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Geological Society of America
Special Paper 374
A model for the North America Cordillera in the Early Cretaceous:
Tectonic escape related to arc collision of the Guerrero terrane and a
change in North America plate motion
Paul J. Umhoefer
Department of Geology, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona 86011, USA
Many terranes of western North America were accreted to the continent from
Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous time. The location of many of these accretionary
events is poorly known because the amount of syn- and post-accretion translation is
widely debated. Thus, the paleogeography of the Cordillera before the Cenozoic is
poorly known. Here I present a selective summary of a few key interpretations and
data sets that I believe indicate that the Early Cretaceous of the North American Cordillera had a major arc-continent collision in the south and northward tectonic escape
in the north. I adopt four conclusions from other workers for the Early Cretaceous:
(i) the Guerrero terrane was an oceanic arc that collided with México ca. 120 Ma; (ii)
the Baja British Columbia (Baja B.C.) block had a moderate amount of northward
translation (~1600–1800 km) in the Late Cretaceous–early Tertiary that was preceded
by ~800 km of southward translation (sinistral faulting) in the Early Cretaceous; (iii)
the sinistral faulting in Baja B.C. occurred at the same time as a dextral fault system
of 200–400 km offset in eastern California, Nevada, and Idaho; and (iv) the large
volume of magmatism in the Sierra Nevada in the Late Cretaceous (100–85 Ma) was
mainly due to lithospheric-scale underthrusting of North America under the Sierra
Nevada and not arc processes. These conclusions lead to a speculative model. In the
model, the earliest Cretaceous (145–125 Ma) was dominated by sinistral oblique convergence. There was a major change in the tectonics of the Cordillera at 125–120 Ma
that may have been driven by an arc-continent collision of the Guerrero terrane in
México and a change to more westerly absolute motion of the North America plate.
These events resulted in major tectonic escape of the central and northern Cordillera
to the north away from the arc collision in México from 125 to 105 Ma. The collision
and escape were accompanied by renewed eastward thrusting in the Sevier–Rocky
Mountain thrust belt. This model is similar in many ways to the modern tectonics of
the eastern Mediterranean to Caucasus region. The 105–85 Ma interval had major
convergence and the beginning of northward translation of the Baja B.C. block. This
interval had two belts of magmatism, one from subduction and the other the result of
the underthrusting of North American crust to the west.
Keywords: Cordillera, Early Cretaceous, oblique convergence, paleogeography, western North America, tectonics.
Umhoefer, P.J., 2003, A model for the North America Cordillera in the Early Cretaceous: Tectonic escape related to arc collision of the Guerrero terrane and a
change in North America plate motion, in Johnson, S.E., Paterson, S.R., Fletcher, J.M., Girty, G.H., Kimbrough, D.L., and Martín-Barajas, A., eds., Tectonic evolution of northwestern México and the southwestern USA: Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America Special Paper 374, p. 117–134. For permission to
copy, contact [email protected]. © 2003 Geological Society of America.
P.J. Umhoefer
During Mesozoic time, the Cordillera of western North
America had many orogenies that resulted in a complex and poorly
understood mountain belt. The main process for continental
growth was terrane accretion, which is the addition of fragments
from the oceans (volcanic island arcs, ocean plateaux, ocean floor,
seamounts) to the continents along convergent and oblique convergent plate boundaries (Coney et al., 1980; Schermer et al., 1984).
The timing of the accretion of many terranes to North America is
known, but the location and details of the accretionary events is
widely debated. The margin of western North America is thought
to have been one or more subduction zones continuously from the
Late Triassic to the Late Cretaceous (e.g., Burchfiel et al., 1992).
Much of the western Cordillera was added to the North American
continent in the Mesozoic, especially from Middle Jurassic through
Early Cretaceous time (Fig. 1) (Coney et al., 1980; Oldow et al.,
1989; Burchfiel et al., 1992). Little of the Cordillera was accreted
after the early Late Cretaceous, or ca. 90 Ma.
Despite agreement on the dominance of a convergent margin
and the accretion of many terranes in western North America,
there is an astonishing lack of agreement on the basic paleogeography before the Cenozoic. One example of this disagreement is
the various paleogeographies for the Late Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous (cf. Oldow et al., 1989; Pavlis, 1989; Saleeby and BusbySpera, 1992; Burchfiel et al., 1992, Cowan et al., 1997; Moores,
1998). The source of the difficulty in making paleogeographic
maps that are widely accepted is the lack of understanding of
the amount and relative role of translation and convergence, the
number of subduction zones along the margin at one time, and
the polarity of subduction zones.
The component of translation during the Mesozoic appears to
be driven primarily by oblique convergence (Engebretson et al.,
1985; Oldow et al., 1989). The motion of North America away
from Eurasia and Africa since 180 Ma is a first-order component
of the motion of plates along the western side of the continent.
The motion was to the northwest, then more westerly in the
Early Cretaceous, then finally to the west-southwest in the Late
Cretaceous to present. This early northwestward motion path suggests that southward translation (and sinistral faulting) should be
expected from the Middle Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous, while
northward translation (dextral faulting) should dominate from
Late Cretaceous to present. The fault offset and paleomagnetic
data agree with the latter inference, as they suggest that translation during and after the Late Cretaceous was northward for the
U.S. and Canadian Cordillera (e.g., Engebretson et al., 1985;
Irving et al., 1985; Umhoefer, 1987; Irving et al., 1996; Cowan
et al., 1997; Stamatakos et al., 2001). The amount of northward
translation from the middle Cretaceous to the early Tertiary (Baja
B.C.), however, is widely debated as being from 1000 to 4000 km
(e.g., Irving et al., 1996; Cowan et al., 1997; Butler et al., 2001;
Stamatakos et al., 2001; Enkin et al., 2002). Whatever the amount
of translation, it is clearly substantial based on cumulative fault
offsets across Baja B.C. of at least 1000 km, which are a mini-
mum estimate of translation (Umhoefer, 2000). Many researchers
argue for a sinistral oblique-convergent margin along the western
United States in the Middle to Late Jurassic (e.g., Avé Lallemant
and Oldow, 1988; Wyld and Wright, 1988; Saleeby and BusbySpera, 1992; Moores, 1998; Schermer et al., 2001). In contrast, for
the Early Cretaceous there is good evidence for both major dextral
and sinistral fault systems in the United States and Canada (e.g.,
Monger et al., 1994; Hurlow, 1993; Wyld and Wright, 2001).
As Moores (1998) noted, despite plate tectonics and the terrane concept being fully engrained in the literature, there are few
models for the accretion of terranes in western North America
that account for a complex evolution, even though much data
suggests a complex evolution. In this paper, I explore a speculative model for the Early Cretaceous of western North America
with an emphasis on a novel interpretation for the enigmatic
125–105 Ma time interval. This is not a comprehensive review,
such as those from previous Decade of North American Geology
volumes (Oldow et al., 1989; Burchfiel et al., 1992) or Sedlock
(this volume). But instead I select four conclusions on very different tectonic events that occurred at the same time. I then explore
how these events can be tied together into a coherent model. One
purpose of this paper is to stimulate discussion of the relation of
data and models that have been proposed from disparate parts
of the Cordillera and thus are seemingly not related. My main
hypothesis is that an arc-continent collision in México from 125
to 110 Ma, and the change to a more westward motion of North
America at 125–120 Ma, drove the northward tectonic escape of
a large wedge of the central and northern Cordillera.
My approach here is to present three paleogeographic maps
for the Early Cretaceous based on four main interpretations. In
the Discussion section I briefly explore alternatives to these interpretations and the affect they may have on the reconstructions
presented here. Because I am using these selective interpretations, I must ignore other interpretations (any reconstruction for
the Early Cretaceous would have this condition), and thus these
are highly interpretive paleogeographic maps.
These four conclusions from other workers are used in this
analysis. (i) The Guerrero terrane was an oceanic arc that collided
with the southern Cordillera about 120 Ma (Tardy et al., 1994;
Dickinson and Lawton, 2001), though the polarity of the arc on the
Guerrero terrane is debated (compare Johnson et al., 1999; Wetmore et al., 2002). The Guerrero terrane north of the Agua Blanca
fault was built on the edge of western North America (e.g., Schmidt
et al., 2002). (ii) The Baja British Columbia (Baja B.C.) block had
a moderate amount of northward translation (~1600–1800 km)
in the Late Cretaceous–early Tertiary (Stamatakos et al., 2001;
Kodama and Ward, 2001; Enkin et al., 2002) that was preceded by
~800 km of southward translation (sinistral faulting) in the Early
Cretaceous (Monger et al., 1994). (iii) The sinistral faulting in Baja
B.C. occurred at the same time, and at the same latitude, as dextral
faulting of 200–400 km in the backarc region (Wyld and Wright,
A speculative model on the North America Cordillera in the Early Cretaceous
Figure 1. A: Terranes of western North America coded by when they are accreted. Terranes and crustal blocks that are labeled are those names
used in this paper. See Table 1 for correlation of these names to other commonly used names. Terranes in white were accreted in Cenozoic.
KL—Klamath Mountains; E OR—eastern Oregon. B: Major terranes and crustal blocks that are key elements of paleogeographic maps (Figs. 6,
7, and 8) are shown in patterns similar to those in maps in Figures 6, 7, and 8 and labeled with names used in text.
2001; Umhoefer et al., 2002). (iv) The large volume of magmatism in the Sierra Nevada in the Late Cretaceous (100–85 Ma) was
mainly due to lithospheric-scale underthrusting of North America
under the Sierra Nevada (Ducea, 2001).
The main consequence of these conclusions is that there was
a large fault-bounded wedge that opened to the north from a point
in southern California. The wedge had major strike-slip faults of
opposing sense of offset on either side. This geometry is what has
been called tectonic escape in Turkey (Şengör et al., 1985) and is
proposed here for the Early Cretaceous of the Cordillera. A second
consequence of the four conclusions is that the southern point of
the wedge is close to the northern edge of the proposed collision
P.J. Umhoefer
of the oceanic arc that comprises the Guerrero terrane of México.
This spatial relation suggests a link between the collision and the
proposed tectonic escape and further similarity to the Neogene of
the eastern Mediterranean region (see Pavlis, 1989, for an earlier
idea of tectonic escape farther north in the Cordillera).
The elements used for the three paleogeographic maps are
explained in more detail below. My main interest here is to present
a new hypothesis for the 125–105 Ma period, when it appears the
collision and tectonic escape occurred. Because of the dependence
of one tectonic configuration on the previous one, I also include
a reconstruction for the 145–125 Ma time period. I include the
reconstruction for the 105–85 Ma period so I can briefly explore
the apparent conflict with the moderate-translation Baja B.C.
model used here and the classic California geology for the middle
Cretaceous. The time boundaries for the reconstructions are all at
times when major changes occurred in the Cordillera as discussed
further below. I have attempted to minimize the names of terranes
and other geologic blocks (see Table 1).
To properly explore the 145–85 Ma time interval of the three
reconstructions, it is necessary to review the whole Middle Jurassic
to Late Cretaceous period when many of the terranes that are key
parts of the reconstructions were accreted. Here is a brief overview
of major events of this time period in the Cordillera of North America. Some type of convergent margin was along the western edge of
North America during most of this interval (Burchfiel et al., 1992),
but the amount and sense of obliquity is uncertain. In addition,
even though there was nearly continuous magmatism in the Sierra
Nevada through the Middle Jurassic to early Cretaceous, the flux
from 145 to 105 Ma was considerably below rates typical for island
arcs (Ducea, 2001). The southern Baja B.C. block has a similar pattern of magmatism, but the interval of decreased magmatism was
from 145 to 120 Ma (Friedman and Armstrong, 1995).
The North America plate was moving northwestward from
180 Ma to ca. 80 Ma because of the opening of the central Atlantic (Engebretson et al., 1985). The absolute motion was especially
fast from 180 to 145 Ma, then slowed and became more northwestward. There was a change to more westward motion at 125–
120 Ma (Scotese, 2002). This history of motion favors sinistral (or
southward) motion of plates and terranes along the western side
of North America in the Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (Avé
Lallemant and Oldow, 1988), but the true relative motion depends
on the plates in the Pacific basin. Although there is not a large
area of Jurassic to early Cretaceous crust preserved in the Pacific
Ocean, Engebretson et al. (1985) analyzed the relative motion of
plates based on hot spot tracks. They showed that the Farallon
plate likely moved with a southward component relative to North
America from 180 to 135 Ma in the northern Cordillera (from the
Klamath Mountains northward) and from 180 to 119 Ma in the
southern Cordillera (Engebretson et al., 1985). All along the North
American margin there is a change at 119 Ma to northeastward
relative motion of the Farallon plate relative to North America
that persisted through the Cretaceous (Engebretson et al., 1985).
Northward motion favors moderate dextral-oblique convergence.
This analysis depends critically on the shape of the margin of
western North America, which is difficult to reconstruct.
The Middle Jurassic was a time of accretion of many terranes to
western North America (Fig. 1). Middle Jurassic accretion has been
demonstrated for the Intermontane terrane of central British Columbia (Monger et al., 1982; Ricketts et al., 1992), and the terranes of
Crustal block or terrane used here
Other names used in literature for all or part
of the crustal block in column one
Northwest Baja B.C.
Insular terrane; Wrangellia terrane; Peninsular-Wrangellia-Alexander
Southeast Baja B.C.
Coast belt; Cascade–southern Coast belt orogen; Bridge River,
Cadwallader, Methow, Shuksan, Harrison Lake terranes
Alta B.C.
Intermontane terrane (Stikine, Cache Creek, Quesnellia terranes)
Northeastern Oregon
Blue Mountains terrane; Wallowa, Baker, Izee terranes
Klamath Mountains
Rattlesnake Creek terrane; Triassic-Paleozoic composite terrane;
Eastern Klamath terrane
Sierra Nevada
Foothills, Calaveras terranes; many others
Peninsular Ranges batholith
Guerrero terrane; Cortes and Santa Ana terranes; Santiago Peak and
Alisitos arcs
Forearc basins
Great Valley Group; Santa Ana terrane
Accretionary complex
Franciscan, Vizcaíno, Magdalena complexes
Guerrero terrane
Guerrero, Cortes, Juarez, Mixteca, Santa Ana, Xolapa terranes
Note: Terrane names after Coney et al. (1980), Monger et al. (1982), Pavlis (1989), Silberling et al. (1992),
and Cowan (1994).
A speculative model on the North America Cordillera in the Early Cretaceous
western British Columbia were accreted in either Middle Jurassic or
Early Cretaceous time (Monger et al., 1982; Thorkelson and Smith,
1989; Monger et al., 1994). Many terranes in the Klamath Mountains and Sierra Nevada were also accreted in the Middle Jurassic
(Burchfiel et al., 1992). In Alaska, some of the same terranes were
accreted in the middle Cretaceous (Cole et al., 1999).
After the widespread Middle Jurassic accretionary event,
many workers have suggested that sinistral oblique convergence
dominated western North America in the Middle to Late Jurassic and into the Early Cretaceous (e.g., Anderson and Schmidt,
1983; Oldow et al., 1989; Saleeby and Busby-Spera, 1992). Plate
motions (Engebretson et al., 1985) and local evidence, though
fragmentary, support this model. Based on regional considerations
of fault kinematics, there is a sinistral component in the Jurassic
Pine Nut fault zone in Nevada (Avé Lallement and Oldow, 1988).
Based on the orientation of dikes in the ophiolite and the surrounding geology in the Klamath Mountains, the formation of
the Josephine ophiolite in the Late Jurassic was likely in a backarc basin within an overall sinistral oblique convergent setting
(Harper and Wright, 1984; Saleeby and Busby-Spera, 1992). The
complex occurrence of both extensional and contractional structures in the Mojave desert has led some workers to the conclusion
that sinistral oblique convergence is the best model for that region
(Saleeby and Busby-Spera, 1992; Schermer et al., 2001).
Paleomagnetic evidence in British Columbia shows that the
Wrangellia and Stikine terranes (part of Baja B.C. and Alta B.C.,
respectively) (Fig. 1 and Table 1) were near the latitude of the
Pacific northwest relative to North America in Late Triassic to
Early Jurassic time (Irving and Wynne, 1990). Paleontologic data
from ammonites in the Early Jurassic strata of these same terranes
suggest they were at latitudes of Nevada to Washington (Tipper,
1981), which agrees with the paleomagnetic data. Despite the
amount of translation being controversial, all data point to these
terranes lying at least 1000–1500 km south of their present latitude
relative to North America in the late Early Cretaceous (ca. 100 Ma)
(see summary below). These paleomagnetic and paleontologic
data sets seem to require major southward (sinistral) translation
between Early Jurassic and Early Cretaceous time, followed by
northward translation from Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary.
Like the Late Jurassic, many locations along the Cordillera
in Early Cretaceous time have local evidence for either sinistral
tectonics or mixed contractional and extensional structures that
were interpreted to have formed in an oblique margin. This evidence in the northern Cordillera includes opening of the Canada
basin and related sinistral faults in Alaska (Avé Lallement and
Oldow, 1988; Oldow et al., 1989). There is evidence based on
paleogeographic relations for major sinistral faulting through the
arc in the Insular and Intermontane terranes of British Columbia
(Monger et al., 1994). Local structural data on major strike-slip
faults (Lawrence, 1978; Miller, 1988; Hurlow, 1993) support the
sinistral-slip model of Monger et al. (1994). In the western United
States, evidence for sinistral oblique convergence includes local
sinistral transpressive faults in northeastern Oregon (Avé Lallement and Oldow, 1988). Most of these areas with evidence that
supports sinistral oblique convergence have been overprinted by
later structures, and alternative explanations are also possible. In
México, in the Middle to Late Jurassic, the Guerrero arc south of
the Agua Blanca transform fault was migrating to the east toward
North America and closing an ocean basin (Dickinson and Lawton, 2001). From ~125 to 115 Ma, this arc collided with North
America (Gastil et al., 1981; Johnson et al., 1999; Schmidt et al.,
2002; Wetmore et al., 2002).
What emerges from this overview is that there is evidence
from many types of data that the 145–105 Ma period was likely
one of sinistral oblique convergence in the Cordillera from the
western United States to the north, while an arc collision was
progressing in the south. This points to a major triple junction or
boundary in the convergent margin at approximately the latitude
of the México–California border. Most workers, however, have
downplayed or not considered the sinistral oblique aspect of the
convergent margin and consider western North America to be an
Andean-style margin through this interval. My contention is that
strike-slip faulting was an important component of the Cordillera
in the Early Cretaceous and many aspects of the 145–105 Ma
period are not typical of convergent margins.
The paleogeographic maps presented below cover western
North America from Alaska to southern México and Central
America. A thorough review of the Early Cretaceous geology of
this entire region is beyond this paper. Instead, in this section I
discuss the main features and events from north to south that are
key to the reconstructions.
Much of central Alaska north of the Denali fault was
accreted to North America by or during Early Cretaceous time
(Fig. 1) (Coney et al., 1980). The large Wrangellia composite
terrane (also known as Peninsula-Wrangellia-Alexander terrane and northwestern Baja B.C. in southern Alaska, see Table 1
and Fig. 1) was accreted by closing of the Kahiltna-Nutzotin
ocean in early Late Cretaceous time (Jones et al., 1982; Nokleberg et al., 1994). The youngest marine rocks are Cenomanian
age (ca. 95–90 Ma) and indicate the time of the closure of the
Kahiltna-Nutzotin ocean (Jones et al., 1982). The final accretion
of the northern Wrangellia composite terrane was during deposition (ca. 80–70 Ma) and deformation (70–60 Ma) of the largely
nonmarine lower Cantwell basin (Cole et al., 1999). Closing of
the Kahiltna-Nutzotin ocean was accompanied by widespread
large-magnitude extension across central to northern Alaska in an
arc setting (Miller and Hudson, 1991; Pavlis et al., 1993). Pavlis
(1989) presented a model of the Wrangellia composite terrane
approaching central Alaska and closing the Kahiltna-Nutzotin
ocean in a scissor-like fashion from south in British Columbia
to north in Alaska. The trench along the interior of Alaska and
P.J. Umhoefer
northeastern Canada was retreating in this model and causing
the wide extensional belt much like the eastern Mediterranean
to Caucasus of the late Cenozoic. Rubin et al. (1995) presented
a model in which trench retreat along Alaska also played a role
in the regional extension. They envisioned trench retreat being
related to the opening of the Canada basin in the Arctic Ocean
and to old oceanic crust of the subducting Farallon plate.
British Columbia
The large Intermontane terrane (Alta B.C. on Fig. 1 and SS
+ CC + QN on Fig. 2) was accreted to North America in the early
Middle Jurassic (Ricketts et al., 1992). A Middle Jurassic to Early
Cretaceous magmatic belt (arc?) lies on the southern Intermontane
terrane in south-central British Columbia. Another magmatic belt
lies along the entire Insular terrane in western British Columbia
and into Alaska, where it is the Wrangellia composite terrane (WR
+ AX + PE on Fig. 2A) (Monger et al., 1994). This pattern appears
to form a doubling up of magmatic belts in southwestern British
Columbia. The magmatic belt in the Intermontane terrane is tied
to North America by the Middle Jurassic, while the magmatic
belt in the Insular terrane has variable interpretations for accretion from Middle Jurassic to early Cretaceous (e.g., Monger et
al., 1982; Thorkelson and Smith, 1989; van der Heyden, 1992).
Monger et al. (1994) presented a model where the two magmatic
belts of British Columbia formed one long arc that was then cut
obliquely in the late Early Cretaceous by a major sinistral fault of
about 800 km offset. The large sinistral offset caused the doubling
of the arc in southwestern British Columbia (Fig. 2B). Sinistral
faulting is found in numerous locations in southern Baja B.C., but
no through-going fault has been found. The Pasayten fault on the
eastern boundary of southern Baja B.C. does show good evidence
for sinistral motion from 120 to 105 Ma and is a long fault (Greig
et al., 1992; Hurlow, 1993), but there are no reliable estimates of
the amount of sinistral offset. Magmatism in the Insular terrane
was widespread in the Middle to Late Jurassic and mid-Cretaceous
but much less voluminous in the Neocomian (ca. 145 to 120 Ma)
(Armstrong, 1988; Friedman and Armstrong, 1995). Based on
stratigraphic changes in the Tyaughton basin and the first indication of major input of sediments from the west in Hauterivian age
strata, Umhoefer et al. (2002) suggested that the sinistral faulting
caused substantial doubling of the arc by Hauterivian time (ca.
130 Ma) (Fig. 2C), much earlier than Monger et al. (1994) suggested. Reasonable rates of strike-slip faulting in oblique convergent margins also seem to demand that a fault system with 800 km
of offset formed in a few tens of millions of years (for example, at
20 km/m.y. the fault would have a duration of 40 m.y.).
Central California to W Idaho
The Sierra Nevada had major pulses of magmatism at 160–
150 Ma and 105–85 Ma with relatively little magmatism in the
intervening 150–105 Ma period, and there was particularly little
from 145 to 120 Ma (Ducea, 2001). Little magmatism or defor-
mation was occurring in the Klamath Mountains in the Early
Cretaceous as well (Hacker and Ernst, 1993). Isotopic evidence
from granites and xenoliths, and structural data, all suggest that
the Sierra Nevada arc was thrust eastward over North American
crust beginning at ca.125 Ma (Figs. 3 and 4) (Ducea, 2001).
Ducea further suggested that the major pulse of magmatism that
occurred later at 105–85 Ma was caused by the earlier underthrusting of the arc by the volatile-rich continental crust (Fig. 4).
The major dextral strike-slip Mojave–Snow Lake fault cuts
through the Sierra Nevada (Lahren et al., 1990) and continues
north as the western Nevada shear zone of Wyld and Wright
(2001) (Fig. 3). It may continue to the north in the Salmon River
suture zone of western Idaho. The Salmon River shear zone
involved the accretion of the Wallowa terrane to North America
in either a contractional (Strayer et al., 1989; Selverstone et al.,
1992; Manduca et al., 1993) or transpressional setting (Lund and
Snee, 1988; McClelland et al., 2000). The regional dextral fault
zone has 200–400 km of offset (Lahren et al., 1990; Wyld and
Wright, 2001; Lewis and Girty, 2001). The timing of this fault
system is not well constrained but is broadly known to be from
150 to 110 Ma. The western Nevada shear zone had dextral shear
between ca. 140 and 108 Ma (Wyld and Wright, 2001), while
the Salmon River shear zone was active from ca. 130 to 115 Ma
(McClelland et al., 2000). A dextral transpressional shear zone
cut the crest of the Sierra Nevada in middle Cretaceous time (ca.
105–85 Ma) and has up to ~40 km of offset (Busby-Spera and
Saleeby, 1990; Tikoff and St. Blanquat, 1997).
Interior Western United States and Canadian Rocky
A major pulse of thrusting and foreland basin subsidence
occurred in Nevada and the Utah-Idaho trough in the Middle
to Late Jurassic (Fig. 3) (e.g., Bjerrum and Dorsey, 1995; Wyld
et al., 2001). A similar Middle Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous
succession is present in the Alberta basin, where it has been
correlated to the accretion of the Intermontane terrane (Cant
and Stockmal, 1989). After deposition of the Upper Jurassic to
earliest Cretaceous Morrison and Kootenay formations, there
are major unconformities in the foreland basin in Utah with
episodic sedimentation from ca. 145 to 120 Ma (Currie, 1998)
and from ca. 135 to 120 Ma in the Alberta basin in Canada (Cant
and Stockmal, 1989). Many ideas have been proposed for why
the Sevier foreland basin has little stratigraphic record and many
major unconformities in earliest Cretaceous time, including
tectonic quiescence (Heller and Paola, 1989), thermal doming
before thrusting (Heller and Paola, 1989), subduction-related
dynamic uplift (Lawton, 1994), and migration of a forebulge
(Currie, 1998). Another major succession of foreland basin subsidence began in the early Aptian (ca. 120 Ma) in both the Sevier
and Alberta basins (Heller et al., 1986; Cant and Stockmal,
1989). There was widespread thrusting and basin subsidence
after middle Albian time (105–100 Ma) (Gillespie and Heller,
1995; DeCelles and Currie, 1996).
A speculative model on the North America Cordillera in the Early Cretaceous
Figure 2. A: Map of terranes of northern Cordillera. Terrane names and other features: Ax—Alexander; B—Bowser basin; BR + CD—Bridge
River + Cadwallader; CC—Cache Creek; CG—Chugach; CPC—Coast Plutonic Complex; G—Gravina basin; N—Nutzotin basin; K—Kahiltna
basin; PE—Peninsular; QN—Quesnellia; SH+HL—Shuksan + Harrison Lake; ST—Stikine; WR—Wrangellia. B: Model of Monger et al.
(1994) with a sinistral fault system with ~800 km of offset postulated to have cut obliquely across Coast and Insular belts of British Columbia
and Alaska (Baja B.C.) in late Early Cretaceous. In this model, one arc system lied along continent’s western margin. Northern part of arc lied on
Baja B.C. block while southern end lied on Alta B.C. block. C: Model of Umhoefer et al. (2002) for same sinistral fault system in southwestern
British Columbia and northwestern Washington but occurring over a longer time interval from ca. 155 to 115 Ma. Longer period of faulting is
based on two lines of evidence discussed in text. Southwestern Coast belt (SWCb) and Cadwallader (CD on maps), Bridge River (BR), Shuksan
(SH), and a small part of Stikine (ST) terranes form southern end of Baja B.C. block. Stikine terrane in north and arc rocks east of Cadwallader
terrane on Quesnellia terrane (QN) are part of Alta B.C. block.
P.J. Umhoefer
Southern California to Northwestern México
Figure 3. Map of some major tectonic belts of western United States
showing some primary features used in paleogeographic maps presented here. Position of Mojave–Snow Lake fault, western Nevada
shear zone, and Salmon River suture zone, all of which have been
suggested to be parts of an Early Cretaceous dextral strike-slip fault
system with 200–400 km of offset, are from Wyld and Wright (2000).
Dashed thrust fault east of Sierra Nevada is major hinterland belt
along which Sierra Nevada is postulated to have thrust east over North
American crust (Ducea, 2001). Position of this hinterland thrust system is speculative.
The Peninsular Ranges batholith is a major Early Cretaceous
to early Late Cretaceous magmatic arc exposed in southern California and northern Baja California, México (Fig. 1). There is
also a belt of Late Jurassic plutons in northern Baja California
(Schmidt et al., 2002). Gastil et al. (1981) proposed that a fringing oceanic arc lay west of a cratonal arc in the Late Jurassic to
Early Cretaceous. They further suggested that the fringing arc
was accreted to North America in the late Early Cretaceous.
Johnson et al. (1999) refined this model with new geochronology
and structural studies in northern Baja California to suggest that
the suture between the arcs formed at ca. 115–108 Ma. Wetmore
et al. (2002) and Schmidt et al. (2002) showed how there was a
major change in the Peninsular Ranges batholith across the Agua
Blanca fault near Ensenada, México. North of the Agua Blanca
fault, the Santiago Peak volcanic arc contains evidence that it
was formed on oceanic basement that was previously accreted to
North America. The evidence includes zircons with Precambrian
inheritance, subaerial volcanics, and a depositional unconformity between the arc and the basin on the west that indicates
this was an intact forearc basin. South of the Agua Blanca fault,
the Alisitos arc was oceanic based on no zircon inheritance, no
sedimentary rocks that are continentally derived, dominantly
submarine sedimentary and volcanic rocks, and juxtaposition of
the arc against rocks of definite North America origin across a
major thrust fault (Johnson et al., 1999; Wetmore et al., 2002).
Wetmore et al. (2002) and Schmidt et al. (2002) suggested
that the Alisitos was a west-facing arc that collided with North
America as an ocean basin closed and that the Agua Blanca fault
was a Cretaceous sinistral fault that separated the Santiago Peak
and Alisitos arcs.
The Guerrero terrane of México encompasses the Peninsular Ranges batholith and a discontinuous belt of magmatic
arc rocks from Baja California to southwestern México near
Acapulco (Tardy et al., 1994). The magmatic rocks are Late
Jurassic to Early Cretaceous in age and are correlated with
similar arc rocks in the Greater Antilles and northern South
America (Fig. 5) (Tardy et al., 1994; Dickinson and Lawton,
Figure 4. Possible regional cross-section from Sierra Nevada arc system to Sevier and Laramide foreland at
120–115 Ma. Sierra Nevada portion is modified from Ducea (2001), while eastern portion is modified from
Oldow et al. (1989). SN—Sierra Nevada magmatic belt; M—accreted mantle material below crustal rocks
of Sierra Nevada as proposed by Ducea (2001).
A speculative model on the North America Cordillera in the Early Cretaceous
2001). The petrology, geochemistry, and isotopic signature of
these rocks indicate that they were formed in an intraoceanic
arc and rest on ophiolites. The upper part of the terrane includes
Aptian (ca. 120–112 Ma) volcaniclastic strata that are overlain
by Albian-Cenomanian (112–90 Ma) carbonate platforms similar
to facies in eastern México (Dickinson and Lawton, 2001). The
stratigraphic evidence suggests that the Guerrero terrane accreted
to North America at ca. 120 Ma (Fig. 5). In a thorough review of
the evidence, Dickinson and Lawton (2001) favored the Guerrero arc being an east-facing arc that approached North America
and closed the oceanic Mezcalera plate (following Tardy et al.,
1994, and others) (Fig. 5, A and B). At the same time in the Early
Cretaceous, the east side of the Mezcalera plate was subducting
to the east under México with the trench rolling back. The Guerrero arc collided with México at ca. 120 Ma and the Farallon
plate then started to subduct beneath the new western margin of
México to form the middle Cretaceous arc that is superimposed
on the Guerrero arc (Dickinson and Lawton, 2001). This model is
similar to the conclusions of recent workers (Johnson et al., 1999;
Schmidt et al., 2002; Wetmore et al., 2002) for the Peninsular
Ranges batholith, except that these latter authors favor a westfacing Guerrero arc.
Figure 5. Reconstructions of southern Cordillera from México to Central America. A: Reconstruction modified from Dickinson and Lawton
(2001) for Middle to Late Jurassic. B: Reconstruction modified from Dickinson and Lawton (2001) for Early Cretaceous. Suture zone from Guerrero arc-continent collision started to form at 120 Ma. C and D: Reconstructions from Pindell (1994) for Early Cretaceous showing interpretation
that western arc (Guerrero terrane in A) was first west-facing and then between ca. 120 and 105 Ma it switched polarity and became east-facing
along its southern part. East-facing arc evolved to become Greater Antilles arc as Caribbean plate formed and evolved.
P.J. Umhoefer
Greater Antillean Arc
The Greater Antillean arc is currently found as the roots of
many of the Caribbean islands on the north and south sides of
the Caribbean plate (Burke, 1988; Pindell, 1993, 1994). It began
as a magmatic arc in Early Cretaceous time and is postulated to
have been west-facing and the southern end of the Peninsular
Ranges batholith and Guerrero arc on the west side of the future
Caribbean (Fig. 5C). There was a major period of thrusting in the
Greater Antillean arc that led to a reversal of arc polarity by the
late Albian (105–100 Ma) (Fig. 5D) (Draper et al., 1996; Snoke
and Noble, 2001). Subsequently, the east-facing Antillean arc
migrated to the east to form the Caribbean ocean.
The time interval of most interest here is from 125 to
105 Ma, though I include a paleogeographic map for the intervals before and after for continuity. There appears to have been a
major change in many parts of the Cordillera at ca. 125–120 Ma
and a large increase in magmatism at ca. 105 Ma, and thus these
are natural time boundaries for the reconstructions. To construct
these maps, I started with the hypothesis A reconstruction of
Cowan et al. (1997) for 90 Ma. Cowan et al. (1997) used latitudes
relative to North America from Van Fossen and Kent (1992) and
restored the following elements. They removed 275 km of extension east of the Sierra Nevada in the Basin and Range; removed
300 km of dextral slip on the San Andreas fault; the Salinian
block was moved to the southern end of the Sierra Nevada by
removing 500 km of dextral faulting; and the Gulf of California
was closed. Changes to the Cowan et al. (1997) map needed for
the present reconstructions are discussed below.
105–85 Ma
To make the reconstructions for the Early Cretaceous, one
has to make a decision about the amount of northward translation
of the eastern and western parts of British Columbia relative to
North America (Baja B.C. hypothesis). I chose to use 1650 km of
northward translation for northwestern Baja B.C. (southern and
southeastern Alaska) from the latest paleomagnetic investigation of the McColl Ridge Formation in southern Alaska (1650
± 890 km from Stamatakos et al., 2001). Because the amount of
strike-slip offset on the Denali fault in southern Alaska is uncertain (Cole et al., 1999) and strike-slip on the Coast shear zone is
controversial (McClelland et al., 2000), it is difficult to extrapolate
the result of Stamatakos et al. (2001) to southeastern Baja B.C.
On the Figure 6 map, I used 200 km of offset on the Denali
fault and ~1500 km of northward translation for southern Baja
B.C. However, note that the recent paleomagnetic result (1800 ±
500 km) from the Methow block near the U.S.-Canadian border
(Enkin et al., 2002) is compatible with the result from southern
Alaska. This ~1500–1800 km estimate of translation is conservative as the range of suggested translation is from 1000 to
4000 km (Wynne et al., 1995; Ague and Brandon, 1996; Butler
et al., 2001; Kodama and Ward, 2001; Stamatakos et al., 2001;
Enkin et al., 2002). However, there are two lines of evidence for
this moderate translation. A recent combined paleomagnetic and
paleogeographic study of fossil rudists suggested <1500 km of
translation for Baja B.C. (Kodama and Ward, 2001).
There was an extensive study of the Spences Bridge volcanic rocks (Irving et al., 1995) that lie immediately east of southern Baja B.C. across the Yalakom and related faults. The Spences
Bridge rocks give a translation of 1100 ± 600 km for eastern British Columbia in the Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary. I used this
1100 km of translation for the eastern British Columbia block
called Alta B.C. (Figs. 1 and 6). When the 250 km of dextral
offset on the Yalakom and Fraser fault systems (Umhoefer and
Schiarizza, 1996) is added to the 1100 ± 600 km, it gives 1350
± 600 km of translation for southern Baja B.C., which broadly
agrees with the ~1500 km estimate from the other studies.
The reconstruction for 105–85 Ma (Fig. 6) has subduction
along all of western North America and a related volcanic arc
on Baja B.C., the Peninsular Ranges batholith, and its southern
extension in México. There was also magmatism on Alta B.C. and
in the Sierra Nevada to western Idaho belts. Southern Baja B.C.
likely accreted to North America in the Middle Jurassic (Monger
et al., 1994), while northern Baja B.C. in Alaska accreted in the
middle Cretaceous (during this reconstruction) as the KahiltnaNutzotin ocean closed (Jones et al., 1982). The northeast Washington–central British Columbia block (Alta B.C.) lay along the
northern Sierra Nevada, Klamath Mountains, Blue Mountains,
and the stable parts of easternmost British Columbia. This part
of the reconstruction is taken directly from Cowan et al. (1997).
In the present reconstruction, Baja B.C. lies along the southern
Sierra Nevada and the translated Alta B.C. block.
The Kula plate formed from the northern part of the Farallon
plate in this interval (Engebretson et al., 1985), and I speculate that
the triple junction lay at the southern end of Baja B.C. (Umhoefer,
1987; Umhoefer et al., 1989). The Kula–North America boundary
was highly oblique convergent (Engebretson et al., 1985). The
Kula–Farallon–North America triple junction would have moved
northward rapidly as dextral strike-slip faults formed in the arc and
backarc (Umhoefer et al., 1989). I speculate that these strike-slip
faults were the major Baja B.C. fault (Cowan et al., 1997) and
the modest dextral faults along the crest of the Sierra Nevada to
western Idaho. Because of this northward translation of Baja B.C.
following just a few million years after the southward translation
of Baja B.C. (in reconstructions discussed below), southern Baja
B.C. lay along the California margin for a relatively short period of
time in the middle Cretaceous.
In general, this was a time of a large volume of magmatism in the Sierra Nevada (Ducea, 2001) and the Baja B.C.
block (Friedman and Armstrong, 1995). The area of magmatism was wider in the central and northern Cordillera (United
States and Canada) than normal arcs and formed two belts.
One magmatic belt was from the Sierra Nevada to Idaho and
north to Alta B.C., and the other belt was on Baja B.C. These
A speculative model on the North America Cordillera in the Early Cretaceous
Figure 6. Paleogeographic map for 105–85 Ma time interval. Creation of this map and assumptions used are discussed in text. Main features are
long convergent margin with triple junction near U.S.-México border. Kula plate formed out of northern Farallon plate late in this time interval.
Northernmost Cordillera had small ocean basin closing across former convergent margin. Baja B.C. block is divided in two parts based on sinistral offset on a proposed strike-slip fault system (Monger et al., 1994) that was active in previous time intervals (Figs. 7 and 8). Position of three
paleomagnetic studies used here is marked by black dots and bold A for southern Alaska site (Stamatakos et al., 2001), B for Spences Bridge site
on southern end of Alta B.C. (Irving et al., 1995), and C for Methow block sites on southeast Baja B.C. eastern boundary (Enkin et al., 2002).
Note that dot for Methow block study (C) is at its paleolatitude and not where it lies on Baja B.C., which is shown as a black square. Latitude and
analytical errors (gray bars) of three paleomagnetic studies are shown on left side. An alternative paleomagnetic interpretation based on study
of Wynne et al. (1995) is shown as point D and its error is shown as black arrow on left side. Baja B.C. block included an arc, forearc basin, and
accretionary complex. Other parts of Cordillera are shown as one of four main elements: accretionary complex, forearc basin, magmatic arc, or
retroarc thrust belt. Large arrows on Kula and Farallon plates are motion of plates relative to North America after Engebretson et al. (1985).
P.J. Umhoefer
two belts of magmatism do not seem compatible with a simple
convergent margin.
Ducea (2001) provided an explanation for the large flux of
magmatism in the Sierra Nevada that is compatible with the two
belts of magmatism in my reconstruction. The large volume of
magmatism in the Sierra Nevada was explained as being related
to major thrusting of western North America under the Sierra
Nevada (Ducea, 2001) in the hinterland of the Sevier thrust
belt (Fig. 3). There was a 15–20 m.y. lag between the initiation
of the thrusting under the Sierra Nevada at ca. 120 Ma and the
large increase in magmatism beginning at 105 Ma. The thrusting
of continental crust under the Sierra Nevada is thought to have
caused a large amount of crustal melting due to a much higher
content of volatiles in the overthickened crust (Ducea, 2001).
This mechanism for large volumes of magmatism in the Sierra
Nevada may also explain magmatism in western Idaho and the
Alta B.C. block as all of these areas were immediately west of the
Sevier–Rocky Mountain thrust belt (Fig. 3).
A new magmatic arc formed along the western margin of
México where the Guerrero arc had previously accreted. The
southern part of this arc switched polarity at the beginning of this
time interval and is now east-facing and will become the Greater
Antillean arc of the late Cretaceous to Neogene Caribbean.
125–105 Ma
The reconstruction is for the early part of this period, when
the Guerrero arc had just accreted and the wedge of tectonic
escape was forming (Fig. 7). This reconstruction presents an
interpretation of the Cordillera in which apparently disparate
and unrelated features are united in one model. The main features of the reconstruction are the arc-continent collision of the
formerly oceanic Guerrero arc with México (Tardy et al., 1994;
Dickinson and Lawton, 2001) and the tectonic escape of the central and northern Cordillera between two major strike-slip fault
systems. Supporting this tectonic escape is the observation that
three major tectonic belts terminated in southern California and
northern Baja California. The major dextral fault system on the
east apparently ends in the Mojave desert of southern California
(Fig. 3). The southern end of Baja B.C. and therefore the major
sinistral fault is also at the latitude of southern California according to recent estimates of the translation of Baja B.C. summarized above. The Baja B.C. block is not in its southernmost position in figure 7 because this shows a reconstruction for the early
part of the 125–105 Ma time interval. At the same time that the
southern ends of the two major strike-slip faults were in southern
California, the northern end of the greater Guerrero arc (Peninsular Ranges batholith)–continent suture zone lay along the Agua
Blanca fault also close to the latitude of southern California.
The southern end of the tectonically escaping block included
part of the southeastern Coast Belt of British Columbia (southern Baja B.C.), and the Franciscan, Great Valley Group basin,
and Sierra Nevada magmatic belts of California (Fig. 7). North
of those blocks are the western Intermontane terrane of British
Columbia on the west (Alta B.C.) and the Klamath Mountains,
Blue Mountains, and eastern Intermontane terrane on the east.
The block was escaping along a major sinistral fault system on
its west that cut obliquely through Baja B.C. I assign 400 km of
the total 800 km of offset on this sinistral fault system (Monger
et al., 1994) during this period. The 800 km of sinistral slip is
spread over 40 m.y. (145–105 Ma) to give a reasonable rate of
intra-arc faulting and to honor the data from the Tyaughton basin
(Umhoefer et al., 2002). I also put 300–400 km of sinistral offset
on the Pasayten fault that lay between southern Baja B.C. and
the Klamaths and southern Alta B.C. This offset on the Pasayten
fault is totally speculative as there are no known offset markers,
but there is good evidence for sinistral slip. On the east side of
the escaping block, a major dextral fault system runs through the
Sierra Nevada and up through northwestern Nevada and along
the western side of Idaho with 200–400 km of offset. Thus,
the Pasayten and eastern dextral faults may have had a similar
amount of offset but the opposite sense of motion.
The northern Cordillera had a major extensional belt along
the east side of the escaping block (now in Yukon and east-central
Alaska) and a convergent margin with slab rollback along the
west side. The entire margin of western North America had a
convergent margin with the southern part being a continental arc
and the northern part being an oceanic arc. The Kahiltna-Nutzotin
ocean was closing east of the northern arc. Magmatism started to
be more rigorous in the Baja B.C. block at 115–110 Ma, perhaps
because of the more orthogonal motion of the converging Farallon plate (Fig. 7).
The southern Cordillera had a major episode of east-vergent
thrusting in México during and after suturing of the Guerrero terrane to México. This is the southern part of the Cordillera-long
Sevier–Rocky Mountain thrust belt, which had a major increase
in activity starting in the Aptian, or early in this period, at the
same time as the arc-continent collision.
145–125 Ma
This reconstruction (Fig. 8) combines the sinistral oblique
convergence in the northern Cordillera (Avé Lallement and
Oldow, 1988; Monger et al., 1994) with the paleogeography
proposed by Dickinson and Lawton (2001) for México. In the
north, the first 400 km of the 800 km of sinistral faulting suggested by Monger et al. (1994) is inferred to have started at the
beginning of the Cretaceous. This early initiation of sinistral
faulting through Baja B.C. is supported by the first firm evidence
of a major source of sediments from the west in the Tyaughton
basin in Hauterivian strata (ca. 130 Ma) (Umhoefer et al., 2002).
The Tyaughton basin lies on the southeastern Baja B.C. block
and would have sat immediately east of the proposed sinistral
fault system of Monger et al. (1994). To move the block out to
the west of the Tyaughton basin, the sinistral faulting must have
begun well before 130 Ma. The inferred Farallon plate motion
relative to North America suggests a component of southward
oblique convergence along the northern Cordillera early in this
A speculative model on the North America Cordillera in the Early Cretaceous
Figure 7. Paleogeographic map for 125–105 Ma time interval. Main features are arc-continent collision in México producing a major suture zone
and tectonic escape of central and northern Cordillera away from collision zone (zone of escape is bounded by wide gray line). Text explains how
this map was created from previous map (Fig. 6). Inset is map of eastern Mediterranean to Caucasus region turned so that north is at left; simplified
after Şengör et al. (1985) and Dewey et al. (1986). Both maps are approximately same scale. Note similar basic patterns of collision and tectonic escape between western North America at ca. 120 Ma and present eastern Mediterranean region. The two regions differ in that one is an arc-continent
collision and other is a continent-continent collision, which is addressed in text. Symbols and abbreviations are same as in Figure 6.
P.J. Umhoefer
Figure 8. Paleogeographic map for 145–125 Ma time interval. Main features are a sinistral oblique convergent margin in northern Cordillera and a doubly subducting plate (Mezcalera plate, after Dickinson and
Lawton, 2001) disappearing in southern Cordillera. Text explains how this map was created from previous
map (Fig. 7). Mezcalera plate was nearly subducted by end of this time period. There was little magmatism in
arc and only minor thrust faulting in backarc region during this phase of oblique convergence. Symbols and
abbreviations are same as in Figure 6.
A speculative model on the North America Cordillera in the Early Cretaceous
period, which is compatible with sinistral faulting. There was
much reduced magmatism within the northern Cordillera during
this time, and the Sevier–Rocky Mountain thrust belt may have
experienced reduced activity, as is suggested by major unconformities and thin conglomerates.
In the southern Cordillera, the Mezcalera plate was subducting east beneath México with slab rollback and little magmatism.
The Mezcalera plate was decreasing in size as it was also subducting to the west beneath the oceanic Guerrero arc. The Farallon plate was moving southward relative to North America, but
its motion relative to the Mezcalera plate is unknown.
Alternatives to the Reconstructions
There are clearly many alternatives to speculative reconstructions like those presented here. Here I briefly discuss
selected alternative interpretations and how they would affect the
For the 105–85 Ma map, one alternative is that the Baja B.C.
block may have had less translation (Butler et al., 2001) so that it
lay mainly north of the Sierra Nevada. The two magmatic belts
overlap along a shorter distance in this model. This interpretation also negates the tectonic escape model for the 125–105 Ma
period, but it still has two large strike-slip fault systems with
opposing sense of slip at the same latitude. Using the interpretations with larger translation of Baja B.C. (3000–4000 km, e.g.,
Wynne et al., 1995; Cowan et al., 1997) puts much of Baja B.C.
along the western side of México. This then begs the question
of why there were two magmatic belts at that latitude, though
the Ducea (2001) model may apply here as well. In addition,
the agreement of the position of the southern end of Baja B.C.
in the Triassic–early Jurassic based on paleomagnetic data and
the 800 km of subsequent southward motion works well in my
model, but in the larger translation of Baja B.C., ~2000 km of
southward motion is missing.
As summarized above, many workers suggest that the Guerrero arc was west-facing and not east-facing as Dickinson and
Lawton (2001) suggested and I used. Changing the polarity of
this arc is not critical for my model. A west-facing Guerrero arc
would cause lower rates of closing of the Mezcalera ocean. A
west-facing oceanic arc would cause the arc to collide with the
accretionary complex along North America, while in the model
discussed here two accretionary complexes collide initially.
An Eastern Mediterranean Analog
The 125–105 Ma reconstruction of western North America
with an arc-continent collision in the south and tectonic escape
in the central and northern Cordillera has many aspects similar
to the modern eastern Mediterranean to Caucasus region (Fig. 7).
This analog is an expansion and variation of a model proposed by
Pavlis (1989) for the northern Cordillera. In this comparison, the
Arabian-Eurasia collision zone in the Caucasus region and Iran
(Şengör et al., 1985; Dewey et al., 1986) is similar to the Guerrero arc-continent collision. The tectonic escape of Turkey to the
west, away from the collision zone, is similar to the northward
escape proposed here for the central to northern Cordillera. The
two settings also are similar in that the major strike-slip faults of
opposite sense of slip converge toward the outer edge of the collision zone, and the tectonic escape is lateral relative to the collision zone. In the reconstruction for western North America, it is
clear that the northern end of the Guerrero arc-continent collision
was in southern California and that the southern end of the major
Mojave–Snow Lake–Western Nevada–Salmon River dextral fault
was likely in the Mojave region of southern California. Placing the
southern end of the major sinistral fault system also in southern
California is dependent on the “moderate” reconstruction of Baja
B.C. used here. Using reconstructions of Baja B.C. much farther
south or north would not be compatible with the tectonic escape
model. The major extension in Greece today is similar to the
major extension across interior Alaska and northwestern Canada
as Pavlis (1989) noted. The free facing convergent plate boundary south of Crete and Greece facilitates escape as the trench
is retreating (Dewey, 1988). In the northern Cordillera, Pavlis
(1989) and Rubin et al. (1995) suggested that the subduction zone
along interior Alaska (and the northern part of Alta B.C. on Fig. 7)
was likely to have been retreating in the Early Cretaceous.
There are also important differences between the present model and the modern eastern Mediterranean. In detail, the
northern Cordillera is different than the eastern Mediterranean
because there was a second convergent plate boundary along the
west side of the Baja B.C. (Wrangellia composite terrane) and the
Kuhitna-Nutzotin ocean was closing between the two convergent
boundaries (Fig. 7). Another critical difference between the Early
Cretaceous western North America and the modern eastern Mediterranean to Caucasus is that the colliding block, the Arabian plate,
is much larger than the Guerrero oceanic arc. This begs the question of whether there were other major forces driving the escape in
western North America. The free-facing plate boundary in Alaska
with possible trench retreat would have promoted tectonic escape
of the central Cordillera toward the north. In addition, a major
change in the absolute direction of motion of the North America
plate favored tectonic escape and related events. Note that in
the Cordillera at ca. 120 Ma, the northward tectonic escape was
accompanied by the start of major east-vergent thrusting across
the backarc region. This included the major thrusting of the Sierra
Nevada arc eastward over North American crust and the renewal of
major thrusting and foreland basin subsidence in the Sevier–Rocky
Mountain thrust belt discussed above.
These events at ca. 125–120 Ma were likely driven by a
profound change in the motion of North America as well as the
coincident collision of the Guerrero arc in the southern Cordillera. From ca. 180–125 Ma, the North America plate was moving
northwestward away from Africa as the central Atlantic opened
(Morgan, 1983; Engebretson et al., 1985; Klitgord and Schouten,
1986). At ca. 125–120 Ma, the North America plate changed to
P.J. Umhoefer
a more westerly absolute motion (Scotese, 2002). That change
in plate motion may have been the main cause of the increased
thrusting in the North American Cordillera and promoted the
tectonic escape. The initial opening of the equatorial Atlantic at
~120 Ma (Jones et al., 1995) may have triggered the change in
the motion of the North America plate.
Finally, we can ask, why did the Guerrero terrane and southern Cordillera not start to move north in the 105–85 Ma interval,
as did the central and northern Cordillera? I suggest that this is
because the southern boundary of the Kula plate formed at the previous boundary at the northern end of the colliding Guerrero arc. In
addition, the central and northern Cordillera were cut by numerous
large strike-slip faults (Figs. 7 and 8) that were readily reactivated
as dextral-slip faults along which northward motion occurred.
Over the years, there have been way too many colleagues who
discussed Mesozoic paleogeography and the problem of Baja B.C.
to mention them all here, so a few key people who sparked this
paper will have to do. The organizers of the Penrose conference
on terrane translation, Brian Mahoney, Julie Maxson, and Basil
Tikoff, are thanked for a stimulating conference that rekindled my
interest in that general problem and Baja B.C. specifically. The
coincidence of my reading at essentially the same time in 2001
the important papers by Dickinson and Lawton, Wyld and Wright,
and Ducea jelled the ideas for this paper and I thank them for three
excellent papers. The recent important paper on the paleomagnetism of the Methow block by Randy Enkin and others also encouraged me. I thank Darrel Cowen for many fruitful discussions on
Mesozoic paleogeography over the years and for providing the
figures from his seminal 1997 paper. Darrel Cowen and Sandra
Wyld are thanked for thoughtful reviews, and Scott Paterson was
patient and an excellent editor. Finally, I thank Eldridge Moores for
being an inspiring pioneer with papers on the Cordillera in which
he dares to face the probable complexity of the mountain belt head
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