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April 2014
In This Issue
Volume 1, Number 1
Pages 1-120
Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer: CDH1 Mutations and Beyond
Hereditary gastric cancer (HDGC) is associated with mutations in E-cadherin (CDH1), but
there are some families that display the clinical characteristics of HDGC without carrying
germline CDH1 mutations. Hansford et al performed extended mutational screening on
183 individuals meeting the criteria for HDGC. They found a diversity of CDH1 mutations,
as well as mutations in other related genes. These data substantially expand our ability to
identify families with a genetic predisposition to gastric cancer. Ford provides an Editorial.
JAMA Oncology Patient Page
115 Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors
Editorial 16
Clinical Review & Education
Author Audio Interview
JAMA Oncology Clinical Challenge
Patient Demands for Cancer Tests and Treatments 33
Are medical costs driven by patients’ demands for unnecessary testing? Gogineni and
colleagues’ survey of 5050 patient-clinician encounters demonstrated that only a small
proportion of interactions resulted in a patient-initiated request for a medical test or intervention, and few of these were deemed inappropriate by the clinician. Clinicians were
not likely to respond to the inappropriate demands. The myth of the “demanding patient”
should be debunked. Back provides an Editorial.
Editorial 18
Genomic Profiling of Carcinoma of Unknown Primary 40
The diagnosis of carcinoma of unknown primary (CUP) should not focus on discerning the
tissue of origin but rather on determining whether there are “druggable” pathways. Ross
et al performed comprehensive genomic profiling on 200 CUP specimens. They found
that most tumors had several genomic alterations, with almost all demonstrating at least
1 potentially targetable alteration. Alterations in the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)/Ras
pathway were found in significantly more adenocarcinomas of unknown primary than
nonadenocarcinomas, representing an important route for drug development in this disease. Varadhachary provides an Editorial.
Editorial 19
Use of Electric Power Morcellation and Risk of Cancer 69
Use of electric power morcellators to remove presumed benign leiomyomas has been associated with the dissemination of malignancy. Wright et al performed a nationwide database
study to analyze the prevalence of underlying cancer in women who underwent myomectomy with and without electric power uterine morcellation; more than 40 000 women were
studied. They identified uterine cancer in 0.2% of women who underwent surgical myomectomy and in 0.1% of women undergoing morcellation. Age was the strongest risk factor for
uterine cancer. They concluded that electric power morcellation should be used with caution
in older women undergoing myomectomy. Nezhat provides an Invited Commentary.
Invited Commentary 78
Myeloproliferative Neoplasms: A Contemporary Review
110 Correction
[email protected]
Author Interview
AUDIO Interview with
David Huntsman, MD
and Samantha
Hansford, BSc,
authors of "Hereditary
Diffuse Gastric Cancer
Syndrome: CDH1 Mutations
and Beyond"
The BCR-ABL1–negative myeloproliferative neoplasms consist of the triad of polycythemia
vera (PV), essential thrombocythemia (ET), and primary myelofibrosis (PMF). Tefferi and
Pardanani reviewed the literature, noting that JAK2 mutations are commonly found in all,
with the frequency being highest in PV. Although all are clinically indolent, survival is inferior
to age-matched controls, and the major complication of leukemic or fibrotic transformation
is usually lethal. Treatment includes prevention of thrombosis by phlebotomy or aspirin
therapy, and cytoreductive therapy is required in some patients. Risk stratification allows
the identification of patients with PMF who may benefit from stem cell transplantation.
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JAMA Oncology
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April 2014
Volume 1, Number 1