Download Structure of a Java program A program in Java is a set of class

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Structure of a Java program
A program in Java is a set of class declarations. A class cannot contain statements directly,
but can contain the declarations of methods, which contain declarations and statements
(ended with ;). A method implements a subprogram (in a way similar to functions and
procedures in languages like C and Pascal). An object is an instance of a class. A Java
program can be seen as a collection of objects satisfying certain requirements and interacting
through functionalities made public (as in abstract data types).
Let us write a simple Java program that prints the string (or sequence of characters)
Ciao! on the video terminal. We need a Java Virtual Machine (that is an interpreter
for Java). In these notes we will refer to JDK (Java Development Kit), a very basic Java
programming environment. After creating a directory where we put the files containing our
first exercises in Java, using a text editor we open a file in which we write the
following program:
class Ciao {
public static void main (String[] args) {
Note that the name of the class coincides with that of the file. The Java standard convention
is to have only one class in a file and the name of the file is the name of the class plus the
suffix .java.
Let us comment the program above. We said that a Java program is made of a collection
of classes. Here we have only one class whose declaration starts with the reserved word
class followed by the name (identifier) of the class Ciao and a parenthesis (which will be
matched by a parenthesis at the end of the class declaration).
The class Ciao contains a method, called main. In Java each method can be called
(invoked) from within another method. Thus, an initial method is needed to start the
execution of a program. Such a method is the method main, which must be general enough.
The heading of the method main is
public static void main (String[] args)
and is always like this1 .
The method main is characterized by the following properties:
- is public (denoted by the reserved word public), i.e. it is visible from any point of the
- is static (denoted by the reserved word static), because at the beginning of a program
objects have not yet been created;
- does not return anything (denoted by the reserved word void), because there is no other
method calling the method main to which main can return a value;
- the input data are seen as an array of strings (objects of the built-in class String). We
will go back to the input data later. Note that in the above program no input data are used.
Once the file has been saved, from the shell it is possible to compile the source code in
the file by means of the command javac as follows:
In some textbooks it is written String argv[] inside the brackets. In Java the type array of String can
also be denoted with the square brackets written after the array identifier (args or argv in this case), but
it si advised not to use this notation and is instead suggested to write the type in a compact manner, that
is String[]. As regards the use of args or argv, in these notes args will be used. However, as this is just
the name (identifier) of the formal parameter of the method main, one can choose any legal identifier.
The compilation phase is successful (the Java code is syntactically correct) and the machine
waits for another command. Whenever the Java compiler signals some error situations, one
needs to understand where the errors are located and which are the modifications to be
made. Once the corrections have been saved, the file can be compiled again.
If the compilation is successful, one can see that the directory contains a file Ciao.class
that has been generated by the compiler and represents the Bytecode program (to see the
Bytecode one can use the command javap -c Ciao). It is now possible to run the program
by means of the command java followed by the file name (without suffix) as follows:
java Ciao
If there are no runtime errors (and this is the case), Ciao! is printed on the video terminal
and we get a new prompt on a new line. This is due to the fact that in the statement
System.out.println("Ciao!"); there is a call to the method println of the (built-in)
class PrintStream on the field out of the class System, which prints the string (enclosed
between the two " symbols) that appears inside the brackets and then a new line. If we use
the method print instead of println, the same string Ciao! is printed, but there is no new
Polymorphism and overloading
Say what gets printed by the following program:
class ProvaStampa {
public static void main (String[] args) {
Note that both methods print and println are used in various manners: we have the same
method name, but the parameters are in different number and/or of different type. The
method is said overloaded . More generally, the method is said to be polymorphic. Many
built-in methods in Java are polymorphic to work in a different way on several different
types. A classic example of polymorphic operator is + which is used to denote addition on
integers (int), real numbers (float, double), etc., and string concatenation.
For example, given the following Java program:
class Stampa {
public static void main (String[] args) {
System.out.print("hello, ");
after compiling it with javac, the execution by means of the command java
Stampa yields the following output:
hello, world!
Note that, if at least one parameter of the operator + is a string, then the other parameters
are also considered as strings (we recall that in Java the operator + is left associative).
N.B. Each Java method is followed by brackets ( ), even though the method has no
(explicit) parameters.
Abstracting on input data
Suppose we write a Java program which computes and prints the addition of two integer
numbers. For example, if we want to add the numbers 7 and 4, we can write:
class Somma1 {
public static void main (String[] args) {
The call to the method println with the actual parameter given by the expression 7+4 is
executed by first evaluating the expression 7+4, which results in 11, and then such a value
gets printed on the video terminal. However, once more we have not taken advantage of the
possibility of providing input data, possibly different at each execution of the program. The
two values to be given as input to the program are denoted through args[0] and args[1],
respectively the first and second element of the array args (as we will see later, the elements
of a monodimensional array can be singled out through an index starting from 0). We can
think of writing the following program:
class Conc {
public static void main (String[] args) {
Once the compilation has been carried out, the program is run by giving as input a sequence
of values as required by the program. In this case the program expects two values to be
added, thus we should provide two numbers, that are simply written one after the other by
separating them with a blank space:
java Conc 7 4
The result that gets printed is not, however, 11, but 74. Indeed, we must recall that the
input to the program (or to the method main) is an array of strings, thus the two input values
7 and 4 are considered as strings and consequently the operation that is applied (denoted by
the polymorphic operator +) is string concatenation. It follows that the result is the string
74. Let us test the program:
java Conc abc defg
java Conc "abc" "defg"
java Conc abc 11
java Conc 13 65
java Conc
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
at Conc.main(
java Conc ab
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
at Conc.main(
java Conc ab cd ef
In order to add two input values, which are always seen as strings, we need to transform
such values into integers by means of the method parseInt of the class Integer. We thus
change the program into the following:
class Somma {
public static void main (String[] args) {
int x = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
int y = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
A similar conversion must be carried out if we want to add two decimal numbers:
class SommaDouble {
public static void main (String[] args) {
double x = Double.parseDouble(args[0]);
double y = Double.parseDouble(args[1]);
In this case we have:
java SommaDouble 3.5 7.4
while, when using the program Conc, we have:
java Conc 3.5 7.4
1. Write a Java program that, given as input the base and the height of a rectangle, prints
its area.
class AreaRett {
public static void main (String[] args) {
double b = Double.parseDouble(args[0]);
double a = Double.parseDouble(args[1]);
2. Write a Java program that, given as input the base and the height of a triangle, prints
its area.
class AreaTriang {
public static void main (String[] args) {
double b = Double.parseDouble(args[0]);
double a = Double.parseDouble(args[1]);