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Scientific Name Categories
Abelia X grandiflora
Acer palmatum
Acer rubrum
• Ajuga reptans
• Aracaria
• Asparagus densiflorus
• Aucuba japonica
• Begonia X
• Berberis thumbergii
• Betula nigra
• Buxus sempervirens
• Canna X generalis
• Cercis canadensis
• Chlorophytum
• Chrysantheum
• Chrysantheum X
• Coleus X hybridus
• Cornus florida
• X Cupressocyparis
• Dieffenbachia maculata
• Epipremnum aureum
• Euonymous alata
• Euonymous japonica
• Euphorbia pulcherrima
Ficus benjamina
Ficus elastica
Ficus pumila
Forsythia X
• Hedera helix
• Hemerocallis cv.
• Hosta sp.
Ilex X attenuata
Ilex cornuta
Ilex crenata ‘Helleri’
Ilex vomitoria ‘Nana’
Iris X germanica var.
• Juniperus conferta
• Juniperus
• Lagerstroemia
• Ligustrum
• Liquidambar
• Liriope muscari
• Magnolia grandiflora
• Malus
• Maranta leuconeura
var. kerchoviana
• Myrica cerifera
• Nandina domestica
• Nephrolepis exaltata
• Ophiopogon
• Pelargonium X
• Pelargonium
• Philodendron
• Pinus mugo var.
• Pinus strobus
• Plectranthus
• Prunus serrulata
• Pyrus calleryana
• Quercus palustris
• Quercus phellos
• Rhododendron
• Rhododendron
• Saintpaulia ionantha
• Salvia splendens
• Schefflera arboricola
• Spathiphyllum cvs.
• Tagetes erecta
• Tradescantia
• Viola X wittrockiana
Abelia X grandiflora
COMMON NAME: Glossy Abelia
SIZE: 4-6 feet tall, 3-5 feet wide
FORM: Semiglobal, fine texture
FOLIAGE: Summer=dark green, fall
and winter=bronze-green to bronze-red
and bronze-purple
• FLOWERS: funnel shaped, white with a
hint of pink, slightly fragrant
Abelia X grandiflora
Acer palmatum
COMMON NAME: Japanese Maple
SIZE: 15-25 feet tall
FORM: multi-trunked, variable forms
FOLIAGE: simple leaves, opposite, 513 cm long, 5-7(9) lobes, color varies
with cultivar
• FRUIT: samara 1.3-2 cm long, much
incurved, ripen in early fall
Acer palmatum
Early Spring growth habit
Acer palmatum
Spring to early summer foliage and fruit
Acer rubrum
• COMMON NAME: Red Maple
• SIZE: 60-75 feet tall
• FORM: ovoid or rounded crown, develops
ascending branches
• FOLIAGE: leaves opposite, simple, 5-10 cm
long and wide, usually 3-lobed but often 5,
medium to dark green
• FLOWERS: red
• FRUIT: samara
Acer rubrum
Growth habit in winter and summer
Acer rubrum
Fall foliage color
Ageratum mexicanum
• COMMON NAME: Ageratum
• SIZE: annual from 6-18 inches tall
• FLOWERS: clusters of lavender-blue
flowers grow on top of compact, neatlyformed plants
Ageratum mexicanum
Ajuga reptans
• FORM: evergreen to semi-evergreen
rapid-growing groundcover
• FOLIAGE: ranges from green to bronze
to purple
• FLOWERS: may be rose or white, but
most commonly purplish-blue
Ajuga reptans
Ajuga reptans
Ajuga reptans
Aracaria heterophylla
• COMMON NAME: Norfolk Island Pine
• SIZE: 2-6 feet tall, 1-4 feet wide
• FOLIAGE: needle-like, spirally
arranged, to 1 ½” long, drooping
branches with age
• FLOWERS: cones, not seen in indoor
Aracaria heterophylla
Asparagus densiflorus
• COMMON NAME: Sprengeri fern
• FOLIAGE: small, linear, soft leaves
densely packed on 3 dimensional,
trailing stems which have a prickly
• COLORS: dark green, new growth is
sometimes light green
Asparagus densiflorus
Aucuba japonica
• COMMON NAME: Japanese aucuba
• FORM: evergreen shrub with green
• FOLIAGE: leaves alternate, simple,
glossy, green or mottled with yellow
• FLOWERS: axillary, small, 4-parted,
• FRUIT: scarlet or rarely yellow berry
Aucuba japonica
Aucuba japonica
Begonia X semperflorenscultorum
• COMMON NAME: Wax Begonia
• FORM: 6 to 15 inches wide, upright mound
growth habit
• FOLIAGE: very glossy, thick, succulent, and
ovate leaf blades may be either glabrous or
pubescent, having short petioles
• FLOWERS: corolla is single or double
flowering with solid white, shell pink, pink or
red petals surrounding a yellow center of
stamens or pistils
Begonia X semperflorenscultorum
Berberis thumbergii
• COMMON NAME: Japanese Barberry
• FORM: 3 to 6 feet tall, slightly wider
than tall, very twiggy
• FOLIAGE: ovate shape, significantly
wider at the tip than at the base, 0.5 to
1.25 inches long, 0.25-0.5 inches wide
• FRUIT: bright red berries that color in
Berberis thumbergii
Berberis thumbergii
Summer foliage
Berberis thumbergii
Small, but slightly showy flowers
Berberis thumbergii
Showy fall and winter berries
Betula nigra
• COMMON NAME: River Birch
• FORM: medium sized tree, 50 to 70
feet tall or taller, oval or pyramidal
• FOLIAGE: lustrous medium or dark
green, alternate, simple leaves, doubly
serrate margin, diamond shaped leaves
• FLOWERS: flowers are catkins
• BARK: showy exfoliating bark
Betula nigra
Betula nigra
Diamond-shaped, doubly serrate leaves
Betula nigra
Showy, exfoliating
Buxus sempervirens
• COMMON NAME: Common Boxwood
• FORM: 15 to 20 feet tall with an equal
• FOLIAGE: opposite, elliptical leathery
leaves, 0.5 to 1 inch long and half as
wide, dark green above yellow green
• FRUIT: dehiscent 3 chambered
Buxus sempervirens
Buxus sempervirens
Foliage dark green above, yellow-green below
Canna X generalis
• FORM: herbaceous perennial that can
grow to seven feet tall and 18 inches
• FOLIAGE: large clasping leaves, darkgreen
• FLOWERS: red, pink, yellow or orange
Canna X generalis
Canna X generalis
Cercis canadensis
• COMMON NAME: Eastern Red Bud
• FORM: a small, deciduous tree, 20 to
30 feet tall, 25 to 35 feet wide, shape is
rounded to broad and flat-topped
• FOLIAGE: wide, heart-shaped leaves,
3” to 5” long and wide
• FLOWERS: small, purplish-pink pealike flowers, numerous and appear
before the foliage
Cercis canadensis
Cercis canadensis
Cercis canadensis
Chlorophytum comosum
• COMMON NAME: Spider plant
• FOLIAGE: arching leaves with
cascading wiry stems
• FLOWERS: small white flowers
• ID FEATURE: many times will contain
tiny plantlets at the apex of leaves
Chlorophytum comosum
Chrysanthemum morifolium
• COMMON NAME: Florist
• FORM: bushy perennial, up to 5 feet
tall with a spread of 4 feet
• FOLIAGE: medium to dark-green lobed
• FLOWERS: large aster-type flowers
with varying colors
Chrysanthemum morifolium
Chrysanthemum X
• COMMON NAME: Shasta daisy
• FORM: herbaceous perennial with a
height of 30 inches and a spread of 24
• FLOWERS: produces large flowers
suitable for cutting, either white or
Chrysanthemum X
Chrysanthemum X
Coleus X hybridus
• FORM: bushy, herbaceous subshrub,
up to 36” tall
• FOLIAGE: slightly hairy, highly colored,
heart-shaped, to 6” long
• FLOWERS: terminal, whorled racemes,
to 6” long of tiny blue or white flowers
Coleus X hybridus
Cornus florida
• COMMON NAME: Flowering Dogwood
• FORM: a small deciduous tree, grows
to about 30 feet tall with an equal or
greater spread
• FOLIAGE: oval to ovate shape, 3” to 6”
long, 1.5” to 3” wide, medium green
• FLOWERS: small and yellowish-green
with four showy white bracts
Cornus florida
Cornus florida
Cornus florida
Actual flower is yellowish-green center
surrounded by four white bracts
X Cupressocyparis leylandii
• COMMON NAME: Leyland cypress
• FORM: narrow-leaved evergreen, 65 ft
spread, and 12 ft height, columnar form
• FOLIAGE: small needle like leaves,
ends of branches tend to twist
• FRUIT: round, small cone, ½ to ¾”
diameter, brown, rarely found
X Cupressocyparis leylandii
X Cupressocyparis leylandii
X Cupressocyparis leylandii
Dieffenbachia maculata
• COMMON NAME: Dumbcane
• FORM: erect herb less than 1 meter tall
• FOLIAGE: petiolate, petiole up to 30
cm long, grooved and winged from the
base to beyond the halfway point,
surface patterned with many irregular
yellowish or cream-green splotches
Dieffenbachia maculata
Dieffenbachia maculata
Epipremnum aureum
• COMMON NAME: Golden Pothos
• FORM: evergreen vines with stems
green and striped with white or yellow
• FOLIAGE: heart-shaped, variegated
• FLOWERS: flowers in a spadix
surrounded by a spathe
Epipremnum aureum
Euonymous alata
• COMMON NAME: Winged Euonymous
• FORM: deciduous shrub, 15-20’ tall
with an equal spread
• FOLIAGE: simple, elliptic leaves, 1” to
3” long with fine sharp leaf serrations,
dark green leaf color
• BARK: long corky wings on stems
Euonymous alata
Euonymous alata
Euonymous alata
Euonymous alata
Stems have corky wings
Euonymous japonica
• COMMON NAME: Evergreen
• FORM: evergreen bush to 10 feet tall
with a 6 feet spread
Euonymous japonica
Euphorbia pulcherrima
• COMMON NAME: Poinsettia
• FORM: shrub
• FOLIAGE: large alternate leaves with
or without teeth on the margin
• FLOWER: cup-shaped flowers in a
cluster above the showy red, pink, or
creamy leaf bracts with a large yellow
gland on the rim of the flower
Euphorbia pulcherrima
Euphorbia pulcherrima
Red petals are actually bracts, not flowers.
Ficus benjamina
• COMMON NAME: Weeping fig
• FORM: evergreen shrub or tree with
drooping branches
• FOLIAGE: leaves alternate, simple,
long-tipped, glossy
• FLOWERS & FRUIT: enclosed in a
fleshy sac turning from green to orangered and then purplish-black
Ficus benjamina
Ficus elastica
• COMMON NAME: rubber plant
• FORM: straight growing centralstemmed plant
• FOLIAGE: dark green oval-oblong
leaves up to 15 inches long, grow at a
45 degree angle from the main stem
Ficus elastica
Ficus pumila
• COMMON NAME: Creeping rubber
• FORM: creeping, climbing habit
climbs on flat surfaces, hard to maintain
Ficus pumila
Forsythia X intermedia
• COMMON NAME: Border forsythia
• FORM: a deciduous shrub 8 to 10 feet
tall and 10 to 12 feet wide
• FOLIAGE: opposite, ovate to
lanceolate leaves, toothed margins, 3”
to 5” long and 0.5” to 1” wide, medium
to dark green color above and lighter on
• FLOWERS: brilliant yellow color
Forsythia X intermedia
Forsythia X intermedia
Forsythia X intermedia
Forsythia X intermedia
Hedera helix
• COMMON NAME: English Ivy
• FORM: a vine climbing by aerial
rootlets or a prostrate groundcover
• FOLIAGE: leaves are dark green with
white veins, leathery evergreen foliage,
alternate leaf arrangement, 1.5 to 4”
long, juvenile leaves are 3 to 5 lobed
and adult leaves are not lobed
Hedera helix
Hedera helix
Hemerocallis cv.
• COMMON NAME: Day lily
• FORM: perennial clump-forming plant
that grows between 1 ½ feet tall and 3
feet tall
• FOLIAGE: long, grass-like leaves,
medium to dark-green
• FLOWERS: multiple colors, similar to
that of other lilies
Hemerocallis cv.
Hemerocallis cv.
Hosta sp.
• FORM: clumping growth habit
• FOLIAGE: medium green or variegated
large clasping leaves with prominent
• FLOWERS: varying colors from white
to purple
Hosta sp.
Hosta sp.
Ilex X attenuata ‘Fosteri’
• COMMON NAME: Fosteri holly
• FORM: narrow, pyramidal, grows 20 to
30 feet tall
• FOLIAGE: elliptic to oblong-ovate, 1 ½
to 3 inches long, margins have 1 to 8
• FLOWERS: small, cream white,
• FRUIT: drupe, orange-red to red, about
Ilex X attenuata ‘Fosteri’
Ilex X attenuata ‘Fosteri’
Ilex X attenuata ‘Fosteri’
Ilex X attenuata ‘Fosteri’
Ilex cornuta
• COMMON NAME: Dwarf Burford Holly
• FORM: medium-sized, dense rounded
shrub, 6-10’ tall
• FOLIAGE: oblong, rectangular, typically
spined margin with 5 to as many as 9
spines, 1 ½ to 4” long
• FLOWERS: dioecious, creamy white
• FRUIT: drupe, orange-red to red in
color, ¼ to 1/3”
Ilex cornuta
Ilex cornuta
Ilex cornuta
Ilex crenata ‘Helleri’
• COMMON NAME: Helleri Holly
• FORM: evergreen shrub with compact,
upright, spreading habit, 6 to 10 feet tall
and at least as wide
• FOLIAGE: dark green, lustrous leaves,
evergreen, usually broadest in the
middle, leaves mostly 1 to 2 inches long
Ilex crenata ‘Helleri’
Ilex crenata ‘Helleri’
Ilex vomitoria ‘Nana’
• COMMON NAME: Dwarf Yaupon
• FORM: pyramidal, open small tree, 3 to
4’ tall
• FOLIAGE: ovate leaves ½ to 1 ½” long
• FLOWERS: dioecious, creamy white,
• FRUIT: drupe, red 3/16”
Ilex vomitoria ‘Nana’
Ilex vomitoria ‘Nana’
• COMMON NAME: Impatiens
• FORM: tall, leggy annuals, 6 to 18
inches tall and 10 to 24 inches across
• FLOWERS: variety of colors including
red, orange, salmon, rose, pink, white,
violet, and lavender blue
Iris X germanica var.
• COMMON NAME: Bearded Iris
• FORM: ranges from about 6 inches in
the miniatures to more than 3 feet in the
large types
• FOLIAGE: bold, sword-shaped leaves
• FLOWERS: identified by thick, bushy
“beards” on each side of the lower
Iris X germanica var.
Juniperus conferta
• COMMON NAME: Shore juniper
• FORM: dense, evergreen shrub,
branches very flexible, 1 to 2 feet tall
and 6 to 9 feet wide
• FOLIAGE: awl-shaped needles, held in
3’s, needles tend to overlap, tip sharply
pointed, concave needles with a white
band on upper side and a green line
running through the middle
Juniperus conferta
Juniperus conferta
Juniperus horizontalis
• COMMON NAME: Creeping juniper
• FORM: dense, evergreen shrub,
branches very long and flexible, 1 to 2
feet tall and 4 to 8 feet wide
• FOLIAGE: two kinds of needles: awlshaped and scale-like, awls are found in
opposite pairs, tip sharply pointed,
green to blue-green
Juniperus horizontalis
Juniperus horizontalis
Lagerstroemia indica
• COMMON NAME: Crape Myrtle
• FORM: deciduous shrub to small tree,
to 20 feet or more
• FOLIAGE: oblong-elliptic to rounded, to
2.75 inches long, glabrous or pubescent
on veins
• FLOWERS: pink white or purple calyx
tube is showy part
• BARK: smooth exfoliating bark
Lagerstroemia indica
Lagerstroemia indica
Ligustrum japonicum
• COMMON NAME: Japanese Privet
• FORM: evergreen or deciduous shrub
• FOLIAGE: leaves simple, opposite,
with smooth margins
• FLOWERS: small, white, 4-parted,
tubular, in terminal clusters
• FRUIT: semi-fleshy, black berry
Ligustrum japonicum
Ligustrum japonicum
Ligustrum japonicum
Liquidambar styraciflua
• COMMON NAME: Sweetgum
• FORM: deciduous shade tree, typically
60 to 80 feet tall and 40 to 60 feet wide
• FOLIAGE: alternate “maple-like” star
shaped leaves, 5 to 7 lobed, 4-8 inches
long and wide
• FRUIT: 1” to 1.5” spiny balls change
from green to brown
Liquidambar styraciflua
Liquidambar styraciflua
Liquidambar styraciflua
Liriope muscari
• COMMON NAME: Liriope
• FORM: grass-like perennial 12 to 18
inch tall clumps
• FOLIAGE: strap-like, arching, glossy,
dark green leaves (to 1” wide)
• FLOWERS: erect, showy flower spikes
with tiered whorls of dense, violet-purple
Liriope muscari
Liriope muscari
Magnolia grandiflora
• COMMON NAME: Southern Magnolia
• FORM: a large evergreen tree, 60 to 80
feet tall and 30 to 50 feet wide
• FOLIAGE: elliptic leaf shape, 5 to 10
inches long 2 to 5 inches wide, color
dark green and pubescent on underside
• FLOWERS: white flowers, blooms in
spring, up to 12” in diameter, saucer
Magnolia grandiflora
• FRUIT: elongated aggregates of
follicles, 3” to 8” long, red seeds, very
Magnolia grandiflora
Magnolia grandiflora
Magnolia grandiflora
Magnolia grandiflora
Malus sp.
• COMMON NAME: Flowering crabapple
• FORM: height range of 6 to 50 feet with
most in the 15 to 25 feet range, form
varies from weeping, spreading,
columnar, vase-shaped to pyramidal
• FLOWERS: colors range from white to
pink to red
Malus sp.
Malus sp.
Maranta leuconeura var.
• COMMON NAME: Prayer plant
• FORM: 1 to 2 feet tall
• FOLIAGE: multi-colored leaves with
thick tissue, leaves fold up at night
Maranta leuconeura var.
Myrica cerifera
• COMMON NAME: Wax Myrtle
• FORM: aromatic shrub or small tree as
clumps of trunks up to 25’ in height
• FOLIAGE: semi-evergreen leaves
• FRUIT: waxy gray fruit attached to the
twigs, glandular and smell like bayberry
when crushed
Myrica cerifera
Myrica cerifera
Nandina domestica
• COMMON NAME: Heavenly Bamboo
• FORM: evergreen shrub
• FOLIAGE: leaves alternate and
clasping at base, 2-3 pinnately divided
• FLOWERS: white in a terminal cluster
• FRUIT: bright red berries
Nandina domestica
Nandina domestica
Nandina domestica
Nephrolepis exaltata
• COMMON NAME: Boston Fern
• FORM: evergreen fern, up to 5 feet tall
• Reproduces by spores located on the
bottom side of leaves
Nephrolepis exaltata
Nephrolepis exaltata
Ophiopogon japonicus
• COMMON NAME: Mondo Grass
• FORM: mounded herbaceous
perennial, similar in appearance to
• FOLIAGE: long, narrow leaves are
about 15 inches long
• FLOWERS: spikes of flowers are borne
in the tufts of leaves so may be hidden
Ophiopogon japonicus
Pelargonium X hortorum
• COMMON NAME: Geranium
• FORM: small to medium-sized
herbaceous perennial, ranges from 12
to 18 inches tall and 18” to 24” wide,
spreading mound growth form
• FOLIAGE: leaves 3 to 4 inches across,
medium to dark green, cordate in
shape, bold-textured, thick and
Pelargonium X hortorum
• FLOWERS: white, pink, red, salmon,
orange, violet, and all shades inbetween, with bicolors and double
flowers available, spherical clusters
atop long stiff peduncles
Pelargonium X hortorum
Pelargonium X hortorum
Pelargonium peltatum
• COMMON NAME: Ivy Leaf Geranium
• FORM: trailing growth habit, 6 inches in
height and 6 inches wide
• FOLIAGE: ivy-shaped and come in rich
green or variegated form
• FLOWERS: dainty and come in white,
pink, lilac, burgundy, or red
Pelargonium peltatum
Philodendron scandens
• COMMON NAME: Parlor Ivy
• FORM: trailing growth form
• FOLIAGE: Heart shaped, glossy, dark
green leaves, 4” long and 3” wide
Philodendron scandens
Pinus mugo
• COMMON NAME: Mugo Pine
• FORM: evergreen dwarf tree, varies
from 5 to 20 feet
• FOLIAGE: rigid and slightly curved
needles in fasicles of 2’s, needles 1 to 2
inches long, bright green color
Pinus mugo
Pinus mugo
Pinus mugo
Pinus strobus
• COMMON NAME: Eastern White Pine
• FORM: evergreen tree, conical when
young, less defined with age, 50 to 80
feet tall and 30 to 50 feet wide
• FOLIAGE: light green with a bluish
cast, 5 needles per fasicle, thin flexible
needles, 4” long, serrated margins
• FRUIT: light brown cones, 6-8” long
Pinus strobus
Pinus strobus
Pinus strobus
Plectranthus australis
• COMMON NAME: Swedish Ivy
• FORM: stems trailing to 3 feet
• FOLIAGE: rounded, glossy, dark green
1-1 ½” long, scalloped margins
• FLOWERS: whorled, tubular, pale
mauve to white flowers in terminal
Plectranthus australis
Plectranthus australis
Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’
• COMMON NAME: Japanese flowering
• FORM: a large deciduous tree, 60 to 70
feet tall, round to vase-like shape
• FOLIAGE: ovate leaf shape, 3” to 5”
long and up to 2” wide, serrate margin
• FLOWERS: range from white to pink
• FRUIT: blackish purple fruit
Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’
Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’
Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’
Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’
• COMMON NAME: Bradford Pear
• FORM: a medium-sized deciduous
tree, 30 to 40 feet tall and about 1/3 as
• FOLIAGE: ovate leaves that are 2 to 3
inches long and almost as wide
• FLOWERS: white flowers, 3 inches in
diameter, usually peak before leaf set
Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’
Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’
Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’
Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’
Quercus palustris
• COMMON NAME: Pin oak
• FORM: a large, deciduous tree, 75 feet
tall and 40 feet wide at its maximum
• FOLIAGE: alternate leaf arrangement
with sharply pointed lobes, 5 to 7 lobes
each with terminal bristles, 3 to 6” long
• FRUIT: small acorns around 0.66” to
0.75” in diameter
Quercus palustris
Quercus palustris
Quercus palustris
Fruit are pale yellow-green catkins
Quercus phellos
• COMMON NAME: Willow oak
• FORM: medium-sized, deciduous tree,
50 to 70 feet tall and 30 to 50 feet wide
• FOLIAGE: lanceolate leaf shape, 2 to
5” long, bristle-tipped leaf apex, dark
green leaf color
• FLOWERS: pendulous yellow-brown
Quercus phellos
• COMMON NAME: Catawba Hybrid
• FORM: an evergreen shrub, typically 6
to 10 feet tall with an equivalent spread
• FOLIAGE: evergreen, elliptical leaves 3
to 6” long and 1 to 2” wide, dark green
• FLOWERS: 2.5” across and funnelshaped, clusters are 5 to 6” in diameter
and comprised of 5 to 10 flowers
Rhododendron kiusianum
• COMMON NAME: azalea
• FORM: evergreen and deciduous
varieties, large showy shrubs with
dense twiggy growth
• FOLIAGE: elliptical leaves typically 1 to
2 inches long and ½ to 1 inch wide,
medium to dark green
• FLOWER: very similar to
rhododendrons in shape and color
Rhododendron kiusianum
Rhododendron kiusianum
Rhododendron kiusianum
Saintpaulia ionantha
• COMMON NAME: African violet
• FORM: from miniature varieties of 4
inches wide, to large varieties more
than 15 inches wide
• FOLIAGE: large, flat, succulent,
pubescent leaves
• FLOWERS: varies in color from pink,
white, blue, red and bicolor
Saintpaulia ionantha
Saintpaulia ionantha
Saintpaulia ionantha
Salvia splendens
• FORM: upright growing perennial with
a height of .75 to 3.5 feet and a width of
.5 to .75 feet
• FLOWERS: multiple blooms that are
Salvia splendens
Salvia splendens
Salvia splendens
Schefflera arboricola
• COMMON NAME: Dwarf schefflera
• FORM: ornamental tree growing up to
7 ½ feet tall
• FOLIAGE: compound leaf with 8
radiating leaflets which may appear
either dull or shiny
Schefflera arboricola
Schefflera arboricola
Spathiphyllum cv.
• COMMON NAME: Peace Lily
• FORM: perennial herb
• FOLIAGE: leaves are basal, elongated,
pointed at both ends dark green with
conspicuously indented veins
• FLOWERS: small on spadix
surrounded by a white or greenish, flat
or concave spathe
Spathiphyllum cv.
Spathiphyllum cv.
Tagetes erecta
• COMMON NAME: African marigold
• FORM: upright growing annual with a
width of 1 foot and a height of 2.5 to 3
• FLOWERS: aster-like flowers of yellow
to orange to red colors
Tagetes erecta
Tagetes erecta
Tradescantia zebrina
• COMMON NAME: Purple Wandering
• FORM: trailing vine-like plant, vines
can grow to several feet in length
• FOLIAGE: 2” wide and 4”long leaves
that are purple with silver stripes
Tradescantia zebrina
Tradescantia zebrina
Tradescantia zebrina
This is actually a green variety of
wandering jew.
Viola X wittrockiana
• COMMON NAME: pansy
• FORM: low, bushy growing habit with a
height of .25 to .75 feet tall and a width
of .5 to .75 feet
• FLOWERS: white, yellow, black,
brown, lavender, purple, blue, pink,
often with blotches that resemble
animals’ faces
Viola X wittrockiana
Viola X wittrockiana
Viola X wittrockiana