot cycle, εθ33 = 100ε0 for the sake of clarity on the figure (to obtain larger difference between adiabatic and isothermal dielectric permittivity). εθ33 = dD dE , p= θ dD dΓ dU = , cE = dθ dE dθ . (3) E In the following part, we present four different energy har vesting cycles. For each cycle, we give PE cycle (polar ization vs. electric field) and Γθ cycle (entropy vs. tem perature). In the two cycles, the area of the cycle is the converted energy. It is the same area in PE cycle and in Γθ cycle. In the PE cycle, the cycle is clockwise, meaning a negative energy (i.e., energy given to the outer medium). In the Γθ cycle, the cycle counter-clockwise, meaning a positive energy (i.e., energy given by the outer medium to the material). The coefficients defined in (3) are assumed to be constant for the electric field and temperature ranges considered here. Coefficients used in simulations are given in Table I. A. Carnot Cycle II. Thermodynamic Cycles When talking about energy harvesting from heat, one should first consider classical thermodynamic cycles. We aim to answer here several questions: What cycles could be imagined to harvest energy from heat? • What is their efficiency (defined as electric work di vided by the heat transferred from a hot reservoir to a cold reservoir)? • What are the important parameters of the pyroelectric materials for optimizing the efficiency? • Are those cycles realistic? • For a given temperature variation, it is possible to con sider it as a static problem involving two temperature reservoirs, which is a common interpretation in thermo dynamics. We need first to establish the equations of py roelectric materials [8]. dD = εθ33 dE + pdθ dθ dΓ = pdE + cE θ (1) (2) where D, E, θ, and Γ are electric displacement, electric field, temperature, and entropy, respectively. The coeffi cients are defined as: The Carnot cycle is defined as two adiabatic and two isothermal curves on the (PE) cycle (see Fig. 1). It is con sidered as the optimal energy harvesting cycle whose effi ciency is ηCarnot = 1 − θc θh (4) where θc and θh are cold and hot temperatures, respec tively. The demonstration of that result is very interesting to understand the underlying limitations of such cycle. In the first adiabatic increase of the electric field (path A-B) ln dθ p = − dE θ cE θh p = − EM θc cE (5) (6) where EM is the maximum amplitude of the applied elec tric field. In practical applications, this means that one should know the maximum temperature variation to know what the necessary electric field is. In the isothermal decrease of the electric field (path B-C) dΓ = pdE and dQ = θdS Qh = −pEM θh (7) 540 ieee transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, vol. 55, no. 3, march 2008 field is limited to 2 K for bulk ceramics [12]–[18] and could reach 5–12 K for thin films [19], [20]. A too-large tem perature variation will result in a degraded Carnot cycle, because it is impossible to get enough electrocaloric effect. Moreover, it is hardly realistic to force the electric field at a given value without paying a lot of wasted energy (see Section IV). As a consequence, the Carnot cycle is not feasible at all in practical applications. B. SECE Cycle SECE stands for synchronized electric charge extrac tion. We use that acronym because of numerous papers concerning the nonlinear switching of the piezoelectric voltage for energy harvesting from vibrations and damping [3], [6], [7]. From the thermodynamics point of view, this technique is one of the most natural cycles. It consists of extracting the electric charge stored on the active material when the maximum temperature is reached, i.e., when the stored electric energy is maximum, and doing it again when the temperature is minimum (Fig. 2). This energy extracted may be then transferred to an electrical energy storage cell such as a capacitor or to an electrochemical battery for future needs, using, for example, the circuit described in [3] or the power converter detailed in Section IV. The theoretical description of this cycle is as follows. Along the path (C-D), the temperature is decreased re sulting in a decrease of the open-circuit electric field. p (9) Em = − θ (θc − θh ) ε33 where Em is the minimum electric field on the sample. During that temperature variation Fig. 1. Thermodynamic cycles for Carnot cycle. (a) PE cycle and (b) Γθ cycle. where Qh is the heat taken from the hot reservoir. The two following steps are very similar and are not detailed here. The resulting energy conversion ratio gives We = (θh − θc )δΓ = −pEM θh − θc . θh (8) The resulting conversion ratio was already given in (4). It is very interesting to notice that this conversion ratio does not depend on material properties. The only restriction—and main drawback—is that one should know first the temperature variation before starting any cy cle. Furthermore, (6) links electric field amplitude to the temperatures ratio. Using realistic coefficients values (see, for example, [9]–[11], p = 600 × 10−6 C·m−2 K−1 , and cE = 2.5 × 106 J·m−3 ·K−1 for a 0.75Pb[Mg1/3 Nb2/3 ]O3 0.25PbTiO3 ceramic), and for a temperature difference of 1◦ C around room temperature, we need an electric field of 14 kV·mm−1 , which is far beyond the electric breakdown of bulk ceramics. The maximum temperature variation in duced in ferroelectric materials when applying an electric dQ = cE dθ − p2 θdθ εθ33 Qc1 = cE (θc − θh ) − p2 2 (θ − θh2 ) 2εθ33 c (10) (11) where Qc1 is the heat given to the cold source during the cooling. Then the electric field is decreased to 0 in isothermal condition (by connecting the sample to a resistance for example, path D-E). Due to electrocaloric activity in fer roelectric materials, heat is transferred from the sample to the cold source Qc2 = −pEm θc . (12) As a result, using (9), total heat Qc transferred to the cold source is Qc = cE (θc − θh ) + p2 (θh − θc )2 . 2εθ33 (13) The two other segments of the cycle are very similar. Total heat transferred to the hot source is Qh = cE (θh − θc ) + p2 (θh − θc )2 . 2εθ33 (14) sebald et al.: pyroelectric energy conversion: optimization principles 541 divided by the product of noncoupled ones). For weakly coupled case, i.e., k 2 « 1 (most common case as shown in Section III) ηSECE = k 2 ηCarnot . (19) For a perfect coupled material (k 2 = 1), we obtain a con version ratio that tends to the Carnot’s one provided that this latter is much smaller than unity. The advantages of such energy harvesting technique are: No control of the voltage. No special attention to be paid to the temperature variation; do not need to know the temperature in advance. • Possible whatever the material (only pyroelectric ac tivity is important, whatever the electrocaloric activ ity). • • The main drawback is the poor conversion ratio compared to Carnot cycles. In fact, the k 2 for common materials (PZT ceramics) is around 2 × 10−3 and may reach 4.7 × 10−2 for some single crystals (see Section III for details about materials). C. SSDI Cycle Fig. 2. Thermodynamic cycles for SECE cycle. (a) PE cycle and (b) Γθ cycle. The total electric work is found assuming that the in ternal energy does not change at the end of one cycle Qh + Qc = −WE WE = − (15) 2 p (θh − θc )2 εθ33 (16) where WE is the electric energy. Finally, the conversion ratio gives ηSECE = |WE | k2 = ηCarnot Qh 1 + 0.5k 2 ηCarnot (17) with k2 = p2 θh . εθ33 cE (18) Variable k 2 is a dimensionless number giving the elec trothermal coupling factor (at temperature θh ), similar to the electromechanical coupling factor (coupled coefficient SSDI stands for synchronized switch damping on induc tor. This technique was developed prior to the SSH tech niques for dissipating the mechanical energy of vibrating structures with piezoelectric inserts to damp the structural resonance modes [2]. Synchronized switch means that the voltage of the ferroelectric material is switched on an in ductor at every maximum or minimum of the temperature, so that the electric field polarity is quasi-instantaneously reversed (Fig. 3). From a thermodynamics point of view, the only difference with SECE is that the electric field is not reduced to 0, but nearly to its opposite value. The use of resonant circuit including an inductor is in fine an inge nious way to perform that operation at minimized energy cost (due to the inductor imperfections, a small amount of energy is lost during the electric field polarity reversal process). Let us start the cycle explanation from point A. The temperature is increased in open-circuit condition. Due to pyroelectric activity, a positive electric field appears on the ferroelectric material. Reaching the maximum temper ature, the electric field is inversed from EM0 to −Em0 with a lossy inversion ratio Em0 =β EM0 (20) where β is the inversion quality. β = 1 is a perfect inver sion, and β = 0 is the SECE case. Then the temperature is decreased to its minimum. The absolute value of the electric field is increased, and then the inversion process is repeated. This cycle is repeated indefinitely. The maximum value of the electric field is thus increased for every cycle and would tend to an in finite value for a perfect inversion process. It is assumed 542 ieee transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, vol. 55, no. 3, march 2008 Using (20) and (21) Qh = cE (θh − θc ) − p2 2 (θ − θc2 ) 2εθ33 h p2 1 + β + θ ε33 1 − β (θh2 − θh θc ). (24) Similarly for the heat transferred to the cold source (path C-D and D-E) Qc = cE (θc − θh ) − p2 2 (θ − θh2 ) 2εθ33 c p2 1 + β + θ ε33 1 − β (θc2 − θh θc ). (25) Using (15), WE = − p2 εθ33 1+β 1−β (θh − θc )2 . (26) Electric energy is very similar to the SECE example. The term (1 + β)/(1 − β) shows the energy conversion magni fication using the SSDI energy conversion cycle. Finally, the conversion ratio is ηSSDI = 1 + k2 k2 2β ηCarnot + 1−β 2 1+β ηCarnot . 1−β (27) For weakly coupled materials, (k 2 « 1), we obtain ηSSDI = k 2 Fig. 3. Thermodynamic cycles for SSDI cycle. (a) PE cycle and (b) Γθ cycle. 1+β ηCarnot . 1−β It is noticeable that the SSDI process may be seen as a cou pling magnification, because the apparent coupling factor compared to SECE becomes 2 kapp = k2 that the second principle of thermodynamics guarantees an irreversible process due to losses during inversion. The cycle area will increase until the electric field gain due to temperature variation equals exactly losses. EM − Em p = − θ (θh − θc ). ε33 (21) p2 2 (θh − θc2 ). θ 2ε33 During isothermal voltage inversion (path F-C) Qh1 = pθh (−Em − EM ). 1+β . 1−β (29) This latter coupling may become much larger than 1. In deed, for excellent inversion ((1 + β)/(1 − β) » 1), the expression may be simplified ηSSDI = 2 kapp ηCarnot . 2 1 + kapp (30) Thus, as for SECE example, the conversion ratio may tend to Carnot’s one for excellent coupling factor (k 2 → 1) and for excellent inversion quality (β → 1). As noted in the beginning of this section, the SSDI tech nique was not designed for energy harvesting but for me chanical vibration damping. The so-called SSHI technique (22) [6] was derived from SSDI for the purpose of energy har vesting. Energy conversion cycle of SSHI is relatively near to that of SSDI. However, understanding of its analysis requires a description of the associated electronic circuit behavior. So for clarity of this paper we have chosen to (23) detail the SSHI cycles in Section III. Calculation of heat transferred to hot and cold sources is very similar to the SECE example. During temperature increase (path E-F) Qh1 = cE (θh − θc ) − (28) sebald et al.: pyroelectric energy conversion: optimization principles 543 Fig. 5. Efficiency of the conversion for different techniques as a func tion of the coupling factor squared. Dashed line is for Carnot cycle, solid line is for SSDI with different inversion factors β, and dashed dotted line is for pure resistive load. The external boundary condition is E = −ρḊ (33) where ρ is the resistive load connected to the piezoelectric material. When the temperature variation is sinusoidal, there ex ists an optimal load depending on the frequency, ρOPT = Fig. 4. Thermodynamic cycles for resistive cycle. (a) PE cycle and (b) Γθ cycle. WE = Ḋ = εθ33 Ė + pθ̇ (31) Q̇ = pθĖ + cE θ̇ (32) where dotted variables are time derivatives. (34) where ω is the pulsation of the temperature variation. Electrical energy dissipated per cycle is D. Resistive Cycle When wondering how to consume the electricity con verted from heat energy, one could think “just connect a resistor to the active material electrodes!” This is indeed the simplest way to perform energy conversion cycles on ferroelectric materials (which is known as “Standard AC” in some references [5], [6]). For the sake of presenting a comprehensive argument, we study here the correspond ing cycles (Fig. 4). Lefeuvre et al. [6] gave detailed calculations for elec tromechanical conversion using a single resistive load. The development presented below is an adaptation to elec trothermal conversion. The starting equations become 1 ωεθ33 π p2 (θh − θc )2 . 4 εθ33 (35) If we neglect the electrocaloric coupling, Qh = cE (θh − θc ). (36) And finally, ηResistive = π 2 k ηCarnot . 4 (37) E. Discussion of Cycles We show here four different cycles with different effi ciencies and different principles. Table II summarizes the results. Fig. 5 illustrates the efficiency for all techniques as a function of the coupling factor squared. It is clear that SSDI is much more efficient than the others (except Carnot) and increases the overall efficiency to 50% of that of Carnot for an inversion quality of 0.8 and a coupling factor squared of only 10%, whereas it is limited to 5% for other techniques. 544 ieee transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, vol. 55, no. 3, march 2008 TABLE II Comparison Between Four Different Cycles for Energy Harvesting. Cycle Efficiency η Carnot ηref SECE SSDI η= Resistive k2 ηref 1 + 0.5k 2 ηref ( ηSSHI = 1 θc =1− θh + k2 k2 1+β ) η 2β ηref 1 − β ref + 1−β 2 ηResistive = π 2 k ηref 4 Difficulty to implement Necessary information High voltage amplifier and difficulty to really harvest energy Full temperature profile known in advance. p (θh − θc ) εθ33 Simple and efficient electronic circuit No prerequisite info. p (θh − θc ) εθ33 (1 − β) Simple and efficient electronic circuit No prerequisite info. Very simple circuitry Frequency information Maximum electric field EM EM cE =− ln p EM = − EM = − (θ ) h θc p EM = − √ θ (θh − θc ) 2 2ε33 Fig. 6. Efficiency of the conversion as a function of temperature vari ation ∆θ = θh − θc , with θc = 300 K. Dashed line is for Carnot cycle and solid line is for SECE cycle with different coupling factors. Fig. 6 shows the efficiency of conversion as a function of temperature difference between hot and cold reservoirs. Compared to thermoelectric energy harvesting (using See beck effect), where efficiency is limited by materials prop erties, efficiency for pyroelectric materials may tend to Carnot’s one. Thermoelectric conversion efficiency may be expressed as [21], [22] √ θh − θc ZT + 1 − 1 η= ·√ . (38) θh ZT + 1 + θh /θc For the best thermoelectric materials, the figure of merit ZT reaches 1 around room temperature with Bi2 Te3 ma terials for example [23]. As a result, the best efficiency reaches 17% of Carnot efficiency (considering low temper ature differences to maximize efficiency). To get 50% of Carnot efficiency, one should find a material having a fig ure of merit of 9, which is ten times higher than the best known thermoelectric materials, and we have not consid ered here the large temperature differences case, which re sults in degrading the efficiency. Consequently, the Carnot cycle is most interesting for energy harvesting, but full temperature profile information is necessary before any temperature variation occurs. This process is indeed possible for a controlled temper ature variation (as for fuel engines). One could imagine a controlled gas heater inducing temperature variations and pyroelectric energy harvesting. Another limitation is the necessary electric field to be applied to the pyroelectric material. As described in Section III (for example, 1◦ C temperature variation), using realistic materials proper ties, the electric field should be in the 14 kV·mm to 1·K−1 range. When not broken with electric arcs, most bulk ferro electric materials are highly nonlinear, either for dynamics nonlinearities, or for static nonlinearities [24]–[27]. For noncontrolled temperature variations—i.e., imagine a temperature perturbation in the vicinity of a pyroelec tric material, such as going outside by −20◦ C or opening a door—implementing the Carnot cycle is not possible, except if one can predict the future temperatures values. In such cases, the resistive case is not realistic (a tem perature variation is rarely a sinus), since the resistor is adapted on the frequency of excitation. On the contrary, SECE, SSDI, and SSHI could be used. With a sinusoidal excitation, the voltage of the ferroelectric element should be reversed (SSDI and SSHI) or short-circuited (SECE) at every maximum or minimum of the voltage signal. Cal culations given in sections B and C are suitable for any periodic temperature signal with constant maximum am plitude (even if this differs from sinus). When this differs from sinus, the necessary choice is this: when should the switch occur? To solve this problem, a probabilistic ap proach [28] and similar techniques adapted to random sig nals are necessary to maximize energy harvesting. III. Pyroelectric Materials We aim in this part of the article to present a survey on existing materials. What are the important parame sebald et al.: pyroelectric energy conversion: optimization principles Fig. 7. Coupling factor squared as a function of voltage response for different materials. ters? For standard pyroelectric materials, different figures of merit exist. The two following ones are dedicated to pyroelectric sensors and are defined as [29]: Current responsivity figure of merit: Fi = p . cE (39) Voltage responsivity figure of merit: Fv = p . εθ33 cE (40) In Section II, we showed the great importance of an other parameter for energy harvesting—the electrothermal coupling factor defined in (18). This parameter may be also named energy figure of merit FE . For every material presented in Table III, we give two different figures of merit at room temperature (unless oth erwise specified). The first one is the electrothermal cou pling factor. The electric field sensitivity to temperature variation is also given (= −p/εθ33 ). Indeed, for a given tem perature variation, the obtained voltage that appears on the ferroelectric material is important. Voltages that are too high result in inherent losses of the electronic circuitry of the harvesting devices. It is also difficult to harvest en ergy in the case of very small pyroelectric voltages effi ciently because of the voltage drop of semiconductors. One may object that whatever the electric field sensitivity, we can adjust the thickness of ferroelectric material to keep the voltage in a given useful range of variation. However, bulk ceramics below 80 µm are nearly impossible to han dle. Then, the technology of thick and thin films may be used to lower thickness, but ferroelectric properties usually decrease quickly [30], [31]. Inversely, a thick ferroelectric material may generate high voltages for a given temper ature variation, but its high thermal mass opposes quick temperature variations. Fig. 7 shows the electrothermal coupling factor as a function of voltage response to a tem perature variation. Among all materials, a few exhibit a coupling factor squared above 1%. Simple harvesting de vices, such as SECE, require a large coupling factor to en sure an effective energy harvesting. To perform the Carnot 545 cycle with a pyroelectric material, one should apply an electric field proportional to cE /p (see Table II for de tails). Assuming that all the materials have very similar heat capacity, minimizing the electric field is the same as maximizing the pyroelectric coefficient. From that point of view, it is highly unrealistic to think about Carnot cycles using polymers. Composites could be interesting because they exhibit a very high breakdown electric field while keeping a quite high pyroelectric coefficient. Bulk materi als exhibit a very high pyroelectric coefficient, but usually break above 4–6 kV·mm−1 . Additional data on electric breakdown resistance of materials is required to get more precise information about the feasibility of Carnot cycles. The best materials are (1-x)Pb(Mg1/3 Nb2/3 )-xPbTiO3 (PMN-PT) single crystals, with a coupling factor as high as 4.7%. Moreover, voltage response is quite high. How ever, those materials are expensive and fragile. Single crys tals are grown by Bridgman technique [43]–[46]. It should thus be difficult to really think of industrial use, unless performance is the main priority. It should be noted that the PVDF exhibits a coupling factor as high as bulk ce ramics but with a voltage response much larger (six times greater than PZT). This material seems to be very inter esting since it is low cost, not fragile, and stable under large electric field or temperature variations. Another ex cellent material is the PZT/PVDF-HFP composite, with very high coupling factor. This kind of material is easy to use, because of its flexibility, but suffers large dependence on temperature. Moreover, the value given here is only for 70◦ C, and it decreases quickly when changing the tem perature. Most probably, the future of pyroelectric energy harvesting is related to composites investigations. IV. Energy Harvesting Devices Orders of magnitude of the powers consumed by various CMOS electronic devices that could be powered by minia ture energy harvesting devices are presented in Fig. 8. As explained in previous sections, implementation of Carnot, SECE, SSH, or SSDI cycles require controlling the pyro electric voltage with the temperature variations. Practi cal solutions for voltage control in the cases of SSH and SECE techniques are presented in [2]–[7]. The following subsections concern the effective energy harvesting com pared to optimized energy conversion presented in Sec tion II. Indeed, except the pure resistive case, where the resistance connected to the active material electrodes may be considered as the simulation of an electric load, the con verted energy—that is to say, the useful or usable energy— actually differs from harvested energy as shown below. A. “Ideal” Power Interface Implementation of energy harvesters using the pre sented energy conversion cycles requires power interfaces for achieving the desired energy exchanges between the active material and the electrical energy storage cell. Re versible voltage amplifiers could be used for this purpose, 546 ieee transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, vol. 55, no. 3, march 2008 TABLE III Pyroelectric Properties for Different Class of Materials.∗ Coefficient Unit p µC·m−2 ·K−1 εθ33 ε0 cE (×106 ) J·m−3 ·K−1 −p/εθ33 (×103 ) V·m−1 ·K−1 k2 % Ref. 210 54 23 11 34 170 11 39 183 15 66 95 4.79 0.81 0.17 0.08 0.38 2.12 0.08 0.46 2.50 0.10 0.62 0.96 [9,32] [9] [9] [33] [33] [33] [33] [33] [33] [33] [33] [33] 54 40 28 48 46 7 0.37 0.38 1.44 0.22 0.06 0.002 [34] [9] [35] [36] [36] [36] 17 98 64 156 0.039 0.28 0.17 0.70 [37] [38] [39] [39] 314 54 598 442 0.14 0.028 4.28 0.63 [40] [34] [41] [42] Note PZN-PT and PMN-PT single crystals 111 110 001 001 011 111 001 011 111 001 011 111 PMN-0,25PT PMN-0.25PT PMN-0.25PT PMN-0,33PT PMN-0,33PT PMN-0,33PT PMN-0,28PT PMN-0,28PT PMN-0,28PT PZN-0,08PT PZN-0,08PT PZN-0,08PT 1790 1187 603 568 883 979 550 926 1071 520 744 800 961 2500 3000 5820 2940 650 5750 2680 660 3820 1280 950 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Bulk ceramics PZT PMN-0.25PT ceramic (BaSrCa)O3 PLZT 0.5/53/47 PLZT 8/53/47 PLZT 14/53/47 533 746 4000 360 97 19 1116 2100 16000 854 238 296 (PZT)/PZT composite PbCaTiO3 PZT 700 nm PMZT 700 nm 180 220 211 352 1200 253 372 255 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 @22◦ C ± 2◦ C Thin films 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Polymers and composites PVDF PZT/P(VDF-TrFE) 50% PZT/PVCD-HFP 50/50 vol% PZT0.3/PU0.7 vol% 33 33.1 450 90 9 69.2 85 23 1.8 2 2 2 @70◦ C ± 2◦ C ∗ Values given here may not be accurate due to the lack of precisions in references (temperatures of measurement of pyroelec tric coefficient especially). Moreover, the heat capacitance is most of the time estimated using similar materials. However, the range of variation of CE being quite small and its influence is weak. Fig. 8. Powers consumed by CMOS electronic devices. but a critical parameter for these power interfaces is their efficiency. The working principle of so-called “linear volt age amplifiers” used in audio applications limits their effi ciency to 50% in theory and to lower values in practice. An other possibility is to use switching mode power converters. Contrary to linear amplifiers, switching mode amplifiers may theoretically reach an efficiency of nearly 100%. In deed, by principle, they are exclusively made up with elec tronic switches (ON state = very small resistance, OFF state = quasi-infinite resistance) associated with quasi lossless passive elements such as inductors, transformers, and capacitors. The circuit presented on Fig. 9 could be the “ideal” voltage amplifier for controlling the energy harvest ing voltage cycles because it may deliver a perfectly con trolled ac voltage and may have very weak energy losses. This H-bridge switching mode power converter is a well known structure used for controlling the power exchanges between ac and dc electrical sources [49]. The four elec tronic switches are controlled through a pulse width mod ulator (PWM) that turns ON and OFF the switches at high frequency (much higher than the temperature varia sebald et al.: pyroelectric energy conversion: optimization principles 547 made up with bipolar or MOSFET transistors. Indeed, the OFF stage resistance of such transistors is typically below 100 MΩ, so the leakage currents of the switches may reach several microamperes, and they may dissipate most of the power produced by the pyroelectric material. This point becomes even more critical as the frequency of the tem perature cycle is low. As a conclusion, although not devel oped yet, it is highly feasible to think about high-efficiency amplifiers for effective regenerative thermodynamic cycles on ferroelectric materials. B. Case of SSHI Fig. 9. Circuit diagram of the energy harvesting device including the H-bridge switching mode power interface. tion frequency) with variable duty cycle. The duty cycle D is the key parameter for controlling the average ac voltage (Vac ), respectively, to the dc voltage Vdc (0 ≤ D ≤ 1): (Vac ) = Vdc (2D − 1). (41) The PWM may be also disabled. In this case, all the switches are simultaneously opened, leaving the electrodes of the active material on an open circuit. This particular state is necessary, for instance, in some stages of SECE or SSDI cycles. The inductor L connected between the ac tive material and the electronic circuit forms a low-pass filter with the ferroelectric material capacitor C. Thus, the voltage V across the active material electrodes can be considered as perfectly smoothed as long as the switching √ frequency of the PWM remains much higher than 2π LC. In other words, if this condition is verified, the voltage rip ple due to switching across the active material is negligible, and thus: V = Vdc (2D − 1). (42) Theoretical waveforms in the cases of SECE and SSDI are presented on Fig. 10(a) and (b), respectively. In prac tice, energy losses due to imperfections of the real compo nents affect the efficiency. For instance, high power (1 kW to 100 kW), high voltage (500 V to 5 kV) industrial switch ing mode amplifiers have typical efficiencies between 85% and 95%. Low power (1 mW to 10 W), low voltage (1 V to 20 V) switching mode amplifiers commonly used in wear able electronic devices also have high efficiencies, typically between 70% and 90%. However, it is important to men tion here that the considered energy harvesting devices are in the microwatt range, but with relatively high voltages (50 V to 1 kV), so the characteristics of the required power amplifier are out of usual application domains and require a specific design. Such switching mode interfaces have been successfully demonstrated in the cases of vibration powered piezoelectric and electrostatic energy harvesting devices. Their efficiency is typically above 80% for output power levels in the 50 µW to 1 mW range and with me chanical frequencies between 10 Hz and 100 Hz [50]. One of the critical points in this ultra low power domain is the OFF state resistance of the electronic switches, which are Section II explored theoretical developments for SECE and SSDI cycles in the case of pure energy conversion without effective energy harvesting. It was shown that the SECE cycle is a special case of SSDI cycle where β = 0. For the sake of presenting a comprehensive argument, we will develop here the SSHI case. The SSHI energy conversion cycle may be performed with the “ideal” switching mode power interface previ ously presented. However, understanding of this technique is simpler considering the circuit that was first proposed [2]: the pyroelectric element is connected to a switched in ductor in parallel to the ac side of a rectifier bridge, the dc side of the rectifier being connected to an energy storage cell, as shown in Fig. 11(a). Typical waveforms are shown in Fig. 11(b). After reaching a minimum temperature θc , the switch S1 is turned ON. An oscillating discharge of the pyroelectric capacitor C occurs then through the √ inductor L. The switch is turned OFF after a time π LC corre sponding to half a period of the electrical oscillations, so that the pyroelectric voltage polarity is reversed. A small amount of energy is dissipated in the inductor during this operation, so the reversed voltage absolute value is reduced by a factor β compared to its value just before the switch is turned ON (0 ≤ β < 1). Then the temperature in creases, resulting in an increase of the open circuit voltage. When reaching voltage Vdc , the rectifier bridge conduct ing and the current flowing out the pyroelectric element directly supply the energy storage cell until the tempera ture reaches its maximum value θh . We will consider here that when the diode bridge conducts, the total electric charge flowing out the pyroelectric element exactly equals the charge flowing through the energy storage cell. In such case, we have Q̇ = CV̇ + pΦθ̇ (43) where Q, V , θ, C, Φ are electric charge, voltage, tempera ture, capacitance of the pyroelectric element, and the sur face of its electrodes, respectively. Note that it is easier to formulate the problem using voltage and electric charge variables instead of electric induction and electric field variables when the circuit used for achieving the energy conversion cycles is included in the analysis. When tem perature reaches value θcond , the rectifier bridge starts to conduct. Considering that the ON stage duration of the 548 ieee transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, vol. 55, no. 3, march 2008 Fig. 10. Typical waveforms of (a) SECE and (b) SSDI with the H-bridge switching mode power interface. Fig. 11. (a) Circuit diagram of SSHI circuit and (b) typical waveforms. switch S1 is much smaller than the temperature cycle pe riod, and this temperature θcond is given by pΦ(θCond − θc ) = C(Vdc − β · Vdc ). (44) Then we calculate the electric charge generated by the pyroelement between time tcond and T /2 ∆Q = pΦ(θh − θcond ). According to (47), there is an optimal value of voltage Vdc that maximizes the harvested energy (Vdc )opt = WMAX = ∆W = ∆Q · Vdc . (46) Symmetry of the cycle and combination of (44) with (45) and (46) lead to the expression of the energy harvested per cycle Wcycle = 2Vdc (pΦ(θh − θc ) − CVdc (1 − β)). (47) (48) Thus, maximum energy harvested per temperature cycle is given by (45) The energy received by the storage cell between time tcond and T /2 is given by pΦ(θh − θc ) . 2C(1 − β) (pΦ(θh − θc ))2 . 2C(1 − β) (49) And the maximum harvested energy per cycle and per volume unit of active material is given by WMAX (J · m−3 ) = p2 (θh − θc )2 . 2εθ33 (1 − β) (50) To illustrate the order of magnitude of power, energy, and optimal dc voltage, consider a 2◦ C temperature variation at 1 Hz (θM = 1◦ C), with an inversion ratio β of 0.8 and a pyroelectric element of 1 nF ((111)PMN-PT single crystal, sebald et al.: pyroelectric energy conversion: optimization principles TABLE IV Energy Densities for 300 to 310 K Cyclic Temperature Variations and Number of Cycles Per Hour for Producing 30 µW/CM3. Material Energy density (J/cm3 ) Cycles per hour for producing 30 µW/cm3 111 PMN-0,25PT Single crystal PMN-0.25PT Ceramic PbCaTiO3 Thin film PVDF 0.149 0.0118 0.00855 0.00540 0.725 9.12 12.6 20.0 area of 1 cm2 and thickness of 850 µm). Those parameters give (Vdc )OPT = 890 V, harvested power of 0.32 mW, and harvested energy per cycle of 0.32 mJ. In addition, the re sults presented above show that optimizing energy conver sion in no-load cases is the same as optimizing the energy harvesting, especially in terms of materials properties and inversion ratio. Finally, the question that comes when speaking about pyroelectric energy harvesting is the performance compar ison with thermoelectric effect. Conditions for energy con version are not the same because energy harvesting using pyroelectric effect requires temperature variations in time whereas thermoelectric effect needs temperature variations in space (temperature gradients). The proposed compar ison is done considering temperature variations between 300 K and 310 K at frequency F for thermoelectric energy conversion, and pyroelectric energy conversion in the case of 300 K and 310 K for the cold and hot sources, respec tively. Typical energy density of miniature thermoelectric modules in this case of operation is near 30 µW/cm3 power density. As a comparison, Table IV gives the number of temperatures cycles per hour needed to get 30 µW/cm3 power density with pyroelectric effect in the case of SSHI cycles (β = 0.6) for several materials. V. Conclusion Energy harvesting from heat is possible using pyro electric materials and may be of great interest compared to thermoelectric conversion. Pyroelectric energy harvest ing requires temporal temperature variations—we may say time gradients of temperatures—whereas thermoelectric energy harvesting requires spatial gradients of tempera tures. Usual wasted heat more likely creates spatial gradi ents rather than time gradients. However, the conversion ratio (defined as the ratio of net harvested energy divided by the heat taken from the hot reservoir) could be much larger for pyroelectric energy harvesting. In theory, it could reach the conversion ratio of the Carnot cycle, whatever the materials properties. However, the conversion ratio of thermoelectric conversion is highly limited by the materi als properties. We showed four different pyroelectric energy harvest ing cycles, having different effectiveness and advantages. 549 The simplest devices would require a very high elec trothermal coupling factor (k 2 = p2 θ0 /(εθ33 cE )), and we focused the investigation on pyroelectric materials comparing that coupling factor. We found that using 0.75Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3 )O3 -0.25PbTiO3 single crystals ori ented (111) and SSHI with an inversion factor of 0.8, it should be possible to reach a conversion of more than 50% of the Carnot cycle ratio (14% of the Carnot cycle for ef fective energy harvesting). Some important problems were pointed out that can interfere with the technical imple mentation of such cycles, such as the frequency problems and efficiency optimization. Nevertheless, we can expect to get very high harvested energies using realistic materials compared to standard thermoelectric devices. Finally, ferroelectric materials are both pyroelectric and piezoelectric. When designing an electrothermal energy harvester, it should be possible to get high sensitivity to vibrations (when bonding a ferroelectric material on a host structure). However, the solution will be two-fold. The fre quencies may be very different between vibration and tem perature vibration. 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His main research interests are now mate rials characterization, hysteresis modeling, multiphysics coupling in smart materials, and energy harvesting on vibration and heat. Elie Lefeuvre was born in France in 1971. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in elec trical engineering respectively from Paris-XI University, Paris, France, in 1994 and from Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, in 1996. At the same time, he was a student at the electrical engineer ing department of Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Cachan, France. He prepared his Ph.D. degree at Laval University of Québec, Québec, Canada, and at the Institut National 551 Polytechnique de Toulouse, France. He received the diploma from both universities in 2001 for his work on power electronics converters topologies. In 2002 he got a position of assistant professor at Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) de Lyon, Lyon, France, and he joined the Laboratoire de Génie Electrique et Ferroélectricité. His current research activities include piezoelectric systems, energy harvesting, vibration control, and noise reduction. Daniel Guyomar received a degree in me chanical engineering, a Doctor-engineer de gree in acoustics from Compiègne University, and a Ph.D. degree in physics from Paris VII University, Paris, France. From 1982 to 1983 he worked as a research associate in fluid dy namics at the University of Southern Cali fornia, Los Angeles, CA. He was a National Research Council Awardee (1983–1984) de tached at the Naval Postgraduate School to develop transient wave propagation modeling. He was hired in 1984 by Schlumberger to lead several research projects dealing with ultrasonic imaging, then he moved to Thomson Submarine activities in 1987 to manage the research activities in the field of underwater acoustics. Pr. Daniel Guyomar is presently a full-time University Professor at INSA Lyon (Lyon, France), director of the INSA-LGEF laboratory. His present research interests are in the field of semi-passive vibration control, energy harvesting on vibration and heat, ferroelectric modeling, elec trostrictive polymers, and piezoelectric devices.