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Unit Two Test Part One: Sumer
World History One
Name ______________________________
Historical Literacy Assessment
Find the appropriate definition in the column on the right and put the letter in the space in
the left column.
1. _______
2. _______
3. _______
4. _______
5. _______
6. _______
A. A leader who not only runs the government but also the church
B. Earliest form of writing
C. First Emperor
D. A collection of city states ruled by one leader
E. Punishment where criminal pays back the victim what they owe
F. A dam that follows along the banks of a river
G. Punishment where criminal gets punished and victim gets revenge
7. _______
8. _______
9. _______
Priest King
10. _______
11. _______
13. _______
14. _______
Code of
15. _______
P. Fertile strip of land located between Tigris and Euphrates River
16. _______
Q. First major political unit consisting of houses, markets, temples
and surrounding farm land and its own government.
17. _______
Sargon I
18. _______
Civil law
19. _______
Criminal Law
S. Punishment where criminal is helped with whatever caused them to
commit the crime
20. _______
T. Type of law where a person breaks a law and needs to be punished
H. To write down or record – especially laws.
I. Type of law where a judge settles disputes over property rights and
J. Some one with the job specialization of writing
K. Sumerian Temple located at heart of city
L. A religion with more than one god
M. First recorded list of laws and punishments
N. An arc of land between the Med Sea and the Persian Gulf
O. A government run by a religion
R. Idea that some people are more important then others in a society
based on their job.
Unit Two Part One
Rise and Fall Assessment:
Part One: Closed Book, Multiple Choice.
3 pts each
Write Answer
Why did the Neolithic farmers move towards the big rivers?
a. Their villages were raided and destroyed by nomads
b. They overused their resources and the land failed
c. They moved after discovering the existence of the big rivers
d. They invented levees and wanted to see how well they would work.
Mesopotamia is located between which two rivers?
a. Tigris and Nile
b. Nile and Euphrates
c. Tigris and Euphrates
d. Tigris and Iraguis
In order to build large cities, the people of Mesopotamia first had to:
a. Develop new gods
b. Control the rivers
c. Defeat their Nomadic Neighbors
d. Domesticate larger animals like the horse
Which of the following is not a way that the Sumerians controlled the rivers.
a. they dug irrigation canals
b. they built high walls around the city
c. they built Ziggurats to make offerings to the gods
d. they built large man made lakes for water to run off into.
Which of the following describes how the Sumerians viewed their environment:
a. They thought it was a great place that provided them with everything they needed.
b. It was absolutely horrible and they had to fight to survive at all.
c. It was tricky and uncontrollable, sometimes it would flood and sometimes it wouldn’t.
d. It was a gift from their gods
Which of the following statements is not true of the Sumerian gods
a. They were most concerned with how Sumerians treated one another
b. There were over 1000 of them
c. They controlled everything in nature
d. They were jealous and often just messed with the Sumerian people.
What would happen to Sumerians in their afterlife?
a. They would live just like they did in this world.
b. They would wander around in a cold grey world
c. They would have everything they wanted given to them
d. They would be punished and tortured for all of eternity
The Assembly was made up of:
a. all the Sumerian citizens
b. all the free Sumerian citizens
c. all the free Sumerian males
d. only the Sumerian military leaders
Which of the following things would happen at the Ziggurat:
a. grain would be stored
b. sacrifices would be made to gods
c. Priests would manage the city
d. all of the above
In a Sumerian city, you were considered more important…
a. the closer you lived to the river
b. the closer you lived to the center of the city
c. the less specialized your job was
d. the more friends you had on “Facetablet”
Which is not a reason the Sumerians developed writing
a. they had to keep track of all the goods people were bringing to the Ziggurat
b. they wanted to write stories and poems
c. they had to keep track of all the gods
d. they had to keep track of calendar and farming events.
Being a scribe was a high ranking job because
a. You had to know someone high up to get the job
b. You could write letters to the gods
c. You had to spend years and years learning all 6000 symbols
d. None of the above
Why was bronze a great discovery
a. it was softer than copper so it was easier to work with
b. it could be poured into molds to make many tools
c. bronze ore was easier to find then other metals
d. all of the above
Which of the following is not a reason that Sumerians developed the first armies
a. They replaced Priest Kings with military kings
b. they had bronze to equip lots of people with weapons
c. they had a surplus of people to serve as soldiers
d they needed to get more resources like slaves.
What does the invention of tools and games tell us about Sumerian life
a. they finally had things working well enough that they had leisure time
b. they were lazy and didn’t want to work
c. Only the rich people got to play games
d. They were bored most of the time.
Which of the following behaviors actually caused the collapse of Sumerian land.
a. Building of Levees
b. Armies purposefully destroying crop land
c. Pollution in rivers
d. Adding too much phosphorous to the soil
The above practice caused:
a. Mud slides
b. Drought
c. Soil depletion
d. Salinization
When Sumer’s land began to fail, its governments
a. helped the situation by making offerings to the gods
b. worsened the situation by forcing farmers to keep growing crops in the same fields
c. formed an Empire so they could get resources from other cities
d. solved their problems by trading with other cities
The Sumerians revolted from the Akkadian Empire because:
the Akkadian Empire couldn’t protect them from raiding nomads
The Akkadians made them change their culture and language
Sargon’s descendants were not as effective rulers who could help the Sumerians
All of the above
Which of the statements below most accurately portrays what happened to the Sumerians
When the Amorites finally conquered the Sumerians, the Sumerians resisted and had
to be forcibly removed from their cities.
When the Amorites finally conquered the Sumerians, they killed all of the remaining
survivors and destroyed their cities.
When the Amorites finally conquered the Sumerians, the Sumerians moved to the
new and better Amorite cities
One Word: Aliens!
Sumer Test: Part Two
Open Book Section.
Choose 8 of the following questions to answer. You may use
what ever material you have in your notebook to help you with your answer. 5 points
Give me 5 examples of the types of things a Sumerian King would have to control or organize to make sure
that nature did not destroy his city or people.
Last year all of the crops in the city of Umma were eaten by birds. How do the good farmers of Umma
make sure that this does not happen again this year. Make sure your answer explains both the job of the
Priest King and of the farmers.
So why have farmers dropped towards the bottom of society despite being responsible for the food we eat.
Also explain why we could expect to see them rising up the ladder now.
Give an explanation for each of writing, bronze and armies as to how they could be used to better organize
people and get work done.
Give me two advantages and two disadvantages to being taken over as part of an empire.
Describe the rights and status that a Sumerian women would have.
Describe in detail what a Sumerian house and city would look like and how they were built.
Describe a Sumerian school and what it would be like to be a student.
Besides writing, bronze, armies and games and toys, what are other Sumerian inventions?
How was Sumer’s downfall like what is happening in the United States today?