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ESPIRIT Early Civilization
Agriculture lead to more complex economies.
Agriculture also lead to humans settling in one spot and let them focus
on the economies of those populations.
Because of agriculture, people needed to interact with one another,
trading foods and other tools, thus developing the economy of the
Neolithic period.
Agriculture supported larger populations and citizens could afford to
construct villages.
Cities and villages helped develop the economy because they grew in
wealth and power and allowed rapid exchange of ideas among different
Technology advances caused more trading to take place.
Agricutlure leads to pottery which leads to trade and the bronze age.
Surplus led to job specialization  levels in society.
Women became inferior to men in many societies
Large cities like Catal Huyuk were especially divided by social staus the King was often seen as divine
ulation of religion > court system > hierarchy: king as military leader
Rise of agriculture led to communities  “group living”
People began to specialize in ruling these communities; agriculture in
Neolithic Rev.  more time for recreation opportunities, development of
tribal leaders, etc.
people oversaw communities, (ex. Catal Huyuk) = development of social
classes. Bigger places > smaller places = ^^ political structures.
Sumerians  cuneiform  treaties / ability to send messages/keep
City states regulation of religion  court system  hierarchy - king
as military leader
Hammurabi’s Code - rules of procedures for courts of laws + regulated
property rights. The early civilizations had begun to develop
governments of their own and establish politics.
Trade was conducted with people living in surroundings most likely to
keep peace.
Links over other communities were created - some ruled over the
smallest ones
Writing allowed contracts and treaties (Sumerians were first to create a
writing system called cuneiform.)
Nomads developed contacts among settled areas.
There was coordination among communities to control irrigation
Warfare was vital to ensure slaves supply.
Egypt was influenced by Mesopotamia’s trade and technology.
Religious images (Male hunters and mother goddesses) were used to
decorate the interior of homes
Men usually took the role of religious leaders
Sumerians linked astrology to religion
Sumerian cities had their own patron gods and believed in hell
priests conducted rituals in temples
prayers and offerings to prevent floods and guarantee good health were
extremely important
Sumerians influenced the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim cultures
Egyptian pharaohs had godlike statuses
-With writing people could record records, tax more efficiently and make contracts and
-The European settlers spanked their children which the American Indians did not
approve of; they thought it was vicious and unnecessary.
-Developed cuneiforms as away of communication.
-based on what you worked as and what your gender was marked by your
social structure.
-Sumerians formed ziggurats and believed in many powerful gods. They said
prayers to prevent floods and protect good health and they believed in
-Hammurabi’s Code provided a set of rules for everybody to follow.
-pyramids for the Pharaos.
Worlds population grew and expanded
Needed more steady food supply because of arise of population, so
Farmed to often and that made the nutrients go away
Started to get warmer
Houses were being built more stronger and reliable
New animals are domesticated
A lot of nomad farmers used the SLASH AND BURN agriculture method
Civilizations destroyed natural resources
Got rid of stone tools and started using metal ones
More wars and conflicts arose from that method