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Unit 3
Ancient Greece
Lesson 3
The Spartans
Morning Work
Short Answer
What were three achievements of Greece’s golden age?
Fill in the Blank
1. Two of the greatest city-states in Greece were Sparta and
______________. (Athens/Persepolis)
2. Sparta believed that ________________ was the way to provide
security and protection for their city. (collecting taxes/military
3. Boys in Sparta were trained to be disciplined and obedient
____________. (heroes/soldiers)
4. Most men in Athens became ____________ or skilled craftsmen.
5. Unlike Sparta, Athenian ___________________ had almost no
rights at all. (men/women)
Generalization: Cultures in the same physical location can
develop both differently and similarly
Big Idea: The two most powerful city-states in Greece,
Sparta and Athens, had very different cultures and became
bitter enemies in the 400s BC.
Film Notes: The Spartans
1. Helots
2. 12
3. A wall of shields
4. Return with them or on them
5. 30
6. Farm or trade
7. The Immortals
8. Path through the mountains and came up behind them
9. Made too many enemies and lost too many men
1. - identify – According to legend, who was responsible for
the beginnings of the Spartan social system? Lycurgus,
sometimes between 900 and 600 BC
2. - recall – What two qualities did the Spartans think were
most important in a good soldier? Self-discipline and
3. - contrast – What was the basic difference between life in
Sparta and life in Athens? Sparta – focused on and organized
around the military, so all training and education supported
the military; Athens – thought that the mind and the body
should be trained, so education, clear thinking and the arts
were valued
2nd most important city-state
Emphases on the military
Limited contact with other
After finishing a meal,
a visitor to a Spartan
military mess hall said
“Now I understand
why the Spartans do
not fear death”
The Government
2 kings elected every 9 years
Council of Elders -- advise the kings
Assembly of Free Spartans
Real Power
-- 5 in number
-- Elected every year by Assembly
-- controlled education
-- supervised the slaves
-- made sure people lived up to Spartan
Education for Boys
-- lived and trained in military camps
after age 7
-- taught
Express in as few words as possible
Endure pain
Respect their elders
All Spartan males were
professional soldiers
-- childhood military training
-- adulthood military service
Life in Sparta
-- required to marry at 30
-- Live in barracks, not at home
-- discharged from military
service at 60
-- received no formal education
-- good physical condition to be
good mothers
-- Legal rights equal to men
Strengthened Athens democracy
Built commercial empire
Made navy the strongest in area
Glorify Athens in Art and