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Sugar and Fats Good vs. Bad
By: Mary Taylor and Spenser Jennings
Good Sugars
 Not all sugar is bad
 But all simple sugar is bad; during digestion simple sugars and complex starches break
down into single molecules of glucose
Natural sugar
Simple sugar
Good Sugars
 Fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains contain simple sugar
 When simple sugars are naturally found in whole foods, the contain vitamins, minerals, and
• Good Sugars
 Natural sugars also contains fiber
 When there is fiber found in natural sugar, it slows the absorption of sugar
Good Sugars
 Natural sugar in whole food is good sugar
 When you add sugar to foods, your are consuming fibers without any nutrients or fiber
Good Sugars
 When you add sugar to food it is called added sugar
 Added sugar is also called bad sugar
Bad Sugars
 A bad sugar is any sugar that is not naturally found in any food
 Bad sugars increase your risk of weight gain
Bad Sugars
 It can also increase your risk of type 2 diabetes
 When sugar enters your blood stream, your pancreas releases insulin
Bad Sugars
 When this happens , the sugar stays in your blood, and that is what increases your risk of
type 2 diabetes
 Extra sugar increases your risk of getting triglycerides, which contributes to cardiovascular
Bad Sugars
 The average American consumes at least 22 teaspoons of sugar every day
 Cutting back on processed foods and sweets is the best way to reduce your intake to bad
Bad Sugars
 Sodas and candy are sweetened with refined sugar
 Refined sugar is another term for bad sugar
Bad Fats
 Saturated and trans fat; Raises cholesterol
 For athletes saturated fat are fuel for the body
 High levels of LDL can cause the arteries to narrow due to calcification and
inelasticity. Eventually, sufficient oxygen-rich blood is prevented from reaching
the heart and causing damage to the heart.
Bad Fats
 Clogging arteries
 Risk of too much can lead to heart attack or stoke
 Saturated fat should be less than 7% of all the fat you eat
Bad Fats
 Trans fat been linked to certain cancers; breast and colorectal
 Harvard Study suggest that eliminating trans fat could help prevent a quarter of heart attack related deaths
Quick Fact
 For every 2% of calories from trans fat eaten daily the risk of heart disease rises by
23 %
Good Fats
 1960 the American Heart association told people to eat less fat and more carbohydrates because Post
World War II research lead to a link of foods with saturated fats
 Without natural fats food had to be loaded with sugar to taste good
Good Fats
 7 years study showed that Mediterranean diet for women with high-fat, low-carb lost most weight and
lower cholesterol than low-fat, high carb
 Healthy fats for body
 Avocados
 Butter
 Coconut oil
 Extra Virgin Olive Oil
 Omega 3
Good Fats
 Monounsaturated fat
-vegetable oils
-eating these types of food can improve your blood cholesterol level
-decrease cardiovascular disease
Good Fats
 polyunsaturated fats = heart healthy
 They also provide nutrients to help develop and maintain your body’s cells. Oils rich in
polyunsaturated fats also contribute vitamin E to the diet, an antioxidant vitamin most
Americans need more of.
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