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Shang Dynasty
0 Bronze Age Huang He-agriculutre
0 Bronze metallurgy 2000 BCE
0 Divination (interpret/communicate with
0 Oracle bones (answer questions)
0 Horse-drawn chariot (used in war)
0 Shamans used tortoise shells and animal
0 Yellow river civilization
0 Politically 1st dynasty
0 Technology writing
0 Economically agriculture
Zhou Dynasty
0 Mandate of Heaven- justify over throw
0 Legalism: human nature is wicked,
human society should be controlled
0 Confucianism: five relationships
government serves the people, emphasize
0 Daoism: accept world as they see it,
“path” of nature, Yin and Yang (male and
0 Lao Tzi: Daoism (Yin/Yang)
0 Classical thought Confucianism, Daoism,
and Legalism
Qin Dynasty 221BCE-206BCE
0 Shi Huangdi (first emperor): totalitarian
ruler who ruled by legalism
0 Standardization of weights, measures,
coinage, law code, writing, and axle
length carts
0 Terra cotta soldiers- militarism strong
central government
0 Legalism- harsh laws
Han Dynasty 206BCE-220CE
0 S Scholar gentry : privileged, code of
conduct, government more efficient; high
social status passed civil service exam
P: Strong central government P: armies
maintained social order
P: Administrative bureaucracy: kept records
and collected taxes, built extensive roads;
built walls against invasions
P: Mandate of heaven used to justify
rebellions & dynastic change
I: Silk Road interactions cultural diffusion
of goods (silk) ideas (Buddhism)
Downfall because costly defending, cities
depopulated, commerce disrupted,
government less able to force taxes
C: Great Wall, ceramic art, Confucian values
 social stability
E: Silk Road trade  strong economy,
especially during Han golden age
Sui Dynasty 589-618
0 Confucianism, Buddhism (strong,
political influence)
0 Capital: Chang’ an
0 Grand canal (link Yellow and Yangzi river)
0 Downfall: intense military expansion,
public works required organization
0 Reunify China
Tang Dynasty 618-907CE
0 Neo-confucianism(9th century)
0 850 blame Buddhism for fall of Tang
Golden Age
Ceramic porcelain figures (silk road trade)
Infrastructure of roads, rivers and canals
Combine crossbow and armored infantry men
with experience in horsemanship and use of
iron stirrup
Bodhisattvas: enlightened beings
Buddhism early tang
Tributary system: individual countries
acknowledge supremacy of emperor
Bubonic plague
Central Asia Islamic civilizations influenced
material culture
Monopoly on silk: grow and spin cotton thread
Song Dynasty 960-1271
0 China Didn’t have access to far-flung
networks of communication
0 Advances in technology, medicine, tech.,
0 Celestial clock (told time and day)
0 Junk: improved steering of large ships in
uneasy seas
0 Gunpowder: used for fumigations,
0 Zen Buddhism (salvation possible)
0 New printing techniques, movable type
0 Increase in social mobility
0 Foot binding women
0 Uyghur prevent silk road trade
0 Catapult
0 Ship building
Yuan Dynasty 1271-1368
0 Control China, Central Asia, and Persia
0 Mongols
0 Founder: Kublai Khan
0 Population decline- warfare-attempting
to flee because Mongols- bubonic plague
0 Bubonic plague leads to the fall of
0 Live in yurts
0 Mongols: Calvary archers had stirrups
0 Pax Mongolia=time of peace
Ming Dynasty
0 Forbidden city (seclude upper class)
0 Zhengette and Yongle emperor expanded
0 Established by Hongwu (opposed foreign
0 1368- established
0 Late Ming-decline in military strength
because they had to repel invasions
0 Manchus-agriculturally based people
0 Multi-ethnic
0 Zheng He dies 1430
0 China, Vietnam, Strait of Malacca, India,
Arabia, Swahili coast
Qing Dynasty
0 Ruled by Manchu imperial family
0 Kangxi (1662-1722) and Qianiung (17361796)
0 Early emperors repaired infrastructure,
lowered taxes, established economic
incentives, encourage foreign trade
0 Gain new sources of coal, iron, gold and
0 Eliminate military danger of Mongolia
Sun Yixian (Sun Yat Sen)
0 Created Guomindang (nationalists)
0 Military strong
0 Frighten off trade and investment in
railroads, industry, agricultural
0 Neglect dikes and canals
0 China grew poorer, treaty ports prosper
0 Nationalism, livelihood, democracy
Chiang Kai Shek (Jiang Jieshi)
0 Ruled in 1920s
0 In 1930s, Japan dominates much of
China Republic weak
0 Mao’s communists emerge as an enemy
0 Chases Mao on the Long March
0 Corrupt gov’t. :His followers were
opportunists, wanted to become an
official and get rich, so taxed and
plundered businesses
0 Tax collectors and landowners took
peasants money
0 Money that reached government went to
0 Killed and executed communists
0 LTI: Defeated by Mao 1950
0 NationalistsTaiwan
Mao Zedong
0 One of communists that fled from Chiang
0 Joined communist party became leader,
reliance on peasantry
0 Long march= 6000 miles long escaping
0 Cultural revolution
0 Communist revolution
0 Chiang Chase Mao in long march to stop
spread of communism
0 Great leap forward(20mil dead)
0 Poor supporters because he promised
0 Red guards kill critics
Deng Xiaoping
0 4 modernizations
0 One child policy- millions dead
0 Dying rooms
0 Communes discontinued
0 Private businesses established
0 Allowed Chinese students to study in
with nations
0 Successful economic reforms
0 Improved military and defense systems
0 Rejects pure communism
0 Economic growth
0 Tiananmen square(1989) because
demanded democratic reforms 2000