Download Study Guide for the Course 415 Midterm Exam Schedule one drugs

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Study Guide for the Course 415 Midterm Exam
1) Schedule one drugs are available for prescription and have medical use. True False
2) Cocaine was originally used in the recipe for Pepsi. True False
3) Addiction reaches across all ages, all socioeconomic levels and all faiths. True False
4) LSD is a synthetic hormone. True False
5) Misuse is not considered a part of the addictive process. True False
6) Psychoactive chemicals affect the central nervous system. True False
7) The brain is divided into two hemispheres. True False
8) The right side of the brain deals with logical thought. True False
9) Chemical transmitters are called neurotransmitters. True False
10) The nerve cell has long tentacles at the end called synapse. True False
11) The blood brain barrier is the blood under the skin that fights infection. True False
12) Withdrawal is the body’s attempt to rebalance itself. True False
13) The central nervous system affects the skeletal system. True False
14) Metabolism is the body’s method of processing foreign substances. True False
15) Heredity and environment are not factors in the addictive process. True False
16) The biopsychosocial approach to treatment is the most comprehensive theory of addiction. True
17) Only fat soluble chemicals can cross the blood brain barrier. True False
18) Respiration is a part of the autonomic nervous system. True False
19) Neurotransmitters are released from the vesicles. True False
20) The synapse is reabsorbed through reuptake centers. True False
21) Increased tolerance is the need to use increased amounts to get the same effect. True False
22) Neurotransmitters fit themselves into specific receptor sites. True False
23) Acute tolerance is automatic acceptance of a drug into the body. True False
24) Protracted withdrawal is withdrawal that is caused by slow withdrawal of the drug. True False
25) Dispositional tolerance is the speeding up of the metabolism in an effort to remove the drug
from the body. True False
26) Chemicals that enhance neurotransmission and receptor site activity are called agonist. True
27) Psychoactive chemicals disrupt the process of message transmission in the brain. True False
28) Slamming is gulping down orally ingested drugs. True False
29) Substance use only goes back to the 1920s. True False
30) Mucous membrane absorption is the same as inhalation. True False
31) There are factors that determine the effects chemicals will have. Which of the following is not
one of those factors?
32) Instant rush is not a characteristic of inhaled drugs. True False
33) Drugs can be taken in several routes. What are the various routes of drug administration?
34) Sublingual refers to which type of chemical absorption?
35) Which drugs can be ingested through inhalation?
36) The brain consists of three basic parts. What are those basic parts?
37) What are the are functions of the central nervous system?
38) Age can have an effect on metabolism. True False
39) What are the various levels of chemical use?
40) What do those who espouse the moral addiction theory believe?