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Introduction to
Basic Component of
Computer System
Vinay Bajpai
vinayb @
Computer Center
Indian Institute of Science Education And Research Bhopal
Computer Center | Network Group
IISER Bhopal
About Course Structure - Ishan Vikas & NCERT Nurturance Program
Day 1
• Basic Component of a Computer System
• Hardware & Software
• System Software & Application Software
• Operating System
• Client Server Architecture
• Computer Centre (CC) Visit
Day 2
• Linux Basic Commands
• Programming - Linux Scripting
Computer Center | Network Group
IISER Bhopal
About Course Structure - Ishan Vikas & NCERT Nurturance Program
Day 3
• Computer Network
• Internet
• Internet Addressing – Internet Protocol
• Internet – Videos on new technologies
Computer Center | Network Group
IISER Bhopal
Basic Component of
Computer System
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IISER Bhopal
Basic Component of Computer System
• CPU (Central Processing Unit)
• Main Memory – ROM (Read Only Memory)
RAM (Random Access Memory)
• Storage Memory – HDD (Hard Disk Drive)
CD ROM (Compact Disk Read Only Memory)
• Input Units – Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick, Scanner, Video/Audio
Input devices etc.
• Output Units – VDU (Visual Display Unit), Printer, Headphone,
Speaker, Projector etc.
Computer Center | Network Group
IISER Bhopal
Basic Component of Computer System
Computer Center | Network Group
IISER Bhopal
Computer Center | Network Group
IISER Bhopal
• Hardware –
That we can TOUCH......!
Computer Center | Network Group
IISER Bhopal
• Collection of Computer Programs and Related Data.
Bunch of Computer Programs
Related Data
Application Software
System Software
Operating System
Word Processing
Spread Sheets
File Mgmt. Tool
Computer Center | Network Group
IISER Bhopal
Introduction to
Operating System
Computer Center
Indian Institute of Science Education And Research Bhopal
Computer Center | Network Group
IISER Bhopal
Operating System
• Interface between User Shell and Computer Hardware.
• Set of System Software programs, that helps application
programs to use Computer Hardware.
• Task
• Controlling of I/O (Input/Output) devices.
• File Management.
• System Control and Memory Allocation.
• Handling of System request.
Computer Center | Network Group
IISER Bhopal
Operating System
Operating System
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IISER Bhopal
Operating System
Application Programs
System Programs
Operating System
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IISER Bhopal
Operating System
• Types of Operating System
• Multi-User
• Multiprocessing
• Multitasking
• Multithreading
• Real Time
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IISER Bhopal
Operating System
• Multi-User
•Allows two or more users to run program simultaneously.
• Multiprocessing
• Program running on more than one CPU.
• Multitasking
• More than one program running concurrently.
• Multithreading
• Allows different parts of one program to run concurrently.
• Real Time
• Offers application request nearly real-time.
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IISER Bhopal
Examples of
Operating System
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Operating System
• DOS (Disk Operating System)
• Microsoft Windows (MS-Windows)
• Apple - MAC
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Computer Center | Network Group
IISER Bhopal
Microsoft Windows Operating System
• Microsoft Corporation announced on November 10, 1983, in
New York City, a next-generation operating system that would
provide a graphical user interface (GUI) and a multitasking
environment for IBM computers.
• The first version of GUI based operating system named as
WINDOWS, introduced by Microsoft Corporation in November
• It has more than 85% market share of the client operating
system in world.
• Recent version of Windows is:
• Windows 10
• Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server OS)
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IISER Bhopal
Computer Center | Network Group
IISER Bhopal
UNIX Operating System
• Unix is a multi-user, multi-tasking operating system.
• You can have many users logged into a system simultaneously,
each running many programs.
• It's the kernel's job to keep each process and user separate and
to regulate access to system hardware, including CPU, Memory,
Disk and other I/O devices.
Computer Center | Network Group
IISER Bhopal
UNIX Operating System
• First Version was created in Bell Labs in 1969.
• Some of the Bell Labs programmers who had worked on this
project, Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Rudd Canaday, and Doug
McIlroy designed and implemented the first version of the Unix
File System on a PDP-7 along with a few utilities. It was given the
name UNIX by Brian Kernighan.
Computer Center | Network Group
IISER Bhopal
UNIX Operating System
• 1973 Unix is re-written mostly in C, a new language developed
by Dennis Ritchie.
• Being written in this high-level language greatly decreased the
effort needed to port it to new machines.
1977 There were about 500 Unix sites world-wide.
1980 BSD 4.1 (Berkeley Software Development)
1983 SunOS, BSD 4.2, System V
1988 AT&T and Sun Microsystems jointly develop System V
Release 4 (SVR4). This later developed into UnixWare and
Solaris 2.
1991 Linux was originated.
Computer Center | Network Group
IISER Bhopal
Computer Center | Network Group
IISER Bhopal
LINUX Operating System
• Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by
Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the
• It originated in 1991 as a personal project of Linus Torvalds, a
Finnish graduate student.
• The Kernel version 1.0 was released in 1994 and today the most
recent stable version is 2.6.9
• Developed under the GNU General Public License , the source
code for Linux is freely available to everyone.
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IISER Bhopal
LINUX Operating System
• Mandriva
• RedHat
• Fedora
• SuSE/Novell,
• Debian
• Ubantu (Debian Release)
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Apple- MAC
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Apple - MAC Operating System
• A first GUI base operating systems developed by Apple Inc.
(formerly Apple Computer, Inc.) for their Macintosh line of
computer systems.
• Apple would later name the "Mac OS“ first introduced in 1984
with the original Macintosh, usually referred to simply as the
System software.
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IISER Bhopal
Client Server
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IISER Bhopal
Client/Server Architecture
Client - Requester/Application/System
Eg: Desktops/Laptop/Smart Phones/Workstation
• That can access some services hosted on remote location by
using network resources.
• Small in SIZE.
• Use at a single location.
• Portable computers such as Laptop.
• Powerful than PC in terms of Processing, Memory, Graphics.
• Designed for technical and scientific applications.
Computer Center | Network Group
IISER Bhopal
Client/Server Architecture
Server – Powerful Machine or Clusters
• Who serves the request.
• That provides essential services to clients/other computer
programs and their users.
• Group of linked computers.
• Working together like a Single Computer.
• Commonly used for HPC (High Performance Computing),
HA (High Availability), Load Balancing.
Computer Center | Network Group
IISER Bhopal
Client/Server Architecture
• Servers commonly contain data files and applications that can be
accessed across the network, by workstations or employee
• An employee who wants to access company-wide data files, for
instance, would use his or her client computer to access the data
files on the server.
• Other employees may use a common-access application by
accessing the server through their client computers.
• Server is not just for storage, however we can use it for HPC
(High Performance Computing).
Computer Center | Network Group
IISER Bhopal
Client/Server Architecture
Computer Center | Network Group
IISER Bhopal
Client/Server Architecture
1. Request for particular web page.
3. Terminal browser displays the page.
2. Server locate the file and send back to
user’s terminal.
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IISER Bhopal
IF U Have ANY ……………
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IISER Bhopal