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CLIMATE CHANGE AND IMPACT ON BUILT ENVIRONMENT: URBAN HEAT ISLAND AND PLUVIAL FLOODING CLIMATE CHANGE AND EXTREMES METEOROLOGICAL EVENTS GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE: DEFINITIONS The term climate change refers to a change in the state of the climate that can be identified (for example, by using statistical tests) by changes in the average values and / or by the variability of its properties, and that persists for an extended period, typically decades or more. Climate change may be due to natural internal processes or external forcing, such as changes in solar cycles, volcanic eruptions and anthropogenic actions persistent varying the composition of the atmosphere or land use [IPCC, 2014]. The Framework Convention on Climate Change of the United Nations (art.1) defines climate change as a change "is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed comparable time periods"[UNFCCC, 1992]. The UNFCCC makes a distinction between climate change caused by human ability to change the composition of the atmosphere, and climate variability attributable to natural causes. GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE: IPCC SCENARIOS GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE: IPCC scenarios The surface temperature is likely to rise during the 21st century in all the evaluated emission scenarios It is very likely that heat waves will occur more often and last longer, and that extreme precipitation events will become more intense and frequent in many regions. The ocean will continue to warm and acidify, and the average global sea level to rise. Projected changes in the climate system [IPCC, 2014b] METEO-CLIMATIC VARIABLES AND EXTREME METEOROLOGICAL EVENTS METEO-CLIMATIC VARIABLES AND EXTREME METEOROLOGICAL EVENTS Extremes meteorological events Meteo-climatic variables Observed changes (since 1950) Probable impacts on built environment and population Temperature Reduction of days and cold nights and great increase of days and warm nights on a global scale. Increased periods of heat over large regions. Drought, erosion, desertification, morbidity and mortality, increases in energy demand Heavy rainfall Precipitation Significant increases in intense precipitation events (over the 95th percentile) at the regional and sub-regional. Flooding, landslides, mudslides, mortality Cyclones, tornadoes, hurricanes Winds There were no relevant changes for lack of evidence. Damage to infrastructure and public assets, mortality Heatwaves METEO-CLIMATIC VARIABLES AND EXTREME METEO-CLIMATIC METEOROLOGICAL EVENTS VARIABLES AND EXTREME METEOROLOGICAL EVENTS Heatwave Heatwave is an Extreme Heat Event; EHEs conditions are defined by summertime weather that is substantially hotter and/or more humid than average for a location at that time of year (US EPA, 2006). Is an extended period of hot weather, which may be accompanied by high humidity, relative to the expected conditions, of the area at that time of year. The WMO didn’t expressed a standard definition of the phenomenon: in Italy (2003 heatwave) the heat wave dangerous to human health is "a period of at least three consecutive days with maximum air temperature above 30° C" (Greco, Biggeri et al. 2006). Heavy rainfall Is an “hazardous meteorological phenomenon, of varying but short duration (minutes, hours, days to a couple of weeks) and of varying geographical extent, with risk of causing major damage, serious social disruption and loss of human life, requiring measures for minimizing loss, mitigation and avoidance, and requiring detailed information about the phenomenon (location, area or region affected, time, duration, intensity and evolution) to be distributed as soon as possible to the responsible authorities and to the public” (WMO, 2004). Is defined like rainfall/snowfall greater than or equal to 50 mm in past 24 hours (WMO-SWIC, 2015). These events are meteorological events of small-scale or short-term weather conditions, that may become an hazard for built environment and population [C40, 2015]. CITY CLIMATE HAZARDS CITY CLIMATE HAZARDS City climate hazard taxonomy [C40, 2015] Precipitation Wind Meteorological Lightning Fog Extreme temperature - cold Extreme temperature - hot Climatological Water scarcity Drought Wild fire Forest fire Land fire Flood Hydrological Rain storm Heavy snow Severe wind Tornado Cyclone (hurricane/typhoon) Tropical storm Electrical storm Fog Extreme winter conditions Cold wave Extreme cold weather Heatwave Extreme hot weather Wave action Chemical change Mass movement Geophysical Hazard group Lightning/thunderstorm, derecho Ice, hail, freezing rain, debris avalanche Cold snap, frost Cold days Lack of precipitation and seasonal melt (snow, glacial) Bush fire, grass fire, pasture fire, scrub fire Landslide Avalanche Rockfall Lahar, mud flow, debris flow Debris avalanche, snow avalanche Insects and microorganisms Vector-borne disease Hazard City climate hazard Air-borne disease Insect infestation Chemical change Wave action Wild fire Water scarcity Drought Subsidence Landslide Hot days Glacial lake outburst Subsidence Insects and micro-organisms Flood Flash/surface flood River flood Coastal flood Groundwater flood Storm surge Salt water intrusion Ocean acidification Water-borne disease Biological Monsoon Snowstorm/blizzard Dust storm/sandstorm Extratropical cyclone Waterlogging Seiche Sudden subsidence (sinkhole), logn-lasting subsidence E.g. cholera, typhoid, legionnaires’ disease E.g. malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, west nile virus, bubonic plague E.g. pneumonic plague, influenza E.g. pine beetles, killer bees, termites Rockfall Avalanche Subsidence Landslide Subsidence Landslide Insects and micro-organisms Flood Chemical change Flood Extreme temperature – hot Flood Related natural hazards CLIMATE – RELATED HAZARDS CLIMATERELATED HAZARDS Extreme events are often but not always associated with disaster. This association will depend on the particular physical, geographic, and social conditions that prevail. Non-extreme physical events also can and do lead to disasters where physical or societal conditions foster such a result. [IPCC, 2012]. Hazard may overlap and trigger different phenomena of high magnitude associated with the conditions of vulnerability, exposure and sensitivity of the exposed elements [Pescaroli, 2015]. The two hazards of heatwave and heavy rainfall can lead to secondary, but not less important, phenomena through a cascading relationship (related natural hazards) [C40, 2015], generating multiple direct and indirect effects. At such weather natural events must be added the anthropic contribution and the characteristics of the built environment, that can generate at the urban level phenomena such as the UHI and pluvial flooding. The risks deriving by climate change are the result of interaction between climate-related hazards and exposure and vulnerability characteristics of natural systems and human affected, that produce different impacts on the built environment and population. CLIMATE – RELATED IMPACTS CLIMATERELATED IMPACTS Climate-related impacts referred generally to effects on people, buildings, health, ecosystems, facilities, infrastructures, livelihoods, economic, social and cultural resources due to interaction between climate change and hazardous climatic events that occurred within a specific period of time and to vulnerability of society In the 5th Report of the IPCC - WGII, the term impact is mainly used to refer to the effects of extreme weather events and of climate change on natural and human systems. The impacts of climate change on geophysical systems, including floods, droughts and rising sea levels, are a subset of impacts called physical impacts [IPCC, 2014a]. RISK OF CLIMATE – RELATED IMPACTS RISK OF CLIMATE-RELATED IMPACTS Interaction of climate-related hazards with the vulnerability and exposure of human and natural systems [IPCC, 2014a] Hazard :The potential occurrence of a natural or humaninduced physical event or trend or physical impact that may cause loss of life, injury, or other health impacts, as well as damage and loss to property, infrastructure, livelihoods, service provision, ecosystems, and environmental resources. In this report, the term hazard usually refers to climate-related physical events or trends or their physical impacts [IPCC, 2014a]. Vulnerability The propensity or predisposition to be adversely affected. Vulnerability encompasses a variety of concepts and elements including sensitivity or susceptibility to harm and lack of capacity to cope and adapt. In the field of disaster risk, this includes the characteristics of a person or group that influences their capacity to anticipate, cope with, resist, and recover from the adverse effects of physical events [IPCC, 2014a]. Exposure The presence of people, livelihoods, species or ecosystems, environmental functions, services, and resources, infrastructure, or economic, social, or cultural assets in places and settings that could be adversely affected [IPCC, 2014a]. Risk refers to potential for consequences where something of value is at stake and where the outcome is uncertain, recognizing the diversity of values. Risk is often represented as probability of occurrence of hazardous events or trends multiplied by the impacts if these events or trends occur. Risk results from the interaction of vulnerability, exposure, and hazard [IPCC, 2014a]. CLIMATE VARIABILITY IN EURO – MEDITERRINEAN AREA CLIMATE VARIABILITY IN EURO-MEDITERRANEAN AREA Projected change in Mediterranean climate over the Euro-Mediterranean domain [Alessandri et al., 2014] Euro-mediterranean area climate-change hot spot particularly sensitive area to climate changes [Giorgi, 2006] The emerging trends expect that the MED zone expands into other warm temperate climates (WarmTemp to MED) which will experience a greater wintersummer difference in rainfall in accordance with the typical MED seasonality. Moreover, there was a reduction in average precipitation in summer and winter and an increase in average summer temperatures especially in southern Italy, where the transition to the arid climate is increasingly evident [Alessandri et al., 2014]. In addition to changes in the average values, the increase of the maximum values it may increase the probability of occurrence of extreme events [Castellari, Venturini et al., 2014]. CLIMATE VARIABILITY IN EURO – MEDITERRANEAN AREA CLIMATE VARIABILITY IN EURO-MEDITERRANEAN AREA Atlantico: accresciuto rischio di erosioni e alluvioni costiere, stress dei sistemi biologici marini e perdita degli habitat; aumento della pressione turistica sulle coste; grandi aumenti nel rischio di tempeste invernali e vulnerabilità dei trasporti ai venti. Boreale: eutrofizzazione di laghi e zone umide, aumento delle alluvioni e dell’erosione costiera, aumento del rischio di tempeste invernali; riduzione della stagione turistica. Tundra: scioglimento del permafrost; diminuzione della tundra; aumento dell’erosione costiera e delle alluvioni. Centrale: aumento in frequenza e intensità delle alluvioni estive; aumento della variabilità dei raccolti; aumento di problemi sanitari da ondate di calore; gravi incendi nelle aree a torba drenate. Montagne: scomparsa dei ghiacciai; riduzione del periodo di copertura nevosa, spostamento verso l’alto del limite della vegetazione arborea; severe perdite della biodiversità, riduzione della stagione sciistica; aumento delle frane. Mediterraneo: reduction in the availability of water; increased drought; severe loss of biodiversity; increase in forest fires; reduction of summer tourism; reduction of suitable areas for cultivation; increased summer energy demand; reduction in the production of hydroelectric power; increased loss of land deltas and estuaries; increased salinity and eutrophication of coastal waters; increase in heat waves. Steppa: diminuzione dei raccolti agricoli; aumento dell’erosione dei suoli; aumento del livello del mare nel caso di oscillazione nordatlantica; aumento della salinità delle aree interne. Expected impacts of climate change during the 21st century in the main European biogeographic regions [LIMES, 2007] INTERNATIONAL POLICIES ON ENERGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE INTERNATIONAL POLICIES ON ENERGY AND CLIMATE - Green Paper (2007) and White Paper (2009) on the Adaptation: strategies to strengthen the CHANGE resilience of territories - European Adaptation Strategy (2013): planning guidelines for adaptation and mitigation and their local spread - Climate Energy Package 20-20-20 (2009): -20% Co2 emissions compared to 1990; +20% renewable energy; +20% improving energy efficiency -Paris Conference on Climate (2015): 195 countries; universal and legally binding agreement on climate (keeping the increase in global average temperature below 2°) - Elements for a National Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change (2013) - Report on the State of scientific knowledge on Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change (2014) URBAN CLIMATE CHANGE URBAN CLIMATE CHANGE URBAN “Before human development began CLIMATE disturbing natural habitats, soil and CHANGE vegetation constituted part of a balanced ecosystem that managed precipitation and solar energy effectively. In natural areas, much of the rainwater infiltrates into the ground or is returned to the atmosphere via evapotranspiration, thus absorbing rainwater and performing a cooling function for excess solar loads” [Getter e Rowe, 2006]. In Italy urban settlements are home to over 90% of the population [Filpa, 2013]: this action of expansion and construction of the city by man has been a disturbing factor for the natural system, with a changes in the emission characteristics of surfaces (Urban Heat Island) and in the hydrological system, with an increase in the volume of water runoff (pluvial flooding). In relation to the extreme heat and precipitation events, these phenomena constitute aggravating factors. URBAN CLIMATE CHANGE URBAN CLIMATE CHANGE 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Temperature (F) Urban Heat Island Is defined as a temperature difference between an urban area (warmer) and the surrounding rural areas (cooler). It is the result of the interaction between urban structure and environmentalclimatic components, or between solar radiation and urban physical characteristics (geometry, dimensions, materials, colors, vegetation). Mapping the temperature of the air of a city with isotherms, the city center with higher temperatures, appears a '"island" in the sea of surrounding rural areas, characterized by lower temperatures. In general, the urban areas characterized by high population and building density represent the "peaks" of the island in the mapping of isotherms, while the surfaces are characterized by water or by vegetation, are, on the contrary, characterized from lower intensity [Oke, 1982]. Atlanta, Urban Daytime Thermal View of the Heat Island, 1998 [NASA, 2010] URBAN CLIMATE CHANGE Urban Heat Island It can be distinguish two main type of UHI [Oke, 1995]: Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) Thermal gradient that occurs between a urban surface exposed to solar radiation and a shaded area or characterized by higher humidity, such as a lawn. Atmospheric Urban Heat Island (AUHI) Thermal gradient between temperature of the air of an urban area and that of a near rural area. It is divided in: - Canopy Layer Urban Heat Island (CLUHI); heat island layer of urban cover, relative to air closest to the surfaces, below of the average height of the buildings; - Boundary Layer Urban Heat Island (BLUHI); relative to air in the layer above the average height of the buildings and trees, up to the portion in which the urban conformation not influence more the atmospheric characteristics. Climatic analysis levels [Voogt, 2006] URBAN CLIMATE CHANGE URBAN CLIMATE CHANGE The urban factors that influence Urban Heat Island are: CITY FORM Settlement factors - Location and weather conditions - Topography - Population density - Building density - Urban shape and frame (Rugosity, Urban Canyons reduce Sky View Factor and increase surface area and multiple reflection) Surfaces characteristics - Impermeable surfaces increase waterproofing - Absence of trees, shrubs - Loss of land evapotranspiration -Albedo, emissivity, surface temperature, rugosity Thermal properties of materials - Building envelope (U-value, Φ, Fa) CITY FUNCTION/ANTHROPIC ACTIONS High energy consumption Pollution URBAN CLIMATE CHANGE Pluvial flooding URBAN CLIMATE CHANGE Is caused when precipitation ponds or flows over the ground before it enters a natural or man-made drainage system or watercourse, or when it cannot enter the drainage system because the system is already full to capacity [SEPA, 2015]. Pluvial flooding occurs when rainfall that is usually converted into run-off, which can be evacuated by the drainage system, remains on impermeable surfaces and flows overland or into local depressions and topographic lows to create temporary ponds. This is usually associated with shortduration storms (of up to three hours) and with rainfalls > 20–25 mm/hour. It can also occur following lower intensity rainfalls (~ 10 mm/hour) over longer periods, especially if the ground surface is impermeable by being developed, saturated or frozen [Houston et al., 2011]. Glasgow, National Pluvial Flood Map for Scotland , 2011 [Lardet at al., 2010] URBAN CLIMATE CHANGE URBAN CLIMATE CHANGE Pluvial flooding The urban factors that characterize pluvial flooding or can influence the severity of pluvial flooding are (Falconer, 2009; Houston et al., 2011): Infrastructural factors - Road or rail embankments can be barriers to surface flow and cause deep ponding - Road or rail underpasses may be vulnerable and can create deep ponding Topographic factors - Roads and open spaces with high slopes can increase velocity of surface flows Surface and underground drainage capacity - Impermeable surfaces increase stormwater runoff - Lack of capacity of urban drainage system URBAN CLIMATE CHANGE EFFECTS URBAN CLIMATE CHANGE EFFECTS URBAN CLIMATE CHANGE EFFECTS Urban Heat Island The generated effects on the built environment and population can be: Direct; increased energy consumption, increased heat loads in outdoor spaces, high inputs of atmospheric pollutants and greenhouse gases, reduce quality of life and comfort of the individual, aggravated by the events of the heatwaves. Indirect; increased vulnerability of survivors and deterioration of water quality; surfaces, floors and roofs which reach temperatures higher than those of the air transferring this excess heat to the rainwater that, because of the phenomena of surface runoff, is transported, together with the pollutants, to the surface or groundwater water bodies. URBAN CLIMATE CHANGE EFFECTS URBAN CLIMATE CHANGE EFFECTS Pluvial flooding The generated effects can be [Houston et al., 2011]: Direct; immediate, may cause physical damage to the buildings (structural elements or finishing) and infrastructure, and consequent costs for restoration or reconstruction, health problems for those affected (death, physical trauma and / or mental), and deterioration of water qualityThe runoff can cause transport to water bodies (surface and underground) of pollutants in the area, both urban and rural. Napoli, 12/10/2012 Indirect; not immediate, they are longer lasting and affect the interruption of economic and social activities (loss of industrial and agricultural production) or services (transport infrastructure, school activities, health care, etc.) and the increased vulnerability of survivors. Palermo, 27/11/2015 Salerno, 01/09/2014 URBAN CLIMATE CHANGE EFFECTS - Rising global temperatures (average and maximum) - Increased frequency of extreme weather events (heatwaves, heavy rainfall, dryness) - Reduction in annual average rainfall And then: - Ideal southward shift - Thirty years 2080/99: increase of 5-6° in global average temperatures (without a massive reduction in greenhouse gas emissions) Napoli, 12/10/2012 Palermo, 27/11/2015 Salerno, 01/09/2014 CITIES AS VULNERABLE PLACES TO CLIMATE CITIES AS VULNERABLE PLACES TO CLIMATE Central role of cities in fighting the climate change effects - Open spaces of cities become unlivable places during the warmer months, mostly for vulnerable groups, causing discomfort and mortality - Big cities are home to 50% of the world population and it is expected in 2030 will host 70% Predicting what might happen in the future: - Reducing the environmental impact of the construction industry - Surrounding Co2 emissions during the entire life cycle - Buildings and urban spaces as environmental relievers (designed to withstand extraordinary events and able to limit their current and future effects) Napoli, 12/10/2012 Palermo, 27/11/2015 Salerno, 01/09/2014 DESIGN FOR CLIMATE CHANGE DESIGN FOR CLIMATE CHANGE - URBAN REGENERATION Read and face the change improving the environmental (living?) comfort through adaptation strategies and solutions and mitigation of climate change - RESILIENT ACTIONS Able to adapt to change and to mitigate the future effects Preventive actions of urban spaces regeneration and of Co2 emissions reduction, to start the recessive process advocated by the EU Napoli, 12/10/2012 Palermo, 27/11/2015 Salerno, 01/09/2014