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Marienfeld, Carla
eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login):
POSITION TITLE: Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing,
include postdoctoral training and residency training if applicable. Add/delete rows as necessary.)
(if applicable)
Bachelor of Arts
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
Psychiatry Residency
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
Psychiatry Fellowship
Southwestern University, Georgetown, TX
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
NIDA R25 Clinical
Research Fellowship
in China
A. Personal Statement
I am a strong clinician educator with research experience spanning biochemistry and cellular biology to
health service utilization and clinical outcomes. My educational background is uniquely suited to this project
given my studies and work in chemistry and biochemistry, followed by my clinical training in addiction
psychiatry and research in substance and opioid use disorders. I have a long history of collaboration with
partners from different backgrounds and expertise. My clinical interests involve opioid use disorder and
addiction psychiatry, while my scholarly work focuses on health service utilization and clinical outcomes from
interventions in real-world clinical settings, as well as training the next generation of clinician leaders in
addiction psychiatry locally and nationally through courses and workshops. This combination has led to the
publication of book chapters and training materials, for example Opioid Agonist Maintenance Treatment in
Gabbard’s Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders, 5th Edition or the forthcoming textbook for which I am an editor,
Motivational Interviewing for Clinical Practice from the American Psychiatric Association Publishing, 2017.
Working as one of two psychiatrists in a clinic seeing over 5,000 patients with opioid use disorder, I have
extensive clinical training and knowledge of both the needs of this patient population as well as the health
systems that serve them. Using large de-identified databases of patient information, I am monitoring the
evaluation, diagnosis, service utilization, retention in treatment, and drug use outcomes of large groups of
patients as they move through various healthcare systems. As a former leader in global mental health
education and training (as a program director), I seek to not only develop tools for improvement of diagnosis,
clinical care, and outcomes for patients in my current health system, but also to develop interventions and
technology that can be utilized globally in resource poor settings. I bring a combination of strong clinical skills
to increase the utility of products for clinical use, as well as the background in looking at outcomes in large
populations of patients with substance use disorders.
B. Positions and Honors
Career/Academic Appointments:
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Yale University, New Haven, CT
8/2016 – present
HS Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry, University of California San Diego,
San Diego, CA
Administrative Positions:
Director, Yale Psychiatry Residency Global Mental Health Program, Yale University
School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
Site Training Director, APT Foundation/Substance Abuse Treatment Unit, Yale
Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship, New Haven, CT
Supervising Psychiatrist, APT Foundation Legion Clinic, New Haven, CT
Director of Addiction Services, UC San Diego, San Diego, CA
Medical Director, Addiction Recovery and Treatment Program, UC San Diego, CA
Board Certification:
8/27/2012 –12/31/2022
ABPN Board Certification for Psychiatry
ABPN Board Certification for Addiction Psychiatry
Chung Fellowship, Yale China Association, consultation and travel award
2016-18 Alcohol Medical Scholar Program, Competitive Education and Travel Award
American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry Case Presentation and Travel Award
Ginsberg Fellowship, American Association of Directors of Psychiatry Residency Programs
2010-12 National Institutes of Health – NIDA Loan Repayment Program Recipient
Association for Academic Psychiatry Fellowship and Travel Award
Research Careers in Global Mental Health Meeting, Funded Attendee, National Institute of Mental
Health (NIMH)
AOA (Alpha Omega Alpha)
Phi Beta Kappa
Alpha Chi (national honor fraternity)
2006-07 Fogarty Fellow, Houston Initiative for Global Health Education and Research (HIGHER)
Laughlin Family Foundation Award, selected by senior faculty for the outstanding 4th year resident
who combines clinical and scholarly excellence, Yale University Department of Psychiatry
Benjamin S. Bunney Outstanding Resident Award 2010, Yale Psychiatry Residents’ Association,
peer selected award
Internal Medicine House Officer of the Month Award, Hospital of St. Raphael
Honors distinction at graduation, Baylor College of Medicine
Student Leadership in Community Service (SLiCS) Award, Graduation, Baylor College of Medicine
Kahler Scholar – Travel Award, $3000, Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
Inorganic Chemistry Award, Southwestern University, Georgetown, TX
Science Department Scholar, $3000 for study in Chemistry, Southwestern University
1997-01 Dean’s List (every semester), Southwestern University
1997-01 Presidential Scholar for 4 years tuition at Southwestern University
C. Contributions to Science
1. Addiction. Substance use disorders, and opioid use disorder in particular, are increasing with few people
able to access treatment leading to an epidemic of overdoses and other health morbidity. I have evaluated
large populations of patients with substance use disorders nation-wide in the Veterans’ Health Administration
and from a large database of Chinese clinical monitoring data. This work has challenged ideas about lack of
utilization of psychiatric medications and health services by dually diagnosed patients, has identified the
underutilization of evidence-based addiction medications for patients with alcohol use disorder, and has
contributed understanding in opioid use disorder about methadone usage and patient retention in treatment
with which has allowed for targeted areas for improvement of the safety of clinical care and methadone usage.
Selected works include:
1. Marienfeld, C, Liu P, Zhou W, Wang X, Schottenfeld R, Chawarski M. Evaluation of an implementation
of methadone maintenance treatment in China. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. Online pub Oct 24
2015 DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.10.001
2. Marienfeld C and Rosenheck R. Psychiatric services and prescription fills among veterans with
serious mental illness in methadone maintenance treatment. J Dual Diagn. 2015;11(2):128-35.
3. Marienfeld C, Iheanacho T, Issa M, Rosenheck RA. Long-acting injectable depot naltrexone use in the
Veterans' Health Administration: A national study. Addict Behav. 2014;39:434-438.
4. Marienfeld C, Rosenheck R. National psychotropic prescription dispensation among dually diagnosed
patients. Advances in Dual Diagnosis. 2013;6:34-44.
2. Global Mental Health. A large gap exists between evidence based practice in high income countries and
how to translate that information and determine its utility in low income countries. A considerable amount of my
scholarly effort is in developing training programs for conducting research and scholarly work in Global Mental
Health, focusing on opioid use disorder and substance use disorders in resource-poor settings. Selected
works include:
1. Kohrt B, Marienfeld C, Panter-Brick C, Tsai A, Wainberg M. Global Mental Health: Five areas for
value-driven training innovation. Academic Psychiatry special issue on Global Mental Health. Feb
2016 online, Volume 4, number 4, July 2016.
2. Marienfeld C and Chawarski M. Teaching psychosocial interventions for opioid use disorder in low
and middle income countries: Malaysia and China. Academic Psychiatry, 40(3), 507-513 2016. (DOI)
3. Iheanacho T, Marienfeld C, Stefanovics E, Rosenheck RA. Attitudes toward mental illness and
changes associated with a brief educational intervention for medical and nursing students in Nigeria.
Acad Psychiatry. 2014;38:320-324.
4. Marienfeld C, Rohrbaugh RM. Impact of a global mental health program on a residency training
program. Acad Psychiatry. 2013;37:276-280.
3. Addiction Education. Quality education and training in clinical and research skills in addiction psychiatry
is sorely needed in order to train the workforce needed to address the overwhelming need in substance use
disorders. I am a leader in providing workshops, national courses, local training, and evidence-based
guidance on training models in addiction education and skills development for addiction psychotherapy and
pharmacologic treatment. Selected works include:
1. Marienfeld C. “Cannabis Use Disorder.” Invited course presentation. The ASAM Review Course,
American Society of Addiction Medicine, Dallas, TX, July 2017.
2. Levounis P, Marienfeld C. “The New Motivational Interviewing of 2017: Learn the Essentials, Practice
Your Skills, and Help Your Patients Change.” Advances In Series invited course. American Psychiatric
Association, Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, May 2017.
3. Flaum M, Hurley B, Marienfeld C, Chanut F. “Motivational Interviewing as a Core Communication Style
for Psychiatrists.” Course. American Psychiatric Association, Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, May
4. Muuvala S, Marienfeld C, Encandela J, Petrakis I, Edens E. Educating the Educator in Addiction
Psychiatry: An Innovative method to develop future clinician educators using a classic case conference
approach. Academic Psychiatry special issue on Addiction. July 2016.
4. Biochemistry. Clinicians and clinician educators benefit from understanding and knowledge of the
biochemistry involved in the substance use disorders they treatment and in the tools needed to reliably
measure substances and their metabolites. The combination of clinical work with toxicology and biochemistry
knowledge allows for the development of useful diagnostic and monitoring tools. My early work focused on
biochemical pathways in cholangiocarcinoma. Selected publications include:
1. Yamagiwa Y, Marienfeld C, Meng F, Holcik M, Patel T. Translational regulation of x-linked inhibitor of
apoptosis protein by interleukin-6: a novel mechanism of tumor cell survival. Cancer Res.
2. Marienfeld C, Yamagiwa Y, Ueno Y, Chiasson V, Brooks L, Meng F, Patel T. Translational regulation
of XIAP expression and cell survival during hypoxia in human cholangiocarcinoma. Gastroenterology.
3. Yamagiwa Y, Marienfeld C, Tadlock L, Patel T. Translational regulation by p38 mitogen-activated
protein kinase signaling during human cholangiocarcinoma growth. Hepatology. 2003;38:158-166.
4. Marienfeld C, Tadlock L, Yamagiwa Y, Patel T. Inhibition of cholangiocarcinoma growth by tannic acid.
Hepatology. 2003;37:1097-1104.
D. Additional Information: Research Support – not applicable.