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Matching: Match the word with its correct definition
_____1) Changing slowly and constantly over long periods of time
A. Gradualism
_____2) Preserved or mineralized remains of an organism that lived long ago
B. Extinction
_____3) A scientist that uses radiometric dating to determine the age of fossils
C. Fossil
_____4) The death of all members of a species
D. Paleontologist
5) Explain the difference between behavioral isolation, geographic isolation, and reproductive isolation.
6) Explain how the above terms (in question #5) can be related to the term “speciation.”
7) Define “natural selection” AND explain how it could cause competition.
8) Define “vestigial structure” and give an example.
9) The similarity of homologous structures suggests that two or more species
10) How is embryological evidence important to the theory of evolution?
11) Strong evidence for evolution comes from the fossil record.
12) Explain the difference between the following terms:
a. Mutation _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b. Genetic Drift ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
c. Gene Flow ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
13) Immigrants move _________________ a population and emigrants move ________________ a population.
14) All mutations are lethal.
Circle: True
Hardy-Weinberg Practice Problems
15. What two equations are used to represent Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? What does each variable
16. What are the 5 assumptions that must be met in order for the equation to work? What does this mean
if a population is in H-W?
17. If a population contains 38% homozygous recessive individuals (white fur) and 62% individuals with
both pure and hybrid dominant brown fur, what is the frequency of the dominant allele in the
population? SHOW ALL WORK!
Matching: Match the word with its correct definition.
One species benefits, the other gets killed
One species benefits, the other gets harmed
One species benefits, the other gets neither harmed nor benefited
Both species benefit
22) Explain why white furred mice would not benefit in the desert.
23) How are food chains and food webs related?
24) A "primary consumer" can also be called a(n) ______________________________.
25) An example of an abiotic factor is _____________________ and an example of a biotic factor is ____________________.
26) Why are decomposers important to the success of an ecosystem?
27) An example of a food chain is…
a. Lizard  Grasshopper  Grass
b. Grass  Mouse  Hawk
c. Mouse  Hawk  Rabbit
d. Grass  Tree  Lizard
28) What do the arrows represent in a food chain?
29) Give two examples of organisms that would be considered “producers.”
30) Explain why the top of the food chain does NOT receive 100% of the stored energy from the organisms they
are eating.
31) Which of the following would be considered an example of a population?
a. all insects in a desert
c. all plants in the rainforest
b. all silver maple trees in a forest
d. all trees in the taiga
*Explain why that answer is correct and the others are not.
32) Put the following terms in the correct order from smallest (left) to largest (right).
33) Which part of a stable ecosystem cannot be recycled since it is either used up or lost as heat? ________________
The diagram to the right/below represents an energy pyramid. Use it to answer questions #34 & #35.
34) If level A produces 1000 J of energy, how much energy is available to level B? ___________
35) On the energy pyramid to the right, which level represents primary consumers? _______
36) The first plants to grow after a fire are called the ____________________________________.
37) In ecology, what does the term “succession” mean?
38) Explain why the deer population may increase over time. Explain a few factors that may lead to the increase in
the deer population within a given area.
* Explain why the deer population may decrease over time. Explain a few factors that may lead to the decrease in
the deer population within a given area.
39) An organism’s interactions with other organisms is referred to as its _________________________.
40) The specific place where an organism lives out its life is a _______________________________.
Matching: Match the correct word with its description.
A group of ecosystems that have the same climate and climax community
Most amount of species and precipitation
Fires, grazing animals, and drought keep this biome free of many trees
Made up of coniferous evergreen forest
Composed mostly of trees that lose their leaves
Has a layer of permafrost below the soil surface
Lowest amount of annual precipitation
Less than 1% salt content
Source of most of the world’s rainfall
A. Desert
B. Fresh Water
C. Tundra
D. Tropical Rainforest
E. Marine
F. Temp. Deciduous Forest
G. Biome
H. Taiga
I. Grassland
50) If the human population is growing “exponentially,” what shape will the curve follow in the population graph?
51) The picture to the right is called a __________________________________.
52) Using the figure to the right, which cohort has the least amount of people?
53) What does it mean to have “arable” land?
54) Explain how a region’s “carrying capacity” can affect the population.
55) Using the “Population Growth” graph below, explain what is happening to the population at (B), (C), and (D).
56) What helped slow down the population growth in 1962?
57) What is the world’s population? ___________________________________
58) If a country has a large number of individuals on the bottom of their population pyramid, what does that
indicate about the population?
59) The pyramid for the United States is nearly straight up and down creating a rectangle-shape. Explain what this
may indicate about our population.
60) If a country is using more resources than the biocapacity allows, what will eventually happen?
61) When you calculated your “ecological footprint,” what were you calculating?
62) Explain the difference between an ecological deficit and an ecological reserve.
63) Ecological Sustainability is when a resource cannot be renewed and will eventually run out.
Circle: True or False