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Natural Language and Speech Processing
• Creation of computational models of the understanding and
the generation of natural language.
• Different fields coming together, looking at speech and
language processing from different perspectives.
– Computational Linguistics (Linguistics)
– Natural Language Processing (Computer Science)
– Speech Recognition (Electrical Engineering)
– Computational Psycholinguistics (Psychology)
Different Levels of Speech and Language
• Phonetics and Phonology – The study of sounds in
• Morphology – The study of components of words
• Syntax – The study of structural relationships between
• Semantics – The study of meaning
• Pragmatics – The study of use of language for
accomplishing goals
• Discourse – The study of large linguistic units
Ambiguity in Language
Almost in every level ambiguity is introduced, and one of the
main tasks in NLP is to resolve such ambiguities.
I made her duck =
• I cooked waterfowl for her.
• I cooked waterfowl belonging to her.
• I created the (plastic?) duck she owns.
• I caused her to quickly lower her body.
• I waved my magic wand and turned her into a waterfowl.
Time flies like an arrow vs. Fruit flies like a banana
Models and Algorithms for NLP
• Taken mainly from Computer Science, Mathematics and
– State Machines and Automata: Finite-state automata &
transducers, weighted automata, Markov models…
– Formal Rule Systems: Regular grammars, CFGs,
Unification Grammars…
– Logic: First-order Calculus, Predicate Logic…
– Probability Theory: Statistical Processing, Machine
The Turing Test
• Alan Turing (1950): Empirical test for Artificial
Intelligence. A human interrogator asks questions to a
human and to a machine through a teletype, and tries to
find out who is the human and who is the machine.
Q: Please write me a sonet on the topic of the Fouth Bridge.
A: Count me out on this one. I never could write poetry.
Q: Add 34957 to 70764.
A: (Pause for 30 seconds) 105621.
• Weizenbaum (1966): Program imitating the responses of a
User: You are like my father in some ways.
ELIZA: What resemblance do you see?
User: You are not very aggresive but I think you don’t want me to notice that.
ELIZA: What makes you think I am not very aggressive?
User: You don’t argue with me.
ELIZA: Why do you think I don’t argue with you?
– Used simple pattern matching, without any deeper
knowledge of the world or of the conversation.
Foundational Insights:
1940s and 1950s
• Automata.
– Based of Turing’s computational model.
– Led to formal language theory (Chomsky).
• Probabilistic – Information Theoretic Models.
– Transmission of language and communication treated
as a noisy channel and decoding problem.
– First machine speech recognizers (1952).
Two Camps: 1957-1970
• Symbolic vs. Stochastic Paradigm.
• Symbolic
– Formal language theory, generative syntax (Chomsky)
– Implementation of first parsers
– Artificial Intelligence
• Stochastic
– Bayesian Methods
• Optical Character Recognition
• Authorship Identification
Four Paradigms: 1970-1983
• Stochastic Paradigm
– Speech Recognition Algorithms (Hidden Markov
• Logic-Based Paradigm
– Work that led to Prolog, Functional Grammars and
• Natural Language Understanding
– Question-answering Systems
• Discourse Modeling
– Automatic Reference Resolution
Empiricism and Finite-State Models:
• Return of Empiricism and Finite State Methods.
– Not so popular in the previous decades.
• Finite-state models:
– Phonology and morphology
– Syntax
• Probabilistic models:
– Speech recognition
– Part of speech tagging
– Probabilistic parsing
The Field Comes Together: 1994• Spread of probabilistic and data-driven methods to all
kinds of problems.
• Increase in computer speed led to commercial exploitation
of speech and language technologies.
• The web led to emphasis on information retrieval and
• Some lessened emphasis on theoretical work
Practical Application Areas
Information-accessing Systems
– Database queries
– Information Retrieval
– Information Extraction
Task-oriented Systems
– Text-editors
– Robots
Educational Systems
– Intelligent Tutoring
– Student Modelling
Translation Systems
– Machine Translation
– Computer-aided translation
Practical Application Areas
System Modality
• Text
• Speech
• Multi-modal applications
System Initiatives
• Analysis
• Generation
Theoretical Applications
Theory-specification tools
– Transformational Grammar, ATNs, LFG, GPSG,
HPSG, Systemic Grammar, Functional Unification
Theoretical modeling
1. Processing models: Parsing, Semantics, Speech
2. Acquisition models: Language Learning Models
Current Research
Spoken Language Input
Written Language Input
Language Analysis and Understanding
Language Generation
Spoken Output Technologies
Discourse and Dialogue
Document Processing
Transmission and Storage
Mathematical Methods
Language Resources
Course Topics
Computational Morphology
Regular Grammars, Finite-state Automata and Transducers
Corpus Linguistics
N-Grams, Part-of-speech Tagging
Parsing and Context-free Grammars
Unification Grammars
Lexical Semantics and WordNet
Word Sence Disambiguation and Information Retrieval
Machine Translation