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Development of histone
deacetylase inhibitors for
cancer treatment
Douglas Marchion and Pamela Münster†
HDAC enzymes & cancer
HDAC inhibitors
Biological effects of
HDAC inhibitors
Clinical experience
HDAC inhibitors
Reported clinical
studies involving select
HDAC inhibitors
Other HDAC inhibitors in
clinical development
Rationally designed
combination of HDAC
inhibitors & other therapies
Potential targets
& future directions
Expert commentary
Five-year view
Author for correspondence
H Lee Moffitt Cancer Center,
Experimental Therapeutics and
Breast Medical Oncology Programs,
Department of Interdisciplinary
Oncology, 12902 Magnolia Dr.,
Tampa, FL 33612, USA
Tel.: +1 813 745 6893
Fax: +1 813 745 1984
[email protected]
depsipeptide, HDAC, HDAC
inhibitor, LBH589,
MGCD0103, MS-275, PXD101,
sodium butyrate, valproic acid,
vorinostat, zolinza
Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors are an exciting new addition to the arsenal of
cancer therapeutics. The inhibition of HDAC enzymes by HDAC inhibitors shifts the balance
between the deacetylation activity of HDAC enzymes and the acetylation activity of
histone acetyltransferases, resulting in hyperacetylation of core histones. Exposure of
cancer cells to HDAC inhibitors has been associated with a multitude of molecular and
biological effects, ranging from transcriptional control, chromatin plasticity, protein–DNA
interaction to cellular differentiation, growth arrest and apoptosis. In addition to the
antitumor effects seen with HDAC inhibitors alone, these compounds may also potentiate
cytotoxic agents or synergize with other targeted anticancer agents. The exact
mechanism by which HDAC inhibitors cause cell death is still unclear and the specific roles
of individual HDAC enzymes as therapeutic targets has not been established. However,
emerging evidence suggests that the effects of HDAC inhibitors on tumor cells may not
only depend on the specificity and selectivity of the HDAC inhibitor, but also on the
expression patterns of HDAC enzymes in the tumor tissue. In this review, the recent
advances in the understanding and clinical development of HDAC inhibitors, as well as
their current role in cancer therapy, will be discussed.
Expert Rev. Anticancer Ther. 7(4), 583–598 (2007)
Aberrant gene transcription is a hallmark of cancer and anomalies in the regulation of transcription may lead to cellular transformation [1,2].
Transcriptional regulation is accomplished by a
complex interaction of several mechanisms
including histone tail modifications [3,4], DNA
methylation [5–7] and the activity of regulatory
proteins that interact with both histones and
DNA [8]. The first level of control over gene
activity is the addition or removal of chemical
groups to histone tail moieties, such as acetyl
groups [1].
The acetylation and deacetylation of histone
tails is accomplished by the competing activity
of histone acetyl transferases (HAT) and histone
deacetylases (HDACs), respectively [4]. Generally speaking, histone acetylation by HATs
masks the positive charges of lysine residues on
histone tails, thereby reducing the tight interaction between the histones and the negatively
charged DNA. In contrast, HDACs remove the
acetyl groups from the lysine residues of histone
tails, reinstating the positive charge and subsequent interaction with the negatively charged
DNA [3,4]. In this respect, the acetylation status
of histones may determine the access of transcription factors to targets on the DNA promoters. Deregulation in the expression or activity of HATs and notably HDACs may lead to
alterations in gene expression profiles and has
been linked to the development of cancers [9,10].
HDAC enzymes & cancer
Several recent studies have implicated individual HDAC enzymes in the development of
cancer and as potential therapeutic targets.
HDACs can be divided into at least three different classes, I–III. Each class contains several
structurally and functionally variable HDACs
(TABLE 1) [11,12]. Class I HDAC enzymes include
HDAC 1–3 and 8 and are typically localized
to the nucleus. Class II HDAC enzymes
include HDAC 4–7, 9 and 10, and may exist
in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm. In
© 2007 Future Drugs Ltd
ISSN 1473-7140
Marchion & Münster
addition, HDAC11, which shows similarities to both class I
and II HDACs, is distinctive enough to be categorized by some
into a class IV [13]. Class III HDAC enzymes comprise nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide (NAD)-dependent deacetylases
termed sirtuins. The clinical relevance of sirtuins and their corresponding inhibitors remains unknown. A more in-depth
understanding of their preclinical roles may be derived from
recent reviews by the groups of Longo, Denu and Buck [14–16].
Currently, there are at least 17 known HDAC enzyme family
members. Given their global effect on histone modulation, it is
not surprising that the HDAC enzymes are involved in many
biological functions, ranging from transcriptional control,
chromatin plasticity and protein–DNA interaction to cellular
differentiation (FIGURE 1). An extensive body of literature proposes many relevant downstream effects involved in cell biology
and, in particular, in the development and proliferation of
tumors, and has been reviewed extensively [17–23].
A link between HDAC1 and HDAC3 expression with specific tumor features has been evaluated in breast cancer
tumor samples by several investigators. HDAC1 mRNA levels by real-time (RT)-PCR, as well as HDAC1 and HDAC3
protein expression by immunohistochemistry, were statistically associated with smaller, estrogen- and progesterone-positive tumors, while HDAC1 mRNA, but not HDAC1 protein expression was linked to node-negative tumors [24,25]. In
addition, increased HDAC1 mRNA and protein expression
were linked to better outcome, while HDAC3 expression did
not appear to impact overall or disease-free survival [24,25].
However, the reports were equivocal as to whether HDAC1
mRNA was an independent prognostic indicator or linked to
other features [24]. HDAC1 protein overexpression has also
been reported in gastric cancer; however, its role as a predictor has not been assessed [26]. In patients with esophageal
cancer, low HDAC1 expression was associated with a more
invasive phenotype [27].
Table 1. Histone deacetylase enzymes.
Class I
Class II
Class III
Class IV
Members HDAC1
Function Related to
Ubiquitously Tissue-restricted
patterns of
HDAC: Histone deacetylase.
Similarity to the
yeast Hda1
to Rpd3
A retrospective analysis of banked tumor tissues suggested
that increased expression of HDAC6 was associated with
improved disease-free and overall survival in patients with hormone-sensitive breast tumors treated with tamoxifen [28]. Furthermore, a direct interaction of HDAC1 and the estrogen
receptor (ER) may be involved in the response to antiestrogen
therapy [29].
Expression of HDAC5 and HDAC10 were associated with
poor prognosis in lung cancer [30]. HDAC2 overexpression has
been found in precancerous lesions and colon cancers associated with the adenomatosis polyposis coli (APC) tumor-suppressor gene, suggesting that HDAC inhibitors may not only
have an important role in the treatment, but also in the prevention of colon cancer in family members affected by an APC
gene mutation [31].
Specific under- and overexpression patterns of HDAC
enzymes have been shown in acute myeloblastic leukemia
(AML). These patterns have been further correlated with
response to therapy; however, these studies will require further validation in clinical trials [32] and many more studies on
the prognostic role of select HDAC enzymes in cancer are
currently ongoing.
These studies suggest that individual HDAC enzymes may
play a role in the development and progression of cancer.
However, while these studies point toward individual HDAC
enzymes as prognostic factors and potential selective therapeutic targets, most were small and retrospective, and require
further validation. Furthermore, little is known regarding
the relevance of specific HDAC-expression patterns as
therapeutic targets.
HDAC inhibitors
The association of HDAC enzymes and carcinogenesis has
increased interest in the use of HDAC inhibitors as antitumor
agents [33–36]. HDAC inhibitors have been shown to induce cellcycle arrest, growth inhibition, chromatin decondensation, differentiation and apoptosis in several cancer cell types [18,37–41]. An
example of mammary differentiation in MCF-7 cells is shown in
FIGURE 2. HDAC inhibitors are classified by structure and include
the short-chain fatty acids, valproic acid (VPA) and sodium
butyrate (NaB); the cyclic tetrapeptides, depsipeptide; the
hydroxamic acids, suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA),
trichostatin A (TSA), LAQ824, LBH529 and PXD101; and the
benzamides, MS-275 (TABLE 2) [18]. Although these HDAC inhibitors differ in structure, potency and possibly HDAC enzyme
selectivity, they target primarily class I and II HDAC enzymes
and do not affect the activity of the class III sirtuins (TABLE 1)
[11,12]. The downstream effects of HDAC inhibition, which ultimately lead to growth inhibition and apoptosis in different
tumor types, are currently under review and it is becoming
increasingly clear that these effects may depend upon the HDAC
inhibitor as well as the cell type [23,42,43]. HDAC inhibitors may
affect the epigenetic regulation of chromatin by shifting the balance between HDAC and HAT enzyme activity, resulting in the
hyperacetylation of histones. While the mechanism of action of
Expert Rev. Anticancer Ther. 7(4), (2007)
Histone deacetylase inhibitors and cancer
HDAC inhibitors should favor chromatin
decondensation and a global increase in
gene transcription, only a small percentage
The HDACs and
of genes are affected [44,45] and it appears
that as many genes are transcriptionally
transcriptional control
Histone code
downregulated as are transcriptionally
Regulation of transcription factor access
Histone code of HDAC inhibition
upregulated [9,23,37,46].
Transcriptional consequences
Regulation of transcription factor access
While the induction of gene expression
Kinetics of histone acetylation/deacetylation
Transcriptional consequences of HDAC inhibition
Nonhistone (de)acetylation
by HDAC inhibitors seems to occur by a
Kinetics of histone acetylation/deacetylation
HDAC -corepressor
histone (de)acetylation
Noncommon mechanism, the HDAC inhibicomplexes
HDAC complexes
Long-range repression
tor-induced repression of gene expression
HDAC complexes
may occur through multiple pathways
employing several accessory proteins. For
example, a commonality between several
HDAC inhibitors is the induced expresCell differentiation
Cell differentiation
sion of the cell-cycle regulator, p21 [47,48].
Cell cycle arrest
Treatment of cancer cells with the HDAC
inhibitor SAHA resulted in the association
Cytoskeletal alterations
of the p21 promoter with acetylated histones and a decrease in association with
HDAC1-containing repressor complexes Figure 1. Biological functions of HDAC enzymes.
[47,49,50]. Similarly, TSA treatment of HDAC: Histone deacetylase; SUMO: Small ubiquitin modifier.
MCF-7 cells resulted in a reduced association of the p100 resulted in increased acetylation of p52 and subsequent
Sin3a–HDAC repressor complex from the luteinizing hormone sequestration and inhibition of p65 binding to the cyclin
receptor promoter and, when coupled with a demethylation D1 promoter.
agent, resulted in gene expression [51].
By contrast, the reduced expression of ERα in MCF-7 Biological effects of HDAC inhibitors
breast cancer cells in response to the HDAC inhibitor TSA Cell growth arrest, differentiation & apoptosis
may involve a member of the sirtuin family of deacetylases in HDAC inhibitors have antitumor activity against several cancer
combination with local promoter methylation [52]. However, cell types [56–69]. A common sequelae of HDAC inhibitor treatthe repression of cB1 expression in HT-29 colon cancer cells ment is upregulation of p21 and downregulation of cyclin D,
after treatment with the HDAC inhibitor NaB was dependent resulting in reduced cancer cell proliferation and cell-cycle arrest
upon the induction of p21 [53,54]. In a more complex scenario, [47,70,71]. In breast cancer cell lines, growth arrest was associated
TSA was shown to downregulate the expression of cyclin D1 with morphological changes characteristic of differentiation,
in mouse JB6 cells through the activation of p100 processing including the production of milk fat proteins and a decrease in
of p52 [55]. These data suggest that TSA-induced activation of the nuclear–cytoplasmic ratio (FIGURE 2) [40,72–74]. Furthermore,
Figure 2. Mammary differentiation in breast cancer (MCF)-7 cells. Suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA)-induced differentiation of MCF-7 cells required
continuous presence of drug. Cells were grown on Lab Tek™ cover culture chambers in the presence of 5 µM SAHA for 48 h. The SAHA-containing media was then
removed and the cells were cultured for an additional 48 h in complete media without drug. Cells were evaluated for the production of milk fat globulin (green) and
milk fat globule membrane protein (red). Nuclear DNA was stained with bisbenzimide. (A) 0 h, (B) 48 h of SAHA treatment, (C) 48 h after the removal of SAHA.
Images were acquired by confocal microscopy.
Marchion & Münster
HDAC inhibitor treatment may also induce apoptosis through
both the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways. HDAC inhibitors
have been shown to upregulate the expression of the proapoptotic proteins Bax, Bak, Bim, Bad, Noxa, Puma, Bid and
Apaf1 [75–84]; facilitate the translocation of Bax to the mitochondria [75,85]; and decrease the expression of the antiapoptotic proteins Bcl-2, Bcl-xl, Mcl-1 and survivin [86–89]. In addition, HDAC inhibitors have been shown to upregulate the
expression of Fas and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related
apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptors [90,91].
with the downregulation of structural maintenance of chromatin
(SMC) proteins 1–5, SMC-associated proteins, HCAP-H and
HCAP-G, DNA methyltransferase (DNMT)1 and heterochromatin protein (HP)1 (FIGURE 3) [39]. SMC proteins [92,93], DNMT1
[5–7] and HP1 [8,94,95] play specific roles in the condensation of
chromatin and are required for the proper formation of heterochromatin. These findings suggest that not only the HDAC inhibitor-induced hyperacetylation of histones but rather the downstream effects of HDAC inhibition leading to changes in gene
expression are required for the onset of chromatin decondensation.
Chromatin structure
HDAC inhibitors compete for the active site within HDAC
enzymes leading to the accumulation of acetyl groups on histone
tails [18]. This negates the charge interaction between histones and
the DNA, resulting in a loosened chromatin structure [3,4]. While
histone acetylation has been thought to be solely indicative of
chromatin decondensation, more recent data suggest a correlation
between HDAC inhibitor-induced modulation of gene expression
and HDAC inhibitor-induced chromatin decondensation [39].
While hyperacetylation of core histone is a rapid process induced
by HDAC inhibitors, structural changes to the chromatin required
prolonged exposure times to the HDAC inhibitors and correlated
An important aspect in tumor progression is the formation of
blood vessels or angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is an inducible
response, which may be triggered by hypoxia and serum starvation and is characterized by the expression of hypoxia-inducible
factor (HIF)1α and vascular endothelial growth factor
(VEGF) [96,97]. The HDAC inhibitors TSA [98–100], SAHA [99],
MS-275 [100], FK228 [101], phenylbutyrate [102], LBH589 [103]
and LAQ824 [104] have been shown to inhibit angiogenesis.
The mechanism by which this occurs seems to be through the
ability of HDAC inhibitors to modulate gene expression,
resulting in the repression of the proangiogenic factors such as
HIF1α, VEGF, VEGF receptor and
endothelial nitric oxide synthase and the
cytokines IL-2 and IL-8 [98,100,101,105–107]
and the induction of antiangiogenic factors, such as p53 and von Hippel–Lindau
(VHL) [98]. The clinical applicability of
these findings remains to be tested.
Relative mRNA expression
There is significant evidence suggesting
that HDAC inhibitors may modulate
inflammation and innate immune system
responses [108,109]. However, many reports
are in conflict as to whether HDAC
inhibitors may suppress or enhance these
48 h
responses. In animal models, HDAC
inhibitors, such as TSA and SAHA, may
reduce graft-versus-host disease in experi80
mental bone marrow transplantation and
reduce symptoms of adjuvant-induced
rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclero40
sis [110–112], presumably through a sup20
cytokines, including IL-12, TNFα, interSMC1 SMC2 SMC3 SMC4 SMC5 HCAP-HHCAP-G DNMT1 HP1
feron (IFN)γ and IL-23 [113–116]. In addition, the HDAC inhibitor LAQ824 was
Figure 3. Histone deacetylase inhibitor-induced chromatin decondensation. (A) Electron
micrographs showing chromatin dispersion in MCF-7 cells after a 48-h treatment with valproic acid 2 mM reported to reduce the migration of antigen-presenting cells as well as the activacompared with treatment with saline (vehicle; x32,000). (B) Microarray analysis showing a decrease in
heterochromatin maintenance protein mRNA expression in MCF-7 cells after a 48-h treatment with VPA
tion and chemotaxis of the T-helper
2 mM. Reduced expression of SMC protein 1-5, SMC-associated proteins, HCAP-H and HCAP-G, DNMT-1 (Th)1 subset of CD4+ T cells [113]. By
and HP-1 correlate with the onset of chromatin dispersion as shown in (A).
contrast, other groups have reported that
DNMT: DNA methyltransferase; HP: Heterochromatin protein; SMC: Structural maintenance of chromatin.
it is the activity of HDAC enzymes that
Expert Rev. Anticancer Ther. 7(4), (2007)
Histone deacetylase inhibitors and cancer
suppresses the expression of inflammatory genes [117] and
HDAC inhibitors may actually increase the cellular response to
the proinflammatory cytokine IL-6 [118]. However, it was suggested that these apparent contradictions may be due to the timing of HDAC inhibitor treatment [116]. TSA and SAHA were
shown to enhance lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced IL-6 secretion and inflammation in mouse and rat microglial cells when
given after LPS stimulation; however, anti-inflammatory effects
were noted when given prior to LPS stimulation [116]. These
findings are currently being evaluated in clinical studies.
Nonhistone targets
It has been suggested that the primary target of HATs and
HDACs may not be histones but nonhistone proteins [34] and
that acetylation may rival phosphorylation in substrate availability and substrate diversity [119,120]. Acetylation may affect the
activity and stability of proteins, as well as the ability of proteins to interact with DNA and other proteins [120]. An example
of this is signal transducer and activator of transcription
(STAT)3 where acetylation may direct STAT3 dimerization
and cellular localization [121,122]. Acetylation may also affect the
activity of E2F, p53, STAT1, c-Jun and many others [123–129].
The sheer number of transcription factors known to be
acetylated suggests that the acetylation of these nonhistone
proteins may have as much regulatory effect on transcription
as the acetylation of histone proteins. A more comprehensive
description of nonhistone targets of acetylation has been
reviewed recently [34,120,130].
Combinations of HDAC inhibitors & chemotherapy
Although HDAC inhibitors have shown antitumor activity
as single agents, promising interactions between HDAC
inhibitors and cytotoxic agents have been described in select
cancer cell types for platinum salts [131,132], taxanes [133,134],
topoisomerase inhibitors [38,39,56,67,135–138] and nucleoside
analogs [133,139,140]. HDAC inhibitors may further enhance
the activity of proteosome inhibitors [141–144], retinoic
acid [145–149], methylation inhibitors [150–153] or radiation
therapy [154–157]. However, the mechanisms by which HDAC
inhibitors potentiate these treatment modalities in specific
diseases are largely unknown with the exception of a subset of
acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). Promyelocytic leukemia
(PML) is characterized by the expression of the PML–retinoic
acid receptor (RAR)α and the PML zinc finger
(PLZF)–RARα fusion proteins [158–160]. Cells expressing the
PML–RARα fusion protein are sensitive to treatment with
retinoic acid, while cells expressing the PLZF–RARα fusion
protein are not sensitive to retinoic acid [161]. In cells expressing the PLZF–RARα fusion protein, it was suggested that
HDAC1 was recruited to repress the retinoic acid response
genes [162,163]. HDAC inhibitors were found to restore retinoic acid sensitivity by reversing the transcriptional repression
of HDAC1 [160,164,165]. In this situation, it was the direct
activity of HDAC inhibitors that proved beneficial to the
enhancement of a therapeutic agent.
Table 2. Histone deacetylase inhibitors.
fatty acids
Valproic acid
Phase I
Phase I/II (approved
for seizures; Abbott
Cyclic tetrapeptides Depsipeptide (FK228) Phase III (Gloucester
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.)
Hydroxamic acids
(ZolinzaTM, SAHA)
Phase III (approved;
Phase I/II (Novartis
Phase I/II (CuraGen
Corp., TopoTarget USA,
Phase III (Bayer
Schering Pharma AG)
Phase II (Methylgene,
Phase II (Pfizer, Inc.)
CHAP: Cyclic hydroxamic acid-containing peptide; SAHA: Suberoylanilide
hydroxamic acid; TSA: Trichostatin A.
In addition, the indirect effects of HDAC inhibitors to
induce chromatin decondensation may be successfully
exploited by combining them with DNA-targeting agents. The
HDAC inhibitor-induced chromatin decondensation may
facilitate the access of DNA-targeting agents to their DNA substrate, thereby enhancing the ensuing DNA damage. The proposed mechanism and the kinetics of the HDAC inhibitorinduced chromatin decondensation suggest that the sequence
of drug administration may be relevant. This was studied by
several investigators. Johnson and coworkers reported an antagonistic effect when the HDAC inhibitor TSA was combined
with the topoisomerase II inhibitor etoposide in leukemia
cells [137], whereas the groups of Tsai and Kurz reported
increased sensitivity [56,67]. These diametrically opposing
reports may be explained by differences in the sequence of drug
administration used in these studies. In the first study, Johnson
and coworkers pre-exposed leukemia cells to the HDAC inhibitor for 0.5 h prior to the topoisomerase inhibitor, while Kurz
and coworkers used 24–72 h HDAC inhibitor pre-exposures.
The relevance of drug sequencing and timing was further
reported by Marchion and coworkers [38,135]. Prolonged preexposure (24–48 h) to an HDAC inhibitor sensitized breast
cancer cell lines to the cytotoxic effects of topoisomerase inhibitors. A potentiation of the topoisomerase inhibitor by a
HDAC inhibitor was not observed with shorter pre-exposure
times (4–12 h) or with the administration of the topoisomerase
Marchion & Münster
inhibitor before the HDAC inhibitor [38,39]. A similar observation was reported by Kim and coworkers using the HDAC
inhibitors, SAHA (vorinostat) and TSA, in combination with
the topoisomerase inhibitor etoposide [136].
A cooperative activity between HDAC inhibitors and
topoisomerase I inhibitors has been noted by a number of
investigators; however, a review of the reported data suggests
that the benefits of adding a HDAC inhibitor to a
topoisomerase I inhibitor may depend not only on the schedule
of drug administration but also on specific tumor characteristics
and the type of topoisomerase I inhibitor used [38,136–138].
Clinical experience
HDAC inhibitors have been evaluated for their clinical feasibilities in different settings. Given the wide-ranging biological functions of HDACs, their inhibitors may have roles in different stages
of cancer development, ranging from cancer prevention to treatment of metastatic disease. However, as with many other novel
compounds, the initial clinical testing of the activity of HDAC
inhibitors typically involves studies in patients who have advanced
solid tumors or hematological malignancies; many of these
patients will have treatment-refractory tumors associated with
extensive prior therapy exposure. Furthermore, the absence of a
clearly defined target or a predictive marker does not allow the
enrichment of a target population of patients who are more likely
to respond to therapy, with the exception of patients with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL). Furthermore, while many of the
preclinical studies postulate a potential class or compound specificity of HDAC inhibitors in their actions, its relevance has yet to
be determined in the clinical setting. The following sections will
describe the current state of the clinical development of several
HDAC inhibitors, with the caveat that these reports will change
rapidly as the clinical trials with HDAC inhibitors mature.
FDA-approved HDAC inhibitors
At the time of this review only vorinostat (Zolinza™, Merck
Inc.) has been approved as a HDAC inhibitor for clinical use.
Vorinostat (400 mg, administered orally daily) has received
approval for the treatment of refractory CTCL. The main
adverse effects associated with vorinostat include fatigue, nausea, dehydration, diarrhea and thrombocytopenia. Other potentially linked adverse effects include thromboembolic events.
However, as these events are not uncommon in cancer patients,
their relevance may be difficult to elucidate. In Phase II studies
in patients with CTLC or peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL),
vorinostat resulted in an objective antitumor response in eight
of 33 patients and 14 patients had an improvement in their
symptoms [166]. Currently, vorinostat is being further evaluated
in this disease and in other hematological malignancies.
Reported clinical studies involving select HDAC inhibitors
Vorinostat (Zolinza)
In the first clinical trial, vorinostat (previously studied under
the name, SAHA) was initially administered intravenously for
3 days every 3 weeks and dose escalated to 5 days per week for
21 days. Out of 37 patients, four had an objective response;
two of these patients had lymphomas and two had bladder
cancer [167]. While the responses were encouraging, the number of
intravenous injections required in this regimen prompted a
change in formulation. Furthermore, emerging in vitro and
in vivo studies suggested a greater benefit of more continuous
rather than intermittent exposure to this HDAC inhibitor [40,168].
A subsequent Phase I trial with an oral formulation of vorinostat
in 73 patients showed responses in six patients, occurring at doses
of 400 mg twice daily or 600 mg once daily. Tumor histologies of
responding patients included lymphoma, laryngeal cancer, papillary thyroid cancer and mesotheliomas [169]. In particular, the
number of responses in patients with lymphomas seen in these
two Phase I trials suggested a potential role of vorinostat in this
disease [170]. Acetylation of histones induced by vorinostat was
seen in peripheral blood mononuclear cells as well as in tumor
cells. The observed histone acetylation persisted beyond the
pharmacological half-life of the drug [167].
Based on these findings, there are at least 37 ongoing clinical
trials for solid tumors as well as hematological malignancies
including leukemias and lymphomas, head and neck, prostate,
breast, kidney, thyroid and lung cancer, as well sarcomas,
melanomas and primary brain cancer. Vorinostat is being evaluated alone and in combination with targeted therapies or
chemotherapeutic agents [301].
The clinical development of depsipeptide included Phase I and II
trials in solid tumor malignancies as well as a Phase II trial in
patients with CTCL. In the initial Phase I trial evaluating depsipeptide as an intravenous infusion on days 1 and 5 every 21 days,
this compound was associated with nausea, vomiting, fatigue,
thrombocytopenia and cardiac arrhythmias manifesting as changes
in the electrocardiogram (ECG), as well as a case of atrial
fibrillation [171]. Histone acetylation was seen in peripheral blood
mononuclear cells [171]. Of 37 patients, one had an objective
response [171]. A second Phase I trial performed in the USA evaluated a weekly administration (3 out of 4 weeks) of depsipeptide in
33 patients with advanced cancer. Similar to the findings from the
Canadian study [171], ECG changes were also reported in this trial [172].
A Phase II trial in patients with CTCL and PTCL demonstrated further efficacy in this disease. Given as a weekly infusion
for 3 out of 4 weeks, antitumor activity was noted with depsipeptide in 10 of 27 patients with PTCL [173]. As seen in the Phase I
trials, the adverse effects associated with this drug included
fatigue, nausea and vomiting, as well as myelosuppression. This
trial showed no adverse effects on cardiac ejection fractions; however, there were further reports of conduction abnormalities, in
particular prolongation of the QTc-interval [173]. In solid tumors,
a Phase II trial in 29 patients with refractory renal cell cancer
showed an objective response rate in 7% of the patients [174] and
minimal activity in patients with neuroendocrine tumors [175].
Both of these trials were associated with QT prolongation, tachycardia and atrial fibrillation. Adverse cardiac effects were not
only seen in the adult population but also in children enrolled
Expert Rev. Anticancer Ther. 7(4), (2007)
Histone deacetylase inhibitors and cancer
in a trial for pediatric tumors [176]. While this drug may have
activity in hematological malignancies, the clinical relevance of
the adverse cardiac effects reported in several trials may have to
be carefully considered for its relationship to dose, formulation
or particular patient population. Currently, depsipeptide is
being evaluated in more than ten studies, either alone or in
combination [301].
an oral formulation afforded some clinical benefits. Toxicities
were similar to those seen with other HDAC inhibitors, however
there were no reported cardiac toxicities [187]. Unlike other
HDAC inhibitors, the half-life of this compound was found to
be fairly long (39–80 h), rendering daily dosing too toxic. While
a once-a-fortnight dosing at 10mg/m2 was feasible, histone
acetylation could not be maintained with this schedule. A weekly
dosing of this compound is currently being evaluated.
Valproic acid
VPA is currently marketed as an antiseizure drug and has been
available for over 30 years. Over the last few years, VPA has also
been used as a mood stabilizer and to treat migraine headaches.
Therapeutic doses typically range from 15 to 60 mg/kg/day
resulting in plasma concentrations of 30–130 µg/ml
(0.2–0.9 mM). It has recently being found to act as a HDAC
inhibitor [177–181]. Concentrations necessary for histone acetylation range from 0.25 to 5 mM. While VPA may not be a potent
HDAC inhibitor, concentrations required for in vitro efficacy are
achievable in patients. VPA has been evaluated as a HDAC
inhibitor in patients with leukemia either as a single agent or in
combination with all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) in two clinical
trials. While VPA was well tolerated, the response rate for AML
was less than 10% [146,148]. By contrast, when VPA was combined with the demethylating agent 5-aza-2´deoxycitabine [182]
in 54 patients with refractory leukemia, the response rate was
22%, with a significant number of patients achieving complete
remission [183]. The maximally tolerated dose for VPA was
50 mg/kg/day administered daily for 10 days. The main toxicities were transient confusion and somnolence. Histone acetylation was evaluated in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and
tumor cells. While VPA-induced histone acetylation was noted
in only a few patients treated with the lower dose of VPA (20 and
35 mg/kg/day), histone acetylation was more commonly seen in
patients treated with higher doses of VPA (50 mg/kg/day). However, this trial did not suggest a correlation between histone
acetylation and response [183].
LBH589 & LAQ824
These two HDAC inhibitors of the hydroxamic class were found
to be highly potent and showed both in vitro and in vivo antitumor activity [184–186]. A Phase I trial involving 15 patients with
acute leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) evaluated
an intravenous infusion of LBH589. While this trial did not
report objective responses, toxicities were similar to those
reported with other HDAC inhibitors with regards to nausea,
vomiting, fatigue and thrombocytopenia. In addition, the intravenous administration of this drug was associated with QTc prolongations. Further studies with an oral formulation of LBH589,
either alone or in combination, are currently underway.
Other HDAC inhibitors in clinical development
MS-275 was initially studied as an intravenous formulation;
however, a recently reported Phase I trial in patients with
advanced solid tumor malignancies or lymphomas suggested that
MGCD0103, a class I-specific HDAC inhibitor, has passed
Phase I trials and is currently in Phase II trials either alone or
in combination with the demethylating agent, 2´-deoxy-5-azacytidine (Vidaza®), for AML and MDS. In addition, Phase II
monotherapy trials have been initiated for refractory Hodgkin’s lymphoma and B-cell lymphoma, as well as trials evaluating MGCD0103 in combination with gemcitabine. The
outcomes of these trials have not yet been published [301].
Sodium butyrate
Sodium butyrate, a HDAC inhibitor of the fatty acid group,
was studied in an oral formulation. Toxicities were similar to
other HDAC inhibitors, including fatigue, nausea and vomiting. However, no objective responses were seen with this
compound [188]. No trials are currently listed evaluating this
compound for patients with cancer [301].
PXD101 is a novel hydroxamate-type HDAC inhibitor that
exhibits in vitro cytotoxicity at low micromolar concentrations [189].
Based on preclinical data suggesting single-agent efficacy of this
agent in ovarian cancer and a synergistic interaction with carboplatin or a taxane [190], several clinical trials were initiated and
are currently ongoing. Areas of interest in these trials include
the use of PXD101 in patients with CTCL, non-Hodgkin’s
lymphoma, AML and MDS either alone or in combination
with 2´-deoxy-5-azacytidine, bortezomib, isotretinoin or
17-N-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin. Clinical trials
for patients with solid tumors are focused on ovarian and liver
cancer, mesotheliomas and sarcomas [301].
Rationally designed combination of HDAC inhibitors
& other therapies
Several investigators have focused on the preclinical and
clinical development of HDAC inhibitors in combination
with other targeted therapies or cytotoxic agents. Our group
has mainly focused on HDAC inhibitors in combination
with DNA-targeting agents. In vitro and in vivo studies suggested that pre-exposure of cells to an HDAC inhibitor
resulted in chromatin decondensation, thus facilitating the
interaction between the DNA-targeting agents and their
DNA substrate and topoisomerase II target recruitment. This
was associated with an increase in the topoisomerase inhibitor-induced DNA damage and cell death. While these findings were not limited to a certain class of HDAC inhibitor,
Marchion & Münster
the preclinical in vivo efficacy and the well-established clinical toxicity profile had rendered VPA an ideal candidate for a
combination study. In particular, the absence of any known
cardiac toxicity (as initially suspected with depsipeptide) was
crucial for the combination with an anthracycline. Based on
extensive preclinical studies suggesting a synergistic interaction, the efficacy of a sequence-specific administration of
VPA followed by the topoisomerase II inhibitor epirubicin
was evaluated. A total of 44 patients with advanced solid
tumor malignancies were treated with increasing doses of
VPA for 3 days and epirubicin on day 3, cycles were repeated
every 3 weeks. Beginning at doses typically administered for
seizure disorders, the VPA doses were escalated to maximally
tolerated doses of 140 mg/kg/day VPA. The dose-limiting
toxicities of this combination were transient neurovestibular
(somnolence, dizziness, confusion) associated with VPA and
neutropenia associated predominantly with epirubicin. An
exacerbation of the epirubicin-induced myelosuppression or
cardiac toxicity was not observed. As seen with other VPA trials, the neurotoxicities were exacerbated by other neurotropic
agents [183]. Despite a median of three prior regimens and
prior anthracycline exposure in 25% of the patients, objective
responses were seen in 22% patients and 39% of patients had
a clinical benefit for at least 12 weeks. This combination is
currently being explored in a Phase II trial as primary therapy
in women with locally advanced breast cancer [191].
Other studies exploring HDAC inhibitors in combination
with DNA-damaging agents include a Phase I/II trial of VPA
and the topoisomerase I inhibitor karenitecin in advanced
melanoma, a combination of vorinostat and doxorubicin in
solid tumors and a combination of VPA and temozolomide
in patients with brain metastasis undergoing whole-brain
radiation therapy.
Potential targets & future directions
The treatment of cancer cells with HDAC inhibitors may
result in cell-cycle arrest, growth inhibition, differentiation,
chromatin decondensation and apoptosis. However, these
effects may vary with dose and between HDAC inhibitors, cell
type and even cell line. For example, treatment of MCF-7
breast cancer cells with 0.5 µM SAHA resulted in histone
acetylation within 1 h of exposure and chromatin decondensation after 48 h of exposure [38]. In contrast, at concentrations
five- and tenfold higher, treatment of MCF-7 cells with SAHA
resulted in a cell-cycle arrest in G1 and G2/M, respectively [40].
In addition, treatment of MCF-7 cells with VPA resulted in
G1 cell-cycle arrest at concentrations above 3 mM; however,
cell-cycle arrest in G2 was not achieved even with VPA doses
that exceeded 5 mM (MUNSTER, UNPUB. DATA). These observations suggest that the various biological effects observed in
response to HDAC inhibitors may be mediated through the
inhibition of different HDAC enzymes. Similarly, varying
effects of HDAC inhibitors the on cell cycle have been
reported with other HDAC inhibitors [138]. Therefore, the
questions become:
• Which HDAC enzyme is important in each of the observed
biological consequences of HDAC inhibitors?
• Does more than one HDAC enzyme, or inhibition thereof,
contribute to an individual effect?
• Are HDAC enzymes redundant in function?
The answers to these questions are dependent on the elucidation of the biological function of individual HDAC enzymes. It
is well documented that HDAC1 and HDAC2 coexist in several
multiprotein, corepressor complexes, such as NuRD, Sin3 and
CoREST [192–196]. Although this may suggest that these enzymes
may have redundancy, several reports indicate that HDAC
enzymes have individual functions and are differentially regulated [46,197,198]. HDAC1 has been associated with proliferation
in several tumor cell types, as well as differentiation in MCF-7
breast cancer cells and zebrafish retina [74,199–201], whereas
HDAC2 may be associated with cell survival [31,202] but may also
be involved in differentiation of endometrial stromal sarcoma
cells [203]. HDAC3 may be involved in colon cell maturation [204]
and may be required for the activity of HDAC 4, 5 and
7 [205,206]. HDAC4 may be involved in bone development [207]
and may play a role in muscle differentiation in conjunction with
HDAC5 and 7 [208–210]. HDAC6 may play a role in the regulation of the cytoskeleton [211–213], whereas HDAC7 may also be
involved in maintaining vascular integrity [214], while HDAC8
was reportedly associated with smooth muscle cell differentiation
and contractility [215,216]. The biological function of the remaining class I and II HDAC enzymes remains largely unknown.
These studies elucidating the biological function and regulation
of HDAC enzymes are imperative as they may not only answer
the previous questions, but may guide the future development of
HDAC inhibitors. Currently, most of the available HDAC inhibitors are nonspecific, targeting multiple class I and II HDAC
enzymes [217]. For example, TSA is a pan-histone inhibitor but
may have the highest potency toward HDAC1, 3 and 8, while
MS-275 may preferentially inhibit HDAC1 [218]. In addition,
VPA may have the highest activity against HDAC1 and 2, but
also affects HDAC3, 4, 5 and 7 in higher concentrations [179].
These findings suggest that different HDAC inhibitors may be
most effective in tumors that express the target enzymes of those
inhibitors. Furthermore, it is well known that not all cell types or
even cell lines within the same disease type, respond the same to
a particular HDAC inhibitor. This would, therefore, suggest that
HDAC enzyme expression may dictate sensitivity differentially
to various HDAC inhibitors. This idea is supported by Ropero
and coworkers study evaluating colorectal cell line sensitivity to
different HDAC inhibitors [219]. This study found that cells that
express mutated HDAC2 were resistant to histone acetylation
and cell-cycle arrest induced by the hydroxamic acid TSA but
not by the short-chain fatty acids butyrate or VPA.
Expert commentary
Several preclinical and clinical studies have indicated the value
of HDAC inhibitors as monotherapy and in combination with
either more standard chemotherapy or targeted therapy. The
Expert Rev. Anticancer Ther. 7(4), (2007)
Histone deacetylase inhibitors and cancer
first HDAC inhibitor has recently been approved for the treatment of CTCL. Many trials involving a number of different
HDAC inhibitors are currently ongoing, either as monotherapy
or in combination.
However, the mechanism(s) by which HDAC inhibitor treatment leads to these biological sequelae is not yet known and
may differ between the HDAC inhibitor used, and may ultimately depend on the differential expression patterns of HDAC
enzymes in tumors. Furthermore, the mode of action leading to
cell growth arrest and cell death may differ from those resulting
in potentiation of other antitumor therapies. As cellular markers that may predict response to HDAC inhibitors alone or in
combination with chemotherapy are not yet defined, the selection of patients remains arbitrary and may not include those
most likely to benefit from these agents. Further studies are
required to determine whether potency and/or class specificity
of the HDAC inhibitor are clinically relevant. To achieve the
optimal therapeutic potential of these novel and exciting compounds, HDAC inhibitors, it is imperative that future studies
focus on the biological roles of select HDAC enzymes and the
cellular consequences of the specific inhibition of individual
HDAC inhibitors.
Five-year view
The first HDAC inhibitor has been approved for use in
CTCL. Currently, it is not entirely clear why this compound
is active against this type of malignancy. Many other HDAC
inhibitors are currently being tested in this disease and appear
to be active. Further studies will show whether one representative within the same class or from a different class will be
superior to the currently approved vorinostat.
There is a suggestion of activity of HDAC inhibitors in other
malignancies; however, there are currently no markers to foretell response. The roles of individual HDAC enzymes in tumor
development or proliferation as well as therapeutic targets will
be essential for progression in the field.
Papers of special note have been highlighted as:
• of interest
•• of considerable interest
Santos-Rosa H, Caldas C. Chromatin
modifier enzymes, the histone code and
cancer. Eur. J. Cancer 41(16), 2381–2402
HDAC inhibitors are currently being evaluated in combination
with chemotherapy, antihormonal therapies or therapies targeting
specific pathways. The mechanism of synergy may differ from the
mechanism of action leading to cell death in CTCL. Different
HDAC enzymes may need to be inhibited. Furthermore, while
most of the currently used HDAC inhibitors are administered in
a more chronic form as single agents, this may need to be re-evaluated when combining HDAC inhibitors with other anticancer
agents. Higher doses at shorter intervals may be more applicable
when combining these agents with chemotherapy.
Key issues
• Histone deacetylase (HDAC) enzymes have been linked to the
development and progression of cancers.
• HDAC inhibitors have antitumor activity in certain cancer
types but may also act as sensitizers to chemotherapy.
• The sensitivity of cancer cells to HDAC inhibitors may depend
on the class of HDAC inhibitor, dose of administration and
the cell type.
• The biological effects of HDAC inhibition, such as cell-cycle
arrest and differentiation, may be mediated through
different HDAC enzymes.
• The first HDAC inhibitor (vorinostat) has been approved for
the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma.
For the optimal use of HDAC inhibitors as anticancer agents,
future experiments must:
• Define cellular markers that predict response to HDAC
inhibitors as monotherapy or as sensitizers to chemotherapy
in individual diseases.
• Determine whether selective versus nonselective HDAC
inhibitors are more efficacious.
• Determine whether high short-term doses or chronic
administration of lower doses are optimal.
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US National Institutes of Health
Clinical Trials
Douglas Marchion, PhD
H Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, Experimental
Therapeutics and Breast Medical Oncology
Programs, Department of Interdisciplinary
Oncology, H Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, 12902
Magnolia Dr., Tampa, FL 33612, USA
Pamela Münster, MD
H Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, Experimental
Therapeutics and Breast Medical Oncology
Programs, Department of Interdisciplinary
Oncology, H Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, 12902
Magnolia Dr., Tampa, FL 33612, USA
Tel.: +1 813 745 6893
Fax: +1 813 745 1984
[email protected]
Expert Rev. Anticancer Ther. 7(4), (2007)