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Mid-Term Review
World History Prehistory to AD 1500
Fall 2016
Introduction to World History
Anno Domini is best translated as: Year of the Lord
The abbreviation CE is most closely related to which other abbreviation? AD
c. is usually used when? A date is uncertain
The movement of people is called? migration
How have humans modified the environment? building dams, cutting trees, etc.
One example of a physical characteristic is: Tennessee River
1803 30th Street Sheffield, AL is an example of: Absolute location
The Dawn of Man
Early man made his living by :Hunting and foraging
How did early man get a bride? Trade or steal
Where did man originate according to the fossil record? East Africa
Which sex is responsible for most early economic advances? Females
This word means “Middle Stone Age?” Mesolithic
The practice of one mate married to multiple mates is called. Polygamy
A Complex Religion has leaders who lead worship and a system of beliefs that encompasses man
during and beyond his/her life.
15. Scientist use artifacts to give them ideas about how early culture lived.
16. Before the dawn of writing, history was called? Prehistory
The first people to settle Mesopotamia were the Sumerians.
The city of Babylon served as capital for the Amorites and Chaldeans.
The first code of written laws was done by: Hammurabi
The Fertile Crescent is the land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
King Nebuchadnezzar may have built the Hanging Gardens for one of his wives.
The Phoenicians were among the first and the best seagoing peoples.
The Phoenicians are responsible for the creation of the basis for our modern alphabet.
Most cities in the land of the Middle East had a ziggurat as its focal point.
25. Canopic Jars were used to hold: organs
26. The first woman that historians record a good bit about is: Hatshepsut
27. The largest and most impressive pyramid was built for Khufu.
28. King Tutankhamen’s tomb was uncovered by: Howard Carter
29. This was the god represented to the Egyptians as a falcon: Horus
30. Jean Champollion is responsible for cracking: Hieroglyphics
31. Egypt was able to survive as a kingdom because of the silt deposited by the Nile.
32. Mummification was the process of preparing for: the afterlife
33. Akhenaton is remembered for being a religious heretic because of his attempts to change the
34. The Nile River Valley is dangerous to travel because of the: cataracts
35. The only organ left in the body during mummification was the: Heart
India and China
36. One of the major cities in ancient India was: Mohenjo-Daro or Harappa
37. The Wheel of Law is a symbol of Buddhism.
38. The Buddha was: Siddhartha Gautama
39. Confucius was one of the most influential thinkers of: China
40. The Great wall was built to keep the Huns out of northern China.
41. According to Hindu and Buddhist thought, the concept of coming back to balance your karma is
called reincarnation (or Samsara).
42. The Chinese developed a Civil Service Exam in an attempt to get the best possible people in
governmental jobs.
43. One of the great trade items from China was silk.
44. Daoism was founded on the teaching of Laozi.
45. The first emperor of China, and the man buried with the Terra Cotta army was Qin Shi
46. The earliest signs of civilization from the area of Greece comes from the island of Crete.
47. The high point of Greek cities was called the acropolis
48. Phiddippides is most remembered for his long distance run to inform the people of Athens of their
victory at Marathon.
49. Because of a plague, the city-states of Sparta and Corinth a much easier time defeating Athens during
the Peloponnesian War.
50. Every citizen in Athens had a say about the government under the democratic rule of the city-state.
51. The Battle of Thermopylae was led by leaders from Athens and Sparta, who were they? Leonidas and
52. The civilization of Crete was often called Minoans, based on their king, Minos.
53. Henrich Schliemann is given credit as the discoverer of Troy.