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Los Angeles County
MetropolitanTransportation Authority
Wide Area Network Idi-astructure
(IT 10)
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA)maintains a
wide area network (WAN),comprised of data and voice, wired and wireless, technology,
inclusive of all its locations to collect and distribute information electronically. The
Information Technology Services (ITS) department shall design, manage, extend and
administer the WAN to ensure agency-wide network security, reliability and interoperability
are maintained.
This policy establishes responsibility for the management, administration, maintenance and
implementation of the LACMTA Wide Area Network for data, voice and the use of the radio
airspace, inside structures as well as exterior locations of all LACMTA properties, to ensure
protection from internal and external threats to the security and reliability of the network
This policy applies to all LACMTA business units governed under the purview of the Chief
Executive OfEcer (CEO) that collect and distribute information electronically.
Chief o f SBU
APPROVED: county c o r n % or N/A
Effective Date:
4 122 b
Date o f Last Review:
Wide Area Network Infrastructure (IT 10)
\ o
Los Angeles County
Metropolitan TransportationAuthority
@ Metro
Wide Area Network Infrastructure
(IT 10)
To ensure reliable and secure WAN access, inclusive of Local Area Network (LAN)
connections, LACMTA maintains strict standards for its deployment at all of its premises, or
any remote location(s)directly connected to it. Generally, data and voice network technology,
wired and wireless, will adhere to the International Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE)family of standards.
The ITS department has responsibility for the design, specification, inventory, installation,
operational maintenance, and management for the LACMTA WAN. AU new WAN
extensions must be authorized and administered by the ITS department. All existing
installed wired and wireless technologies or networks must be brought into compliance with
LACMTA's Information Technology Standards, see MIT-01, section 3, Metro's Network
Architecture, posted on the agency's intranet site.
The LACMTA WAN is centrally managed by the ITS department and adheres to the
following guidelines:
2.1 Guidelines
2.1.1 IP Addressing
All Internet Protocol (IP) addresses will be assigned and maintained by
2.1.2 Domain Services
AU Internet domain names will be assigned and maintained by ITS.
No department or individual may create or support an Internet domain
hosted from the LACMTA network without prior approval fkom ITS.
2.1.3 Data and Voice Lines
All data and voice lines that connect to the LACMTA network must be
provisioned by ITS.
Wide Area Network Infrastructure(IT 10)
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Los Angeles County
Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Wide Area Network Infrastructure
(IT 10)
2.1.4 Network Security
No department or individual may add, alter, disable or relocate any
security measures or equipment that supports the LACMTA WAN without
prior approval from ITS.
ITS will investigate any unauthorized access of the LACMTA WAN. If
vandalism is suspected, ITS will cooperate with law enforcement agencies
to identifj suspects.
2.1.5 Interoperability
If wireless transmission interference occurs, operation of the LACMTA
wireless LAN will have priority. Devices that interfere with the wireless
network security or performance will be subject to restriction or removal.
2.1.6 General Use Security
Wireless users must adhere to LACMTA's Information Technology
Standards to ensure secure communications over a wireless LAN.
Business unit applications shall support encryption methods such as
Secure-Socket-Layer(SSL),Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Secure
Shell (SSH).
All access to the wireless network must be authenticated using a valid
LACMTA login account and password.
System logs shall be maintained for assessing network problems or
identdjmg unauthorized or unacceptable use of the wireless network.
2.1.7 Enforcement
The Chief Information Oficer (CIO) or designee has the authority to
require the cessation of wireless devices or other network-connected
equipment, where they have not been authorized for use or are interfering
with LACMTA's wireless LAN.
The provisions of this policy are enforced under the authority and
oversight of the CIO. Deviation from this policy must be requested from
the CIO in writing for consideration. Business units not governed under
the CEO should submit a notice of deviation ifa separate network is
maintained on LACMTA premises.
Wide Area Network Infrastructure (IT 10)
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Los Angeles County
Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Wide Area Network Infrastructure
(IT 10)
2.2 Implementation Process
Business unit(s) requesting wired or wireless networking service are required to
submit a service request to the ITS Help Desk.
ITS will review the business unit requirement(s)and provide a responsive design
for implementation that complies with established network security and
interoperability standards.
IEEE - the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is one of the leading standardsmaking organizations in the world. IEEE standards adhered to by equipment manufacturers,
affect a wide range of industries including Information Technology (IT) and Transportation.
The IEEE 802 LAN/MAN group of standards include the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet standard and
the IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networking standard.
IP Address Range - a TCP/IP address range automatically provided by access points to
enable secure access to LACMTA resources.
Radio Airspace - area through which a frequency range designated by the FCC is used to
establish unlicensed electromagnetic communication between wireless devices.
Atmospheric conditions or physical parameters may limit the effective range of effective
Radio Interference - degradation of a wireless communication radio signal caused by
electromagneticradiation from another source including other access points, cellular
telephones, microwave ovens, and other devices that generate radio signals. Interference can
either degrade a wireless transmission or eliminate it entirely depending on the strength of
the signal generated by the offending device.
WAN - a wide area network is a computer network that covers a broad area (i.e., any network
whose communications links cross metropolitan, city, regional, or national boundaries).
WANs are used to connect Local Area Networks (LAN) and other types of networks together,
so that users and computers in one location can communicate with users and computers in
other locations.
Wired Devices - are equipment that functions only when physically connected to other
equipment or a network, including hubs, routers, switches, cable and distribution panels,
transmission circuits, wireless access points, computers, servers, storage devices, badcup
equipment, and desktop devices.
Wide Area Network Infrastructure (IT10)
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Los Angeles County
Metropolitan TransportationAuthority
@ Metro
Wide Area Network Infrastructure
(IT 10)
Wireless Devices - equipment that communicates via radio frequency and indude cordless
phones, remote control devices, two-way radio communication devices, wireless security
(alarm) systems, wireless security video cameras, wireless access point and radio links
between buildings for data communications.
Business Units are responsible for requesting wired or wireless service where needed. A
completed service request defining the application requirements and business justification
for the service must be submitted to the ITS Help Desk.
Chief Information Officer is responsible for enforcing this policy and for updates to the
Information Technology Standards. The CIO may appoint a designee to administer
procedural tasks supporting this Policy.
ITS Department establishes guidelines and internal procedures to enforce the provisions of
this policy. ITS will review service requests for wireless technology and provide design and
implementation planning. ITS is responsible for the ongoing administration, management,
monitoring, and oversight of all wireless LAN technologies throughout LACMTA facilities.
Users must have a valid LACMTA logon and password to authenticate wireless network
access. Access to LACMTA's data network must comply with established policies for
authorized use.
Not Applicable
IT-07 Standards Compliance and Asset Management
MIT-01 Metro's Architecture and Infrastructure Standards
Not Applicable
Wide Area Network Infrastructure (IT10)
Los Angeles County
MetropolitanTransportation Authority
Wide Area Network Infrastructure
(IT 10)
New Policy
Wide Area Network Infrastructure (IT 10)