* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
The Five Themes of Geography 1) LOCATION: Answers the question “Where is it?” This question can be answered in two different ways: A) Relative Location: Explains where a place is compared with one or more places. Example: Nevada is to the east of California Mrs. Thomsen’s classroom is next to Mrs. Rubero’s Florida is in the Southeast corner of the United States B) Absolute Location: Explains where an exact location is using the earth’s grid system: Latitude and Longitude Example: 2) Reno is 40 N Lat, 120 W Long Los Angeles 35 N Lat, 115 W Long Buenos Aires 36 N Lat, 55 W Long PLACE: Answers the question “What is it like?” Place describes what is special and unique to a certain place. This question can also be answered two different ways. A) Physical Characteristics: Describes a place using biomes, landforms, climate, plant and animal life. Example: Nevada has a dry climate and is a mostly desert biome The western half of Colorado is mountainous and has a climate which produces a lot of moisture B) Cultural Characteristics: Describes a place in relation to peoples’ influence such as language, religion, music, architecture, food, dress Example: In Turkey, people speak Turkish, eat Turkish food, and practice Islam as a religion 3) MOVEMENT: Answers the question “How do people in one area relate to people in other areas?” Movement shows connections between different people in different PLACES in different parts of the world. PEOPLE, GOODS, IDEAS, and INFORMATION move from place to place. EXAMPLE: Transportation routes, trade routes, and communication systems Today, information travels instantaneously via the internet, but 150 years ago information sent from the West Coast to the East Coast took several days. 4) HUMAN ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION: Answers the question “How do people relate to the PLACE that they live in?” This can be understood in two different ways: A) Environment affects humans: How does the environment affect people? Example: Natural disaster Proximity to water Climate Work Lifestyle and Recreation B) Humans affect the Environment: How do people affect the environment? Example: 5) Natural resources Population increases Pollution Scientific discoveries REGION: Regions are invented by geographers to understand the common characteristics that a certain area shares. A region can be categorized in two different ways: A) Physical Regions: Areas that share the same climate or physical features. Example: The Great Basin, The Rocky Mountains, The Mediterranean, The Pacific Northwest B) Cultural Regions: Areas that share common cultural characteristics such as language, religion, and government. Example: The Muslim World, North Africa, Southern California, The Middle East, Latin America