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The City-States of Ancient Sumeria
The Fertile Crescent
The area between the _____________ and __________________ Rivers (in the Middle East)
Mesopotamia literally means “___________________________________”
Part of Turkey through Iraq, down to the Persian Gulf
Nile is to Egypt as Tigris and Euphrates are to Mesopotamia
The “____________________________” tells the story of a catastrophic flood similar to Noah’s Flood
Sumerian Cities
Trade throughout, based on _____________
Little to no land or water barriers
Trade, communication, movement __________________ between cities and other civilizations
Sumerian Civilization
Sumerian Government
Within the city-state, the ruler was responsible for:
Maintaining city walls, irrigation systems
Leading army into war (which was frequent-_________________________________)
Hiring scribes to collect taxes and keep records
Being ________________________________ of the gods
Leading ceremonies to please the gods
Distinct Social Hierarchy
(System of ranks)
Ruling Family/Leading Officials/High Priests
Small Middle Class/Scribes/Merchants/Artisans
______________________ (majority of people)
Believed Gods and Goddesses behaved like ordinary people
Sumerians highest duty was to keep the gods happy and therefore ensure safety
of their city-state
-Each city built a __________________________ or pyramid like temple to the sky
at the top was a shrine to the chief god of the city
They believed in an afterlife but they believed that the underworld was a
grim place with no release
Earliest known form of writing
Reed pen making wedge shaped marks on clay tablets
Number system based on 6
360 degrees in a circle
(still use today )
Invaders, Traders and Empire Builders
Sargon built the first empire known to history (2300 BC)
Ruler of neighboring Akkad, he invaded and conquered the city-states of Sumer
King of Babylon
Published the first set of codified law known as __________________________________
Not the author of the laws (they had been around for a while)
But he was the first one to _______________________ (displayed them on a pillar for all to see)
Crime and Punishment
Criminal Law--_____________________
Civil Law—business and private matters, marriage, divorce, taxes, etc
Gave husband legal authority over his wife also duty to support her
Brought the secret of ____________________________________________________________
Tried to keep it a secret but empire collapsed and ironsmiths migrated elsewhere
Fierce warriors
Expanded across Mesopotamia
Babylon Revived
Nebuchadnezzar rebuilt canals, temples, walls and palaces of Babylon
Persian Empire
_________________________ conquered Babylon and swept territory from Asia Minor to India
(present day Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Afghanistan, Pakistan)
Policy of tolerance (acceptance of the people they conquered—respected customs and religion)
Darius (Persian Emperor)
__________________________ and divided it into provinces each headed by a governor
These governors were called ______________________
Encouraged coin use—economic links throughout the empire
New Religion
Zoroaster helped unite the empire
Rejected Persian gods and instead taught that a single wise god (___________________)
ruled the world. However, Ahura Mazda was in constant battle against
Ahriman, the prince of lies and evil).
Each individual had to choose ____________________________
Individuals would be judged for their actions on judgment day-paradise vs. suffering
Phoenicians (Sea Traders)
From the Eastern Mediterranean Coast—sailed and exchanged goods all over
Called “__________________________________” because they spread Middle Eastern
civilization around the Mediterranean
Also invented our alphabet (letters that represent spoken sounds instead of symbols)
Roots of Judaism
Early History of the Israelites
Israelites (Hebrews) believed God had a hand in their life—recorded events and laws in the __________
(most sacred text)
_____________________ people
Abraham lived in Ur in Mesopotamia
Family migrated to Canaan
Genesis tells the story of famine that forced ___________________ to migrate to Egypt
Eventually enslaved
Moses led Israelites to their escape (exodus) from Egypt
Kingdom of Israel
David united the feuding Israelite tribes ____________________________
David’s son Solomon turned Jerusalem into an impressive capital ($$)
Tax and labor revolts erupted soon after Solomon’s Death
Kingdom split into _______________ (north) and ________________ (south)
Fell to the Assyrians, Babylonians
Forced Israelites into exile in Babylon (______________________________)—became the Jews
When Cyrus conquered Babylon, he freed the Jews, many went home
Covenant with God
History and faith are __________________________________
Each event reflected God’s Plan
_____________________ (only one god)
Covenant (binding agreement) with God
Personal Relationship
Taught morality
10 Commandments
Ethical world view
_____________________ (spiritual leaders that could interpret God’s will)