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Skye Terrier Club Breeder Assistance Scheme
A principle aim of the Skye Terrier Club is to preserve the future of the breed
both within the UK and the wider world. Part of this effort includes monitoring
and safeguarding the genetic variability of the breeding stock available within
the UK. The Skye Terrier Club believes it is important to encourage its members
to consider the importation of breeding stock or semen to enhance the gene pool
currently available in this country.
The Breeder Assistance Scheme (BAS) has been developed with the aim of
widening the gene pool of Skye Terriers in the UK. The Scheme offers financial
assistance in the form of grants of £800 to Skye Terrier Club members to help
cover the additional expenses associated with:
a) Importing a puppy or adult dog that is to be used in a planned breeding
program within the UK
b) Importing semen to be used for a planned Artificial Insemination mating
within the UK
c) Transporting a bitch resident in the UK to mainland Europe for the
purposes of mating
Please note that the BAS will not arrange either the import of pups / semen,
or transport for a bitch on behalf of members – the BAS only awards grants
to contribute towards the costs.
The health and welfare of dogs transported or puppies born as a result of a
grant issued under the BAS remains the responsibility of the owner(s) and
breeder(s) involved in the transaction.
All applications should include:
1. A completed application form;
2. A 5 generation pedigree certificate for the puppy or dog to be
imported/dog providing the semen sample and the potential dam;
3. An outline of the proposed breeding program (puppy/dog imports) or
details of the proposed mating (semen imports)
4. Written quotations for the costs involved in the proposed import
Application forms may be downloaded from the Skye Terrier Club Website – - or obtained by emailing Sarah Downes on
[email protected].
The stated aim of the BAS is to widen the gene pool and preserve the breeding
population within the UK. It is important that applicants provide as much
information as possible. This includes any health test results or scans carried out
upon the sire and dam (puppy imports) or stud dog in question. If and when DNA
tests for liver disease and renal dysplasia become available we would anticipate
that results (for the parents of a puppy and for a stud dog) be recorded with the
Kennel Club as part of the application.
Applications shall be considered by a panel of three people consisting of Maud
Hawkes, Allan Stephenson and Sarah Downes. Each application shall be reviewed
and assessed on its own merits. The criteria used to assess the applications are
as follows:
1. Potential contribution to the current gene pool
2. General robustness of puppy/breeding line to be imported
The potential contribution a dog can make to the current gene pool is a complex
matter and will be assessed by studying the pedigrees and health information of
the puppy or dog to be imported, along with those of any proposed or potential
mates. Factors that will be taken into consideration may include: the number of
common ancestors shared by dog and bitch in a proposed mating; how wellrepresented a dogs potential genes are in the UK already (i.e. how many direct
relatives or ancestors are already included in breeding lines in the UK); and, any
health conditions that have been confirmed to be present by veterinary
The Breeder Assistance Scheme welcomes applications from Skye Terrier Club
members all year round. You do not have to be an experienced breeder to apply
to the scheme, but you need to have a member of the Club for two years before
you can apply to the scheme. Completed applications should be submitted to
Sarah Downes at [email protected], or posted to 72 Circuit Drive, Long
Eaton, Nottinghamshire, NG10 2GH. Members should send a separate application
for each proposed import or mating.
There is no limit to the number of applications a single member can make
and each application shall be judged without prejudice.
Please note that the Breeder Assistance Scheme does not offer advice on
specific pairings, nor does it pass judgement on individual breeding
Q: Is there a limit to how much money is awarded per grant?
A: Yes. The BAS awards grants to the value of £800 per application. Please note that
each import is treated as a new application.
Q: How are the applications assessed?
A: The aim of the scheme is to widen the UK gene pool and each application is
assessed based on the contribution the individual dog or semen donor can make to the
UK population. This takes into consideration things like: ‘new’ genes or breeding
lines from other countries; the general health and robustness of the puppy or semen
donor; the long-term effects of the individual puppy or semen donor on the proposed
breeding program.
Q: Why can I only apply to transport my bitch to mainland Europe for mating?
A: Transportation of bitches for mating has been limited to mainland Europe to limit
stress to the bitch in question. The Skye Terrier Club feels that this limitation balances
the welfare of the dam with the benefit of widening the gene pool.
Q: I was awarded a grant previously, can I apply for another if I want to import
A: Yes. There is no limit to the number of applications a single member can make.
Q: I want to import from a particular kennel but someone has already imported
from that line. Will my application be declined?
A: Not necessarily. Each application is assessed on the contribution that an import
could make to the UK gene pool. As such, each proposed dog will be looked at
individually, and in relation to the specific breeding program it will be used in.
Q: There’s a litter being born soon and I know several people want to import
puppies. What happens if several applications arrive at once?
A: Applications will only be considered if they are submitted with all the relevant
documents to Sarah Downes. They will be considered on a first-come, first-served
basis and each application shall be considered on its own merits.
Q: If I apply for a grant and the application is declined, will I be told why?
A: The review panel will issue a written summary of their decision to each applicant.
In the case of an application being declined, the reasons leading to that decision will
be clearly presented.
Q: My application was declined. May I re-submit the same application?
A: Only if the re-submission contains new information (i.e. health test results or a
significant change to proposed breeding program) that may impact on the review
panel’s decision.
Q: My application was declined. May I appeal the decision?
A: Yes, you may appeal the decision. In these cases the application, along with the
BAS panel’s decision will be presented to the Committee of the Skye Terrier Club.
The Committee will have the opportunity to interrogate the panel’s decision and, if
they deem it necessary, may overturn the panel’s decision.
Q: Do I have to be an experienced breeder to apply?
A: No. The scheme is open to all members and the experience of the applicant will
not affect the panel’s consideration of their application. It is, however, the
responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all current rules and regulations relating
to the import of dogs/semen into the UK, and the registration of dogs or resulting
litters by the Kennel Club are adhered to at all times.
Q: I want to import but I have no idea how to do that, what do I do?
A: You need to begin by contacting the Kennel Club to discuss your intentions. They
will then direct you to other sources of information and organisations that will be able
to offer you advice. The Breeder Assistance Scheme is a grant-giving scheme
designed only to assist with the costs of importing dogs or semen into the UK.
Skye Terrier Club
Breeder Assistance Scheme
A1 – Import of Puppy/Dog
Please complete this form as fully as possible. If you would like
help to complete it, please contact the Breeder Assistance
Scheme, on tel: 0115 7798395.
Details of Applicant
Email Address:
Mobile Number:
Details of Puppy/Dog to be Imported
Registered Name:
Registration Number:
Date of Birth:
Microchip Number:
Please attach 5-generation pedigree for the litter
Dates of travel:
Proposed travel arrangements (incl. prices quoted):
Health Checks/Tests
Please tick to indicate which of the following checks have been carried out:
Renal USS Report
DNA Swabbed
General Health Check
Is there a family history of any of the following, please tick all that apply:
Renal dysplasia
Liver disease
Puppy limp
Other (please specify)
Breeding Programme
Please give details below of the proposed breeding programme the imported dog
will be used in. Give as much detail as possible, including intended or possible
future mates and intended outcomes of breeding.
We understand that these plans may be subject to change and no judgements are
made on breeding programmes or individual pairings.
Please provide a detailed breakdown of the costs involved with the import,
including the prices quoted for transport, import fees or other associated costs.
Please review the information given above carefully. If you are
happy with your application, please attach the following
supporting documents. Please tick the ones you have attached:
5 Generation Pedigree*
Renal USS Reports
Other Health Test Reports
Written Quotations for:
Import Fees*
Other Itemised Costs
*Essential documents
Once you are happy with your application please send it,
together with supporting documents to Sarah Downes,
[email protected] or 72 Circuit Drive, Long Eaton,
Nottinghamshire, NG10 2GH.