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Data Mining and Data Warehousing
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an executive summary of the survey results (previously printed as the SPEC Flyer); survey questions
with tallies and selected comments; the best representative documents from survey participants, such
as policies, procedures, handbooks, guidelines, Web sites, records, brochures, and statements; and a
selected reading list—both print and online sources—containing the most current literature available
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SPEC Kit 274
Data Mining and Data Warehousing
July 2003
Barbara Mento
Virtual Data Center Manager
Boston College
Brendan Rapple
Collection Development Librarian
Boston College
Series Editor: Lee Anne George
SPEC Kits are published by the
Association of Research Libraries
21 Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 800
Washington, D.C. 20036-1118
(202) 296-2296 Fax (202) 872-0884
<[email protected]>
ISSN 0160 3582
ISBN 1-59407-606-5
Copyright © 2003
This compilation is copyrighted by the Association of Research Libraries. ARL grants blanket permission to reproduce and
distribute copies of this work for nonprofit, educational, or library purposes, provided that copies are distributed at or below
cost and that ARL, the source, and copyright notice are included on each copy. This permission is in addition to rights of reproduction granted under Sections 107, 108, and other provisions of the U.S. Copyright Act.
The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (R1997) Permanence
of Paper for Publications and Documents in Libraries and Archives.
Kit 274
Data Mining and Data Warehousing
July 2003
Executive Summary.............................................................................................................................................9
Survey Questions and Responses....................................................................................................................15
Responding Institutions ...................................................................................................................................34
Data Mining or Warehousing Policy
Arizona State University
Data Warehousing and Data Administration home page........................................................................38
Data Access Policy ..................................................................................................................................39
Data Usage Policy...................................................................................................................................40
Data Integrity and Integration Policy......................................................................................................42
Web Content Mining Description
University of California, Riverside
INFOMINE. Scholarly Internet Resource Collections. About INFOMINE...................................................46
Web Usage Mining Description
Vanderbilt University
Jean and Alexander Heard Library. Web Statistics...................................................................................48
Data Warehousing Description
Arizona State University
ASU Data Warehouse Overview .............................................................................................................50
Indiana University, Bloomington
Indiana University Libraries Web/LMIS. Mission......................................................................................51
Indiana University Libraries LMIS/Data Warehouse. Library Financials Data Mart ..................................52
Indiana University Libraries LMIS/Data Warehouse. IUEI/SIRSI Library Data Warehouse.........................54
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT Data Warehouse..............................................................................................................................56
MIT Data Warehouse. Data Warehouse Strategy Document ...................................................................57
University of Miami
Data Warehouse .....................................................................................................................................59
Data Warehouse. Project Scope and Approach .......................................................................................60
University of Virginia
Institutional Assessment and Studies. Data Catalog...............................................................................62
Reports on Data Mining Activities
University of California, Riverside
INFOMINE. Scholarly Internet Resource Collections. Research and Development Overview...................66
Cornell University
HIMALAYA Data Mining Project .............................................................................................................67
HIMALAYA Data Mining Tools.................................................................................................................69
Journal Articles, Papers, etc .............................................................................................................................73
Selected Journals Useful for Data Mining Research.....................................................................................76
Selected Bibliographies, General Web Sites, Interest Groups, Centers, etc...............................................77
Selected Data Mining Software ......................................................................................................................77
Libraries have a history of taking advantage of technological innovation. In the last few years these efforts have been used to push the boundaries of digital
libraries and electronic publishing. Most recently,
professional librarians are exploring new tools for
information management and analysis. The ARL EMetrics project is exploring ways of standardizing and
collecting data on the use and value of electronic resources. Libraries are becoming partners in university
repositories of full text documents and other e-works.
Recently there have been a growing number of
research articles in library literature in such journals
as Journal of the American Society of Information Science,
Library Trends and Information Technology in Libraries
on data mining, text mining, and Web mining describing how libraries are using associated software
for primarily administrative purposes. While these
tools have shown a dramatic increase in use in businesses over the last ten years, academia and libraries
have only recently recognized the value of these tools
as decision support systems in analyzing collection
and Web usage. Text mining, in particular, is growing
in popularity as a research method at universities.
The goal of this survey was to determine the extent to which data mining technology is being used
by ARL member institutions, researchers, libraries, and administrations. The survey also hoped to
elicit ideas and opinions concerning the potential
role of libraries in supporting data mining and data
warehousing in research institutions. The first seven
survey questions focus on data mining and data
warehousing activities at the institutional level. The
remaining questions explore the current library use
of data mining technology and opportunities for future use. Since data warehouses are the foundation
of data mining, several questions focused on current
support and future plans for data warehousing.
The survey was sent to 124 ARL member libraries.
Sixty-five (52%) responded to the survey.
Data Mining and Warehousing at Institutions
Based on the definitions of data mining and data
warehousing described in the survey, twenty-six
(40%) respondents indicated that data mining technology was used at their institution. A majority of the
respondents at libraries where data mining was not
used (38 or 90%) believe that data mining could be a
valuable tool to facilitate library users in the future.
Thoughts about possible future roles for libraries in
this area centered around three areas: research support, library administration, and repository management. Eight of the responding libraries are currently
involved in or planning for repositories at their institutions. Repositories were described as including administrative data, research data, and full text sources
such as dissertations, books, archival documents, and
local newspapers. Several institutions concluded that
these large repositories of full text and numeric data
would offer data mining opportunities that would
benefit from the expertise found in libraries. Most
frequently, future roles for librarians were described
Data Mining and Data Warehousing · 9
as data warehouse managers and experts in content
The survey results also indicate that data mining
has been integrated into the curriculum at many academic institutions. The scope of disciplines utilizing
data mining is very broad, with the heaviest concentrations in the social sciences. Forty-two (71%) of the
fifty-nine universities who replied to this question
noted that data mining or data warehousing courses
are currently being offered. Forty-three respondents
listed the departments/schools where data mining is
taught. The two predominant academic departments
that host these courses are business/management
(29 respondents or 67%) and computer science (25
or 58%). Statistics (11 or 26%) and information science (10 or 23%) were mentioned next, followed by
economics (4 or 9%) and sociology (3 or 7%). Several
areas were mentioned in the “Other” category including biology and various engineering specialties.
Education and psychology were also added, while
several institutions listed these classes as sponsored
by other units on campus such as information technology services and research centers.
Operational Responsibility
Only fifteen (62%) of the twenty-four respondents to
this question listed units with operational responsibility for data mining. Most of the data mining and
data warehousing operations report to traditional
information technology units of various titles. Data
mining at institutions was described several times
as a distributed responsibility under several units or
academic departments. Other unit titles responsible
for data mining use were: Data Administration, Data
Warehousing Team, Office of Institutional Research
and Planning, Administrative Applications, and a
Statistical Consulting Center. One institution indicated that joint operational responsibility belonged
to both the library and the computing group.
Data warehousing was listed by twenty-one (87%)
respondents as under the purview of Information
Technology Services or Administrative Information
Systems. One institution is part of a multi-university
data resources system. Several institutions have very
specialized units such as Data Warehouse/Data Administration and a Data Warehouse Team.
10 · SPEC Kit 274
Reporting Structures
Operational responsibility was most frequently listed
as being under the auspices of the chief information
officers, chancellors (or vice chancellors), and provosts (or associate provosts). Other operations report
to offices of the academic vice-presidents, financial
affairs & information technology, president, Sr. vicepresident, business & finance division, and, at one
institution, the university librarian.
Support Issues
Support issues for two aspects of data mining and
data warehousing were explored by the survey: technical support and content support. Thirty respondents supplied details regarding the group(s) that
provide support for data mining at their institution.
The number of institutions identified as providing
technical support for data mining is fairly small. At
eighteen institutions (60%) support is provided by
information technology services, at ten (33%) by the
library, and at nine (30%) by academic departments.
Five (17%) respondents indicated other groups.
Sixteen (53%) institutions noted that data mining
was not supported. Content support revealed even
smaller numbers with ten (33%) using information
technology services, eight (27%) the library, eleven
(37%) academic departments, and four (13%) other
groups. Fifteen respondents (50%) indicated no data
mining content support.
A larger group, thirty-nine respondents, described support for data warehousing. Technical
support was identified by twenty-nine respondents
(74%) as the responsibility of information technology services, fourteen (36%) the library, eight (21%)
academic departments, and nine (23%) other groups.
Eight (21%) said it was not supported. Content support was identified by eighteen respondents (46%) as
the responsibility of information technology services,
eighteen (46%) the library, fourteen (36%) academic
departments and nine (23%) other groups. Eight
(21%) said it was not supported.
Users and Software
Thirty-three respondents provided details regarding
the users of data mining technology at their institution. The survey shows faculty as the most frequent
users at 76% (25). They are followed closely by
researchers (70%), graduate students (64%), administrative staff (56%), library staff (39%), undergraduates (30%), and others (9%).
Institution-wide the most utilized data mining
software are Clementine and Enterprise Miner, both of
which work with existing statistical software—SPSS
and SAS respectively—which are currently used by
many universities and libraries. Also, these two data
mining tools are the ones most frequently used by
libraries. Other data mining software reported by the
respondents include, in descending order by number
of users: TextAnalyst, Oracle Data Mining Suite, IBM
Intelligent Miner, Arrowsmith, and WebAnalyst. Of
the other software that was reported, some fall into
the data warehousing category: Survey Documentation Analysis, iVia, Mercator, WebCrawler, Microsoft
Analysis Services, Cuadra Star, ArcGis, SAS Text
Miner, SPSS Answer Tree, Data Beacon, Phrase Rate,
Cognos, Brio Query (under development), mySQL,
NCSA D2K (Data to Knowledge), and MicroStrategy.
In addition to the Brio Query tool under development, tools are being developed for digital library
initiatives such as Project Prism.
Library Applications
Nine libraries (14%) stated that they utilize data
mining technology in order to facilitate library users’ research. For example, iVia software, an open
source Internet subject portal, was created to build
INFOMINE, a virtual library of evaluated Internet
resources, the content of which is appropriate for
the university level. A couple of libraries mentioned
that they use data mining technology to analyze GIS
data. Another mentioned a data services unit that
facilitates users’ analysis of social sciences computing data. Yet another referred to its use of a suite of
data mining tools to perform text analysis and clustering in large Open Archives Initiative metadata
On the other hand, twice as many respondents (18
or 29%) use data mining technology to facilitate their
library’s own administrative or strategic purposes.
Included among the topics or areas mentioned: circulation statistics and patterns; electronic resource
usage; collection development and acquisitions decisions; Web site organization; analysis of users’ use of
the Web; evaluation of the usage of both on-site and
off-site resources; door count statistics; subscription
database logs; and analysis of interlibrary loan data
for copyright compliance.
Library Established Data Warehouses
The survey revealed that a number of libraries have
established their own data warehouses which may
then be mined for diverse information. Some are research data warehouses and include a digital library
of multi-formatted data covering many subjects; a
warehouse formed by a collaboration of three universities and composed of statistical, ICPSR, and
international financial data; and a warehouse of tens
of thousands of Internet resources and associated
metadata. The contents of the administrative data
warehouses include circulation, acquisitions and
other transaction data, patron information, human
resource and financial data, and bibliographic information. One institution observed that their library
management system was their data warehouse.
Web Content Mining and Software
The survey inquired whether libraries were engaged
in any form of Web content mining. Eight libraries
(13%) replied positively. More libraries (33 or 53%)
declared that they were involved in aspects of Web
usage mining. These included identifying Web usage
patterns, analyzing Web information architecture,
locating linking and other problems, and ascertaining which pages, databases, etc. are being used the
most. Five libraries specifically mentioned that they
utilized WebTrends software. Other software cited
included NetTracker, Sawmill, Cognos, and CREP. A
number of libraries mentioned that analysis of statistics of Web usage was helpful in modifying pages in
order to render them more user-friendly and effective. Another library stated that they mine their Web,
OPAC, and search engine logs to determine how precisely the systems are used, presumably with the aim
of making appropriate changes.
Data Mining and Data Warehousing · 11
Benefits from Data Mining and Warehousing
Many survey respondents replied that a number
of benefits have resulted from library data mining
and/or data warehousing operation(s). Gains in research productivity were paramount. For example,
a consortium of three libraries has developed a
data warehouse of social science data to enhance
users’ learning and research. Another respondent
pointed to their library’s custom-created software
and its crawler/classifiers that greatly improve the
gathering and subsequent evaluation of relevant and
quality Internet resources. Another stated that its
data mining operations have spawned new research.
Some libraries mentioned benefits that have resulted
in the administrative sphere from their data mining
and/or data warehousing operation(s). They have
helped in making better serials cancellation, collection development, budget, workflow, collection
weeding, OPAC design, and Web development decisions; in evaluating databases and other resources; in
determining user needs; in monitoring system performance and usability; in developing forecasts; in
making policies; and in improving Web security. One
respondent referred to the benefit of gaining technical expertise in organizing a large digital archive. Another mentioned that Web log data mining can point
to areas where users might benefit from instruction in
using the particular search tools.
Staffing, Training, and Budget
The survey revealed that the number of staff allotted
to data mining and/or data warehousing operations is
generally small. Only twenty-four libraries responded
that they had any staff assigned to these areas. These
ranged from four libraries that declared that their allotted staff was less than 0.5 FTE to one library with
6.5 FTE. As might be expected, the position titles of
staff working in these areas ranged widely. Among the
titles were: systems analyst, systems librarian, analyst
programmer, Web applications developer, project
manager, library software engineer, serials assistant,
collection development coordinator, budget analyst,
and inventory copy cataloguer. A complete list of the
title(s) of these staff, the departments in which they
work, and the title of the person to whom they report
may be found in the Survey Questions and Responses.
12 · SPEC Kit 274
The survey revealed that library staff have gained
their knowledge of or expertise in data mining and/
or data warehousing from a variety of sources and
experiences. 92% specified on-the-job experiences;
54% attendance at conference presentations; 54%
product demonstrations; 27% parent institutionsponsored workshop(s). A smaller proportion, 15%,
mentioned library-sponsored workshop(s), 12%
undergraduate degree classes, and 12% graduate degree classes respectively. Other respondents gained
their knowledge or expertise from Data Warehouse
Institute classes; library literature; interviews with
practitioners; work experience in system development; courses offered by Cognos; usage of SPSS software for data statistics; the WebTrends data analysis
tool; and Iplanet Indexing and Metadata retrieval
Only 10 libraries, or 15% of the respondents, devote a specific budget to support data mining and/or
data warehousing operations. The amount ranges
from a low of $150 to a high of $250,000. The average
was $57,000, the median $30,000.
The evaluation of a service or activity is generally
an important consideration for libraries. The survey
respondents reported using the following techniques
and/or measures to evaluate the effectiveness of
their library’s data mining and/or data warehousing
activities. Fifteen libraries mentioned informal feedback; twelve, usage data; ten, Web logs; eight, user
surveys; seven, focus groups. Five libraries reported
other evaluation techniques ranging from software
such as WebTrends Web log analysis, PERL script
utilization counts, and NIST METRICS software to
usability studies. Twelve libraries stated that they
were not presently engaged in data mining or data
warehousing activities.
Additional Comments about the Survey
Several comments indicated that some institutions
had difficulty in answering the questions. One institution is so decentralized that they found it difficult
to attribute responsibilities for some areas. There was
also a sense that some reported projects were not technically data mining. Some responses may be referring
to more traditional statistical analysis rather than data
Six of the seventeen institutions which supplemented their answers with additional comments described current and planned university projects for
warehousing administrative records for data in such
areas as finance, human resources, enrollments, and
user surveys. One of these efforts involves a threeuniversity collaborative using PeopleSoft software
to gather financial, human resources, payroll, and
student systems data.
A few libraries clarified that library data warehousing referred to integrated library systems collecting circulation and other data. One library discontinued analysis of collection use patterns because
of concerns for patron confidentiality. WebTrends is
used by several libraries to collect and analyze Web
site data.
There appears to be a trend in developing partnerships, with university units, other universities, and
with external organizations, primarily government
agencies such as the Department of Education and
NOAA/NASA. These partnerships include developing warehouses and digital collections, which has led
to collaboration in developing data mining tools. The
goal of institutions in adopting data mining technology is reported as primarily for the purpose of supporting research and improving the quality of service
to patrons.
This survey confirmed some hypotheses developed
by the survey authors that were based on a review
of data mining literature and on interviews with
authors of some key articles treating data mining
and libraries. Libraries are discovering, as businesses
have, the value of merging existing data or full text
resources to form a very large data warehouse that
can be mined for analytical purposes. Libraries that
are using data mining are primarily doing so for such
administrative purposes as facilitating the collection
and analysis of, for example, circulation, acquisition,
Web usage, and other diverse patron data. The aim
is generally to strengthen library decision-making
and the library’s own internal operations. The survey
highlights a growing participation by libraries in creating such data warehouses.
While the major activities in data mining reside
in academic departments and involve academic
research, there is an awareness of and enthusiasm
for the possibilities of data mining as a tool for ARL
libraries. Moreover, a few libraries discussed a growing vision of how data mining technology can be
used as an effective resource to facilitate scholarly
research as well as administrative processes.
In conclusion, libraries are taking a leadership
role in creating and managing data warehouses for
both administrative and research purposes. Based
on this survey, librarians recognize data mining
techniques as offering new approaches to analyzing content and knowledge discovery within these
very large databases and the Web. In addition, more
widespread availability of data mining software
provides a new avenue for libraries to explore data
mining’s potential in both academic research and
Data Mining and Data Warehousing · 13