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Spring Break Packet 2013
Spring Break Packet 2013
This packet’s purpose to help you review for the Science CRCT.
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final answers on the last page of the spring break packet.
Date Packet Given To Student: Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Due Date for Spring Break Packet: Tuesday, April 16, 2013
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Spring Break Packet 2013
Which of the following substances is a mineral?
A. coal, which forms from the remains of living things
B. fluorite, which is a crystalline solid with the chemical formula CaF2
C. obsidian, which is a volcanic glass and is not crystalline
D. brass, which is a metal that is made by humans
Use the diagram below to answer question 2.
2. Which of the following processes occurs at point C on the diagram of the rock cycle?
A. deposition
B. uplift
C. heat and pressure
D. melting and cooling
3. Volcanic activity on Earth’s surface most likely results in the formation of which of the following
types of rock?
A. intrusive igneous rock
B. extrusive igneous rock
C. clastic sedimentary rock
D. chemical sedimentary rock
4. Buried rock is exposed at Earth’s surface by the combination of which two processes?
A. weathering and deposition
B. uplift and erosion
C. erosion and deposition
D. deposition and uplift
Spring Break Packet 2013
5. What is the source of energy shown in the diagram, and how is the energy being used?
A. Geothermal energy is being used to generate chemical energy.
B. Geothermal energy is being used to generate electrical energy.
C. Hydroelectric energy is being used to generate chemical energy.
D. Hydroelectric energy is being used to generate electrical energy.
6. Which of the following statements about all fossil fuels is true?
A. Fossil fuels are liquids.
B. Fossil fuels are found only on land.
C. Fossil fuels move through permeable rock.
D. Fossil fuels form from the remains of ancient organisms.
Spring Break Packet 2013
7. What percentage of the electric power generated in 2003 came from sources that originated
from the sun?
A. 85%
B. 93%
C. 96%
D. 100%
8. Which of the following resources is nonrenewable?
A. wind
B. wood
C. sunlight
D. natural gas
9. Which of the following provides evidence that environmental conditions on Earth have
A. a fossilized footprint found in lava rock
B. an insect fossil found in amber
C. a marine fossil found on a mountaintop
D. a dinosaur fossil found in sedimentary rock
10. A small reptile of the genus Mesosaurus lived 260 million years ago and is now extinct.
Fossils of this reptile have been found in both South America and southern Africa. Which of
the following statements best explains why the fossils were found on both continents?
A. At one time, the continents were joined.
B. The reptile swam across the Atlantic Ocean.
C. The reptile traveled across a land bridge.
D. People brought the reptile to South America.
Spring Break Packet 2013
11. Determine what sequence of events occurred in the rock layers shown above.
A. An intrusion formed, and then the rock layers formed around the intrusion.
B. First, the bottom rock layer formed. Then, the intrusion formed. Finally, the other rock
layers formed.
C. The rock layers were folded, and then an intrusion cut through the layers.
D. The rock layers formed, and then an intrusion cut through some of the layers.
12. How do mid-ocean ridges support both the idea of continental drift and the theory of plate
A. Oceanic lithosphere is destroyed at mid-ocean ridges.
B. New crust forms at mid-ocean ridges.
C. Tectonic plates collide at mid-ocean ridges.
D. The crust at mid-ocean ridges is old oceanic lithosphere.
13. Which of the following compositional layers makes up the greatest percentage of Earth’s
A. continental crust
B. oceanic crust
C. the mantle
D. the core
14. Sea-floor spreading occurs at which of the following types of tectonic plate boundaries?
A. transform
B. convergent
C. divergent
D. strike-slip
Spring Break Packet 2013
15. According to the table above, which of the following statements is true?
A. Oceanic crust is Earth’s thinnest and least dense compositional layer.
B. Continental crust is Earth’s thinnest and densest compositional layer.
C. The mantle is Earth’s thickest and densest compositional layer.
D. The core is Earth’s thickest and densest compositional layer.
16. The component of soil that is made up of organic material is called
A. abrasion.
B. humus.
C. bedrock.
D. leaching.
17. Which of the following areas would experience the most weathering?
A. an area with high winds, significant rain, hot summers, and freezing winters
B. an area with heavy rains, constant temperatures, and gentle winds
C. an area with constant heat, minimal rain, and high winds
D. all areas are subject to the same amounts of weathering
18. Which of the following statements describes how a rock changes after it is in a riverbed for a
long time?
A. The rock rapidly breaks into smaller pieces.
B. Chunks of the rock break off, and the rock becomes rougher.
C. The edges of the rock are worn away, so its surface becomes smoother.
D. The rock absorbs water from the riverbed and becomes softer.
Spring Break Packet 2013
19. The picture above shows the process of mechanical weathering that can cause cracks in
rocks in Georgia’s northern mountains to widen. What is this process called?
A. abrasion
B. dissolution
C. ice wedging
D. oxidation
20. Which of the following areas would be most strongly affected by wind erosion?
A. pine forest
B. rocky beach
C. desert
D. grassland
Hydrology and Meteorology
1. In the water cycle, the sun’s energy causes
A. evaporation.
B. condensation.
C. precipitation.
D. percolation.
2. The water cycle involves energy changes and the continuous movement of water between
Earth and its atmosphere. Condensation primarily takes place
A. on Earth’s surface.
B. in the atmosphere.
C. in the oceans.
D. in the polar ice caps.
3. In which steps of the water cycle does water lose energy?
A. evaporation
B. condensation
C. precipitation
D. all steps
4. An astronaut viewed Earth from space. Which of the following did she observe?
A. Earth has five main oceans that are distinctly different.
B. Earth has equal amounts of ocean and land on its surface.
C. Ocean water covers about 71 percent of Earth’s surface.
D. Three-fourths of the water on Earth is in the Earth’s oceans.
Spring Break Packet 2013
5. What change in water occurs in the atmosphere at the condensation stage of the
A. gas to liquid
B. liquid to solid
C. liquid to gas
D. solid to liquid
Use the diagram below to answer question 6.
6. At which point in the diagram above would hot magma most likely rise through the ocean floor
to eventually form a volcanic island?
A. Point A
B. Point B
C. Point C
D. Point D
7. The ocean water off the coast of Maine, in the United States, is not as salty as the ocean water
off the coast of Morocco, in Africa. Which of the following factors could be responsible for this
difference in salinity?
A. climate
B. marine life
C. ocean pollution
D. deep ocean currents
8. Why are mineral nodules that are found on the ocean floor considered a nonrenewable
A. They are difficult and costly to locate and mine.
B. They are often composed of heavy metals.
C. They form from dissolved elements that cannot be recycled.
D. They cannot be created as quickly as they are mined.
Spring Break Packet 2013
9. Which of the following statements describes the relative positions of Earth, the sun, and the
moon when the smallest difference between high tide and low tide occurs?
A. The sun and Earth were at right angles to each other relative to the moon.
B. The sun and moon were at right angles to each other relative to Earth.
C. The sun, moon, and Earth were aligned, with the moon between the sun and Earth.
D. The sun, moon, and Earth were aligned, with the Earth between the sun and moon.
10. A longshore current moves down a sandy coastline, from north to south. Developers build a
long, concrete breakwater at one point along the coast. What happens to the sandy beach to the
south of that breakwater?
A. it builds up
B. it erodes away
C. it stays the same
D. it accumulates trash
11. Use the illustration below to answer question 11.
11. The map above shows the locations of low-pressure and high-pressure belts across North
and South America. Why is pressure low at the equator relative to pressure at 30°N or 30°S
A. Cold air sinks at the equator and causes an area of low pressure.
B. Cold air at the poles rises and causes an area of high pressure.
C. Warm air at the equator rises and causes an area of low pressure.
D. Warm air at the poles sinks and causes an area of high pressure.
12. As the sun heats the surface of the ocean, some of the water evaporates and enters the air.
How does water vapor move in the atmosphere?
A. by waves
B. by clouds
C. by conduction
D. by convection
Spring Break Packet 2013
13. Area A, which has high pressure, is located next to Area B, which has low pressure. The
wind is blowing hard toward Area B. Which of the following is most likely to occur if the
temperature in Area B decreases slightly?
A. The wind will blow harder toward Area B.
B. The wind will blow more softly toward Area B.
C. The wind will stop blowing.
D. The wind will start blowing toward Area A.
14. Sammy feels an ocean breeze as he plays volleyball at the beach. Why do ocean winds blow
toward shore during the day?
A. Earth’s rotation causes air to blow toward land.
B. The energy of ocean storms pushes air toward shore.
C. Air over the beach heats up, rises, and is replaced by ocean air.
D. Ocean air is less dense, so it moves in to replace air over the land.
15. Four cities at the same latitude have different average high air temperatures during August.
Which city of the four would be most likely to have the warmest average high temperature in
A. a large city with many buildings
B. a large city with many lakes and parks
C. a small city next to a river
D. a large city next to the ocean
16 and 17. Use the diagram below to answer questions 16 and 17.
16. The diagram above represents the meeting of two air masses. The air mass on the left
formed over a polar region and the air mass on the right formed over a tropical region. Which type
of front is pictured in the diagram?
A. cold front
B. warm front
C. occluded front
D. stationary front
Spring Break Packet 2013
17. What kind of weather is associated with this type of front as the front approaches an area?
A. sunny skies
B. drizzly rain
C. thunderstorms, heavy rain, or snow
D. hot, muggy weather
18. The sun’s radiant energy is NOT a major factor in producing
A. the water cycle.
B. humidity of air.
C. air temperature.
D. motion of tides.
19. Clouds are observed in a low pressure area over Georgia, and clear skies are observed in a
high pressure area above Alabama. Which of the following is most likely to occur?
A. Wind will blow the clouds in a westerly direction toward Alabama.
B. The warm air will cause the clouds to evaporate.
C. The clouds will move east, toward the Atlantic Ocean.
D. A thunderstorm will occur between the two areas.
20. When Earth’s axis is tilted so that the North Pole is more directly facing the sun, what season
is South America experiencing?
A. spring
B. summer
C. fall
D. winter
21. Use the figure below to answer question 21.
21. Based on Earth’s tilt and orbit, which of the climate zones in the illustration above receive the
most direct sunlight throughout the year? The least?
A. most: polar zones; least: temperate zones
B. most: temperate zones; least: polar zones
C. most: tropic zones; least: temperate zones
D. most: tropic zones; least: polar zones
Spring Break Packet 2013
1. Which of the following is a characteristic of comets?
A. Comets are composed of rocky material, iron, and nickel.
B. Comets follow a circular orbit around the sun.
C. Comets give off gas and dust when heated by the sun.
D. Comets are rich in iron.
2. Which one of the following objects in our solar system would travel the greatest distance during
one revolution around the sun?
A. a terrestrial planet
B. an asteroid
C. a gas giant
D. a comet
3. The diagram above shows different positions of the moon relative to Earth and the sun. In
which phase will an observer on Earth see a crescent moon?
A. phase A
B. phase B
C. phase C
D. phase D
4. Which of the following is a wide region of small, rocky bodies that is located between the orbits
of Mars and Jupiter?
A. the Kuiper belt
B. the Oort cloud
C. the asteroid belt
D. the rings of Saturn
5. Which of the following motions of Earth and the moon occurs in the longest period of time?
A. Earth orbits the sun once.
B. The moon orbits Earth twice.
C. Earth rotates on its axis five times.
D. Twelve full moons are seen from Earth.
Spring Break Packet 2013
6. Which of the following planets would take the longest time to complete one revolution around
the sun?
A. Earth
B. Venus
C. Mercury
D. Jupiter
7. If there were no gravitational forces acting on the moon, which of the following would happen?
A. The moon would quickly crash into the Earth.
B. The moon would continue at a constant speed in a straight line through space.
C. The moon would still orbit Earth as it does now.
D. The moon would remain stationary, at a fixed distance from Earth.
8. Our solar system is located in the Milky Way. Which one of the following statements best
describes the Milky Way?
A. a nebula containing about 200 billion stars
B. a spiral galaxy containing about 200 billion stars
C. an irregular galaxy containing about 200 billion stars
D. an elliptical galaxy containing about 200 billion stars
9. The study of which two planets is the most beneficial for scientists who want to better
understand Earth?
A. Mars and Jupiter
B. Mercury and Neptune
C. Saturn and Venus
D. Venus and Mars
Spring Break Packet 2013
10. Based on the table above, which of the following is a valid conclusion?
A. In general, each outer planet is about twice as far from the sun as the next closest
B. Each period of revolution is unrelated to the average distance of each planet from the
C. Among the outer planets, planets with the largest volume are found farthest from the
D. Day length for each planet increases with an increase in the planet’s diameter.
Spring Break Packet 2013
Geology # 1- 20
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Meteorology #1-21
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Astronomy # 1-10
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