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Level 5
Mathematics Grade 3 FCAT 2.0 - Number: Operations, Problems, and Statistics
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
1. Identify models of and/or 1. Identify models of and/or 1. Identify models of
solve problems involving
solve problems involving
multiplication and/or
multiplication and/or
multiplication and/or
division situations for
division situations
division situations
basic multiplication facts
and/or the related division
2. Recognize and/or solve a 2. Recognize and/or solve a 2. Identify an equivalent
problem involving an
multiplication problem
representation of an
involving equivalent
equation or expression by
representation of an
representation of an
using the commutative
equation or expression by
equation or expression
property or identity
applying number
by applying the
property for multiplication
properties, including the
and division and the zero
commutative, identity, or
property of multiplication
commutative, associative,
zero properties
identity, and zero
3. Describe and apply the
3. Apply the inverse
3. Identify fact families that
inverse property to solve
property to solve a realdemonstrate the inverse
a real-world problem and
world problem and to
relationship between
to check the solution of a
check the solution of a
multiplication and division
problem involving
problem involving
multiplication or division
multiplication or division
4. Extend numeric or
4. Extend numeric or
4. Identify the next element
graphic patterns beyond
graphic patterns beyond
in a graphic or numeric
the next element or find
the next element or find
one or more missing
one or more missing
elements in a numeric or
elements in a numeric or
graphic pattern
graphic pattern
5. Describe the rule for a
5. Describe the rule for a
5. Describe the rule for a
pattern or the
pattern or the
pattern or the relationship
relationship between
relationship between
between whole numbers
whole numbers when the
whole numbers when the
when the operation is
operation is addition,
operation is addition or
subtraction, or
6. Represent, identify,
6. Represent, identify,
6. Represent, identify,
compare, order,
compare, order, and
compare, and/or order
estimate, and solve
solve addition and
whole numbers through
addition and subtraction
subtraction problems
the hundred thousands
problems involving whole
involving whole numbers
numbers through the
through the hundred
hundred thousands place
thousands place
7. Solve non-routine
7. Estimate multi-step
7. Solve real-world, one-step
problems by making a
addition or subtraction
addition or subtraction
table, chart, or list and
problems through the
problems with whole
searching for patterns
thousands place, which
numbers through the
may include real-world
hundred thousands place
8. Construct, analyze, and
8. Solve non-routine
8. Estimate one-step
draw conclusions about
problems by making a list
addition or subtraction
data displayed in a
or searching for patterns
problems through the
frequency table, bar
thousands place, which
graph, pictograph, or line
may include real-world
9. Identify the correct
9. Solve non-routine
frequency table, bar
problems by searching for
graph, pictograph, and
line plot of a given data
10. Analyze and interpret
10. Identify the correct bar
data on a bar graph,
graph, pictograph, or
pictograph, frequency
frequency table of a given
table, or line plot to solve
set of data
11. Interpret data on a bar
graph or pictograph to
solve problems.
Level 1
1. Identify some models 1. Performance
of multiplication
at this level
and/or division for
indicates an
basic multiplication
facts and/or the
level of
related division facts
success with
2. Identify an
content of the
representation of an
equation or
expression by using
Sunshine State
the identity property
Standards for
for multiplication and
division and/or the
zero property of
3. Identify fact families
that demonstrate the
inverse relationship
multiplication and
4. Identify the next
element in a graphic
5. Identify and compare
whole numbers
through the hundred
thousands place
6. Solve real-world,
one-step addition
and subtraction
problems with whole
numbers through the
thousands place
7. Estimate a whole
number through the
hundred thousands
8. Estimate one-step
addition problems
through the
thousands place,
which may include
real-world situation
9. Identify the correct
pictograph or
frequency table of a
given set of data
10. Interpret data on a
pictograph to solve
Page 1
Level 5
Mathematics Grade 3 FCAT 2.0 - Geometry and Measurement
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
1. Describe, analyze,
1. Describe, compare, and
compare, and classify a
classify two-dimensional
two-dimensional shape
shapes using sides and
using sides and angles,
angles, including
including classifying
classifying types of
types of quadrilaterals
or triangles;
2. Compose, decompose, 2. Compose, decompose,
and transform polygons
and transform polygons
to analyze and create
to create and identify
other polygons
other polygons
3. Build, draw, identify,
and analyze twodimensional shapes
from several
orientations in order to
examine and apply
4. Identify or draw lines of
symmetry and/or
reflections of twodimensional shapes
from several
5. Solve real-world
problems involving
perimeter, which may
include using an
appropriate tool to
measure the
dimensions of the
6. Use properties of
polygons to deduce the
lengths of a side or
sides of a polygon given
the perimeter and/or
the lengths of the
remaining sides of the
7. Measure objects using
fractional parts of
linear units
8. Tell time
9. Determine the amount
of time elapsed
1. Identify the name of a
polygon based on the
number of sides, and
identify types of
1. Identify the name of a
polygon based on the
number of sides
and/or vertices
2. Identify an attribute of a
given polygon, such as
parallel line segments,
perpendicular line
segments, a vertex, or
types of angles
3. Build, draw, and identify 3. Compose, decompose,
two-dimensional shapes
and transform polygons
from several orientations
to build other polygons
in order to examine and
apply congruence
2. Compose,
decompose, and
transform polygons to
build other polygons
4. Identify or draw lines of
symmetry and/or
reflections of twodimensional shapes
4. Identify a figure that is a
single reflection of a
two-dimensional shape,
or identify congruent
5. Calculate the perimeter
of polygons or figures
composed of composite
rectangles when the
length of each side is
given or can be deduced
5. Select appropriate units
or tools to solve
problems involving
4. Calculate the
perimeter of regular
polygons or polygons
with 3 or 4 sides when
all dimensions are
5. Measure objects to
the whole centimeter
or inch
6. Select appropriate units 6. Calculate the perimeter
and tools to measure the
of polygons with 3, 4, 5,
dimensions of a regular
6, 8, or 10 sides when all
polygon and calculate its
dimensions are given
Level 1
1. Performance
at this level
indicates an
level of success
with the
content of the
Sunshine State
Standards for
3. Identify congruent
6. tell time
7. Measure objects to the
7. Measure objects to the
nearest whole
whole centimeter or
millimeter, centimeter,
or inch and to the
nearest half or quarter
8. Tell time
8. Tell time
9. Determine the amount
9. Determine the amount
of time elapsed to the
of time elapsed to the
nearest hour or half hour
nearest hour
10. Determine elapsed time
of days, weeks, months,
or years
11. Determine an amount of
elapsed time within the
same clock hour to the
nearest minute
Page 2
Level 5
1. Represent and
identify a fraction,
including fractions
greater than one,
using area, set, and
linear models, or vice
2. Compare and order
fractions, including
fractions greater than
one, using models and
3. Represent and
identify equivalent
fractions, including
fractions greater than
one, using models
4. Describe how the size
of the fractional part
is related to the
number of equal-sized
pieces in the whole
Mathematics Grade 3 FCAT 2.0 - Number: Fractions
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
1. Identify a fraction,
1. Identify a fraction
including fractions
from an area or set
greater than one, using
model, or vice versa
area, set, and linear
models, or vice versa
1. Identify fourths or
halves from an area,
set, or linear model,
or vice versa
2. Compare and order
fractions, including
fractions greater than
one, using models or
3. Identify an equivalent
fraction, excluding
fractions greater than
one, using a model
2. Identify fourths or
halves from a linear
model, or vice versa
2. Compare two
fractions with like
denominators using
a model
3. Compare and order
fractions with like
denominators using a
3. Identify an
equivalent fraction
for one-half or onefourth using a model
Level 1
1. Performance at this
level indicates an
inadequate level of
success with the
challenging content of
the Next Generation
Sunshine State
Standards for
4. Recognize how the size 4. Identify an equivalent
of the fractional part is
fraction for one-half
related to the number
and one-fourth using a
of equal-sized pieces in
the whole
Page 3