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The unit of measure for length is the __________________. A ______________________ is used to measure
lengths to within a millimeter. A _____________________ should be used to measure the diameter of a
wire. A __________________ ___________________ is used to measure volume.
Mass is measured in ___________________ and weight is measured is _____________________. The mass
of an object is a measure of how much ________________________ it has. The weight of an object is the
________________________________ acting on the object. A ________________________ is used to
measure weight and a ________________________ is used to measure mass.
The _______________________ is the mass per unit volume.
The scientific unit for speed is the ___________________. The slope on a distance-time graph represents
_______________________. The steeper the graph the _______________________ the speed. For an object
moving at constant speed the distance-time graph is ____________________________.
Velocity is speed in a given _______________________. Speed is a ___________________ quantity and
velocity is a __________________________ quantity. An object moving steadily round in a circle has a
constant ____________________ and a changing __________________________.
The ________________________ is the change of velocity per second and the unit is _________________.
The slope of a speed-time graph represents ________________________. The area under a speed-time
graph represents ___________________________.
The acceleration of a freely falling body near to the Earth’s surface is ______________________ and
approximately __________________. The air resistance on a falling object ________________ as the speed
increases. The air resistance causes the object to reach a constant speed called ________________________
An object is ____________________ if it regains its original shape when the forces are removed. The
extension of a material is the length subtracted by the ______________________________. When a strip of
material is stretched beyond its ___________________________, its length is permanently increased.
Hooke’s law states that the extension of a spring is _______________________________________ to the
weight it supports. Hooke’s law applies up to the ______________________________________.
The sum of the forces acting on an object is the _____________________________. A moving object
decelerates when a ____________________________ acts on it in the opposite direction to its
_____________________. The greater the ____________________ of an object, the less the acceleration.
For an object moving in a circular path, the force is called ____________________________ and acts
towards the ____________________ of the circle.
The turning effect of the force is called the _______________________. An object is in
______________________________ when there is no resultant ________________________ and no
resultant __________________ acting on it.
Every object acts as if all the mass is concentrated on one point called the _________________________.
The stability of an object is increased if the __________________ is as wide as possible and its
_______________ __________________________ as low as possible.
When a ball falls in air, it loses __________________________________ energy and gains
________________________ energy. When an electric heater is switched on, it changes ________________
energy into __________________________ energy. The conservation of energy states that energy cannot be
_______________________ or ________________________.
Coal, gas and oil are ______________ _______________. Wind and solar are examples of _______________
energy. ______________________ _______________ generate electricity from falling water. The energy
from water in underground pipes is _______________________ energy.
The work done by a force depends on the ___________________ and the __________________________.
The unit of work is the ___________________. The work done per second is the __________________ and
the unit is ___________________.
Pressure is ____________ per unit ____________. The unit of pressure is the ____________________. The
pressure in a liquid __________________ with depth. The pressure along a horizontal line in a liquid is
______________________. The pressure in a liquid depends on the __________________ of the liquid. The
_______________ _____________________ is used to measure gas pressure. The ____________________
_____________________ is used to measure atmospheric pressure.
Solids, Liquids and Gases
Solids have a ____________ shape and a _____________ volume. A _________________ has a fixed volume
but no shape. A _________________ does not have a fixed volume. Increasing the temperature of a gas
increases the ______________ _______________ of its molecules. The pressure of a gas is caused by
___________________ repeatedly ____________________ the surface. The random motion of particles is
called ________________________ ___________________.
Evaporation occurs when molecules with high _________________ break free from the surface. When a
liquid evaporates, its temperature __________________. Increasing the surface area will _______________
evaporation. Passing air over the surface of the liquid will ________________ evaporation.
Pressure, Volume and Temperature
If the temperature is increased with a constant volume the pressure ___________________ because the
average speed of the molecules has ___________________. When a fixed mass of gas expands at constant
temperature, its volume ___________________ and its pressure _________________. When a fixed mass of
gas is compressed, its pressure __________________, its volume _________________ and its density
__________________. When the volume of a gas is reduced at constant temperature, the average kinetic
energy of its molecules ____________________ and the number of impacts of gas molecules on the surface
Objects _____________________ when the temperature is increased. Gases expand much more than
__________________ and ____________________. _______________ ______________ are used to define
a scale of temperature. The liquid-in-glass thermometer makes use of the ____________________ of the
liquid when its ____________________ changes. In a thermocouple thermometer, a change of
_________________ causes its __________________ to change. The ________________ of a thermometer
is from the lowest to the highest temperature it can measure. The _________________ of a thermometer is
the extent of change in its thermometric property for a 1oC change of temperature. The greater the
______________________ of a thermometer, the closer its readings agree with a standard thermometer.
Change of State
The ____________ ______________ of an object is the energy that must be supplied to raise its
temperature by _________. The ________________ ____________ _________________ is the energy
needed to raise the temperature of _______ of the substance by _________.
For any pure substance undergoing a change of state, its temperature ________________________. The
energy supplied to a substance when it changes state is called ____________ ____________.
Heat Transfer
Materials such as fibre glass are good ____________________ because they contain pockets of trapped air.
Conduction in a metal is due to ____________ ________________ transferring energy inside the metal.
Convection only takes place in _________________ and ________________. Heating a liquid or a gas makes
it less _______________ which causes the liquid or gas to ______________.
The hotter a body is, the _______________ intra-red radiation it emits. Dark, matt surfaces ____________
and _____________ infra-red radiation better than light, shiny surfaces.
Waves are _____________________ disturbances that move along. _________________ is the height of a
wave crest above the middle of the wave. _________________ is the number of wave crests passing a point
in one second.
Transverse waves vibrate ____________________ to the direction of travel and longitudinal waves vibrate
_________________ to the direction of travel. Waves reflect from a barrier at the same _______________.
Refraction is a change of direction of a wave due to a change in ________________. Diffraction is the
spreading of waves when they pass through a ______________.
The normal at a point is ____________________ to the surface. For light reflecting off a plane mirror the
angle of incidence and angle of reflection are _______________. The image in a plane mirror is
______________, ____________________________, ______________________, ____________________.
Refraction occurs when light crosses a boundary between two ______________________ substances.
Refraction is ___________________ the normal when light travels from air to glass and refraction is
___________________ the normal when light travels from glass to air.
When light is traveling from glass to air the critical angle occurs when the light is refracted along the
__________________. If the angle is less than the critical angle the light is _________________. When the
angle is greater than the critical angle, it undergoes _____________ _______________ ________________.
The principal focus of a converging lens is the point where _________________ rays are directed. A real
image is formed if the object is ________________________ than the principal focus. If the object is
between the focal length and the lens, a ________________ image is formed.
Light of a single frequency is called _____________________. The splitting of white light into the colours of
the spectrum is called __________________. The main parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are (starting
with the longest wavelength): _______________________, _______________________, ______________
________________, ___________________, _______________________, ______________________, and
______________________. All electromagnetic waves travel at a speed of _________________________.
Sound waves are produced when a ________________ surface pushes and pulls on the surrounding
substance. Sound waves are _________________ which means they vibrate parallel to the direction of
travel. Sound waves consist of alternating ____________________ and ______________________.
Sound waves can travel through ______________, ______________ and _____________ but cannot travel
in a ___________________. An echo is a _____________________ sound.
The speed of sound in air is ________________ and in water it is ____________________.
The loudness of a musical note increases if the ____________________ of the sound waves increases. The
pitch of a musical note increases if the ____________________ of the sound waves increases.
Electric Charge
Charge is measured in ______________________. There are two types of charge; __________________ and
__________________. Like charges __________________, and unlike charges ________________. When a
polythene rod is charged using a dry cloth, it becomes negative because it gains __________________.
Any object that charge can pass through is a ____________________. If charge cannot pass through, it is
called an ___________________. An insulated conductor can be charged by ________________
_______________ or by _________________.
An _______________ _______________ is the region around a charged object. A line of force is the path of
a free ________________ charged released in an electric field.
Electric current is measured in ________________ and is due to a __________ _____ ________________.
An __________________ is used to measure electric current.
Electrical Energy
The __________________ ______________ is how much push the cell can provide to force charge around
the circuit and is measured in _______________. A __________________ is used to measure the emf of a
battery. The emf of a battery is the _______________ ______________ it produces per coulomb of charge.
The ____________________ _________________ across a component is the electrical energy supplied to it
per coulomb of charge.
Electrons pass by vibrating ___________ in the wire and components. The atoms ______________ the
passage of electrons. Ohm’s law states: the current in a resistor at constant temperature is
________________________ to the potential difference across the resistor.
The resistance in a wire is _____________________ to its length and ____________________
___________________ to the area of a cross-section. The resistance in a wire also depends on the
___________________ of the wire.
The ________________ of an appliance is the rate at which it transforms energy and is measured in
___________. Charge flowing through a resistor transfers _____________ to the resistor.
Electric Circuits
In a series circuit each electron passes through every component. The same ___________________ passes
through components in series with each other. The total resistance in series is the _________________ of
the individual resistances. The total potential difference across a voltage supply in a series is
_________________ between the components.
In a parallel circuit allows the current to branch off into separate paths. The current from the power supply is
the _______________ of the current in the separate branches. The potential difference is the
_______________ in each component.
A potential divider consists of two ___________________ in series connected to a fixed pd. A thermistor is a
resistor which has a resistance that ________________ when its temperature is __________________. An
LDR is a resistor which has a resistance that __________________ when the incident light is made
A relay is a switch operated by an __________________________. A transistor can be used to
_______________ devices on and off. A capacitor is a device designed to store ___________________. In a
digital circuit the voltage at any point is ______________ or ______________. In an analogue circuit the
voltage is anywhere between the __________________ and ____________________. A logic gate is a digital
circuit that gives an ________________ voltage determined by the input voltages. A _________________
________________ includes one or more logic gates.
Common electrical hazards include ____________________ ___________________,
_____________________ of cables, ______________ _______________________ and _________________
A bar magnet has a _______________ and a ______________ pole. Like poles ___________ and unlike poles
______________. A ferrous material contains _______________. A line of force of a magnetic field is a line
along which a ________________ points. The magnetic field lines of a bar magnet curve from the
_____________ ____________ to the ________________ ____________.
A hard magnetic material is difficult to ___________________ and __________________. Steel is a
_____________ material and iron is a _____________ material. Iron is used in an _____________________
and steel is used to make a _________________ magnet.
The magnetic field lines around a wire are _________________ centered on the wire. The magnetic field of a
solenoid is ______________ inside the solenoid and like a ___________ ________________ outside.
Increasing the current ______________ the magnetic field. Reversing the current ________________ the
magnetic field.
When a current carrying conductor is in a magnetic field a ______________ is exerted on the wire. This is
known as the ______________ _______________. The speed of an electric motor is increased if the
______________ is increased.
When a wire cuts the lines of a magnetic field, an emf is _________________ in the wire and if the wire is
part of complete circuit this causes a _______________ in the circuit. The current is increased if the wire
moves _______________ or a __________________ magnet is used. The direction of an _______________
current opposes the change that causes it.
A transformer consists of a __________________ coil and a __________________ coil wrapped on the same
iron core. The __________________ current in the primary coil crates an ___________________ magnetic
field in the iron core which induces an _________________ in the secondary coil. Transformers are used to
______________ voltages up or down. High voltage transmission of electricity is much more
________________________ than transmission at much lower voltages.
Thermionic emission is the emission of _______________ from a heated filament. A positive electrode is
called the ______________ and a negative electrode is called the ______________. Cathode rays are
deflected by a ________________. In a cathode ray oscilloscope a narrow beam of __________________ is
deflected by two pairs of deflecting plates. The deflection is increased if the ___________ is increased.
Radioactive substances give out ______________________ all the time. It is a ______________________
event, we cannot predict when it will occur. Background radiation occurs naturally from traces of radioactive
substances in the _______________________ and in the _____________________. The three types of
radiation are __________________, _____________________, and ___________________.
The Three Types
A radioactive substance contains _________________ nuclei.
Alpha radiation consists of ____________________ charge particles, with two _______________ and two
__________________. Beta radiation consists of __________________ so it is ____________________
charged. Gamma radiation is ____________________ radiation so it is ______________________.
The Nucleus
Alpha particles in a beam are sometimes___________________ through large angles when they are
directed at a thin metal foil. Rutherford used the measurements from alpha-scattering experiments to prove
that an atom has a small _____________________ charged central nucleus where most of the
_______________ of the atom is located.
Every atom of any particular element always has the same number of __________________ in its nucleus.
However, the number of ____________________ can differ. Each type of atom is called a
__________________________ and the different types are referred to as ___________________ of the
When an atom emits an alpha particle it loses ____________________ and _______________________.
When an atom emits a beta particle a ____________________ in the nucleus changes into a
_________________________. When gamma radiation is emitted the number of neutrons and protons is
Half Life
We can use a ___________________ ____________________ to measure the count rate of a radioactive
sample. The half-life of a radioactive substance is the time it takes for the number of _________________
_________________ in a sample to halve or for the count rate of the original substance to
Type of Radiation
Absorber Materials
Range in air