Download Harvard Summer Medical Studentship

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Summer Medical Studentship for Clare Pre-clinical Medical
and Natural Science Students at the Vaccine and
Immunotherapy Center, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Harvard Medical School.
Open, on competition, to second and third year pre-clinical medical/natural science students.
This is a prestigious opportunity to spend 3 months at Harvard working with a former Clare
research Fellow. Professor Mark Poznansky PhD FRCP, former Harrison-Watson Fellow, is a
Consultant in Infectious Disease Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in Boston.
Dr Poznansky’s laboratory is based at the Vaccine and Immunotherapy Center at MGH and the
successful Clare student will gain experience of basic medical laboratory research in the area of
Infectious Diseases Medicine in this premier institution in the States. From time to time it may
be possible to accommodate more than one student, with additional students being hosted by
other labs in the same institution.
There are generally a range of projects in the host lab(s) for successful applicants to choose
from. Examples of past project areas have included:
Cloning of and expression of genes involved in immune regulation into vectors used in ongoing
vaccine and immunotherapeutic approaches to the treatment of HIV/AIDS and cancer.
Genomics research: learning how to use chip technology to understand alterations in gene and
protein expression of immune cells during HIV-1 infection.
Immune evasion by HIV-1: understanding and investigating novel mechanisms by which HIV
evades the human immune system
The attachment(s) will be for 12 weeks during the summer vacation. Subsistence up to $5000
(to cover the cost of accommodation and food) will be paid by Dr Poznansky’s research grant
funding and the MGH. Assistance will be provided in finding accommodation. A grant is payable
by Clare to cover the reasonable cost of travel to Boston and visa application. The specific U.S.
visa requirements for this type of elective work/study will be arranged for the successful
student through the International Office at Massachusetts General Hospital. The student will be
expected to write up the research conducted in the form of a scientific paper for submission on
return, together with a shorter and more informal account of their experience in Boston.
Applications for this studentship should be made to Dr Robert Semple by the end of
January 31st. The application should include both a full CV and a statement in the
form of a formal letter on anticipated benefit from the experience and specific areas
of interest. Applications should be typed and e-mailed directly to Dr Semple.
Applications will be considered by a small panel with interviews for shortlisted
candidates in late February.
The point of contact for this studentship will be Dr Robert Semple in liaison with Dr Poznansky.
Early enquiries may be made directly to Dr Semple ([email protected]) or Cambridge 769035.
Each year, the college organises a short talk from a previous participant in the
scheme. It is strongly recommended that anyone intending to apply for this
studentship attend this talk if possible. Details of the talk will be advertised by email.