Download Tests and Examinations - Jersey Shore Medical Center

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Tests and Examinations
Your visit to Jersey Shore will be tailored to meet your individual health needs, based on personal preferences and
your patient information questionnaire.
Detailed Medical History and Physical Examination
A thorough medical history is the cornerstone for effective assessment and diagnosis. It reviews any past problems
and looks for susceptibilities based on your personal and family background, as well as your health habits. This is the
opportunity for you to raise any medical concerns you may have. In order for us to properly review your history,
please complete and submit your medical history at least two weeks prior to your appointment.
Comprehensive Laboratory Screening Tests
These detect anemia, diabetes, thyroid disease, liver and kidney disease, and include a lipid panel to assess cardiac
and stroke risk factors. Testing for men also includes Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) screening. The use of the PSA
is controversial. We continue to begin testing men at age 40 if there is a family history or other risk factors and at age
45 in all other men. We discourage screening men over the age of 75 given evidence that it may do more harm than
good. We also screen for infectious diseases, causes of erectile dysfunction, and other metabolic diseases.
(Women’s tests are located on the next page.)
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Chemistry profile
Lipid profile with advanced Cardiovascular Lipid Analysis
Thyroid Function Test (TSH)
Testosterone Level*
Vitamin D Level
Cardiac C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
Iron Profile
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
HIV Test
Hepatitis Serology
*If indicated
Cardiovascular Testing
Your evaluation may include:
Resting electrocardiogram (EKG) – Detects changes in the heart’s electrical activity. Patterns seen in the
tracing indicate where tissue may have been damaged, if coronary arteries may be blocked, or if irregular
beats occur frequently.
Ultrafast CT Scan of the Coronary Arteries with Calcium Score – recommended for most patients over 40 to
detect asymptomatic coronary artery disease.
Exercise Stress Test – detects how your heart responds to physical activity. Recommended for symptomatic
patients or those at high risk for coronary artery disease
Echocardiogram – detects enlargement of the heart muscle. Recommended for individuals with hypertension
and others with certain symptoms or risk factors
Abdominal Aortic Ultrasound – detects enlargement of the abdominal aorta (aneurysm). Recommended
based on age and risk factors, especially smoking
PAD Screening – The ankle – brachial index detects diminished blood flow to the lower extremities due to
narrowing of the arteries. Recommended based on age and risk factors, especially smoking history.
Ultrasound of the Carotid Arteries – detects narrowing of the carotid arteries, the major blood vessels
supplying the brain. Recommended based on age, risk factors and symptoms.
Pulmonary Testing
Your evaluation may include:
Chest X-ray – Assesses heart size (thickened walls may reflect decreased pumping ability) and pulmonary
disease, including lung masses. A baseline chest X-ray will be obtained at your first visit. Subsequent studies
may be needed if you have a history of respiratory symptoms, smoking or known lung disease.
Pulmonary function test (PFT) – Help diagnose emphysema, bronchitis, asthma or other pulmonary
problems. PFTs are obtained at your first visit. Follow-up studies on subsequent visits may be obtained if you
have a history of respiratory symptoms, smoking or known lung disease.
Low Dose CT Scan of the Lungs – detects very small lung cancers before they can be seen on Chest X-Ray.
It is recommended for smokers.
Gastrointestinal Testing
Hemoccult Test – detects the presence of blood in the stool
Colonoscopy – recommended for anyone 50 or older and beginning earlier if there is a Family History of
Colon Cancer or symptoms. (Because this test requires anesthesia, our staff will assist in scheduling an
appointment on a separate day.)
Women’s Health
Pelvic examination with Cervical Cancer Screening (Thin Prep/HPV) – these tests identify cervical cancer in
the precancerous stage. Recommended for all women under the age of 65 and for women older than 65
based on risk.
Mammography – recommended for all women over 40 (earlier if high risk) at least every two years
Bone Density Study – detects bone thinning (osteoporosis or osteopenia)
Women – recommended for all post-menopausal women
Men – all men over 70, younger men with risk factors
Audiogram - Performed by an audiologist who also makes recommendations to help preserve hearing or who may
suggest sound amplification. Hearing loss of some degree affects 22 million Americans; high frequency loss, which
impairs speech comprehension, is the most common form. An audiogram should be obtained at the first visit.
Subsequent studies will be determined based on your needs.
Eye Examination – Visual acuity and Glaucoma Testing.
Nutrition Counseling with Body Fat Analysis - A registered dietician will determine your body fat composition and
be provided with nutritional counseling to optimize your health and promote weight loss if indicated.
Exercise Counseling – An exercise physiologist will establish a specific fitness plan for you based after consulting
with the medical staff and taking into account your personal goals and current activity level.
Vaccination Review – the current immunization status will be reviewed and updated as necessary
Travel Medicine Consultation – If your travel includes international destinations, we can arrange a consultation to
discuss risks, update travel immunizations and provide appropriate prescriptions.
Sleep Assessment - recommended based on specific history and risks (requires overnight stay in sleep lab)
Whole-body CT Scan Screening – There is no current evidence that routine WBCT screening in the asymptomatic
person is effective therefore this is not recommended. In addition there are very real downsides including significant
radiation exposure and the frequent detection of abnormalities that have no clinical significance but which require
further additional expensive and sometimes risky testing with the generation of needless anxiety, expense and harm.
Final Conference
Review of Test Results
Recommendation for further testing and follow up with your primary care physician
Counseling on Lifestyle Management
Personalized written report to be sent within two weeks with a copy to your primary care physician