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Treating cardiac arrhythmia more gently: LZH
develops a biohybrid cardiac pacemaker
In the joint research project BioPACE, the Laser Zentrum
Hannover e.V. (LZH) develops a biohybrid cardiac pacemaker in cooperation with four partners. The goal of this new
approach is to treat cardiac arrhythmia more gently by a targeted optical stimulation of the cardiac muscle and other
muscle groups.
 Press release
Hannover, October 26th, 2016
 Contact
Dr. Nadine Tinne
Marketing & Communications
+49 511 2788-238
[email protected]
The research on biohybrid implants for the light-induced cardiac
excitation, defibrillation and stimulation of skeletal muscles is the
goal of this project. To implement this innovative therapeutic
concept, the partners are bringing together the latest findings
from the fields of photonics, optogenetics, nanotechnology and
More gentle and more efficient with a new technology
The new technology is based upon an innovative approach to
stimulate a contraction of the cardiac muscle: While conventional
cardiac pacemakers work with electrical impulses, the new
method shall use optical impulses. Thus, it is not an electrical
stimulation but light that causes the cardiac muscle to contract.
Another novelty is the material: A part of the pacemaker shall
consist of biological material. With the pacemaker being made of
the patients’ own cells, rejection reactions of the human body can
be minimized. Integrated in a hydro gel, these cells are doped
with upconverting nanoparticles (UCNP). These are required to
cause a contraction in reaction to the optical stimulation. The impulse is imparted to the surrounding cells, and thus the cardiac
muscle contracts.
Further fields of application are envisaged
With this altered approach not only an improved treatment of
cardiac arrhythmia will be possible. At a later stage, a biohybrid
Dr. Nadine Tinne | Marketing & Communications | +49 511 2788-238 | [email protected]
Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. | Hollerithallee 8 | 30419 Hannover | +49 511 2788-0 |
defibrillator shall be developed, too. In that way, long-term consequences of the treatment – for example the scarring of the tissue – can be reduced or even completely avoided.
The project has an unusually short development time, because
the partners can make use of already existing results for their
subprojects. The challenge, however, is to combine these results
and to prepare them for use in the pacemaker. The LZH researchers focus on the coupling and distribution of light in the
cardiac muscle.
A broad consortium for interdisciplinary cooperation
The LZH is the coordinator of the joint research project „Biohybrids for Photon-Activated Cardiac Excitation“ (BioPACE). The
Hannover Medical School (MHH) provides the expertise for cell
fabrication and implementation. The required fiber optical waveguides come from the LifePhotonic GmbH, and the converting
nanoparticles (such as UCNPs or quantum dots) from the Center
for Applied Nanotechnology CAN GmbH. Applications on the
cardiac muscle and the skeletal muscles are explored by the
Universitätsklinikum Bonn. The project is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research via the VDI
Technologiezentrum GmbH within the scope of the funding initiative “Photonik Plus – new basic technologies in optics” for a duration of three years.
There is one figure and one video available for this press release.
Dr. Nadine Tinne | Marketing & Communications | +49 511 2788-238 | [email protected]
Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. | Hollerithallee 8 | 30419 Hannover | +49 511 2788-0 |
Caption figure 1: The project team at the kick-off meeting (photo: LZH)
Video 1: The video shows a cluster of cardiac muscle cells on which a ring-shaped pattern of dots is projected
with a laser. Through this optical stimulation, the muscle cells are caused to contract. The frequency of the projection controls the contraction rhythm. (Video: LZH).
Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH)
As an independent, non-profit research institute, the Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH) stands for innovative
research, development and consulting. The LZH is supported by the Lower Saxony Ministry for Economics, Labour and Transport and is dedicated to the selfless promotion of applied research in the field of photonics and
laser technology. Founded in 1986, over 170 employees are now working for the LZH.
Dr. Nadine Tinne | Marketing & Communications | +49 511 2788-238 | [email protected]
Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. | Hollerithallee 8 | 30419 Hannover | +49 511 2788-0 |
The focus of the LZH lies on the fields of optical components and systems, optical production technologies, and
biomedical photonics. Interdisciplinary cooperation between natural scientists and mechanical engineers makes
innovative approaches to challenges from the most different areas possible: from the development of components
for specific laser systems to process developments for the most diverse laser applications, for example for medical technology or lightweight construction in the automotive sector. Seventeen spin off companies have emerged
from the LZH up to now. Thus, the LZH has created a strong transfer between fundamental science, application
oriented research, and industry.
Dr. Nadine Tinne | Marketing & Communications | +49 511 2788-238 | [email protected]
Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. | Hollerithallee 8 | 30419 Hannover | +49 511 2788-0 |