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Somatic and autonomic plexuses
of abdominopelvic cavity
Lymphatic drainage of GI
Lymph from viscera enters
pre-aortic lymph nodes:
- Foregut:
celiac nodes
- Midgut:
superior mesenteric nodes
- Hindgut:
inferior mesenteric nodes
Nervous system: Divisions
 Central nervous system
- Brain
- Spinal cord
 Peripheral nervous system
- Spinal nerves (components
? & numbers?)
- Cranial nerves (…? …?)
- Autonomic nerves (…?
 Somatic
- Spinal nerves
Nuclei & fibers?
- Cranial nerves
Nuclei & fibers?
 Autonomic
- Sympathetic
Nuclei & fibers?
- Parasympathetic
Nuclei & fibers?
Autonomic plexuses of abdominopelvic cavity
- Sympathetic fibers
Nuclei; spinal cord lateral horn
T1- L2
Fibers: from sympathetic chain
- Parasympathetic fibers
Nuclei; vagal nucleus, spinal cord
lateral horn S2-4
Fibers: from vagus and pelvic
splanchnic nerves
- Visceral sensory
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Sympathetic functions
Inhibitor of GI contraction
Motor of sphincter
Vasoconstrictor (in viscera)
Vasodilator (in muscles)
Erector pilorum
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Parasympathetic Functions
Motor to GI tract
- Inhibitor of GI sphincters
- Secretomotor
- Motor to urinary bladder & rectum
- Vasodilator to the arteries of:
Penis & clitoris
Testes & ovaries
Uterus & its tubes
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
- Nerves
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
• Parasympathetic
- Over the viscera
• Sympathetic
- Sympathetic chain
- Celiac
- Aorticorenal
- Superior mesenteric
- Inferior mesenteric
 Pre & post ganglionic fibers
Sympathetic chain ganglia
Cervical 3
 Thoracic 11
 Lumbar 4
 Sacral 4
 Impar 1
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Sympathetic nerves
Greater splanchnic
From thoracic ganglia 5-9
- To celiac ganglion
• Lesser splanchnic
- From thoracic ganglia 9-10
- To aorticorenal ganglion
• Lowest splanchnic
- From thoracic ganglion 11
- To renal plexus
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Sympathetic nerves
Lumbar splanchnic
From lumbar ganglia 1st & 2nd
To celiac, renal & aortic plexuses
Lumbar splanchnic
From lumbar ganglia 3rd & 4Th
To superior hypogastric plexus
Sacral splanchnic
From sacral ganglia
To inferior hypogastric plexus
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Parasympathetic nerves
Vagus nerves
Pelvic splanchnic nerves
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Celiac plexus
Largest autonomic plexus
Around celiac trunk
Has two celiac ganglia
Received fibers from: both
greater & lesser splanchnic
of two sides, both vagi &
phrenic nerve
Extend as neumerous
secondary plexuses
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Lower part named
aorticorenal ganglion
Receive lesser splanchnic
Forms renal plexus
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Secondary plexuses
Left gastric
Ureteric plexus
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Secondary plexuses
Superior mesenteric
Inferior mesenteric
Superior hypogastric plexus
Inferior (pelvic ) hypogastric
Superior & Middle rectal
Inferior rectal nerve
Vesical plexus
Prostatic plexus
Urogenital plexus
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Phrenic plexus
Receive phrenic N.
To : IVC & Suprarenal gland
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Hepatic plexus
Receive fibers from vagi & rt. Phrenic
Accompanies hepatic art. & portal V.
To: liver ,gall bladder, bile duct, Pylorus, 1st
duodenum , stomach, 2nd duodenum & pancreas
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Lt. Gastric plexus
- Receive gastric branch of vagus
- To stomach
- Sympathetic :
 Motor pyloric sphincter
 Inhibitor to gastric musculature
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Splenic plexus
 Formed by :
- Celiac plexus
- Rt. Vagus
- Perhaps wholly sympathetic to VV & capsule
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Suprarenal plexus
 Formed by:
- Celiac plexus
- Greater splanchnic
- Contains pre & postganglionic fibers
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Renal plexus
 Formed by:
- Celiac plex.
- Aorticorenal ganglion
- Lowest splanchnic nerve
- Aortic plex.
- To : vessels, Tubules ,
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Uretric plexus
 Formed by:
- Renal plex.
- Aortic plex.
- Hypogastric plex.
- Motor fibers
 Sympathetic:
 Parasympathetic:
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Superior mesenteric plexus
 Formed by :
- Celiac & Rt. Vagus
- Has a ganglion
 Sympathetic
- Motor to iliocecal valve
Inhibitor to musculature
- Vasoconstrictor
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Aortic (intermesenteric)
 Formed by:
- Celiac plexus
- Lumbar splanchnic
- Connect to sup.
- To :IVC
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Inferior mesenteric
 Formed by:
- Aortic plexus
- 2nd lumbar splanchnic
- Pelvic splanchnic
- Has inf. mesenteric
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Superior hypogastric plexus
Anterior & around to the aortic
 Formed by:
- Aortic plexus
- 3th & 4th lumbar splanchnic
- pelvic splanchnic
 divides into RT.& LT.
 Supplies
- Uretric plexus
- Testicular plexus
- Ovarian plexus
- Common iliac plexus
Pelvic autonomic plexus
Inferior (pelvic )
 Formed by:
- Rt. & LT. Hypogastric
- Thoracic splanchnic?
- Lumbar splanchnic
Pelvic splanchnic
- Sacral splanchnic
Pelvic autonomic plexus
Superior & Middle rectal
Inferior rectal nerve
 Sympathetic
- Motor to anal sphincter
- Inhibitor to musculature
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Vesical plexus
- To bladder , seminal
vesicle & ductus deferense
- Parasympathetic
 Motor to musculature
 Inhibitor to sphincter
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Prostatic plexus
 To prostate, Seminal
vesicle, Urethra,
Corpora spongiosum
& cavernosum
Autonomic plexus of abdomen
Urogenital plexus
- To vagina, Uterus, Uterine tube
- Sympathetic
 Vasoconstrictor
 Motor to musculature
- Parasympathetic
 Vasodilator
 Inhibitor musculature
Lumbar plexus
Spinal nerve has:
- Dorsal (sensory) root
- Ventral (motor) root
- Gray communicating
- White communicating
 Spinal nerve divides into:
- Anterior & posterior
Lumbar plexus
There are 31 pair of spinal nerves
Cervical 8
Thoracic 12
Lumbar 5
Sacral 5
Coccygeal 1
Lumbar plexus
Formed by T12-L4
Iliohypogastric L1
Ilioinguinal L1
Lateral femoral
cutaneous nerve
Lumbar plexus
Femoral L2- 4
Obturator L2- 4
Accessory obturator
L3& 4
Lumbosacral trunk
(L4- L5)
Sacral and coccygeal
Sacral plexus
Formed by L4-S4
Coccygeal plexus
Formed by S4- Co