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E1 Brought Back Bugs is a used Volkswagen dealer in Lincoln, Nebraska. The dealership hired you to
update its Web site. One of the requirements is that the site must display a few banner advertisements
showing the week’s specials. You decide that active content would be the best technology to automate
the placement and rotation of the advertisement. You are also considering using active content to make
the content of the banner ad more interesting. You decide to investigate Java, JavaScript, Jscript, and
Java applets as alternatives, and write a 300-word summery that describes each and evaluates its use for
automating the rotation and placement of banner ads on the Brought Back Bugs Web site.
Java is a server side technology is widely used by more than 6.5 million software developers.
Java technology's versatility, efficiency, platform portability, and security make it the ideal technology
for network computing. From laptops to datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell
phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere!
Java powers more than 4.5 billion devices.JSP(java server pages )can be used to display active
graphical content for a website.
JavaFX(extension of java) allows developers to integrate vector graphics, animation, audio, and video
Web assets into a rich, interactive, immersive application. It can be used for automating the rotation
and placement of banner ads on the Brought Back Bugs Web site.
Javascript is a object oriented scripting language to enable programmatic acess to object with both
client and other application.
Javascript can be used to add active content like flash in websites. Many more advanced versions of
javascript likeAJAX, Jquery and MooTools are also used to build and develop active contents like
animated galleries,text animations which are widely used in many websites today.
Java Applets are browser-embedded Java applications . An Applet is viewed by a client in a web browser,
the server sends the code for the Applet to the client, where it is executed using the browser's Java
Virtual Machine (JVM).
For powerful user-interface capabilities, a combination of Java Applets and ActiveX offers the widest
range of opportunities.
Javascript is easy to learn and it is preffered if the active content is less and needs less
updation.But java and Applets provide high amount of security and helps in generating dynamic active
content.The initial cost may be more but is helpful in a long run for automating the rotation and
placement of banner ads on the Brought Back Bugs Web site.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E2 You are the administrator of a Web server for an electronic commerce site. The site receives about
12,000 visitors per day, maintains a product catalog of about 400 items, and processes about 2000 sales
a day. The average sale amount is $87. The site accepts four major credit cards and it outsources its
payment processing for all the credit cards to another company. In about 200 words , describe the types
of threats that could be launched against your Web server, given the types of activity (catalog
presentation, order entry, and payment processing) it handles and the volume of those activities.
Consult sources on the Internet or in your library to help you complete this exercise.
Major threats to present day eCommerce include
Breach of Security:
Money Thefts
eCommerce services are about transactions and transactions are very largely driven by money.
This attracts hackers, crackers and everyone with the knowledge of exploiting loopholes in a
system. Once a kink in the armor is discovered, they feed the system(and users) with numerous
bits of dubious information to extract confidential data(phishing). This is particularly dangerous
as the data extracted may be that of credit card numbers, security passwords, transaction details
etc.Also, Payment gateways are vulnerable to interception by unethical users.
Identity thefts
Hackers often gain access to sensitive information like user accounts, user details, addresses,
confidential personal information etc.
For instance, one can effortlessly login to an online shopping mart under a stolen identity and
make purchases worth thousands of dollars.
While the fraudsters gains, the original account holder continues to pay the price until the
offender is nabbed.
Threats to the system
Viruses, worms, Trojans are very deceptive methods of stealing information. Often planted by
individuals for reasons known best to them alone, viruses breed within the systems and multiply
at astonishing speeds. Unchecked, they can potentially cripple the entire system.