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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Ancient Greece – The Golden Age What is a Golden Age? _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________. Greek city-states united to form a group of allies, or ____________________________________, against Persia, a common enemy. ___________________________ led southern city-states in the Peloponnesian League. This alliance made them stronger. They defeated the Persians twice, and both times they were outnumbered. What kind of ship did the Greek sailors use? _____________________________ After the Persian war, Athens allied with city-states from Attica, Asia Minor, and Aegean Islands to form the ____________________________________________________________________. ~ _________________________________________ was elected leader of the Athenian government in 460 B.C.E. He introduced pay for ________________________________________________, and gave ____________________ citizens of any class the right to hold nearly any gov’t office. Because Pericles was a _______________________, or supporter, of writing, learning and the arts, Athens became a cultural center. During the Golden Age, learning and the Arts flourished. Serious plays with unhappy endings, called ____________________________, were written by _____________________________________. Aristophanes wrote ___________________________ that made people laugh, because they poked fun at leaders. Pericles supported historians such as ____________________________________, who wrote about the Persian War. A great scientist from the Golden Age was _____________________________________. He is known for writing a code of behavior for ________________________________ called the ________________________________________ oath. ~ Pericles wanted Athens to be more powerful, so he sent soldiers to conquer _____________________________ lands. He also forced Delian League allies to pay ___________________________________ to Athens as a price for peace and protection. This made Sparta and other city-states wage war against Athens and its allies in the ____________________________________________________________________. When the Spartans and their allies held the surrounding areas of Athens, people moved from the country to the city. In 430 B.C.E., the __________________________________, a deadly contagious disease, broke out and spread quickly throughout the city, killing many people, including Pericles. For 27 years, the Athenians fought the Spartans. Without the wise leadership of Pericles, some people began to follow ______________________________________________, leaders who stir up the feelings and fears of people to gain power, sometimes by telling them lies. Athens surrendered to Sparta in 404 B.C.E. ~ Greek philosophers in Athens were considered _____________________________________________________. Men such as _____________________________ and Plato were disappointed in Athenian leaders. One of Socrates’ students, Plato, started an ______________________________ to teach future rulers how to govern well. ___________________________________________ entered Plato’s academy at the age of 18. He went on to teach Alexander the Great.