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Uyanga Ganbold-Battulga
Mr. Miller
Period 4
25 November 2010
Organs and Organisms
Pay attention to how you breathe. Notice how you’re hungry after several hours of eating
lunch, breakfast, or dinner. What if someone pinch the back of your neck? You would react
to it, right? These multiple actions of the body is caused by organs of the body. Organs are
systems in the body that functions differently for different purposes. In the human body, the
main organs are the circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, excretory
system, skeletal system, muscular system, and nervous system.
Organs are developed from tissues. A tissue is made out of a group of smaller cells. When
the tissues combine, it creates an organ. When certain organs come together, it creates an
organ system. There are four primary tissues in a organism: the epithelial tissue(the cells of
this tissue pack tightly together and form many layers of sheets that serve as linings for
different parts of the body. This tissue protects and separates the body’s organs.), the
connective tissue ( which supports the body.), the muscle tissue( which is a special tissue that
can contract that slides around when another is in movement.), and the nerve tissue ( it
contains two types of cells: the neurons and glial cells. It has the ability to conduct electrical
signals throughout the body.) Organs are the next level of generation in our bodies. An organ
contains at least two different types of tissues to keep it functioning. There are many organs
in our body, such as, our kidneys, liver, and heart. But the biggest organ is our skin. The skin
is a perfect example of an organ: it is composed of three layers, the epidermis, dermis, and
subcutaneous layer. The epidermis is the outer layer of the skin. Below the epidermis, the
dermis comes next in line. The dermis provides support for the skin. It contains muscle tissue
that gives us “goose bumps” when we’re frightened. The most hidden layer is the
subcutaneous layer. This helps cushion the skin and contains special tissues that contain
proteins that protects the body from cold temperatures.
The circulatory system is system that transports useful materials such as nutrients and
oxygen. It sends waste materials to the appropriate organs for removal. Apart of the
circulatory system is the lymphiatic system. It has several different functions in the body: it
returns exces fluid (lymph, a clear, water fliud in lymphatic vessels) from tissues to the heart.
The two most important functions of the lymphatic system is that it maintains the fliud inside
of our bodies and supports our immune system. Plasma filters into interstitical spaces(fluid
that fills spaces around cells) from blood flowing through the capillaries for lymphatic fluid
balance. Most of this fliud is absorbed by tissue cells or reabsorbed by the blood before it
flows out of the tissue. As this process continues, a small amount of interstitional fluid is left
behind. If this continues in a short time, the incrased flud would case major emeds. Edems is
a swelling that it's caused by fliud trapped in body tissues. Edema would cause tissue
destruction or death. Because of lymphatic vessels that act as drains, the problem is avoided.
It collects excess fliud of returns it to the venous blood before it reaches the heart. The
circulatory system consists of moving fliud (lymph) derived from the blood and tissue fliud
and group of vessels that returns lymph to the blood. Lymphatic vessels are parallel to the
veins. The blood system is also apart of the circulatory system. It consists of blood, heart, and
blood vessels. Blood is a red fliud, which is the main transport of manny substances in the
circulatory system. About 5.6 litters of blood in a mature adult circulates around the body
about three times every minute. The fliud tissue is made out of red blood cells, white blood
cells, platelets, and plasma. Blood has two main functions: protective and transport.
Red blood cells are circular shaped. It contains no nucelius and is produced by lone marrow
(lifespan of three to four months). It contains protein, and a red pigment which contains iron.
It is reponsible for transporting oxygen, which acounts for color of blood. Red blood cells are
elastic and are able to squeeze through tiny vessels (capillaries). When worn out, they are
destroyed in the liver.White bloods cells are colorless. They are bigger than red blood cells,
but fewer in number. The shape is irregular and elastic. A nucelus is included and they have
short lifespans. The main role for white blood cells is to protect the body from diseases. the
platelets look like they are made out of gains. they have no nucelus and are fragments of
cytoplasm in form of oval disks. It has a lifespan of five to nine days. Plasms is a liuquid
portion of the blood. It aids clotthing and contains proteins and anitbodies whch are produced
by immune systems to fight diseases. It transports red blood cell and white,jdissolved
material, food, and excretory products.The beating organ between your lungs, behind the
chest bone, and slightly to the left is called the heart. The structure is muscular, size of a
clenched fist, and has atria( smaller chambers.) So what does the heart do? It pumps blood to
all parts of the body and transfers materials to their rightful locations. Mammals have a
"double circulatory system", which effectively eprforms this function. The "Double
circulatory system." is a system where heart mumps oxygen/ blood to all part of the body.
The oxygen in blood is absorved by body cells and the level of oxygen blood becomes low.
Low oxygen blood returns to the hart. The heart transfers the bloos to lungs where more
oxygen is absorbed. Blood with a high oxygen level returns to the heart. Blood vessels is a
system of tubes where blood flows throughout the body. There are three types of vessels:
arteries, capillaries, and veins. The total length of blood vessles is about 160,000 km. The
blood vessels provide measurements such as pulse and blood pressure. The arteries carry
blood away from the heart. It transports oxygenated blood. The walls are thick, muscular, and
elastic. It can dilate and contrict. It also branches out many times to form tiny artiers called
"arteroles" Arteroles divide further to microscopic vessles called capillaries. The capillaries
branch and divide repeatedly and are found between cells of almost all tissues. Capillaries
contain thin layer of flattened cells. The exhance of materials take place between blood and
cells. Gradually, they join up to form venules which eventually unite to form veins. Veins
carry blood to the heart. They transport deoxygenated blood. The walls are not as thick, but
have elastic tissues. They have "semi- lular valves" to prevent backwards flow. Animals can
get coronory heart diease. The hearat muscle needs constant supply of oxygen and nutrients.
When coronary arteries are narrowed, and clogged cholesterol and fat deposits, blood flow is
abstructed. Thicking and hardening of arterial walls is called "arterioscleris" The controllable
factors of the circulatory system is that there can be high blood pressure, high blood
cholesterol, smoking, obesity, pyhysical inactivity, diabetes, and stress. The uncontrollable is
gender, heredity, and age.
The role of the digestive system is to break down cmplex organic food moleules into
diffuseable forms, so that it can be absorbed by body for growth, repair, and maintanance.
The path of the digestsive system is the mouth, ocsophagus, stomach, small intenstine, large
intestine, rectum, and anus. In the mouth, digestion of carbohydrates begin. The food is
softened by the saliva. Salivery amylase converts startch into shorter polysaccharide. The
teeth cut up the food in a process called mastication. Before the food is pushed into the
pharynx, the tongue rolls it into smaller balls. Next, the oesaphagus takes over. The
oesphagus is a narrow muscular tube leading the food from the pharynx into the stomach.
Peristalsis is an active wave-like contractions of the walls, which pushes food along the gut.
Because the food is pushed down, it is difficult to swallow food when doing a handstand. Up
next is the stomach. The stomach has thick muscular walls. The food is turned and mixed by
the peristalsis. The food remain in the stomach for about three hours. The small intenstine
consists of duodenum, jejunum and coiled ileum. In the duodenum, and jejunum, digestine
takes place. The instestinal juice digests proteins and fats. The pancreatic juice contains
protease (which digests proteins), lipase( which digests fats), amylase(which digests starch).
Emulsifaction is fat digestion. The bile emulsifies/ breaks up fats into globules to form a
stable suspension. What is the result of digestion? carbohydrates get turned into simple
sugars, proteins are amino acids, and fats turn into fatty acids. The small intestine is where
the absorbtion of digested nutrients take place. It happens by diffusion, and active transport.
Minerals and water is absorbed into the large intestine. Undigested substances are
temporarily placed in the rectum before egestion occurs. The liver is a product of the bile. It
regulates blood glucose levels and breaks down amino acids. It stores iron and synthesis
The excretory system is a passive of biological system that removes excess,
unnecessary/ dangerous materials of a body. It supports homeostasis to prevent damage to the
body. The kidneys are the main bases of the excretory system. They make a major impact on
maintaining the homeostasis of body fluids. If a kidney failure is sudden, death can occur.
Lungs are the primary site of carbon dioxide excretion. The lungs carry out detoxification,
altering harmful substances so that they are not poisonous. The lungs keep the excretion of
the volatile substances in onions, garlic, and other spices. These spices are strongly detectable
on a person’s breath. In the excretory system, the kidney’s skin excrete nitrogenous waste,
and a small amount of sweat. The kidneys, skin, and lungs excrete water while the lungs
excrete carbon dioxide. The lungs, and kidneys excrete the spices.
The human skeleton is an internal structure. It is known as an endoskeleton because it
is an internal structure. In every body, the bones vary in size. The human skeleton is
composed of two parts; the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton. The skull, ribs,
spine, and sternum form the axial skeleton. The bones of the arms and legs, scapula, clavicle,
and pelvis make p the appendicular skeleton. The bones of the skeleton function in different
ways. Bones provide a rigid framework against which muscles can pull, give shape and
structure to the body and support delicate internal organs. Notice how your rib- cage is
curved. This is to protect the heart, lungs, and other organs from outside harm. A similar case
follows for the brain. Bones only take up less than 20 percent of the body’s mass. Most
people assume that bones are heavy, thick, and dry. However, the bone is a live, moist, living
tissues. The bone contains a porous central canal surrounded by a ring od dense material. The
bone’s surface is covered by a tough membrane called the periosteum, which contains a
network of blood vessels, which supply nutrients, and nerves, that signals pain. Under the
periosteum lies a hard material called compact bone. A thick layer of compact bones enable
the shaft of the long bone to endure the large amount of tress it receives from impact with a
solid object. Between each cylinder is narrow channel called a Haversian canal. Blood
vessels run through interconnected Haversian canals, creating a network that carries
nourishment to the living bone tissue. Many layers of protein fibers are wrapped around each
Haversian canal. Embedded within the gaps between the protein layers are living bone cells
called osteocytes. Inside the bone is a network of tissue called spongy bone. Despite its name,
this tissue is hard and strong. Many bones contain a soft sisue called bone marrow, which can
be either red or yellow. Red bone marrow produces red blood cells and certain types of white
blood cells. Yellow bone marrow fills the shafts of long bones. It consists mostly of fat cells
and serves as an energy reserve. It can be converted to red bone marrow and produce blood
cells when severe blood loss occurs. Bones can crack or even break. These cracks or breaks
are reffered to as a fracture. If circulation is maintained, healing will occur even if the
damage is severe. Many bones begins themselves from cartilage, a tough but flexible
connective tissue. Much of the skeleton is made of cartilage. During the third month of
developing, osteocytes begin to develop and release minerals that lodge in the spaces between
the cartilage cells, turning the cartilage to bone. During this process, the cartilage slowly
hardens into bone as a result of the deposition of minerals is called ossification. Most fetal
cartilage is eventually replaced by bone. However, some cartilage remains flexible to the
areas between bones, at the end of the nose, in the outer ear, and along the inside of the
trachea. A few bones, such as some parts of the skll, develop directly into hard bone without
forming cartilage first. In these cases, the osteocytes are initially scattered randomly
throughout the embryonic connective tissue but soon fuse into layers and become flat plates
of bone. In the skull, suture lines can be seen where the plates of bone meet. Bones continue
to develop after a person’s birth. As one gets older, the bones start to harden and the skeleton
grows more bones, about 206 bones at a mature age. Fixed joints prevent movement. They
are found in the skll, where they connect the bony plates and permit no moement of those
bones. A small amount of connective tissue in a fixed joint helps absorb impact to prevent the
bones from breaking. Semimovable joints permit limited movement. Most joints of the body
are movable joints. These joints help the body to perform a wide range of movements. A
hinge joint allows the bones to go forward one way, but stops it from moving back. Joints are
often subjected to great deal of pressure. However, the structure of joints is well sited to meet
these demands.
Muscles have ability to contract, and enable the body to move. Muscles can also push
substances such as blood and food, through the body. Without the muscular system, all the
other organs in the body will not be able to function. A muscle is a tissue that can contract in
a coordinated fashion and includes muscle tisse, blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue.
The human body has three different kinds of muscle tissues: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac.
Skeletal muscle ‘s job is for moving parts of the body. Skeletal muscle tissue is made up of
elongated cells. Each muscle fiber contains many nuclei and is crossed by light and dark
striped. Smooth muscle forms the muscle layers found in the walls of the stomach. Individual
smooth muscle cells are spindle- shaped, have a single nucleus, and interlace to form sheets
of smooth muscle tissue. Cardiac muscle makes up the walls of the heart. Cardiac muscle
shares some of its characteristic with skeletal muscle and smooth muscle. Both skeletal
muscle and cardiac muscle tissue is striated. With smooth muscle, it is involuntary and each
cell has one nucleus. A muscle fiber is a single, multinucleated cell. A muscle can be made
up of hundreds of muscle fibers, depending on the muscle size. The health of a muscle
depends on a sufficient nerve and blood supply. Each skeletal muscle fiber has a nerve ending
that controls its activity. Active muscles use a lot of energy and therefore require a
continuous supply of oxygen and nutrients, which are supplied by arteries. Muscles produce
large amounts of metabolic waste that must be removed through veins. A muscle fiber
consists of bundles of threadlike structures called myofibrils. Each myofibril is made up of
two types of protein filaments. Thick filaments are made of the protein myosin and thin
filaments are mde of the protein actin. Myosin and actin are arranged to form an overlapping
pattern. The sarcomere is the functional unit of muscle contraction. When a muscle contracts,
myosin filaments and actin filaments interact to shorten the length of a sarcomere. Myosin
filaments have extensions shaped like oval heads. Generally, skeletal muscles are attached to
one end of a bone, stretched across a joint, and are fastened to the end of another bone.
Muscles are attached to the outer membrane of bone, either directly or by a tough fibrous
cord of connective tissue called a tendon.
The nervous system controls much of the homeostasis aspects. The central nervous
system of composed of the brain and spinal cord. The nervous system is made up of neurons,
specialized cells that transmit information throughout the body. A neuron demonstrated the
relationship between structure and function in living system. The axon enables the neuron to
transmit signals rapidly over long distances in the body. The nervous system includes two
major divisions: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The
peripheral nervous system consists of the neurons tha are not included in the rain and spinal
cord. The human brain oversees the daily operations of the body. Because of the brain’s
complexity, much remains to be learned about its function. The largest portion of the human
brain consists of the cerebrum, which is identified by its highly folded outer layer. The
cerebral hemispheres are connected by the corpus callosem, which is a heavy band of the
axons of many neurons. This lies deep in the central groove that separates the right
hemisphere from the left hemisphere. The spinal cord is a column of nerve tissues that start in
the medulla oblongata and runs down through the vertebral column.
How does the topic “organ and organ systems” breathe in the life of biology? Without
organs and organ systems, there would be no evolution, no life, and no biology. Biology is
the study of life and organisms and organ systems is a major topic.
Science text book (owl book)