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Ch 3 Ecology Notes – Save Mother Earth! - I love Trees!
Why should we care? – Top Ten Environmental Topics pg 139
1. __________________ – Atmospheric warming – Habitat Loss – water
levels rise
2. __________________ – Fossil Fuels – War – Distribution of Wealth
3. __________________ - 71% of earth is coverd with it but .002 % of
liquid is potable – drinkable.
4. Biodiversity and Land Use
5. Chemicals, Toxics and Heavy Metals
6. Air Pollution
7. Waste Management
8. Ozone Layer Depletion
9. Oceans and Fisheries
10. Deforestation
1. The only known celestial body with life is planet __________________
2. The living layer on earth is not the atmosphere or the geosphere it’s the __________________
3. All of the living things are referred to as __________________ factors and the nonliving things are called
4. The biosphere is broken down into major ecosystems called __________________
5. A space (of any size) that demonstrates that living and non living things interact is called an
6. Studying ecosystems and the interaction of organisms with the earth is called __________________
7. A group of only living organisms in a particular area is called a __________________
1. Ex: Pond Community –
8. An area that a particular population lives (because of food water and shelter) may be called its
9. Organisms could live on land ________________________ or in water _____________________________
Aquatic Ecosystems
Terrestrial Ecosystems
__________________- Rich Biodiversity infertile soil creates
it’s own rain
__________________ - Fire, drought, limited water, Lions –
tropical grassland
__________________ Forest - Trees that lose leaves – Lake
Orion – deer, elk
__________________ forest - trees do not loose leaves – saves
energy – also called taiga boreal moose & wolves
__________________ – Thick Fertile soil temperate climate
antelope and bison – bread basket of U.S.
__________________: Very fragile ecosystem little growth,
low growing shrubs and grass – short growing season
__________________: Hot – little water – plants prevent
evaporation of water with waxing coating -
____________________: when two organisms adapt to the changing
environment together
____________________: one organism feeds on another
____________________: an organism that is consumed by a predator
____________________: organisms that feed on and live (on/in)
another organism, usually smaller than host, and they typically
don’t kill host (prey) Examples:
____________________: Organisms of the same species that struggle for food, nesting sites, living space, light
and water
____________________: organisms job in the habitat (a cougar is a carnivore) – each species has their own
________________________: species live together in a long term relationship
1. ____________________: both benefit (ant & caterpillar)
2. ____________________: one benefits other is neither harmed nor benefited (clown fish & sea
Keystone Species:
Invasive Species:
Energy Flow within the Ecosystem - ENERGY IS ________ IN ECOSYTEMS AS
Primary ____________________: amount of organic energy (_________________) that the photosynthetic
organisms of an ecosystem produce – ___________________ have a high amount of primary
productivity to support biodiversity
____________________ (autotroph): make energy from the sun or chemical. Ex; plants, some bacteria and algae
____________________ (heterotroph): Obtain energy from other organisms –
three types are Primary, Secondary & Tertiary (3rd level)
Types of Consumers
1. ____________________ – eat other animals
2. Herbivore – eat only plants
3. ____________________ – eats plants and animals
4. ____________________ – eats dead or decaying matter – help to
5. Scavengers – animals that eat other dead animals
Food ____________________; A path of energy through the trophic levels of an
Whale > Leopard Seal > Cod > Krill > Algae
Food ____________________: realistic model of energy flow >
Relationships are entangled
____________________ Levels; determined by what the
organisms source of energy is - energy loss reduces # of trophic
levels in an ecosystem – Rain forest and Ocean has most because of
 Pyramid of Biomass
 Pyramid of Energy
 Pyramid of Numbers
Second Law of Thermodynamics (____________________)
 With every chemical reaction – Energy is lost –Start with 200 J
o 100 J – __________________
o 33 J – __________________
o 67 J – __________________
Humans that eat “low on the food chain –
plants”which may prevent pollution from agricultural
processes and potential for animal cruelty.
Ex: 1 Grain to 1 Human or 10 Grain to 1 Cow to 1 Human
Bio __________________: Chemicals increase in concentration up the
food chain Ex: Eagles softening eggs – Rachel Carson “Silent
Changes in Ecosystems
Changes in an ecosystem over time – species of living organisms are replaced by new
ones as the environment changes
__________________: The first organism to inhabit land after fire, flood, farming volcanic eruption.
Terrestrial Succession – Two Types
_____________________ Succession – Start with BARE _______________ or THIN SOIL
_____________________ Succession – Start with Fertile __________________
Aquatic Succession – northern lakes are clean and clear and southern lakes are weedy and cloudy
Start with a clean clear glacial lake then _________________________ - The process of a lake of stream filling in with organic material –
may indicate “age of lake”.
When succession stops and a mature forest or mature ecosystem is established.