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Process Skills in Science
Science- A body of knowledge and a process by which we learn the
knowledge (scientific method).
Scientific Method:
 Problem:
question you are trying to answer
 Background
Information: Information required to help answer the
 Hypothesis:
 Materials:
An educated guess (If, then and because statement)
stuff we use
 Procedure:
explains steps in detail (must be simplified enough for anyone
to follow but precise enough to ensure that it can be replicated)
 Observation
 Analysis:
and Results: what did you see/observe
relating the results to the problem with background information
 Conclusion:
Answering the problem and supporting/disproving your
Variables: things that are changed in an experiment
Manipulated: independent
Responding: Dependent
Manipulated: changed by the experimenter
Responding: changes because of the manipulated variable
Responds to your changes
Controlled: Kept constant
The results depend on what you’ve done here
We use it to compare our results
Control of an Experiment: A control group is used as a comparison to the experimental
Controlled Experiment: A controlled experiment is one
A) all of the variables are kept the same except for one
B) There is only one manipulated variable and one responding variable
Graphing Techniques:
Don’t forget a title for the graph
Don’t forget to label the axis
X-axis: manipulated variable
Y-axis: responding variable
Lines of best fit  used to describe a relationship that we see in a
Straight line: ONLY if you see a straight line
Curved Line: ONLY if you see a curved line
Cell Energy
Why do we care about this?
We need energy to keep cells alive
Activities require energy
Energy Requirements:
Energy is released from foods
The digestion process breaks down food into molecules
Molecules are absorbed by cells
Two uses of food by cells:
 1)
Anabolism: synthesis of larger molecules required by the cell
Example: Enzymes
 2)
Catabolism: broken down into smaller molecules to release
energy for cellular activities
Example: contraction of muscle cells
Metabolic Activities:
 Sum
of the chemical reactions that occur in cells
 Two
type of chemical reactions:
 Exergonic
 Endrogenic
 Exergonic
 Example:
Cellular Respiration
 Reactants
 Products + Energy
 Endrogenic
 Requires
 Example:
 Reactants
+ Energy  Products
Energy Conversions
 All
cells must have a constant supply of energy
 Energy
is trapped and released by two processes:
 Photosynthesis
 Cellular
 The
 Photosynthesis:
Light energy is changed into chemical
energy and stored in glucose
 Respiration:
to the cell
Glucose is broken down to release energy
 Happens
only in green plants in the presence of
chlorophyll which is found in chloroplasts
 Chemical
 Energy
stored in the form of glucose
Cellular Respiration
Happens in ALL cells whereby energy is released to
perform life processes
Chemical Equation:
Involves burning of organic fuels by oxygen
Energy is released
Photosynthesis and
Cellular Respiration
Biology 20- Unit 3
Let’s Review
Plants and animals are made up of eukaryotic cells
(have a nucleus)
In spite of varied size, shape and appearance, cells
have several things in common.
All cells digest nutrients, excrete wastes, synthesize
needed chemicals and reproduce.
Cellular Anatomy
 All
cells are made up of parts known as organelles
 Although
both plant & animal cells share many
common types of organelles there are also
organelles which are unique to each type
 See
pgs 154 - 155
The Cell Membrane
Separates the internal environment of the cell from its
external environment
Made of a double layer of phospholipid molecules
Membranes also have other proteins and molecules and
molecules that are embedded within them.
Create passageways through the membrane
 Membranes
 Two
are semi-permeable
ways molecules and ion move through the
membrane are diffusion and osmosis (passive
 Natural
movement of molecules or ions from an
area where they are more concentrated to an area
of less concentration (moving down its
concentration gradient)
 Does
not require energy
 Diffusion
of water across a
 Movement of water depends of
different things
 If
water concentration of either
side is equal than equal amounts of
water move in and out (isotonic)
 If the water concentration is more
outside the cell than in the water
will move into the cell (hypotonic)
 If water concentration inside the
cell is greater than outside water
moves out (hypertonic).
-Does not require energy
Facilitated Diffusion
 Substances
that need help to move in and out of
the cell (example: glucose)
 Particular
transport proteins will recognize and
help move a specific type of dissolved molecule
or ion (carrier protein)
 Channel
proteins also carry
molecules across but they must
be small enough to fit through
the tunnel.
Active Transport
 Needs
 ATP-
energy to move things in and out of the cell
adenosine triphosphate
Endocytosis and Exocytosis
Used for substances too large to move across a membrane
 Example:
Can use endocytosis- folds in on itself to create a
membrane enclosed sac (vesicle) to “eat” the substance
Types of Endocytosis
Type of Endocytosis:
Pinocytosis: intake of small amounts of liquids or
small particles
2. Phagocytosis: intake of large amounts of liquids or
larger particles
3. Receptor- assisted endocytosis: intake of specific
molecules that attach to special proteins in the
 Removing
 Vesicles
substances from the cell
from inside the cell moves to the
membrane and “bursts” releasing its contents
Cell Wall-Plant Cells
A surrounding layer outside the cell membrane
Composed of small fibres (microfibrils) of cellulose
Animal cells
Animal Cell Parts
Mitochondria: provide the energy a cell needs to move,
divide, reproduce
Power Centre of the cell
Cristae are folded to increase surface area
Parts of an Animal cell
Cytoplasm: fluid that fills the cell
Distributes materials such as oxygen and food to different parts of
the cell
Also helps support all the other parts of the cell
Parts of an Animal Cell
Nucleus: large dark nucleus is often the most easily seen
structure in the cell
Controls the cell activities
Contains the chromosomes
Enclosed in a nuclear membrane which controls what enters and
leaves the cell
Parts of an Animal Cell
Nucleolus: prominent structure in the nucleus
 Produces
Parts of an Animal Cell
Vacuoles: Storage places for surplus food, wastes
and other substances that the cell cannot use
right away.
Parts of an Animal Cell
 Lysosomes:
Parts of An Animal Cell
Golgi Apparatus: important in packaging proteins
for transport elsewhere in the cell
Parts of An Animal Cell
 Rough
Endoplasmic Reticulum: Appears
pebbled due to the presence of ribosomes.
 Synthesizes
Parts of An Animal Cell
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum: Appears smooth
 Functions:
lipid and steroid synthesizes
Parts of an Animal Cell
 Ribosome:
Site of protein synthesis
Animal cells
What You Need to have in an Animal Cell
Cell Membrane
Golgi Apparatus
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Plant cells
Parts of a Plant Cell
Lucky for you plants have many of the same structures
2) Nucleolus
3) Cytoplasm
4) Golgi Apparatus
5) Lysosome
6) Mitochondria
7) Vacuole
8) Cell Wall
9) Smooth ER
10) Rough ER
11) Chloroplast
Parts of a Plant Cell
Cell Wall: are much thicker and more rigid than cell
membranes and are made mostly of a tough material
called cellulose.
Provide support for the cell
Parts of a Plant Cell
Chloroplasts: Structures where photosynthesis
takes place
Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration
ATP and Cellular Activity
 How
does ATP
supply energy
for cellular
Supplies the energy for cellular activities
Used rapidly so cells must be constantly creating
Used for:
 Active
 Movement of chromosomes
 Movement of muscles
 Cilia or flagella etc.
Needed in order for life to survive on Earth
Photosynthesizing organisms contain chloroplasts that trap the
Sun’s energy
Converted into chemical energy and stored as sugars and
Other products produced by the Sun’s energy are oxygen. ATP and
Cellular Respiration
Used by plants, animals and other multicellular
The break down of energy-rich compounds to release
stored energy
Broken down inside the mitochondria
This makes ATP
Photosynthesis – Chemical reaction
Energy from the sun is captured by green plants by the process
called photosynthesis (P/S)
6 CO2 + 6 H2O + E (light)  C6H12O6 + 6 O2
Photosynthesis - Pigments
For light energy to be used by living systems it must first
be absorbed.
A pigment is any substance that absorbs light. (Some
pigments absorb all light and thus appear black.
Others absorb light in the violet-blue and the
orange-red spectrum and reflect green light.)
Photosynthesis - Pigments
Various pigments absorb energy of different wavelengths.
(absorption spectrum)
Photosynthesis - Pigments
All photosynthetic organisms contain chlorophyll
Different types of plants use various pigments in P/S.
Photosynthesis - Pigments
Chlorophyll a (blue-green) and chlorophyll b (yellowgreen) are the most common pigments but most plants
also contain a pigment group called carotenes
(Example: beta-carotene)
They absorb photons with
energies in the blue-violet and red
regions and reflect everything else
Chlorophyll a and b
Chlorophyll a is the only pigment that can transfer the
energy from sunlight to photosynthesis
Chlorophyll b acts as an accessory pigment “helper” to
catch the photons a misses and transfer the energy
absorbed to a
There are other compound, carotenoids , are also
“helper” pigments.
Photosynthesis - Pigments
In green leaves carotenes are
masked by chlorophyll, thus
when chlorophyll production
slows in the fall the leaves
change color to show the
Photosynthesis - Chloroplast
Chlorophyll pigments reflect green and absorb blue and
red wavelengths.
Carotenoids absorb violet and blue wavelengths reflecting
Pigments absorb light of the correct wavelength to excite
electrons to a higher energy level
Photosynthesis - Plastids
 Plastids
are structures that contain pigment and
give plants their colour.
 The
most common plastid is the chloroplast in
which the chemical reactions of P/S occur.
Cellular Respiration
Produces ATP energy by the combustion reaction of glucose
called cellular respiration.
C6H12O6 + 6 O2 + 6 H2O  6 CO2 + 12 H2O + E (ATP)
Mitochondrial structure
 Respiration
occurs at the
 Mitochondrian
is composed of
4 regions:
 1.
outer membrane - smooth and
freely permeable; contains enzymes
to catabolize fats
Mitochondrial structure
2. inner membrane – folded membrane in the
mitochondria (cristae); made mostly of protein
including the enzyme that makes ATP; impermeable to
most small molecules and ions
Mitochondrial structure
3. Intermembrane space - contains enzymes which
use ATP
Mitochondrial structure
4. matrix - control region; mixture of proteins including
enzymes which oxidize major compounds
Metabolic Pathways
 In
a metabolic
pathway the
product of one
reaction is the
reactant for
The Role of Enzymes
 Metabolism
refers to all the chemical reactions that
occur within a cell to support and sustain life functions
 Can
be broken into two distinct types of reactions:
Anabolic reactions & pathways create larger molecules from small
subunits and require energy
Catabolic reactions & pathways break down large molecules into
smaller pieces and release energy
 Energy
required to start a reaction is known as
activation energy
 Catalysts
 Allows
and enzymes reduce the activation energy
the reactions to proceed more rapidly
 Enzymes
are specialized proteins that lower the
energy needed to activate biological reactions
Activation Energy
Catalyzed vs. Uncatalyzed Reactions
Oxidation & Reduction
Oxidation is a reaction where an
atom or molecule loses electrons
 LEO – Loses Electrons = Oxidation
Reduction is a reaction where an
atom or molecule gains electrons
 GER – Gains Electrons = Reduction
 Free
electrons from oxidation cannot exist on their own
 Electrons that are lost through oxidation of one substance
cause the reduction of another compound
 Molecules
in their reduced form contain large amounts of
Y -->
X+ +
Yreducing oxidizing
Adenosine Triphosphate
The cell obtains its energy requirements through cellular
respiration which is an exothermic reaction manufacturing ATP
ATP produces energy by breaking a bond to a
phosphate group
This produces ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and a
free phosphate group
ATP  ADP + Pi
This process works in reverse to create more ATP
Adenosine Triphosphate
 Adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) consists of:
 nitrogenous
base adenine (1/5 types of nitrogenous
 an
attached ribose sugar.
 attached
to the sugar are 3
phosphate groups.
Adenosine Triphosphate
 The
terminal phosphate is bonded by a covalent bond
of unusually high energy.
Adenosine Triphosphate
 During
cellular respiration a free phosphate group is
attached to a molecule of ADP to make ATP in a process
called phosphorylation
Adenosine Triphosphate
is used to provide the activation energy
needed to power cell reactions (Energy is liberated
by detaching the terminal phosphate group)
 Cellular
respiration is the process by which cells
break down high-energy compounds and
generate ATP.
Adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, is the direct source
of energy for nearly all types of energy-requiring
activities of living organisms.
Mitochondria Review
Mitochondria have outer and inner membranes that surround a
fluid-filled region called the matrix. The inner membrane has
many deep infoldings called cristae.
The chemical reactions of photosynthesis and cellular
respiration take place in a series of step-by-step reactions
called metabolic pathways.
Enzymes are biological catalysts that reduce the amount of
startup energy needed for the reactions in the metabolic
pathways. In the absence of enzymes, the reactions could not
occur at temperatures at which living organisms thrive.
 When
a compound is oxidized in a chemical reaction, it
loses electrons.
 When a compound is reduced in a chemical reaction, it
gains electrons.
 Compounds contain more chemical energy in their reduced
form than they do in their oxidized form.
Transforms the energy of the sun into chemical energy in
glucose, ATP and NADPH
 Involves over 100 individual chemical reactions that work
 These reactions can be summarized in two groups:
Light-Dependent Reactions – generates high energy compounds
Light-Independent Reactions – energy of ATP and reducing
power NADPH are used to reduce carbon dioxide to make
 Light
 Light
Light-Dependent Reactions
 Requires
sunlight in order to work
 During
these reactions, the pigments contained inside
the thylakoid absorb light energy
 Although
plants have a number
of pigments, the most important
for photosynthesis is chlorophyll
the thylakoid membrane, chlorophyll and
other pigments are organized into photosystems.
of plants have two photosystems:
 Photosystem
 Photosystem
 Each
system is made of pigment molecules
that include chlorophyll and carotenoid
 All
the pigment molecules in each
photosystem can absorb various
wavelengths of light energy
The various pigment molecules
produce free electrons when
light hits them
These free electrons are passed
along to the reaction center, a
specialized chlorophyll a
 When the electron in the
reaction center is
“excited” by the addition
of energy, it passes to the
electron-acceptor molecule
 This reduces the electron
acceptor and puts it at a high
energy level
A summary of the
The light reactions use the solar power
of photons absorbed by both
photosystem I and photosystem II to
provide chemical energy in the form
of ATP and reducing power in the form
of the electrons carried by NADPH.
Takes place in the thylakoid membranes
of the chloroplast
Light Dependent Reaction –
The Details: Photosystem II (PSII)
Light enters PSII and is trapped by Pigment-680 (P680)
An electron from P680 is boosted to a higher energy level where
it is passed to an electron acceptor molecule
This electron passes down an electron transport chain
(cytochromes) to PSI forming ATP from ADP in a process called
Light Dependent Reaction –
The Details: Photosystem II (PSII)
 The
lost electrons from P680 are replaced by
electrons produced by the lysis of water
photolysis, which liberates O2 as a waste product
Light Dependent Reaction –
The Details: Photosystem I (PSI)
 The
electron arriving from PSII is boosted to another
electron acceptor molecule
 As
it is passed along it releases energy
 This
energy pulls hydrogen ions from the stroma into the
thylakoid lumen
 Light
hits photosystem 1
 An
electron in this photosystem is “excited” and
passed onto the smaller electron transport chain
 The
excited electron from photosystem 1 passes
down a chain of coenzymes (cytochromes) to
make NADPH molecules from NADP
Light Dependent Reaction
ATP Production - Chemiosmosis
The energy from the electrons in photosystem II is used to produce ATP
The H+ ions in the thylakoid lumen are unable to escape except through
special proteins called ATP synthase complexes
As the H+ ion moves though this complex they release energy
The complex uses some of this energy to combine ADP and Pi making ATP
This ATP then moves onto the light-independent reaction to make glucose
Linking the movement of hydrogen ions to the production of
Occurs in a series of steps:
To return to the stroma, the H+ ions must move through a structure
known as ATP synthase which provides the only pathway for H+ ions to
move down their concentration gradient
ATP synthase uses the movement of the H+ ions to run a mechanism
that bonds together ADP and free phosphates to form ATP
Your Task
Case Study page 184 questions 1 and 2  optional
Section Questions page 185 questions 1-4  somewhat optional
Practice Questions page 187 #1-3 getting less optional
Practice Questions page 188 #4-6  not really a choice
Practice Questions page 190 # 7-10  I wouldn’t ignore these
Practice Question page 191 # 11-14  Do or suffer the consequences
Expect a Quiz next class
Light Independent Reactions
 Does
 Also
not require light
known as the Calvin-Benson Cycle
 Occur
in the stroma of the chloroplast
Glucose is synthesized which requires:
a. energy in the form of ATP and NADPH (there has to
be enough)
b. H since each glucose molecule has 12 H atoms
The Calvin-Benson Cycle
 The
Calvin cycle regenerates its starting material after
molecules enter and leave the cycle
 CO2
enters the cycle and leaves as sugar
 The
cycle spends the energy of ATP and the reducing power of
electrons carried by NADPH to make the sugar
 The
actual sugar product of the Calvin cycle is not glucose,
but a three-carbon sugar, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (PGAL)
 Each
turn of the Calvin cycle fixes one carbon.
 For
the net synthesis of one PGAL molecule, the
cycle must take place three times, fixing three
molecules of CO2.
 To
make one glucose molecules would require six
cycles and the fixation of six CO2 molecules.
 The
Calvin cycle has three phases.
Calvin - Benson Cycle
Calvin Benson Cycle–The General Details
 The
Calvin-Benson cycle can be thought of as
having three stages:
 Carbon
 Chemical reshuffling
 Reforming RuBP
Light Independent
 Occurs
in 3 stages:
1: Carbon Fixation
RuBP (ribulose biphosphate)
joins with CO2
(catalyzed by Rubisco) to form an unstable 6
carbon molecule which splits to become
PGA (phosphoglyceric acid)
Light Independent
 Step
2: Reduction
 The
3 carbon compounds are activated by ATP
(given energy) and then reduced by NAPDH
(given more energy)
 The
molecule now become 12 molecules known
PGAL molecules move on to make glucose, 10
go to step 3
Light Independent
 Step
3: Replacing RuBP
PGAL will be used to make more RuBP
will help break and reform the chemical
bonds to make the 5-carbon RuBP
Calvin-Benson Cycle - Simplified
Calvin Benson Cycle – more details
Let’s Put It All Together…
Photosynthesis Stores Energy in Organic Compounds
Photosynthesis consists of two separate sets of chemical reactions:
light-dependent and light-independent reactions.
Photosynthesis Stores Energy in Organic Compounds
Chlorophylls a and b and the carotenoids are photosynthetic
pigments that absorb light.
Photosynthesis Stores Energy in Organic Compounds
Light energy trapped by a
pigment molecule excites
When an electron in
photosystem II is excited, it is
transferred to and then
passed along an electron
transport system.
Photosynthesis Stores Energy in Organic Compounds
Energy released during electron transport is used to force hydrogen ions across
the thylakoid membrane and create a concentration gradient.
Energy from the concentration gradient is used to generate ATP from ADP and
phosphate by means of chemiosmosis. As hydrogen ions move down their
concentration gradient, they drive the reaction that generates ATP.
Photosynthesis Stores Energy in Organic Compounds
An electron from water replaces
the electron that was lost from
photosystem II. The oxygen from
the water molecule is converted to
molecular oxygen.
When an electron from
photosystem I is excited, it is
eventually used to reduce NADP+ to
Photosynthesis Stores Energy in Organic Compounds
The series of reactions that synthesize carbohydrates is the
Calvin-Benson cycle, which occurs in the stroma.
In this cycle, carbon dioxide combines with RuBP to form a
six-carbon compound that immediately
splits into two three-carbon compounds.
Photosynthesis Stores Energy in Organic Compounds
and NADPH from the light-dependent reactions
provide energy and reducing power to form PGAL
from the newly formed three-carbon compounds.
 Six
cycles produce 12 PGAL molecules, 10 of which
regenerate RuBP and 2 of which are used to make
Cellular Respiration
The cell obtains most of its energy requirements through the cellular
respiration of glucose (glycogen, glycerol & amino acids may also be
Releases the energy that is stored in carbohydrates
Glucose is oxidized to form carbon dioxide, water and energy
Releasing Stored Energy
There are 3 ways of releasing the energy stored in food:
Aerobic cellular respiration is carried out by organisms that
live in aerobic environments
 Examples:
fungi, bacteria, plants, animals
Anaerobic cellular respiration is carried out by organisms
that live in anaerobic environments
 Examples:
nitrogen fixing bacteria, deep ocean producers
Fermentation - modified form of anaerobic cellular
 Examples:
Yeast, bacteria that cause milk to sour
Aerobic Cellular Respiration
The controlled process of respiration can be divided into
three groups:
 1.
Glycolysis - anaerobic process which converts
glucose to pyruvic acid (aka pyruvate)
 2.
Kreb's (Citric Acid) cycle - aerobic process in which
the breakdown of pyruvic acid yields energy in the
form of ATP and NADH/FADH
 3.
Respiratory (Electron Transport) Chain - an
electron transfer system that produces ATP
Aerobic Cellular Respiration
Anaerobic reaction
that occurs in the
Occurs in all living
Does not provide
enough energy to
sustain life
Stage of Glycolysis Summary
1. Glucose (6 C sugar) enters respiration
2. Two ATP from cytoplasm provide the
activation energy to begin the reaction
( - 2 ATP ) which converts glucose to
glucose phosphate (6 carbon molecule)
Stage of Glycolysis Summary
3. Glucose phosphate is split into 2 PGAL
(phosphoglyceraldehyde) (3 carbon
4. Each PGAL continues through glycolysis to
yield: 1 NADH, 2 ATP & 1 H2O forming the
3 carbon molecule - pyruvate
Stage 1 of Glycolysis
↓ (ATP -> ADP) [phosphorylation]
Glucose phosphate
Fructose phosphate
↓ (ATP -> ADP) [phosphorylation]
Fructose diphosphate
↓ [split]
Stage 2 Glycolysis
↓ ADP -> ATP
↓ ADP -> ATP
↓ ADP -> ATP
↓ ADP -> ATP
Energy Gained from Glycolysis
Glycolysis nets:
-> pyruvic acid) X 2 = 4 ATP
2 ATP (activation energy)
= - 2 ATP
Also 2 NADH
The Fate of Pyruvate
 Pyruvate
can proceed to two processes dependent
on the availability of oxygen:
 Aerobic
Cellular Respiration
 Pyruvate
 Anaerobic
is transported from the cytoplasm into the mitochondria
Cellular Respiration - Fermentation
 Pyruvate
remains in the cytoplasm
Preparation for the Kreb’s Cycle Transition Reaction (aka
oxidative decarboxylation)
Occurs in the mitochondria
Pyruvate combines with coenzyme A
Remaining 2 carbon molecule attaches
to CoA to form acetyl CoA
Loses a carbon atom in the form of CO2
Coenzyme A “tows” the acetyl group (2
carbon compound) into the Krebs cycle
During the Krebs cycle, two carbon atoms
are fully oxidized to carbon dioxide, NAD+
and FAD are reduced to NADH and FADH2,
and a small amount of ATP is produced.
Krebs Cycle
The NADH and FADH2 from the Krebs cycle donate their electrons
to the electron carriers in the electron transport chain.
As electrons are passed from one carrier to the next, the energy
that is released is used to pump hydrogen ions across the
mitochondrial inner membrane into the intermembrane space,
creating a concentration gradient.
The energy stored in the gradient is used to generate ATP by
Krebs Cycle Citric Acid Cycle
 Occurs
in the mitochondria
 Cycle must be completed 2x per glucose
 Net gains per glucose molecule:
Reduced compounds – carry electrons
need for electron transport system
Kreb’s Cycle Steps
 The
2 C acetyl group from the transition reaction
combines with a 4 C oxaloacetic acid to produce
a 6 C called citric acid
 Citric
acid steps through a number of reactions,
losing a CO2 and forming NADH to become a 5C ketoglutaric acid
Kreb’s Cycle
Ketoglutaric acid proceeds through a number of
reactions losing CO2 and producing NADH and ATP to
become a 4C - succinyl acid
Succinyl acid becomes fumeric acid (4 C) producing
Fumeric acid is transformed to oxaloacetic acid
forming NADH
Kreb’s Cycle
The oxaloacetic acid molecule the cycle ends with is not
the same molecule with which the cycle began
[proven using radioactive markers in glucose entering - markers end up in
oxaloacetic acid]
Video – The Kreb’s Cycle
Electron Transport
Provides large quantities of ATP during aerobic cellular respiration
Electrons are passed down a chain of protein complexes
imbedded in the inner membrane
Energy is pump hydrogen ions, H+, from the matrix into the intermembrane
Against concentration gradient
Requires oxygen to function
Oxygen is the final electron acceptor of the electron transport system
producing water
2H+ + ½ O2  H2O
Electron Transport System
Oxidative phosphorylation has these high energy electrons
being passed step by step to a lower energy acceptor ->
In oxidative phosphorylation a series of electron carriers,
each holding the electron at a slightly lower energy level,
pass the electrons along the pathway to make ATP
At the top of the energy hill, the electrons are held by
The principle components of the electron transport chain are
Composed of a protein enclosing an atom of iron each with a
different capacity for holding electrons at different energy levels
The enclosed iron atom alternately accepts and releases an
electron passing it along to the next cytochrome at a slightly
lower level of energy
Electron Transport System
At the end of each chain the electrons are accepted by
oxygen which then combines with protons (H+) from the
solution to produce water
For each NADH entering the electron transport chain a
yield of 3 ATP is realized
For each FADH entering the electron transport chain a
yield of 2 ATP is realized
Role of Oxygen
Video – Oxidative
C/R - Energy Harvest
ATP produced 4 ATP
( - 2 ATP activation E)
Net Gain = 2 NADH
Transition Rxn.
1 glucose molecule
Net gain = 2 ATP
1 NADH/pyruvate
Net Gain = 2 NADH
Krebs cycle
3 NADH/cyle
Net Gain = 6 NADH
1 FADH/cycle
Net Gain = 2 FADH
1 ATP/cycle
Net Gain = 2 ATP
Total before ETC
4 ATP; 8 NADH & 2 FADH
C/R - Energy Harvest
2 ATP for each NADH from glycolysis
3 ATP for each NADH after glycolysis
x 2 = 4 ATP
x 8 = 24 ATP
2 ATP for FADH
= 4 ATP
ATP from glycolysis and Krebs
Total E Harvest – 36 ATP
Aerobic Cellular Respiration
Net gain of 36 ATP
molecules per 1
glucose during cellular
 Majority
of ATP is
produced using Electron
Transport System and
Cellular Respiration Song
ATP Sythase Video
Anaerobic Cellular Respiration
No oxygen available
Only produces the amount of ATP generated by glycolysis
 Converts
excess pyruvate that cannot be processed in the Krebs
cycle to lactate or ethanol
Fermentation – pathway taken by pyruvate to produce ATP in
anaerobic conditions
 Two
 Lactate
 Ethanol
Lactate Fermentation
Occurs in the cytoplasm
Occurs when energy demands
exceed oxygen supply
Cells convert pyruvate molecules
into lactate or lactic acid
 Use
NADH as energy source
 Lactate
is stored
When oxygen levels increase
lactate is converted back to
 Pyruvate
proceeds to Krebs cycle
Ethanol Fermentation
 Anaerobic
 Occurs
in the cytoplasm
of cells
 Process
in which yeasts
and some bacteria
convert pyruvate to
ethanol and CO2
 Used
to produce alcoholic
beverages and aid in the
rising of bread
Anaerobic Respiration
Both types of fermentation use energy but free NAD+ to
accept H+ supplying a small amount of energy and
preventing the cell from becoming acidic
Various other chemical pathways exist which allow some
organisms to thrive in anoxic and hypoxic conditions
Cellular Respiration Releases Energy from Organic Compounds Review
Three metabolic
pathways make up
aerobic cellular
Cellular Respiration Releases Energy from Organic Compounds - Review
The first set of reactions in aerobic
cellular respiration is called
It is an anaerobic process.
During glycolysis, a small amount of
ATP is generated, and NAD+ is
reduced to NADH.
Stage 1 of Glycolysis
↓ (ATP -> ADP) [phosphorylation]
↓ [rearranged]
fructose phosphate
↓ (ATP -> ADP) [phosphorylation]
c.fructose diphosphate
↓ [split]
Stage 2 Glycolysis
↓ ADP -> ATP
b. PGA
↓ ADP -> ATP
Cellular Respiration Releases Energy from Organic Compounds - Review
The fate of pyruvate, the final product of glycolysis, depends on
the availability of oxygen (anerobic and aerobic) and on the type
of organism.
When oxygen is available, pyruvate enters the matrix of the
mitochondrion. A series of reactions yield carbon dioxide and
acetyl-CoA. NAD+ is reduced to NADH.
Transition Reaction
Cellular Respiration Releases Energy from Organic Compounds - Review
Acetyl-CoA enters the Krebs
cycle by combining with a fourcarbon compound.
During the Krebs cycle, two
carbon atoms are fully oxidized
to carbon dioxide, NAD+ and FAD
are reduced to NADH and FADH2,
and a small amount of ATP is
Cellular Respiration Releases Energy from Organic Compounds - Review
The NADH and FADH2 from the Krebs cycle donate their electrons
to the electron carriers in the electron transport chain.
As electrons are passed from one carrier to the next, the energy
that is released is used to pump hydrogen ions across the
mitochondrial inner membrane into the intermembrane space,
creating a concentration gradient.
The energy stored in the gradient is used to generate ATP by
Cellular Respiration Releases Energy from Organic Compounds - Review
Organisms that carry out anaerobic cellular respiration use
inorganic chemicals other than oxygen as the final electronacceptor. This produces ATP for the cell, but not as much as in
aerobic respiration.
breakdown of glucose in the
presence of oxygen
36 ATP
breakdown of glucose by
lactate or ethanol
Cellular Respiration Releases Energy from Organic Compounds - Review
In muscle that is functioning anaerobically, pyruvate is
converted to lactate and the reduced NADH is
reoxidized so that glycolysis can continue. This process
is called lactate fermentation.
Cellular Respiration Releases Energy from Organic Compounds - Review
In yeast growing anaerobically, pyruvate is converted to
carbon dioxide and ethanol. This process is known as
ethanol fermentation.
Cellular Respiration Releases Energy from Organic Compounds - Review
Fermentation is used on an industrial scale to
produce ethanol.
 Ethanol is used as an additive to gasoline to
reduce some environmental contaminants.
Selected Fermentation Products and their Uses
Chapter Concept Organizer
Chapter Summary
P/S and C/R proceed through many different rxns to produce
energy-rich compounds and break them down to release their stored
energy (ATP)
When the bond to the last phosphate group is broken, leaving ADP
and a free phosphate group, the energy released is available to do
cellular work.
In P/S the CO2 and H2O are involved in two separate sets of
 H2 O
is split into hydrogen ions, electrons, and oxygen in the lightdependent reactions
 CO2 is
incorporated into carbohydrates in the light-independent
Chapter Summary
light-dependent rxns (thylakoid membranes) capture light energy and
use it to excite electrons to produce ATP and NADPH.
light-independent reactions (stroma) use the chemical potential
energy of ATP and the reducing power of NADPH to reduce carbon
dioxide and form glucose via the Calvin-Benson cycle.
Glucose is processed to release energy through glycolysis, the Krebs
cycle, and electron transport
Glycolysis is an anaerobic process that occurs in the cytoplasm and
breaks down glucose into pyruvate
Pyruvate enters the mitochondria, where it is broken down into
carbon dioxide and acetyl CoA.
Chapter Summary
Acetyl CoA enters the Krebs cycle (matrix) and energy released from
breakdown of compounds in the Krebs cycle is used to reduce NAD ->
NADH & FADH donate electrons to the ETC on the inner mitochondrial
Energy, released as electrons, is passed along the chain & used to
create a hydrogen ion gradient that powers chemiosmosis, which
generates ATP.
Glycolysis is the only source of energy for some organisms. Pyruvate is
broken down into carbon dioxide and alcohol (ethanol fermentation)
or lactate (lactate fermentation). This process occurs anaerobically.
Chapter Review
What molecule provides energy for most cellular processes?
Would photosynthesis and respiration be able to proceed
without enzymes? Why or why not?
Where are chlorophyll molecules found?
What happens when a compound is oxidized? Reduced? Which
form contains more energy?
What occurs during chemiosmosis? Where does it occur?
What metabolic pathways are involved in cellular respiration?
Where do they occur?