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Weather Forecasting and Climate Test (25.2, 25.4, 26)
A. Millibars
C. Radiosonde
E. Doppler radar
B. Isotherms
D. Weather satellites
F. Station Model
G. Isobars
_____1. Lines connecting areas of equal pressure
_____2. shows weather conditions at one specific location
_____3. An apparatus carried by a weather balloon to collect data on the upper atmosphere
_____4. Is used to track precipitation and tornados
_____5. Carry cameras to take pictures of major storm systems such as hurricanes
_____6. In the last 3 hours, the air pressure has been dropping. This may indicate that
a front is approaching
the storm front has passed
temperature is constant
Doppler radar is useless
_____7. The air pressure was low and is now is rising. The temperature was warm and is now cooler. This may indicate
a warm front has passed by
a cold front has passed by
a tropical maritime air mass has moved in
a tropical continental air mass has moved in
_____8. Isobars that are close together indicate areas of
Strong winds
Constant temperature
High pressure
Clear skies
_____9. Isobars in close concentric circles of low pressure over the Gulf of Mexico represent
A high pressure area
A blizzard
A hurricane
Clear skies
For questions 10 – 13 choose one of the following choices of storms. A choice may be used more than once.
A. Blizzard
B. Tornado
C. Hurricane
D. Thunderstorm
_____10. There has been lightning and hail. The wall cloud is showing signs of a narrow swirling cloud reaching toward
the ground. What kind of storm is about to occur?
_____11. The temperature is 25 F. It is precipitating heavily. There are strong winds blowing. What kind of storm is
_____12. A storm of many cumulonimbus clouds formed over tropical ocean waters. It has reached land with winds of
100mph and has dropped 5 inches of rain in the last 2 hours. What kind of storm is passing through?
_____13. Which storm is the shortest lived and has the highest wind speeds?
_____14. The release of static charge in a cloud heats the surrounding air so rapidly that it produces a low noise. What
is the release of static charge called?
Condensation nuclei
For questions 15 – 19 choose one of the following choices of fronts. A choice may be used more than once.
A. Warm
B. Cold
C. Occluded
D. Stationary
_____15. Which type of front has the following weather map symbol?
_____16. Which type of front forms when a warm air mass overtakes a cold air mass?
_____17. Which type of front forms when a cold front catches up to a warm front and the warm air mass is shoved
above the 2 cold air masses?
_____18. Which type of front produces thunderstorms?
_____19. One front has a gradual slope that produces cirrus clouds a few days before the main part of the front arrives.
Later it produces heavy precipitation from stratus clouds. What kind of front is it?
20. _______________________ What kind of pressure system produces stormy weather? (High or Low)
21. _______________________ A tornado has been sighted. What kind of alert will be issued? (warning or a watch)
22. _______________________ In the Northern Hemisphere, low pressure areas and hurricanes rotate in which
direction? (clockwise or counter clockwise)
23. _______________________ A category 2 hurricane has just passed over islands in the Caribbean and is moving
back out over the Gulf of Mexico. Is it possible for the hurricane to increase in strength to a category 3 hurricane before
it reaches the US coast?
24. _______________________ What is the part of a hurricane that is a high pressure area with clear skies and little
Using the station model answer the following questions.
25.________________ Is it clear, overcast or partially cloudy?
26. _______________What is the dew point?
27. _______________Which direction is the wind coming from?
28. _______________ What is the current temperature?
29. _______________Has the pressure been rising, falling or staying the same?
Answers to 30 – 32
An H on the map indicates clear weather, most tornadoes will form near a cold front located in Texas Arkansas and
plains states area, The next system to the west of Virginia would come through next.
Look at the weather map and answer the following questions.
30. ___________ After the front passes through Virginia would you expect a high or low pressure system to be present?
31. ___________ In which area would you expect to find clear weather?
32. ___________Where might you expect to have tornados forming?
True and False
_____33. Tropical climates can never be deserts.
_____34. Polar climates tend to be cold and wet.
_____35. The most variety of climates is found in the temperate regions.
_____36. Climate correlates most closely with latitude.
_____37. Coastal mountain ranges tend to be dry on the slope facing the coast and wet on the other slope.
_____38. Virginia has a temperate humid continental climate.
_____39. In the continental US, the areas of the widest temperature range (-30 F in winter and 90’s in summer) are
located in the northern plains states.
_____40. Large bodies of water such as oceans and Great Lakes moderate temperature extremes and tend to
increase precipitation.