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1. adjective – describes a noun; tells numbers and colors; modifies a noun
(beautiful, orange, several, three, little, gigantic)
2. adverb – tells how- slowly, gracefully, carefully, fast when- today, later,
tomorrow, soon, where- nearby, outside, away, there, upstairs
3. verb- action word (jump, cheer, tackle, dribble, walk, run, dig); also
known as a predicate or a doing word
4. noun- person, place, thing, or idea (an idea is an abstract noun…such as
childhood or liberty); Proper nouns are capitalized. Person: Chris
place: McDonald’s thing: Empire State Building; Common nouns are
not capitalized. person: student place: restaurant thing: skyscraper
5. coordinating conjunction- joins two sentences together using the words
for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so (FANBOYS)
*My sister likes chocolate ice cream, but I like vanilla the best.
6. pronoun- a word used in place of a noun; singular pronouns: I, me
you, he, she, it: Carl drove the motorcycle to town. He drove the
motorcycle to town. Plural pronouns: we, us, you, they, them; Adam
and Joseph cleaned out the messy lockers. They cleaned out the messy
7. subject pronouns- used as subjects of sentences; singular subject
pronouns: I, you, he, she, it plural subject pronouns: we, you, they
8. object pronouns- follow action verbs; singular object pronouns: me,
you, him, her, it plural object pronouns: us, you, them Remember that
the pronoun you can be singular or plural.
9. transition words- connect ideas; link paragraphs to make writing flow
(first, next, in conclusion, then, finally, now)
10. sentence fragment- a group of words that do not express a complete
thought ( EXAMPLE: Are you at?)
11. declarative sentence- makes a statement; states a fact; ends with a
period: My family loves to eat at Pizza Hut.
12. exclamatory sentence- shows excitement or strong feelings; ends with
an exclamation point: The twirling tornado is destroying the little town!
13. interrogative sentence- asks a question; ends with a question mark:
Who put this beautiful flower on my desk?
14. imperative sentence- gives a command; makes a request; ends with a
period or an exclamation point: Feed the dogs this morning. Get your
homework finished before supper!
15. simple sentence- has one subject and one verb: Henry ran to the
16. atlas- a book of maps
17. almanac- yearly calendar of days; weeks; months; weather forecasts;
18. antecedent – the word(s) that a pronoun refers to (Adam and Joseph
cleaned out the messy lockers. They cleaned out the messy lockers.
The antecedent of they is Adam and Joseph.)
19. index- list topics and subtopics in the back of a book and tells the page
number(s) where the information can be located.
object, 326-327
subject, 328-330
20. plagiarizing (also called plagiarism) - copying information from
books, magazines, encyclopedias, etc. word for word
21. paraphrasing- putting information found in books, magazines,
encyclopedias, etc., in your own words
22. compound sentence- two independent sentences joined together by a
coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS); a comma is placed in front of the
conjunction We went shopping at the mall, and we also shopped at WalMart!
23. run-on sentence- two or more sentences that run together without
24. compound subject- two or more simple subjects in a sentence
Mark, Shane, and Billy went bowling. (three simple subjects)
Brownies, chips, dip, and ice cream are delicious. (four simple subjects)
25. compound predicate- two or more simple predicates in a sentence
Michael ran, dribbled, and shot the ball! (three simple predicates)
The kitten played with the yarn and meowed several times. (two simple
26. plot- what happens in a story; how the story unfolds
27. characters- people or objects (talking tree, etc.) in the story
28. setting- where and when a story takes place
29. speaker/narrator- person who is telling the story
30. sensory details- what you feel with your five senses; make a story seem
31. idiom- a piece of cake----meaning-----very easy (EXAMPLE) It’s
raining cats and dogs! ** This means that heavy rain is falling.
32. fables- teach moral lessons---The Tortoise and the Hare
33. dictionary- tells the meaning, part of speech, and how to pronounce a
word; a glossary does the same job as a dictionary
34. thesaurus- a book of synonyms and antonyms
35. sequential order- (time order) Writers start with what happened first,
second, and so on to arrange a story to be read.
36. dialogue- a conversation between two or more people; Each speaker has
to be written in a separate paragraph, indented with quotation marks.
“What time is the ballgame?” Tom bellowed.
Sue yelled, “It begins at 7:30!”
“Let’s eat at McDonald’s before we go,” suggested Bill.
“That will be fantastic!” cried Sue.
37. antonyms- words that mean the opposite: (hot/cold; happy/sad;
38. synonyms- words that mean the same: (small/little; sick/ill)
39. homophones- words that are spelled differently but sound the same:
(plane/plain; there/they’re/their; to/too/two)
40. complex sentence- an independent sentence (clause) joined with a
dependent clause by the use of a subordinating conjunction
(AAAWWUBBIS); when the independent clause begins the sentence, no
comma is required; when the dependent clause begins the sentence, a
comma is required
When he handed in his homework, he forgot to give the teacher the last
The teacher returned the homework after she noticed the error.
41. subordinating conjunction – AAAWWUBBIS (as, although, after,
while, when, unless, because, before, if, since); used to join complex
42. play – a piece of writing meant to be acted out on stage