Download Climate Evolution on Venus and Mars

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How’s it going to end?
Climate evolution on Mars and Venus and its
bearing on the very long term fate of the Earth’s
climate system
• The sun is getting brighter on the main sequence (1%/100Ma)
• Eventually the sun will grow into a bloated red giant reaching
nearly to the orbit of Venus. Luminosity will increase 1000-fold.
This will take 5 billion more years. The earth will be fried!
Hertzsprung Russell Diagram of Stellar Evolution
A forward looking—billion year
climate simulation
• The simulation predicts that
increased silicate weathering in
a wetter, warmer world will
draw down atmospheric CO2
forming carbonates.
• The stratosphere will become
wet and water will be lost from
the Earth by photo-dissociation
and H2 gas will escape to space.
• The Earth will become like
Venus is the brightest object in the sky after the Sun and the
Moon. The thick atmosphere strongly reflects sunlight preventing
us from seeing the surface.
Venus is slightly smaller than Earth. The internal structure of
Venus is similar to Earth, with a metallic core, rocky mantle, and
Venus has an atmospheric pressure of 92 bars (96.5% carbon
dioxide). This is enough to heat the surface to 460°C from a
runaway greenhouse effect.
How did Venus get its hot climate?
Venus was more like the Earth very
early in its history. It once had
abundant surface water. Because
Venus is closer to the Sun it receives
more solar insolation and would have
been warmer than the Earth.
Increased warmth would have revvedup the hydrologic cycle, causing
increased silicate weathering, drawing
down atmospheric CO2.
High altitude water in the stratosphere
would photo-dissociate in the
presence of UV light and H2 would be
lost to space.
Venus receives 1.9 times the
Solar flux of the Earth
How did Venus get its hot climate?
Evidence that water vapour was
initially present, but subsequently
lost, is the high 2H/1H ratio
characterizing the small amounts of
water vapour remaining on Venus
(about 150 times higher than in the
oceans on Earth). We would expect
the lighter isotope of hydrogen (1H) to
escape from the Venusian
atmosphere, preferentially to the
heavier isotope (2H) (also know as
Loss of water would reduce silicate
Loss of water would cause the loss of
the SO4 sink for gaseous sulfur
emissions (SO2), giving rise to
sulphuric acid clouds.
Venus receives 1.9 times the
Solar flux of the Earth
The Earth has a similar mass to Venus and should have produced
gases in approximately the same proportion as Venus. A high
partial pressure of CO2 on the young Earth could have led to
significant greenhouse warming, initially.
However, because this temperature is low enough for water to
exist in the liquid state, it accumulated on the surface. CO2
dissolved into the ocean, reacted with silicate rocks, and
precipitated as carbonate.
Mars has a mass that is only 11% of Earth’s mass and it has a
very thin atmosphere (~12% of Earth’s atmospheric pressure).
The Martian atmosphere is mostly CO2 (96.5%)
The solar flux is 43% of that reaching the Earth
It is so cold that CO2 freezes at the N and S poles
Dry ice forms at
-78.5 C
South Pole
North Pole
The Martian interior is probably
similar to that of Earth with a crust,
mantle and core.
Mars also displays some extreme
topography (i.e. Candor Chasm).
Mars has the largest known
volcano in the Solar System.
Olympus Mons—25km high
(>75,000ft high)!
It may be as young as 400
million years.
Surface image
Why did the Martian climate system fail?
• Since Mars is about half the size of the Earth, its
internal heat engine cooled earlier, plate tectonics
ceased, or never got going in the first place, allowing no
tectonic mechanism like subduction-related
metamorphism to return CO2 (that is frozen in rocks
and soils, or existing as carbonates) back to the
• Emissions of CO2 from volcanoes will not build up in
the atmosphere (if it is cold enough to freeze CO2 on
the surface), and the carbonate-silicate feedback will
not operate. A permanent ice age is the result.
The habitable zone (HZ)
• Inner edge of HZ is 0.95 AU*,
which is 1.11 times present
solar luminosity. This is where
water begins to be lost by
• Outer edge is around 1.5 AU.
However, in some climate
models moving Earth outwards
by 1.01 AU is enough to cause
runaway global glaciations!
* AU = astronomical unit = the distance between Sun and Earth
Good luck on the exam!