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EEX 6065
Academic Co-Teaching Lesson Plan 1
Elizabeth Shayestehpour
Grade level: Grade 8 Basic Education
Content: Geometry and Measurement/9-3 Triangles
Lesson: The Triangle Sum Theorem
Next Generation Sunshine State Standards/Benchmarks: MA.8.2.3 Demonstrate that the sum of the angles
in a triangle is 180-degrees and apply this fact to find unknown measure of angles…
Lesson Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to determine that the interior angle sum of acute,
obtuse, and right triangles will always add up to 180-degrees. Students will be able to identify a triangle based on its
attributes: length of sides and name them as equilateral, isosceles, and scalene triangle. Students will also be able to
identify triangles as acute, obtuse, and right from knowledge and observation of their angles. Students will be
able to calculate the angle measures of an unknown angle given the measures of the other two interior angles.
Alternative outcomes/objectives:
 Given precut triangles, students will identify acute, obtuse, and right triangles, 4 out of 5 times, in five
consecutive trials.
 Given precut triangles, students will be able to sort equilateral, isosceles, and scalene triangles given a
model 9 out of 10 times in 3 consecutive trials.
 Given individual precut triangles, students will be able to take apart the triangle and place the angles
side by side so that they form one straight line and identify that the measurement is 180-degrees, 4 out of
5 times in five consecutive trials.
Prior Knowledge/Preskills: Students will have prior knowledge of addition and subtraction and can carry over
and regroup. They will have had experience and knowledge on how to use a calculator. They will have
knowledge about geometric shapes and in particular triangles and their attributes. Students will have prior
knowledge on how to use a protractor.
Elmo/Smart Board
Precut triangles: obtuse, right, equilateral, isosceles, scalene, acute.
Precut triangles that can be taken apart to have the angles form a straight line.
Extra construction paper
Holt McDougal Mathematics 3 Textbook
Model sheet for matching the types of triangles
Vocabulary cards for obtuse, right, acute, obtuse, equilateral, isosceles, and scalene triangles
Motivation: Play this video from You Tube. It is less than three minutes long but introduces the Triangle Sum
Theorem in a very engaging way and will prepare students for what they will be learning in this lesson.
EEX 6065
Academic Co-Teaching Lesson Plan 1
Elizabeth Shayestehpour
Teacher-directed Instruction
Model of Instruction: Direct Instruction, Alternative Teaching, Team Teaching
Lesson Procedures-Lesson Introduction*:
Content Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Instructor Role (Alternative Teaching)
Instructor Role (Alternative Teaching)
Teacher will introduce the topic and review the
Teacher will work in a small group with the
vocabulary words for the topic which will include
special education students and show them
the types of triangles based on their attributes.
physical examples (pre-cut triangles) of the
Teacher will classify and categorize the vocabulary
different types of triangles being introduced in
cards on the Elmo as their attributes are noted to
this lesson. Teacher will classify and categorize
develop metacognitive strategies under “Observing
the examples while talking through the thinking
Sides”- equilateral, isosceles, scalene triangles and
process using metacognitive strategies.
“Observing Angles”- acute, right, and obtuse
-Overview (Team Teaching)
-Overview (Team Teaching)
After viewing the video clip
Teacher will use the ELMO to demonstrate, tearing a triangle as the co-teacher is explaining
teacher will give a large group instruction lesson as
the procedure by placing the angles side-bythe co teacher demonstrates the information being
side to form a straight line.
shared on the Triangle Sum Theorem. The teacher
Teacher will demonstrate as the co-teacher
will explain how to tear off the sides of a triangle
explains how to use a protractor and measure
and place them side by side so that they form a
the angles.
straight line.
The teacher will add the number of degrees
Teacher will explain that a straight line is 180together using normal addition methods and
degrees and that it is possible to use a protractor to
then check with a calculator to further
demonstrate this truth.
demonstrate that the three angles in a triangle
Teacher will explain how to measure the angles in
will always add up to 180-degrees.
the torn triangle using a protractor to prove that they The teacher will demonstrate how to use
will add up to 180-degrees.
addition and subtraction in order to determine
Using this information, the teacher will explain how the unknown measure of an angle given the
to use addition or subtraction to determine the
other two angles.
unknown measure of an angle given the other two
Teacher will tear up examples of each of the
types of triangles that are being taught are
Teacher will explain that obtuse, acute, right,
spoken about by the co-teacher and
equilateral, isosceles, and scalene triangles all add up demonstrate the fact that they add up to 180to 180-degrees.
degrees or form a straight line.
Teacher will tell the students that they will be
working in small groups with the two teachers in the
EEX 6065
Academic Co-Teaching Lesson Plan 1
Elizabeth Shayestehpour
classroom in order to further explore triangles and
the Triangle Sum Theorem.
Teacher will ask students to explain the key findings
in the lesson. Have students come up to the front and
draw on the smart board an example of each of the
triangles as they are named. Ask students to tell how
many degrees there are in the angles of a triangle.
Ask if there are any questions.
Teacher will walk around the room to the
special education students and ask them if they
understood the lesson and if they have any
Students are expected to understand the “Triangle Sum Theorem” and that regardless of the shape of the
triangle, the interior angles will always add up to 180-degrees. Students are expected to be able to
identify six different types of triangles according to their individual attributes. Students are expected to
use their knowledge of addition and subtraction in order to calculate the measurement of an unknown
interior angle give the measurement of the other two angles.
Small group instruction allows the teachers to work with students in a more personal way. Teachers can
focus on their students’ individual needs and determine if they have comprehended the material or not.
In this lesson the students will be broken up into 3 homogenous groups. The content teacher will be
working with two of the groups and the special education teacher will work with special needs students.
-Guiding Questions
Does the interior sum of all angles in a triangle always add up to 180-degrees?
What can be said about the sides and the angles in an equilateral triangle?
Can you use knowledge about how to add or subtract in order to find the measure of an unknown angle?
If a right triangle has an angle that is 90-degrees, what can be said about the other two angles?
How can the degree of an angle tell you if the angle is acute, obtuse, or a right angle?
Guided Practice: Lead and Support*
Content Teacher
Instructor role
Using the precut triangles, teacher will guide
students through the process of identifying a
triangle according to its attributes and classify
and categorize them following teacher
instruction. The students will be following the
format that was introduced in the beginning of
the lesson as to being able to “Observe
Angles” and “Observe Sides” and place them
in the correct category as they identify the
Special Education Teacher
Instructor Role
Using precut triangles that have the definition of what
they are on one side and triangles whose angles have
been precut to form a straight line students will work
with the teacher as they sort these triangles using a
model sheet for the different types of triangles. The
teacher will demonstrate using metacognitive skills
and self-talk while sorting them. Students will work
in front of the teacher to sort and identify acute,
obtuse, and right triangles on one modeling sheet and
EEX 6065
Academic Co-Teaching Lesson Plan 1
Elizabeth Shayestehpour
types. Students will be shown how to use a
protractor in order to measure the angles of a
triangle and will be asked to give the measure
of an unknown angle using various examples.
Students will be asked if they can determine
the type of triangle by knowing the degrees of
the angles. Students will be asked to
determine the measurement of the other two
angles in a right angle as well as the
measurement of the angles in an equilateral
equilateral, isosceles and scalene triangles on another
sheet. They will work on understanding the attributes
of these triangles in order to be able to recognize them
if shown a different example. Students should also be
able to reiterate the fact that the interior angles of any
triangle will add up to 180-degrees. The students can
work with the teacher in learning how to measure an
angle and then can use calculators with the teacher to
obtain the sum of all angles measured in a triangle.
*Students who are not working with the
teacher at this time are on the computer
working on SuccessMaker math.
Tell students that they will have the opportunity to tear apart a triangle and make a review for
themselves on construction paper that proves that the interior angles of a triangle equal 180-degrees and
identifies the six different types of triangle that were discussed during the lesson. They will also be able
to practice what they know about finding the missing measure of an interior angle when the two other
measures of the interior angles are given.
Independent Practice/Cooperative Practice*
Content Teacher
Students will be given different sized
triangles and asked to tear off the angles and
paste them on construction paper forming a
straight line. They should measure the
individual angles in their triangle and show
how the three numbers add up to 180-degrees.
Students can then work in pairs and give their
partner the measure of two of the angles in
their triangle. The partner will have to
calculate the missing measure based on the
given information. Partners can quiz each
other with the precut triangles that have their
Day 1 of Lesson
Special Education Teacher
Students can work in pairs to tear off the angles of a
given triangle and paste them on construction paper to
form a straight line. With teacher looking on, students
can measure their angles and add them up in order to
prove that the measurement of the interior angles of a
triangle is 180-degrees. Partners can quiz each other
with the precut triangles that have their respective
definitions in order to determine if they know the
types of triangle.
EEX 6065
Academic Co-Teaching Lesson Plan 1
Elizabeth Shayestehpour
respective definitions in order to determine if
they know the types of triangles. Students can
use the reverse side of the construction paper
to draw the six different types of triangles
discussed in the lesson and label each one
with a definition.
Content Teacher
Students can be assessed using the topic
Special Education Teacher
Students are assessed based on level of mastery
according to their goals and objectives.
 Given precut triangles, students will identify
acute, obtuse, and right triangles, 4 out of 5
times, in five consecutive trials.
 Given precut triangles, students will be able to
sort equilateral, isosceles, and scalene triangles
given a model 9 out of 10 times in 3
consecutive trials.
 Given individual precut triangles, students will
be able to take apart the triangle and place the
angles side by side so that they form one
straight line and identify that the measurement
is 180-degrees, 4 out of 5 times in five
consecutive trials.
Another form of assessment can involve having the
student write a journal entry describing how to find the
interior angle sum of a triangle.
Student can be asked to verbally explain their learning
from this lesson.
1. Students can draw a rectangle and divide it in half. They can explore the measures of the angles in the
two triangles formed and write a journal entry on what they discover to be true.
2. Students can create a foldable to be used with this information that includes the six types of triangles
with their individual definitions.
3. Students can draw a trapezoid and use the “Triangle Sum Theory” to discover the sum of all the angles
in the trapezoid.
EEX 6065
Academic Co-Teaching Lesson Plan 1
Elizabeth Shayestehpour
 Extended time
 Assistive computer technology
 Advance notice of assignments
 Alternative ways of completing assignments
 Assistive listening devices
 Study skills and strategies training
 Course or program modification
Access Points:
Independent: MA.8.G.2.In.c.: Distinguishes angles within triangles as acute, obtuse, or right angles using a right
angle as a model.
Supported: MA.8.G.2.Su.c. : Identify the angles within a triangle.
Participatory: MA.8.G.2.Pa.b: Recognizes corners and angles in two-dimensional shapes, including rectangles
and triangles.
The Iris Center. Special education resources for inclusion, scientifically –validated and evidence-based
instructional strategies. Retrieved from
Price, Mayfield, McFadden, & Marsh. (2000-2001). Special education for inclusive classrooms (chapter 6).
Retrieved from