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Harvard Medical School Curriculum Vitae
Date Prepared:
July 1, 2014
Tracy Batchelor
Office Address:
Stephen E. and Catherine Pappas Center for Neuro-Oncology
Yawkey 9E
Massachusetts General Hospital
55 Fruit Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02114
Home Address:
33 Stoney Brook Road
Sherborn, Massachusetts 01770
Work Phone:
Work E-Mail:
[email protected]
Work facsimile:
Place of Birth:
Abbeville, Georgia, USA
Date of Birth:
April 11, 1964
Bachelor of Science
Emory University
Doctor of Medicine
Emory University
Master of Public Health
Master of Science
Cancer Epidemiology
Yale-New Haven
General Hospital
Memorial SloanKettering Cancer
Cancer Epidemiology
Harvard School
of Public Health
Physician Leadership
Certificate Program
General Hospital
Postdoctoral Training:
Tracy T. Batchelor
Faculty Academic Appointments:
Department of Neurology
Harvard Medical
Assistant Professor
Department of Neurology
Harvard Medical
Associate Professor
Department of Neurology
Harvard Medical
Department of Neurology
Harvard Medical
Giovanni Armenise Harvard Professor
Department of Neurology
Harvard Medical
Appointments at Hospital/Affiliated Institutions:
Assistant in Neurology
Department of Neurology
General Hospital
Associate Neurologist
Department of Neurology
General Hospital
Department of Neurology
General Hospital
Department of Radiation Oncology Massachusetts
General Hospital
Major Administrative Leadership Positions:
Director, Neuro-Oncology
Fellowship Training Program
Department of Neurology, Cancer Center
Massachusetts General Hospital
Division of Neuro-Oncology
Department of Neurology, Cancer Center
Massachusetts General Hospital
Executive Director, Stephen E.
And Catherine Pappas Center for
Cancer Center
Massachusetts General Hospital
Clinical Trials Committee
Neuro-Oncology Program,
Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center
Co-Leader, Brain Cancer Program Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center
Tracy T. Batchelor
Annual Meeting
Clinical Neuro-Oncology
Scientific Session, Toronto,
American Academy of Neurology
Co-Chair, Basic Science
Neuro-Oncology Session,
San Francisco, California
Annual Meeting
American Academy of Neurology
Co-Chair, Neuro-Oncology
Therapy Session, Miami,
Annual Meeting
American Academy of Neurology
Co-Chair, Neuro-Oncology
Science Session, Seattle,
Annual Meeting
American Academy of Neurology
Symposium Co-Chair,
Annual Symposium
William Guy Forbeck Foundation
Integrated Neuroscience
Session – Neuro-Oncology
Annual Meeting
American Academy of Neurology
Board of Scientific Advisors
National Brain Tumor Society
Medical Advisory Board
Voices Against Brain Cancer
Society for Neuro-Oncology
Meeting, Montreal, Canada
Annual Education Day
Vice-Chair (elected)
Section on Neuro-Oncology
American Academy of Neurology
Chair (elected)
Section on Neuro-Oncology
American Academy of Neurology
Student Member, Admissions
Emory University School of
Resident Member,
Neurology Residency
Education Committee
Department of Neurology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Resident Member,
Department of Neurology
Neurology-Psychiatry Task Force Massachusetts General Hospital
Resident Member,
Department of Neurology
Clinical Neurosciences Committee Massachusetts General Hospital
Committee Service:
Tracy T. Batchelor
Member, Advisory Board
Patient and Family Support
Cancer Center
Massachusetts General Hospital
Member, Clinical Trials
Improvement Committee
Cancer Center
Massachusetts General Hospital
Member, Clinical Trials Audit
Cancer Center
Massachusetts General Hospital
Member, Neuro-Oncology
Clinical Trials Subcommittee
Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center
Member, Population Science
Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center
Member, Neuro-Oncology
SPORE Planning Committee
Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center
Voting Member, Scientific
Review Committee
Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center
Member, Executive Committee
Cancer Center
Massachusetts General Hospital
Member, Chief’s Council
Cancer Center
Massachusetts General Hospital
2010, 2013
Ad Hoc Committee of Professors
Harvard Medical School
Research Council
Department of Neurology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Clinical Leadership Council
Department of Neurology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Chair, Non-Astrocytoma, NonTherapeutics Committee
New Approaches to Brain Tumor
Therapy (NABTT) Consortium, National
Cancer Institute
Consultant, Orphan Products
Development Program
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Member, Brain Disease Site Team American College of Surgeons
Commission on Cancer
Member, Preuss Award Committee American Academy of Neurology
Member, PCNSL Working Group Lymphoma Steering Committee
National Cancer Institute
Member, External Review
Tracy T. Batchelor
Departments of Neuro-Oncology and
and Neurosurgery
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Workshop on Primary Central
Nervous System Lymphoma,
8th International Conference on
Malignant Lymphoma, Lugano,
Co-Founder and Co-Chair
International Primary Central
Nervous System Lymphoma Collaborative
Primary CNS Lymphoma Symposium
Freiburg, Germany
Scientific Advisory Committee
Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology
2014 Annual Meeting
Istanbul, Turkey
Professional Societies:
Junior Member, American Academy of Neurology
Member, American Academy of Neurology
Member, Section on Neuro-Oncology, American Academy of Neurology
Member, Society for Neuro-Oncology
Member, American Society of Clinical Oncology
Member, American Association for Cancer Research
Member, American Society of Hematology
Member, CALGB
Member, American Neurological Association
Grant Review Activities:
Ad Hoc Member,
Developmental Therapeutics
Study Section
National Cancer Institute
Ad Hoc Member
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
Ad Hoc Member
Clinical Oncology Study Section
National Cancer Institute
Ad Hoc Member
IRG – Subcommittee A
Cancer Centers
National Cancer Institute
Tracy T. Batchelor
Chartered Member
Clinical Oncology
(CONC) Study Section
Oncological Sciences Integrated Review Group
National Cancer Institute
Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium Review Panel
National Cancer Institute
External Advisory Board Member
T32 (Friedman, PI)
Research Training in Neuro-Oncology
Duke University
Preferred Reviewer
Italian Association for Cancer Research
Expert Reviewer
Swiss National Science Foundation
Editorial Activities:
Editorial Boards
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Editor, Neuro-Oncology Section
Editorial Board
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Ad Hoc Reviewer
Annals of Neurology, Annals of Oncology, Blood, Cancer, Cancer Cell, Clinical Cancer Research,
Clinical Lymphoma and Myeloma, European Journal of Cancer, Journal of Clinical Oncology,
Journal of Neuroimaging, Journal of Neuro-Oncology, Journal of Neurosurgery, Lancet, Lancet
Neurology, Lancet Oncology, Leukemia and Lymphoma, Nature Clinical Practice Oncology,
Neurology, Neurology India, Neuro-Oncology, New England Journal of Medicine, Ophthalmology,
Surgical Neurology, Science Translational Medicine
Honors and Prizes
Phi Beta Kappa
Emory University
Alpha Epsilon Delta
Emory University
Rasmussen Scholarship
Emory University
Kibler Award
Emory University
Top senior medical
student in Neurology
Tracy T. Batchelor
Chief Resident
in Neurology
Massachusetts General
Preuss Award
in Neuro-Oncology
American Academy
of Neurology
Annual award to
best young investigator
in neuro-oncology
Team Science Award
Clinical Research Day
Massachusetts General
Annual award to best
team science project in
MGH research community
Douglas Award
Division of
Massachusetts General
Annual award to best
research paper in division
Visiting Professor
Department of Neurology Mayo Clinic
Award for Excellence in
Colorado Neurological
Award for Adult Clinical Society for NeuroResearch
Brain Tumor Society
Award for best adult
clinical research project
presented at the annual
SNO meeting
Gary Lichtenstein
Humanitarian Award
Annual award to
outstanding researcher
in neuro-oncology
Voices Against Brain
Cancer Foundation
Report of Funded and Unfunded Projects
Funding Information
Current Funding
2013 – 2018
National Cancer Institute
1P50CA165962-01 (SPORE)
“Targeted Therapies for Glioma”
The major goal of this multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary program is to identify effective targeted therapeutics in
molecular subsets of glioblastoma by leveraging multiple projects, cores, a developmental award and a career award
National Cancer Institute
“International PCNSL Collaborative Group”
The major goal of this study is to support the PCNSL bi-annual, international collaborative group meeting. The
agenda is to review clinical trials, review status of IPCG projects, and to review new project proposals.
National Cancer Institute
“Clinical and Molecular Studies of Novel Therapeutics in Malignant Brain Tumors”
Tracy T. Batchelor
The major goal of this project is to provide support for my clinical and translational studies of novel therapeutic
agents in malignant brain tumors. I currently serve as principal investigator for several local national studies with
extensive correlative substudies involving imaging and biospecimen collection.
National Cancer Institute
“AZD2171 and chemoradiation for newly diagnosed glioblastoma”
The major goal of this project is to apply imaging and biomarker methods to patients with newly diagnosed
glioblastoma treated with a novel pan-VEGF inhibitor. My role on this study is providing leadership and
supervision of all aspects of the clinical trial.
Co-Leader, Brain Caner
National Cancer Institute
“Training Program in Nervous System Tumors”
The major goal is to create a multidisciplinary research training program in neuro-oncology and to
train physician-scientists capable of providing a critical bridge between brain tumor biology and
experimental therapeutics. My role on this grant is provide overall administrative leadership, recruitment
and supervision of faculty, trainees and the individual training programs.
National Cancer Institute
1R01CA117079-02 (Louis)
“Toward a molecular classification of gliomas”
The major goal of this project is to analyze human astrocytomas for genetic alterations and correlate these changes
with clinicopathological parameters.
National Cancer Institute
1R01CA137254-01A1 (Sorensen)
“Quantitative MR-PET for therapy assessment in glioma”
The major goal of this project is to develop improved quantitative MR-PET for use in human cancer patients by
forming an academic-industrial partnership, joining academic imaging scientists and clinicians at MGH with
technology experts at Siemens Medical Solutions.
National Cancer Institute
5P30 CA006516-49 (Benz)
“DF/HCC Comprehensive Cancer Center”
Dana Farber/Harvard Cancer Center (DF/HCC), an NCI-designated comprehensive cancer center, is an innovative
collaboration between seven participating institutions. The primary goal of the Brain Cancer program is to promote
collaborative interactions that will lead to new approaches to brain cancer diagnosis and treatment.
National Cancer Institute
“Adult Brain Tumor Consortium”
The major goal of this project is to conduct multi-center, early phase trials in adults with gliomas.
Ivy Consortium
“Ivy Brain Tumor Trials Consortium”
The major goal of this project to lead the MGH effort in the multicenter Ivy brain tumor trials consortium to conduct
novel clinical trials of targeted therapeutics in targeted glioblastoma subpopulations
Simches Endowed Fund for Brain Tumor Research
Molecular Classification Brain Tumors
The major objective of this project is support molecular and clinical studies of gliomas including the identification
of predictive and prognostic biomarkers. I supervise the entire program including supported research personnel in
the clinical center and the laboratory
Simches Scholars Fund
Neuro-Oncology Junior Neuro-Oncology Endowment Faculty Support Fund
Tracy T. Batchelor
The major objective of this program is to provide critical bridging support for physician-investigators who are
making the transition from trainee to junior faculty at MGH.
Past Funding
National Cancer Institute
T32 Training Program in Cancer Epidemiology (Nancy Mueller)
This is a training grant in cancer epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health. I was a trainee on this grant for
one year, which supported course work.
National Cancer Institute
New Approaches to Brain Tumor Therapy - A CNS consortium (Fred Hochberg)
This grant supported MGH as a member of a multicenter early phase clinical trial consortium of centers dedicated to
studies in glioma. My role as Co-PI for this grant during this time period included responsibility for administration
and leadership of clinical trials on both an institutional and national level.
Consulting Investigator
National Cancer Institute
Training Program in Nervous System Tumors (Robert Martuza)
This grant supports a training program in neuro-oncology for trainees pursuing translational brain tumor
investigations and careers in academic medicine. In my role as Co-Director I was responsible for most of the
administrative aspects of the training program as well as recruitment and mentoring of K12 trainees.
National Cancer Institute
Statistical Methods for Analysis of Failure Time Data” (Rebecca Betensky)
This is a grant that supported an investigator developing novel methods to analyze time to failure in multiple clinical
settings including neuro-oncology. My role on this grant was to provide clinical expertise and data from clinical
trials to complement the statistical work conducted by Dr. Betensky.
National Cancer Institute
New Approaches to Brain Therapy – A CNS Consortium
This grant supports MGH as a member of a multicenter early phase clinical trial consortium of centers dedicated to
studies in glioma. My role as PI for the grant included all administrative elements of the grant as well as leadership
of all clinical trials and management of all supported personnel.
National Cancer Institute
A phase 2 study of AZD2171 for recurrent Glioblastoma
The major goal of this proposal is to assess the anti-angiogenic effect of AZD2171 through correlative studies using
cellular, molecular and imaging parameters. My role included overall leadership, management of the phase II
clinical trial, coordination of all collaborating investigators and supervision of personnel supported by the grant.
SAIC-Frederick Inc
Correlative studies for clinical protocol P7105 (Phase II study of AZD2171 in patients with recurrent glioblastoma)
The major goal of this grant was to support the correlative studies contained in the clinical trial accompanying the
concurrent R21 grant listed just above.
Voices Against Brain Cancer Foundation
“Correlative studies for a phase II trial of PF00299804, an irreversible EGF receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor for
patients with EGFR-amplified, recurrent glioblastoma”
The major goal of this project is to perform correlative tissue and blood studies in patients enrolled in a phase II
clinical trial of PF00299804.
Tracy T. Batchelor
National Cancer Institute
5R01CA114205-03 (Michaud)
“Allergies, genetic susceptibility and adult glioma risk”
The major goal of this project is to examine hypotheses related to allergies and genetic susceptibility by studying the
etiology of gliomas.
Tracy T. Batchelor
Report of Local Teaching and Training
Teaching of Students in Courses
1998, 2003
Introduction to Clinical Epidemiology (Harvard School of Public Health)
Graduate Students
Seminar Leader
1 Seminar (4 hours preparation)_
Epidemiology of Neurologic Diseases (Harvard School of Public Health)
Graduate Students
1 Lecture (4 hours preparation)
Neurobiology of Disease (Harvard Medical School)
Graduate Students
1 Lecture (4 hours preparation)
Tumor Pathophysiology and transport phenomena: a systems biology approach
HST 525J (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Graduate Students
1 Lecture (4 hours preparation)
2010 - present Doctoral Advisory Committee
Pre-Doctoral Student
Committee Member
(Theresa Peterson)
2 meetings per year
Formal Teaching of Residents, Clinical Fellows and Research Fellows (post-docs)
Clinical Research Methods in Neurology (Partners Neurology Residency)
Neurology Residents
1 Lecture (2 hours preparation)
Hematology/Oncology Fellow Lecture Series (Dana-Farber/Harvard Fellowship)
Heme/Onc Fellows
1 Lccture (2 hours preparation)
Steele Laboratory Angiogenesis Course (Massachusetts General Hospital)
Post-doctoral fellows
1 Lecture (2 hours preparation)
Neuro-Oncology Fellow Lecture Series (Dana-Farber/Harvard Fellowship)
Neuro-Oncology Fellows Lecturer
2 Lectures (4 hours preparation)
Neurology Resident Neuroscience Lecture Series (Partners Neurology Residency)
Neurology Residents
1 Lecture (2 hours preparation)
Pankaj Agarwalla
Reader/Oral Examiner
1 session (2 hours preparation and 2 hour meeting)
HMS Honors Examination
1 session (2 hours preparation and 1 hour meeting)
Radiation Oncology Resident Lecture Series (Massachusetts General Hospital)
Radiation Oncology residents
Clinical Supervisory and Training Responsibilities
Attending/Supervising neurologist
Neurology Ambulatory Clinic, 8 sessions per year
Supervision of 3 residents per session
4 hours/week for 8 weeks
Director, Neuro-Oncology Fellowship Program
Supervision/teaching of all neuro-oncology fellows
4 hours/week for 52 weeks
Tracy T. Batchelor
Responsible for fellow recruitment and career
Responsible for Partners accreditation of training program
Responsible for expansion of program to Dana-Farber
Attending/Supervising neuro-oncologist
Dedicated inpatient neuro-oncology service of
~60-80 inpatients each assigned month
Supervision of 3-6 fellows and occasional rotating
students, residents, fellows over 12 weeks
30 hours/week for 12 weeks
Attending neurologist, Brain Tumor Clinic
12-18 hours/week for 52 weeks
Supervise neuro-oncology fellows, neurology residents
and occasional HMS students rotating in my clinic session
Formally Supervised Trainees
Post-Graduate, Pre-Doctoral Trainees
Names and Degrees
Current Position
Nicole Piscatelli,
M.D. (University of
General Surgeon, Phoenix,
Molly Dorfman, B.A.
(Wellesley), M.D.,
M.P.H. (Tulane)
Critical Care Pediatric Medicine
Fellow, University of
Washington Medical Center,
Seattle, Washington
Whitney Nugent, B.S.
(University of North
Carolina), M.D.
(Boston University)
Pediatrician, Charlotte, North
Kristin Nierenberg,
B.S. (Tufts), M.D.
Family Medicine, Swedish
Medical Center
Anne Newcomer, B.S.
(Williams), M.D.
Case Western
Anesthesiology Resident, UCSF
Jessica Provo, B.S.
Graduate Student, Boston
Peter Ryg, B.S.
(Brown), M.D.,
Thomas Jefferson
Obstetrics Resident, Thomas
Jefferson University
Tracy T. Batchelor
Description of supervision
and accomplishments
Supervised Ms. Piscatelli in
design and implementation of
our patient research database
and several chapters.
Supervised Ms. Dorfman as
our data manager and on
clinical-molecular phenotype
project which led to peerreviewed publication
Supervised Ms. Nugent as our
data manager and in clinical
research project in CNS
lymphoma which resulted in
peer-reviewed publication
Supervised Ms. Nierenberg as
our data manager and in
clinical research project in
CNS lymphoma, which
resulted in peer-reviewed
Supervised Ms. Newcomer as
our data manager and in
preparation of chapter for
Supervised Ms. Provo as our
data manager and on ongoing
project involving radiation for
glioblastoma patients
Supervised Mr. Ryg as our
data manager and in review of
vasogenic brain edema
published in peer-reviewed
Daphne Wang, B.S.
Medical Student, New York
Medical College
Daniel Yang, B.S.
Research Assistant
Corey Gill, B.S.
(Boston University)
Research Assistant
Supervised Ms. Wang as our
data manager on project
involving prognostic markers
in glioblastoma
Post-Doctoral Resident and Neuro-Oncology Fellowship Trainees
Name and degrees
Current Position
Description of supervision and
Avgeropoulos, M.D.
Director of Neuro-Oncology,
Florida Hospital, Orlando, Florida
Supervised clinical training and
development, implementation,
execution and scientific
presentation of a phase I/II trial of
oxaliplatin for glioblastoma
Michael Platten,
M.D., Ph.D.
Neuro-Oncologist, University of
Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Supervised clinical project which
led to original, published report of
chorea as a paraneoplastic
complication of lymphoma
Denise Damek,
Staff Neuro-Oncologist and
Associate Professor of Neurology,
University of Colorado Health
Sciences Center
Supervised clinical training
Roberto Ciordia,
Bilbao, Spain
Supervised clinical training and
research project which led to
publication of a report of
methotrexate for intraocular
Suriya Jeyapalan,
Director, Division of NeuroOncology, Rhode Island Hospital;
Instructor of Neurology, Brown
University School of Medicine
Supervised clinical training and
fellow preparation and publication
of review on CNS metastases
Joachim Baehring,
Staff Neuro-Oncologist, Yale-New
Haven Hospital; Director, Yale
Brain Tumor Center; Associate
Professor of Neurology, Yale
Supervised clinical training and
research project which resulted in
publication of institutional
experience with malignant
peripheral nerve sheath tumors
Benjamin Lawler,
Staff Neuro-Oncologist,
Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield,
Wisconsin (former K12 trainee)
Supervised clinical training and
research project which led to
scientific presentation of phase II
Tracy T. Batchelor
study of high dose methotrexate
for primary CNS lymphoma
Scott Plotkin, M.D.,
Associate Director, Stephen E. and
Catherine Pappas Center for
Neuro-Oncology, MGH; Associate
Professor of Neurology, HMS
(former K12 trainee)
Supervised clinical training,
recruitment onto medical staff and
numerous research projects
including pilot study of sunitinib
for recurrent glioblastoma, served
on K12 mentoring committee
Alfredo Voloschin,
Staff Neuro-Oncologist, Emory
University Hospital; Assistant
Professor of Hematology and
Oncology, Emory University
(former K12 trainee)
Supervised clinical training and
fellow research project which led
to publication of a phase 2 study
of topotecan for recurrent primary
CNS lymphoma, served on K12
mentoring committee
Alice Brown, M.D.,
Neurologist, Boston, MA (former
K12 trainee)
Supervised clinical training
Jay Zhu, M.D.,
Director, Neuro-Oncology, Texas
Medical Center; Associate
Professor of Neurosurgery,
University of Texas Health
Sciences Center, Houston
Supervised clinical training and
fellow research project that led to
publication of paper on high-dose
methotrexate for elderly patients
with primary CNS lymphoma
Maciej Mrugala,
M.D., Ph.D.
Director, Division of NeuroOncology, Associate Professor of
Neurology, Alex Spence Endowed
Chair in Neuro-Oncology,
University of Washington and Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle,
Supervised clinical training and
fellow research project on elderly
patients with primary CNS
lymphoma which was published
Santosh Kesari,
M.D., Ph.D.
Director, Neuro-Oncology
Program, Moores Cancer Center,
Professor of Neuroscience,
University of California, San
Diego (former K12 trainee)
Supervised clinical training and
published fellow review of
leptomeningeal metastases
Paul Nguyen, M.D.
Staff Radiation Oncologist, DFCI;
Associate Professor of Radiation
Oncology, HMS
Supervised resident research
project that led to publication of a
project on whole brain irradiation
as salvage therapy for primary
CNS lymphoma
Jan Drappatz, M.D.
Associate Director of Adult NeuroOncology, University of
Pittsburgh, Associate Professor of
Neurology, University of
Supervised as visiting medical
student, clinical training as fellow
and fellow project on neurological
complications of plasma cell
dyscrasias that was published
Helen Shih, M.D.
Staff Radiation Oncologist, MGH;
Associate Professor of Radiation
Supervised resident research
project that led to publication of
paper on molecular determinants
Tracy T. Batchelor
Oncology, HMS (former K12
of radiation response in
Ricky Tong, M.D,
Radiology Resident, UCSF
Supervised student involvement
in phase 2 study of AZD2171 for
glioblastoma that was published
William T. Curry,
Jr., MD
Director, Neurosurgical Oncology,
MGH; Associate Professor of
Neurosurgery, HMS (former K12
Served on K12 mentoring
committee during his fellowship
Manish Aghi, M.D.
Staff Neurosurgeon, UCSF, San
Francisco, California
Supervised part of resident
research project that led to
publication of paper on EGFR
amplification as predictor of
imaging features in glioblastoma
April Eichler, M.D.
Staff Neuro-Oncologist, MGH;
Assistant Professor of Neurology,
Supervised clinical training,
recruitment onto professional
staff, mentored for successful R21
grant application
Jeanine Grier, M.D.
Staff Neurologist, Emerson
Hospital, Concord, MA
Supervised clinical training and
published review on low-grade
gliomas and CNS metastases
Milan Chheda, M.D.
Staff Neuro-Oncologist, Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center;
Instructor of Neurology, Cornell
Medical College (former K12
Supervised clinical training,
recruitment onto professional staff
and clinical trial that is currently
open entitled, phase I Study of
ZD6474 + rapamycin in recurrent
glioblastoma, served on K12
mentoring committee
Andrew Chi, M.D.,
Staff Neuro-Oncologist, MGH;
Assistant Professor of Neurology,
HMS (former K12 trainee)
Supervised clinical training and
research project that led to a
clinical trial of an irreversible
EGFR kinase inhibitors for
glioblastoma, recruited onto
professional staff, served on K12
mentoring committee
Elizabeth Gerstner,
Staff Neuro-Oncologist, MGH;
Assistant Professor of Neurology,
HMS; (former K12 trainee and
HMS T32 Scholars in Clinical
Science trainee)
Supervised clinical training and
research projects that have led to
multiple publications for CNS
lymphoma and glioblastoma,
mentored for current K23
application, recruited onto
professional staff, served on K12
mentoring committee and T32
thesis committee
Tracy T. Batchelor
Andrew Norden,
Staff Neuro-Oncologist, DFCI
Assistant Professor of Neurology,
Supervised fellow for published
review of Reversible Posterior
Eudocia Quant,
Staff Neuro-Oncologist, DFCI
Instructor of Neurology, HMS
(former K12 trainee)
Supervised clinical training and
Co-supervised fellow research
project regarding genetic markers
of prognosis in gliomas that has
led to presentation at scientific
meeting, serve on K12 mentoring
Jorg Dietrich, M.D.,
Staff Neuro-Oncologist, MGH;
Assistant Professor of Neurology,
HMS (former K12 trainee)
Supervised clinical training and
published review of angiogenesistargeting drugs for glioblastoma,
recruited onto professional staff,
serve on K12 mentoring
Priscilla Brastianos,
Staff Neuro-Oncologist, MGH;
Instructor of Medicine, HMS
(former K12 trainee)
Supervised fellow on primary
research project, intrathecal
bevacizumab for leptomeningeal
Christine LuEmerson, M.D.
Staff Neuro-Oncologist, Maine
Medical Center (former K12
Supervised clinical training and
co-supervising project K12
project on patterns of glioma
progression post-VEGF therapy
Ryan Merrell, M.D.
Staff Neuro-Oncologist, Evanston
Supervised clinical training and
on chapter writing project for
Erik Uhlmann, M.D.
Staff Neuro-Oncologist, Beth
Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Instructor of Neurology, HMS
Supervised clinical training
Wesley Clark, M.D.,
Staff Neuro-Oncologist, Vanderbilt
University Medical Center,
Assistant Professor of Neurology,
Vanderbilt University
Supervised fellow on clinical
training rotations, supervised
research project on chemotherapy
Shota Tanaka, M.D.
Staff Neurosurgical Oncologist,
University of Tokyo
Supervised fellow on clinical
training rotations, supervised
fellow in development of
orthotopic glioma models from
Mik Rinne, M.D.,
Staff Neuro-Oncologist, DanaFarber Cancer Institute, Instructor
of Neurology, HMS (former K12
Supervised fellow on clinical
training rotations, K12 mentoring
Tracy T. Batchelor
Jennie Taylor, M.D.
Assistant Professor, University of
California, San Francisco
Supervising fellow on clinical
training rotations, K12 mentoring
Tara Benkers, M.D.
Staff Neuro-Oncologist, Swedish
Medical Center, Seattle
Supervising fellow on clinical
training rotations
Isabel Arrillaga,
M.D., Ph.D.
Staff Neuro-Oncology, MGH;
Instructor of Neurology, HMS
(former K12 trainee)
Supervising fellow on clinical and
training rotations
Soma Sengupta,
M.D., Ph.D.
Fellow, MGH/DFCI, K12 trainee
Supervising fellow on clinical and
training rotations
Jasmin Jo, M.D.
Neurology Resident, University of
Supervising fellow on clinical and
training rotations
Justin Jordan, M.D.
Fellow, MGH/DFCI, K12 Trainee
Supervising fellow on clinical and
training rotations
Ashley Plant, M.D.
Fellow, Pediatric Oncology,
CHMC, K12 Trainee
K12 Mentoring Committee
Deborah Forst, M.D.
Fellow, Neuro-Oncology
Supervising fellow on clinical
Martha Neagu,
M.D., Ph.D.
Fellow, Neuro-Oncology
Supervising fellow on clinical
Sylvia Eisele, M.D.
Fellow, Neuro-Oncology
Supervising fellow on clinical
Formal Teaching of Peers
Leptomeningeal Metastases
Tumors of the Nervous Systems
Boston, MA
1 lecture each year
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
CME Course
1998, 2001-2003 Primary brain tumors, CNS lymphoma
Intensive Review of Neurology
Boston, MA
1 lecture each year listed
Department of Neurology, HMS
CME Course
Neuro-Oncology Summary
Best of ASCO Meeting
Boston, MA
1 lecture
American Society of Clinical
Anti-Angiogenic Therapy
Annual Neuroradiological Review
Boston, MA
1 lecture
Department of Radiology, HMS
CME Course
Contemporary management of glioblastoma
Neuroradiology Seminar Series
Boston, MA
1 lecture
Division of Neuroradiology, HMS
Tracy T. Batchelor
Local Invited Presentations
Intracranial Hypotension
Department of Neurosurgery
Boston, MA
Massachusetts General Hospital
Neurosurgical Grand Rounds
Department of Neurosurgery
Lymphomas in peripheral nerves
Department of Neurosurgery
Boston, MA
Massachusetts General Hospital
Neurosurgical Grand Rounds
Department of Neurosurgery
Department of Neurosurgery
Massachusetts General Hospital
Neurosurgical Grand Rounds
Department of Neurosurgery
Boston, MA
Molecular markers of prognosis in gliomas
Department of Neurology
Boston, MA
Massachusetts General Hospital
Neurology Grand Rounds
Department of Neurology
Advances in Primary CNS Lymphoma
Department of Neurology
Boston, MA
Massachusetts General Hospital
Neurology Grand Rounds
Department of Neurology
Primary CNS Lymphoma
Department of Neurosurgery
Boston, MA
Massachusetts General Hospital
Neurosurgical Grand Rounds
Department of Neurosurgery
Epidemiology of Primary Brain Tumors
Department of Biostatistics
Boston, MA
Harvard School of Public Health
Neurostatistics Seminar
Department of Biostatistics
New England Journal CPC
Department of Neurology
Boston, MA
Massachusetts General Hospital
Neurology Grand Rounds
New England Journal of Medicine
Evolution of therapy for primary CNS lymphoma
Department of Adult Oncology
Boston, MA
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Dana-Farber/Partners Cancer
Center Grand Rounds
Update on the management of glioblastoma
Department of Neurosurgery
Boston, MA
Massachusetts General Hospital
Neurosurgical Grand Rounds
Department of Neurosurgery
Management of glioblastoma
MGH Cancer Center
Boston, MA
Massachusetts General Hospital
MGH Cancer Center Grand Rounds
MGH Cancer Center
Phase II trial of AZD2171 for recurrent glioblastoma MGH Cancer Center Grand Rounds
MGH Cancer Center
Boston, MA
MGH Cancer Center
Massachusetts General Hospital
Primary CNS Lymphoma
Division of Neuro-Oncology
Boston, MA
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Tracy T. Batchelor
Neuro-Oncology Seminar
Division of Neuro-Oncology
Angiogenesis in Glioblastoma
Division of Neuroradiology
Boston, MA
Massachusetts General Hospital
CNS Lymphomas
Division of Hematology-Oncology
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Boston, MA
Angiogenesis as a therapeutic target
Division of Neuro-Oncology
Boston, MA
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Neuroradiology Seminar
Division of Neuroradiology
Hematology-Oncology Series
Neuro-Oncology Seminar Series
NEJM CPC (with David Louis, Greg Sorensen)
Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center
Boston, Massachusetts
Grand Rounds
ASCO Presentations
Department of Neurosurgery
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts
Grand Rounds
Report of Regional, National and International Invited Teaching and Presentations
Nervous System Lymphoma
Boston University
Boston, MA
Neurology Grand Rounds
Department of Neurology
Primary CNS Lymphoma
Rhode Island Hospital
Providence, RI
Medicine Grand Rounds
Department of Medicine
Leptomeningeal Metastases
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Lebanon, NH
Hematology/Oncology Grand
Division of Hematology-Oncology
Management of Leptomeningeal Metastases
Tufts Medical Center
Boston, MA
Hematology/Oncology Grand
Division of Hematology-Oncology
Leptomeningeal Metastases
Lahey Clinic
Burlington, MA
Hematology-Oncology Seminar
Division of Hematology-Oncology
Contemporary management of glioblastoma
Tufts Medical Center
Boston, MA
Neurology/Neurosurgery Grand
Department of Neurosurgery
Anti-VEGF therapy for brain tumors
Angiogenesis Foundation, 5th International Conference
Cambridge, MA
Angiogenesis Foundation
Angiogenesis-targeting therapy for glioblastoma
Tufts Medical Center
Boston, MA
Hematology-Oncology Grand
Division of Hematology-Oncology
Tracy T. Batchelor
Angiogenesis-targeting therapy for glioblastoma
Boston University School of Medicine
Boston, MA
Neurology Grand Rounds
Department of Neurology
Endpoints and markers for anti-angiogenic therapy
in malignant gliomas
Angiogenesis Foundation, Judah Folkman Conference
Cambridge, MA
Update on management of CNS lymphoma
Mugar Cancer Center, Cape Cod Hospital
Hyannis, MA
Oncology Grand Rounds
Mugar Cancer Center
Contemporary management of glioblastoma
St. Anne’s Hospital
Fall River, MA
Cancer Center Grand Rounds
St. Anne’s Hospital Cancer Center
CNS Lymphoma
Tufts University School of Medicine
Boston, Massachusetts
Neuroscience Grand Rounds
Update on Glioblastoma
Tufts University School of Medicine
Boston, Massachusetts
Cancer Grand Rounds
Update on Glioblastoma
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Worcester, Massachusetts
Neurology Grand Rounds
HMS Postgraduate Course in Neuroradiology
Boston, Massachusetts
CME Lecture
2012, 2013
HMS Post-Graduate Course on Cancer Medicine
Fairmont Copley Plaza
Boston, Massachusetts
CME Lecture
Update on Glioblastoma
Newton-Wellesley Hospital
Newton, Massachusetts
Medicine Grand Rounds
Anti-angiogenic therapy for glioblastoma
Tufts University School of Medicine
Boston, Massachusetts
Cancer Center Grand Rounds
New directions in neuro-oncology
American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting
San Francisco, CA
American Society of Clinical
Neoplastic Meningitis
Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, PA
Oncology Seminar Series
Division of Hematology-Oncology
Angiogenesis Foundation
Tracy T. Batchelor
Neoplastic Meningitis
Fox Chase Cancer Center
Philadelphia, PA
Hematology-Oncology Seminar
Fox-Chase Cancer Center
Neoplastic Meningitis
Hahnemann University
Philadelphia, PA
Hematology-Oncology Seminar
Division of Hematology-Oncology
Primary CNS lymphoma
St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Medical Center
New York, New York
1st Annual Edwin Teich Memorial
Division of Hematology-Oncology
Advances in the management of CNS lymphoma
Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Buffalo, NY
Medicine Grand Rounds
Department of Medicine
Prospects for a phase III trial in CNS lymphoma
8th Annual Blood Brain Barrier Consortium Meeting
Portland, OR
Blood Brain Barrier Consortium
Leptomeningeal metastases
SUNY-Stony Brook School of Medicine
Stony Brook, NY
Hematology-Oncology Seminar
Division of Hematology-Oncology
Leptomeningeal metastases
North Shore University Hospital
Manhasset, NY
Hematology-Oncology Seminar
Division of Hematology-Oncology
Primary CNS lymphoma
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, OH
Hematology-Oncology Grand
Primary CNS lymphoma
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Pittsburgh, PA
Neuro-Oncology Seminar
Division of Neuro-Oncology
Leptomeningeal metastases
SUNY-Syracuse School of Medicine
Syracuse, NY
Hematology-Oncology Seminar
Division of Hematology-Oncology
Primary CNS lymphoma
University of California, San Diego
San Diego, CA
Neurology Grand Rounds
Department of Neurology
Leptomeningeal metastases
Westchester Medical Center
Valhalla, NY
Hematology-Oncology Grand
Division of Hematology-Oncology
Management of leptomeningeal metastases
New York-Presbyterian Hospital
New York, NY
Hematology-Oncology Grand
Division of Hematology-Oncology
Lymphomatous meningitis
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
New York, NY
Lymphoma Conference
Lymphoma Service
Tracy T. Batchelor
Management of leptomeningeal metastases
Washington Hospital Medical Center
Washington, D.C.
Hematology-Oncology Grand
Division of Hematology-Oncology
Evolution of therapy for primary CNS lymphoma
University of Alabama, Birmingham
Birmingham, AL
Neurology-Neurosurgery Grand
Department of Neurology
Contemporary management of glioblastoma
University of Texas, San Antonio
San Antonio, TX
Neurology Grand Rounds
Department of Neurology
Management of leptomeningeal metastases
Scripps Clinical Hematology and Oncology Conference
La Jolla, CA
CME course lecture
Scripps Cancer Institute
Leptomeningeal metastases
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Oncology Grand Rounds
Division of Oncology
Primary CNS lymphoma
Emory University School of Medicine
Atlanta, GA
Neuro-Oncology Conference
Division of Neuro-Oncology
Contemporary management of glioblastoma
Medical College of Georgia
Augusta, GA
Neurosurgery Grand Rounds
Department of Neurosurgery
Primary CNS lymphoma
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
Neurology Grand Rounds
Department of Neurology
Summary of 2005 Neuro-Oncology Abstracts
American Society of Clinical
Oncology Annual Meeting
Orlando, FL
American Society of
Clinical Oncology
Supportive Care of Brain Tumor Patients
Advances in Neuro-Oncology
New York, NY
Department of Neurology
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
Primary CNS Lymphoma
Pan Pacific Lymphoma Conference
Kauai, HI
CME course lecture
University of Nebraska
What’s new for primary CNS tumors
Oncology World Congress
New York, NY
CME lecture
CNS metastases
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Neurology Grand Rounds
Department of Neurology
Neurotoxicity of anti-cancer therapeutics
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Hematology-Oncology Seminar
Division of Hematology-Oncology
Tracy T. Batchelor
Omaha, NE
Contemporary management of malignant gliomas
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE
Medicine Grand Rounds
Department of Medicine
Contemporary management of glioblastoma
Oregon Health Sciences University
Portland, OR
Neurology Grand Rounds
Department of Neurology
Primary CNS lymphoma
American Society for Therapeutic Radiation Oncology
Annual Meeting
Philadelphia, PA
American Society for Therapeutic
Current management of primary CNS lymphoma
American Society of Clinical
Oncology Annual Meeting
Chicago, IL
CME lecture
American Society of
Clinical Oncology
Primary CNS lymphoma
Pan Pacific Lymphoma Conference
Maui, HI
CME lecture
University of Nebraska
AZD2171, a pan-VEGF receptor tyrosine kinase
inhibitor for recurrent glioblastoma
American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting
Los Angeles, CA
Plenary Lccture
American Association for Cancer
Angiogenesis-targeting therapy for glioblastoma
American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting
Los Angeles, CA
CME Lecture
American Association for Cancer
Neurology Grand Rounds
Department of Neurology
AZD2171, a pan VEGF receptor tyrosine kinase
inhibitor for recurrent glioblastoma
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Primary CNS lymphoma
Advances in Neuro-Oncology Course
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL
CME lecture
Division of Neuro-Oncology
AZD2171, a pan-VEGF receptor tyrosine kinase
inhibitor for recurrent glioblastoma
American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting
Chicago, IL
Update on the management of primary CNS
Columbia University
New York NY
Hematology-Oncology Grand
Division of Hematology-Oncology
Leptomeningeal metastases
Fox Chase Cancer Center
Philadelphia, PA
Hematology-Oncology Grand
Tracy T. Batchelor
American Society of Clinical
Update on glioblastoma
AstraZeneca Science Day
Wilmington, DE
AZD2171, a pan-VEGF receptor tyrosine kinase
inhibitor for recurrent glioblastoma
Emory University School of Medicine
Atlanta GA
Oncology Seminar
AZD2171 in glioblastoma
National Cancer Institute Early Drug Development Meeting
Bethesda, MD
National Cancer Institute
Primary CNS lymphoma
Pan Pacifica Lymphoma Conference
Hilo, HI
CME lecture
University of Nebraska
Contemporary management of malignant gliomas
Future Directions in Hematology-Oncology
Kiawah Island, SC
CME lecture
Emory University
CNS lymphoma
American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting
Chicago, IL
CME lecture
American Academy of Neurology
Phase II trial of cediranib in recurrent glioblastoma
American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting
San Diego, CA
Plenary Presentation
American Association for
Cancer Research
Neurology Grand Rounds
Phase II trial of cediranib, an oral pan-VEGF
inhibitor, in patients with recurrent glioblastoma
Winship Cancer Institute
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN
Department of Neurology
New therapies for glioblastoma
Colorado Neurological Institute
Denver, CO
Neurology Grand Rounds
Brain Tumor Program
Contemporary management of glioblastoma
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT
Neurosurgical Grand Rounds
Department of Neurosurgery
Angiogenesis-targeting therapy for glioblastoma
Huntsman Cancer Institute
Salt Lake City, UT
Invited Seminar
Huntsman Cancer Institute
Molecular markers of response and resistance
to VEGFR inhibitors in brain tumors
National Cancer Institute-European Organization for Research and
Treatment of Cancer Annual Meeting
Orlando, FL
Invited Lecture
National Cancer Institute
Leptomeningeal Metastases
American Society of Clinical
Oncology Annual Meeting
CME lecture
American Society of
Clinical Oncology
Tracy T. Batchelor
Orlando, FL
Angiogenesis-targeting therapy for glioblastoma
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Lebanon, NH
Medicine Grand Rounds
Department of Medicine
Angiogenesis as a therapeutic target in glioblastoma Neurology Grand Rounds
New York University
Department of Neurology
New York, NY
Update in neuro-oncology
15th Annual NOCR Meeting
Las Vegas, NV
CME lecture
Vascular targeting in the upfront versus rccurrent
tumor setting
15th Annual Blood Brain Barrier Consortium Meeting
Gleneden Beach, OR
Invited Lecture
Contemporary management of glioblastoma
Washington Hospital
Washington, D.C.
Oncology Grand Rounds
Division of Oncology
Blood Brain Barrier Consortium
Angiogenesis as a therapeutic target for glioblastoma Cancer Center Grand Rounds
Yale Cancer Center
Yale Cancer Center
New Haven, CT
Angiogenesis as a therapeutic target in glioblastoma Brain Tumor Seminar Series
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Department of Neurology
New York, NY
Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
CNS Lymphomas
8th Annual International
Neuro-Oncology Update
Department of Neurosurgery
Southern California Lymphoma
Los Angeles, CA
Update on CNS lymphoma
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
Hematology Grand Rounds
Norris Cancer Center
Neuro-Oncology Education Session
American Academy of Neurology
Annual Meeting
Angiogenesis as a therapeutic target
in glioblastoma
Toronto, Ontario
CNS lymphomas
16th Annual Blood Brain Barrier Consortium Meeting
Bend, OR
Panel Discussion
Blood Brain Barrier Consortium
Clinical investigations in CNS lymphoma
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, California
Hematology/Oncology Seminar
Tracy T. Batchelor
Primary CNS Lymphoma
Yale University School of Medicine
New Haven, Connecticut
Neurology Grand Rounds
Primary CNS Lymphoma Update
Pan-Pacific Lymphoma Meeting
Kaua’i Hawai’i
Invited Lecture
Primary CNS Lymphoma
Blood Cancer Symposium
Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute, University of Arkansas
Little Rock, Arkansas
Invited Lecture
Targeted therapies for glioblastoma
Medical University of South Carolina
Charleston, South Carolina
Invited Lecture
Invited Lecture
50th Annual American
Society of Neuroradiology
Decision-making after anti-angiogenic therapy:
the neuro-oncologist’s perspective
New York, New York
The search for predictive markers to glioblastoma
response versus resistance to anti-angiogenic
Boston, Massachusetts
Invited Lecture
Annual American Neurological
Association Meeting
CNS Lymphoma: Treatment and Prevention
Chicago Illinois
Invited CME Lecture
American Society of Hematology
Educational Symposium
CNS Lymphoma: Treatment and Prevention
Los Angeles, California
Invited CME Lecture
American Society of Hematology
Educational Symposium
Antiangiogenic therapy for glioblastoma
Chicago, Illinois
Invited Lecture
American Society of Clinical
Oncology Annual Meeting
Challenging case studies in glioblastoma
Atlanta, Georgia
Invited Lecture
American Society of Therapeutic
Radiation Oncology Annual
Is radiation needed for primary CNS lymphoma?
San Francisco, California
Invited Lecture
Society for Neuro-Oncology
Annual Meeting
CNS lymphomas
University of Rochester
Rochester, New York
Neurology Grand Rounds
Anti-angiogenic therapy for glioblastoma
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas
Brain Tumor Center Seminar
Tracy T. Batchelor
Anti-angiogenic therapy for glioblastoma
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
New York, New York
Brain Tumor Center Seminar
Update in Neuro-Oncology
American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Highlights in the Field 2014
CNS lymphomas
Albert Einstein School of Medicine
Bronx, New York
Neurology Grand Rounds
CNS lymphomas
Pan Pacific Lymphoma Conference
Hilo, Hawai’i
Invited CME Lecture
Primary CNS lymphoma: what are the next
8th International Conference on Malignant Lymphoma
Lugano, Switzerland
Invited Lecture
PCNSL Workshop Summary
8th International Conference on Malignant Lymphoma
Lugano, Switzerland
International Extranodal
Study Group
PCNSL Symposium
International Extranodal Study Group Meeting
Barcelona, Spain
International Extranodal
Study Group
Intrathecal therapy for primary CNS lymphoma
Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences Annual Meeting
Montreal, Canada
Invited Lecture
Canadian Congress of
Neurological Sciences
New treatments for primary CNS lymphoma
Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences Annual Meeting
Montreal, Canada
Invited Lecture
Canadian Congress of
Neurological Sciences
Overview of cediranib
REGAL Investigators Meeting
Vienna, Austria
Management of newly diagnosed glioblastoma
Neuro-Oncology Symposium
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
CME lecture
Strategic Edge
Advances in the anti-angiogenic treatment of
Perspectives in CNS malignancies
Berlin, Germany
CME lecture
Anti-angiogenic therapy for glioblastoma
Neuro-Oncology Symposium
Buenos Aires, Argentina
CME lecture
Strategic Edge
Tracy T. Batchelor
International Extranodal
Study Group
Update on anti-angiogenic therapy
Neuro-Oncology Conference
Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, Australia
Invited Lecture
Contemporary management of glioblastoma
Oncology Rounds
St. George Hospital, Sydney, Australia
Invited Lecture
Update on anti-angiogenic therapy
Neuro-Oncology Conference
Royal Northshore Hospital, Sydney, Australia
Invited Lecture
Anti-angiogenic therapy for glioblastoma
Brisbane, Australia
Invited Lecture
Neuro-Oncology case discussions
Neurology Conference
Austin Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
Invited participation
Management of glioblastoma
Neuro-Oncology Conference
Christchurch, New Zealand
Invited Lecture
Contemporary management of glioblastoma
Wellington Hospital, Wellington, New Zealand
Invited Lecture
CNS lymphomas
Middlemore Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand
Invited Lecture
CNS lymphomas
Blood Club
Auckland, New Zealand
Invited Lecture
Anti-angiogenic therapy for glioblastoma
9th Annual International Neuro-Oncology Update
Cortona, Italy
Invited Lecture
CNS lymphomas
CNS Lymphoma Symposium
Freiburg, Germany
Invited Lectures
Pediatric CNS lymphomas
International Society of Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Meeting
Vienna, Austria
Anti-angiogenic therapy for glioblastoma
Current Trends in the Management of Malignant Brain Tumors
Tokyo, Japan
Invited Lecture
Primary CNS lymphomas
Current Trends in the Management of Malignant Brain Tumors
Tokyo, Japan
Invited Lecture
REGAL Phase III results
Proferred Papers Session
European Society for Medical Oncology Meeting
Tracy T. Batchelor
Milan, Italy
REGAL Phase III results
Top Scoring Abstracts Session
Society of Neuro-Oncology Annual Meeting
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Angiogenesis-targeting therapies for glioblastoma
Neuro-Oncology Seminar
Rome, Italy
Invited Lecture
CNS Lymphoma Update
15th Annual International Congress on Hematologic Malignancies
Whistler, British Columbia, Canada
Invited Lecture
Angiogenesis Inhibitors for glioblastoma
Invited Lecture
International Symposium on Clinical and Basic Investigation for Glioblastoma
Valencia, Spain
VEGF inhibitors in glioblastoma
EORTC-EANO Annual Meeting
Bucharest, Romania
Invited Lecture
Symposium on Neuro-Oncology
Taipei, Taiwan
Invited Lecture
Trials of anti-angiogenic therapies in the U.S.
Invited Lecture
10th Annual Meeting, European Association of Neuro-Oncology
Association des Neuro-Oncologues d’Expression Francaise (ANOCEF)
Marseille, France
Angiogenesis-Targeting Therapy for Glioblastoma
Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology Annual Meeting
Mumbai, India
Invited Lecture
Management of Glioblastoma in the Elderly
Current Trends in the Management of Malignant Gliomas
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Invited Lecture
Antiangiogenic therapy for glioblastoma
3rd Annual REDLANO meeting
Cartagena, Colombia
Invited Lecture
Antiangiogenic agents for therapy of gliomas
Central Nervous System Malignancies Symposium
Vienna, Austria
Invited Lecture
Glioblastoma at recurrence
V International Conference on Future Trends in the Treatment of
Brain Tumors
Bologna, Italy
Invited Lecture
Primary CNS Lymphoma
Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology Annual Meeting
Istanbul, Turkey
Invited Lecture
Tracy T. Batchelor
Report of clinical activities and innovations
Current Licensure and Certification:
National Board of Medical Examiners
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (Neurology)
Diplomate Recertification
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (Neurology)
United Council of Neurologic Subspecialties (NeuroOncology)
State of New York
State of New Jersey
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Practice Activities:
Ambulatory Neuro-Oncology Practice
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, 3 sessions weekly
Massachusetts General Hospital, Yawkey 9E, Boston
Ambulatory Neuro-Oncology Practice
Massachusetts General Hospital West, Waltham
Alternating Friday mornings, 1 session monthly
Inpatient Neuro-Oncology Attending
6 weeks per year
Clinical Innovations:
My clinical research has influenced the therapy of patients with newly diagnosed and relapsed primary CNS
lymphoma emphasizing the use of high-dose intravenous methotrexate in both of these settings. My clinical research
may also impact the therapy of glioblastoma as we have taken a novel oral agent from early phase clinical trials to an
international randomized trial.
Educational Material for Patients and the Lay Community
Invited lecture for lay public/brain tumor patients
Florida Brain Tumor Association
Best Doctors in America (Neurology)
Best Doctors in America®
Best Doctors in Boston (Neurology)
Boston Magazine
Top Doctors in the United States (Neurology)
U.S. News and World Report
Top Doctors (Top 1% of Specialty, Neurology)
Castle and Connolly
Tracy T. Batchelor
Report of Scholarship
Peer-reviewed publications
Research Investigations
Batchelor TT, Taylor LP, Thaler HT, Posner JB, DeAngelis LM. Steroid myopathy in cancer patients.
Neurology 1997; 48: 1234-1238.
Batchelor TT, Kroll GS, DeAngelis LM. Neuroimaging abnormalities in patients with hypoglossal nerve palsies.
J Neuroimaging 1997; 7: 86-88.
Batchelor TT, Platten M, Hochberg FH. Immunoadsorption therapy for paraneoplastic syndromes.
J Neurooncol 1998; 40: 131-136.
Dalmau J, Gultekin SH, Voltz R, Hoard R, DesChamps T, Balmaceda C, Batchelor T, Gerstner E, Eichen J,
Frennier J, Posner JB, Rosenfeld MR. Ma1, a novel neuron- and testis-specific protein is recognized by the serum
of patients with paraneoplastic neurological disorders. Brain 1999; 122: 27-39
Glantz MJ, LaFollete S, Jaeckle KA, Shapiro W, Swinnen L, Rozental JR, Phuphanich S, Rogers LR, Gutheil JC,
Batchelor T, Lyter D, Chamberlain M, Maria BL, Schiffer C, Bashir R, Thomas D, Cowens W, Howell SB.
Randomized trial of a slow-release versus a standard formulation of cytarabine for the intrathecal treatment of
lymphomatous meningitis. J Clin Oncol 1999; 17: 3110-3116
Jaeckle KA, Phuphanich S, Bent MJ, Aiken R, Batchelor T, et al. Intrathecal treatment of neoplastic meningitis
due to breast cancer with a slow-release formulation of cytarabine. Br J Cancer 2001; 84: 157-163
Plotkin SR, Batchelor TT. Primary nervous system lymphoma. Lancet Oncol 2001; 2: 354-365
Batchelor TT, Leahy N, Kaufman D. Methotrexate chemotherapy for isolated central nervous system relapse of
testicular lymphoma. Clin Lymphoma 2001; 2: 116-119
Jaeckle KA, Batchelor TT, O’Day SJ, et al. An open label trial of sustained release cytarabine (Depocyt) for the
intrathecal treatment of solid tumor neoplastic meningitis. J Neurooncol 2002; 57: 231-239
10. Batchelor TT, Kolak G, Ciordia R, Foster CS, Henson JW. Methotrexate for intra-ocular lymphoma. Clin
Cancer Res 2003; 9: 711-715
11. Batchelor TT, Carson K, O’Neill A, Alavi J, New P, Grossman SA, Hochberg F, Priet R for the NABTT CNS
Consortium. The treatment of primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) with methotrexate and
deferred radiotherapy: NABTT 96-07. J Clin Oncol 2003; 21: 1044-1049
12. Braaten KM, Betensky R, Okada Y, de Leval L, Hochberg F, Louis DN, Harris NL, Batchelor TT. Bcl-6
expression predicts improved survival in patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma. Clin Cancer
Res 2003; 9: 1063-1069
13. Baehring JM, Betensky RA, Batchelor TT. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors: the clinical spectrum and
outcome of treatment. Neurology 2003; 61: 696-698
14. Fine HA, Wen PY, Maher EK, Viscosi E, Batchelor T, Figg WD, Purow BJ, Borkowf C. A phase II trial o f
thalidomide and BCNU for patients with recurrent high grade gliomas. J Clin Oncol 2003; 21: 2299-2304
15. Nutt CL, Mani DR, Betensky RA, Tamayo P, Cairncross JG, Ladd C, Pohl U, Hartmann C, McLaughlin ME,
Batchelor TT, Black PM, von Deimling A, Pomeroy SL, Golub RT, Louis DN. Accurate prediction of high
grade glioma outcome by gene expression profiling. Cancer Res 2003; 63: 1602-1607
Tracy T. Batchelor
16. Gilbert MR, Supko JG, Batchelor TT, Lesser G, Priet R, Piantadosi S, Grossman SA. Phase I clinical trial and
pharmacokinetic study of Irinotecan in adult patients with recurrent malignant glioma. Clin Cancer Res 2003; 9:
17. Batchelor TT, Gilbert MR, Supko JG, Carson K, O’Neill AM, Grossman SA, Lesser G, Mikkelsen T, Phuphanich
S, Alavi J, New P for the NABTT CNS Consortium. A phase II study of CPT-11 in adults with recurrent malignant
glioma: final report of NABTT 97-119. Neuro-Oncol 2004; 6: 21-27
18. Batchelor TT, Betensky RA, Esposito JM, Pham L, Dorfman MV, Piscatelli N, Jhung S, Rhee D, Louis DN.
Age-dependent prognostic effects of genetic alterations in glioblastoma. Clin Cancer Res 2004; 10: 228-233
19. He X, Batchelor TT, Grossman SA, Supko, JG. Determination of procarbazine in human plasma by high
performance liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. J Chromat B Analyt
Technol Biomed Life Sci 2004; 799: 281-291
20. Plotkin SR, Betensky RA, Hochberg FH, Grossman SA, Lesser GJ, Nabors LB, Batchelor TT. Treatment of
central nervous system lymphoma with sequential courses of high-dose methotrexate. Clin Cancer Res 2004; 10:
21. Betensky RA, Nutt CL, Batchelor TT, Louis DN. Statistical considerations for immunohistochemistry panel
development after gene expression profiling of human cancers. J Mol Diagn 2005; 7: 276-282
22. Nguyen PL, Chakravarti A, Finkelstein DM, Hochberg FH, Batchelor TT, Loeffler JS. Results of whole-brain
radiation as salvage of methotrexate failure for immunocompetent patients with primary CNS lymphoma. J Clin
Oncol 2005; 23: 1507-1513
23. Nutt CL, Betensky RA, Brower MA, Batchelor TT, Louis DN, Stemmer-Rachamimov AO. YKL-40 is a
differential diagnostic marker for histological subtypes of high-grade gliomas. Clin Cancer Res 2005; 11: 22582264
24. Shenkier TN, Blay J-Y, O’Neill BP, Poortmans P, Thiel E, Jahnke K, Abrey LE, Neuwelt E, Tsang R, Batchelor
T, Harris N, Ferreri AJM, Ponzoni M, O’Brien P, Rubenstein J, Connors JM. Primary CNS lymphoma of T cell
origin: a descriptive analysis from the international primary CNS lymphoma collaborative group. J Clin Oncol
2005; 23: 2233-2239
25. Shih HA, Betensky RA, Dorfman MV, Louis DN, Loeffler JS, Batchelor TT. Genetic analyses for predictors of
radiation response in glioblastoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2005; 63: 704-710
26. Abrey LE, Batchelor TT, Ferreri AJM, Gospodarowicz M, Pulczynski EJ, Zucca E, Smith JR, Korfel A, Soussain
C, DeAngelis LM, Neuwelt EA, O’Neill BP, Thiel E, Shenkier T, Graus F, van den Bent M, Seymour JF,
Poortmans P, Armitage JO, Cavalli F. Report of an international workshop to standardize baseline evaluation
and response criteria for primary central nervous system lymphoma. J Clin Oncol 2005; 23: 5034-5043
27. Aghi M, Gaviani P, Henson J, Batchelor TT, Louis DN, Barker FG. Magnetic resonance imaging characteristics
predict epidermal growth factor receptor amplification status in glioblastoma. Clin Cancer Res 2005; 11: 86008605
28. Rubenstein JL, Shen A, Fridlyand J, Aldape K, Ginzinger D, Batchelor T, Treseler P, Berger M, McDermott M,
Prados M, Hyun W, Parikh S, Jain A, Haqq C, Shuman M. Gene expression, angiotropism and outcome in
primary CNS lymphoma. Blood 2006; 3716-3723
29. Shah GD, Kesari S, Xu R, Batchelor TT, O’Neill AM, Hochberg FH, Levy B, Bradshaw J, Wen PY. Comparison
of linear and volumetric criteria in assessing tumor response in adult high-grade gliomas. Neuro-Oncol 2006; 8:
Tracy T. Batchelor
30. Jahnke K, Korfel A, O’Neill BP, Blay J-Y, Abrey LE, Martus P, Poortmans PMP, Shenkier TN, Batchelor TT,
Neuwelt EA, Raizer J, Schiff D, Pels H, Herrlinger U, Stein H, Thiel E. International primary central nervous
system lymphoma collaborative group (IPCG) study on low-grade primary central nervous system lymphoma in
immunocompetent patients. Ann Neurol 2006; 59: 755-762
31. Hunter C, Smith R, Cahill DP, Stephens P, Stevens C, Teague J, Greenman C, Edkins S, Bignell G, Davies H,
O’Meara S, Parker A, Avis T, Barthope S, Brackenbury L, Buck G, Butler A, Clements J, Cole J, Dicks E, Forbes
S, Gorton M, Gray K, Halliday K, Harrison R, Hills K, Hinton J, Jenkinson A, Jones D, Kosmidou V, Laman R,
Lugg R, Menzies A, Perry J, Petty R, Raine K, Richardson D, Shepherd R, Small A, Solomon H, Tofts C, Varian
J, West S, Widaa S, Yates A, Easton DF, Riggins G, Roy JE, Levine KK, Mueller W, Batchelor TT, Louis DN,
Stratton MR, Futreal PA, Wooster R. A hypermutation phenotype and somatic MSH6 mutations in recurrent
human malignant gliomas after alkylator chemotherapy. Cancer Res 2006; 66: 3987-3993
32. Grossman SA, Carson KA, Batchelor TT, Lesser G, Mikkelsen T, Alavi JB, Phuphanich S, Hammour T, Fisher
JD, Supko JG. The effect of enzyme-inducing antiseizure drugs on the pharmacokinetics and tolerability of
procarbazine hydrochloride. Clin Cancer Res 2006; 12: 5174-5181
33. Mizoguchi M, Betensky RA, Batchelor TT, Bernay DC, Louis DN, Nutt CL. Activation of STAT3, MAPK and
AKT in malignant astrocytic gliomas: correlation with EGFR status, tumor grade and survival. J Neuropathol
Exp Neurol 2006; 65: 1181-1188
34. Gerber DE, Grossman SA, Batchelor T, Ye X. Calculated versus measured creatinine clearance for dosing
methotrexate in the treatment of primary central nervous system lymphoma. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2007;
59: 817-823
35. Batchelor TT, Sorensen AG, di Tomaso E, Zhang W-T, Duda DG, Cohen KS, Kozak KR, Cahill DP, Chen P-J,
Zhu M, Ancukiewicz M, Mrugala M, Plotkin S, Drappatz J, Louis DN, Ivy P, Scadden DT, Benner T, Loeffler
JS, Wen PY, Jain RK. AZD2171, a pan-VEGF and PDGF receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor normalizes tumor
vasculature and alleviates edema in glioblastoma patients. Cancer Cell 2007; 11: 83-95
36. Correa DD, Maron L, Harder H, Klein M, Armstrong CL, Calabrese P, Bromberg JEC, Abrey LE, Batchelor TT,
Schiff D. Cognitive functions in primary CNS lymphoma: literature review and assessment guidelines. Ann
Oncol 2007; 18: 1145-1151
37. Cahill DP, Levine KK, Betensky RA, Codd PJ, Romany CA, Reavie LB, Batchelor TT, Futreal PA, Stratton
MR, Curry ST, Iafrate AJ, Louis DN. Loss of mismatch repair protein MSH6 in human glioblastomas is
associated with tumor progression during temozolomide treatment. Clin Cancer Res 2007, 13: 2038-2045.
38. Kesari S, Schiff D, Doherty L, Gigas DC, Batchelor TT, Muzikansky A, O’Neill A, Drappatz J, Chen-Plotkin
AS, Ramakrishna N, Weiss SE, Levy B, Bradshaw J, Kracher J, Laforme A, Black PM, Folkman J, Kieran M,
Wen PY. Phase II study of metronomic chemotherapy for recurrent malignant gliomas in adults. Neuro-oncol
2007; 9: 354-363
39. Eichler AF, Batchelor TT, Henson JW. Diffusion and perfusion imaging in subacute neurotoxicity following
high-dose intravenous methotrexate. Neuro-oncol 2007; 9: 373-377
40. Grimm SA, Pulido JS, Jahnke K, Schiff D, Hall AJ, Shenkier TN, Siegal T, Doolittle ND, Batchelor T, Herrlinger
U, Neuwelt EA, Laperriere N, Chamberlain MC, Blay J-Y, Ferreri AJM, Omuro AMP, Thiel E, Abrey LE.
Primary intraocular lymphoma: An international primary central nervous system lymphoma collaborative group
report. Ann Oncol 2007; 18: 1851-1855
41. Kesari S, Schiff D, Henson JW, Muzikansky A, Doherty L, Gigas DC, Batchelor TT, Longtine JA, Ligon KL,
Weaver S, Laforme A, Ramakrishna N, Black P, Drappatz J, Ciampa A, Folkman J, Kieran M, Wen PY. Phase
II study of temozolomide, thalidomide and celecoxib for newly-diagnosed glioblastoma in adults. Neuro-oncol
2008; 10: 300-308
Tracy T. Batchelor
42. Voloschin AD, Betensky R, Wen PY, Hochberg FH, Batchelor TT. Topotecan as salvage therapy for relapsed
or refractory primary central nervous system lymphoma. J Neurooncol 2008; 86: 211-215
43. Gerstner ER, Carson KA, Grossman SA, Batchelor TT. Long-term outcome of primary CNS lymphoma patients
treated with high-dose methotrexate and deferred radiation. Neurology 2008; 70: 401-402
44. Grossman SA, Olson J, Batchelor TT, Peereboom D, Lesser G, Desideri S, Ye X, Hammour T, Supko JG. Effect
of phenytoin on celecoxib pharmacokinetics in patients with glioblastoma. Neuro-oncol 2008; 10: 190-198
45. Sorensen AG, Batchelor TT, Zhang W-T, Jain RK. Response criteria for glioma. Nat Clin Pract Oncol 2008;
5: 634-647
46. Doolittle ND, Abrey LE, Shenkier TN, Siegal T, Bromberg JEC, Neuwelt EA, Soussain C, Jahnke K, Johnston
P, Illerhaus G, Schiff D, Batchelor T, Montoto S, Kraemer DF, Zucca E. Brain parenchyma involvement as
isolated central nervous system (CNS) relapse of systemic non-Hodgkin lymphoma: an International Primary
CNS Collaborative Group report. Blood 2008; 111: 1085-1093
47. Sher DJ, Henson JW, Avutu B, Hochberg FH, Batchelor TT, Martuza RL, Barker FG 2nd, Loeffler JS,
Chakravarti A. The added value of concurrently administered temozolomide versus adjuvant temozolomide alone
in newly diagnosed glioblastoma. J Neurooncol 2008; 88: 43-50
48. Gerstner ER, Abrey LE, Schiff D, Ferreri AJM, Lister A, Montoto S, Tsang R, Thiel E, Graus F, Behringer D,
Illerhaus G, Weaver S, Wen P, Voloschin A, Harris NL, Batchelor TT. CNS Hodgkin lymphoma. Blood 2008;
112: 1658-1661
49. Grossman SA, Carson K, Phuphanich S, Batchelor T, Peereboom D, Nabors LB, Lesser G, Hausheer F, Supko
JG. Phase I and pharmacokinetic study of karenitecin in patients with recurrent malignant gliomas. Neuro-oncol
2008; 10: 608-616
50. Grimm SA, McCannel CA, Omuro AM, Ferreri AJ, Blay JY, Neuwelt EA, Siegal T, Batchelor T, Jahnke K,
Shenkier TN, Hall AJ, Graus F, Herrlinger U, Schiff D, Raizer J, Rubenstein J, Laperriere N, Thiel E, Doolittle
N, Iwamoto FM, Abrey LE. Primary CNS lymphoma with intraocular involvement: International PCNSL
collaborative group report. Neurology 2008; 71: 1355-1360
51. Drappatz J, Wong ET, Schiff D, Kesari S, Batchelor T, Doherty L, Lafrankie DC, Ramakrishna N, Weiss S,
Smith ST, Ciampa A, Zimmerman J, Ostrowsky L, David K, Norden A, Barron L, Sceppa C, Black PM, Wen
PY. A pilot safety study of lenalidomide and radiotherapy for patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma
multiforme. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2009; 73: 222-227
52. Zhu JJ, Gerstner ER, Engler DA, Mrugala MM, Nugent W, Nierenberg K, Hochberg FH, Betensky RA, Batchelor
TT. High dose methotrexate for elderly patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma. Neuro-oncol
2009; 11: 211-215
53. Rubenstein J, Shen A, Batchelor T, Kadoch C, Treseler P, Shuman M. Differential gene expression in CNS
lymphoma. Blood 2009 (in press)
54. Kamoun WS, Ley CD, Farrar CT, Duyverman AM, Lahdenranta J, Lacorre DA, Batchelor TT, di Tomaso E,
Duda DG, Munn LL, Fukumura D, Sorensen AG, Jain RK. Edema control by cediranib, a VEGF targeted kinase
inhibitor, prolongs survival despite persistent brain tumor growth in mice. J Clin Oncol 2009; 27: 2542-2552
55. Gerstner ER, Duda DG, di Tomaso E, Ryg PA, Loeffler JS, Sorensen AG, Ivy P, Jain RK, Batchelor TT. VEGF
inhibitors in the treatment of cerebral edema in patients with brain cancer. Nat Clin Pract Oncol 2009; 6: 229236
Tracy T. Batchelor
56. Grossman S, Ye X, Chamberlain M, Mikkelsen T, Batchelor T, Desideri S, Piantadosi S, Fisher J, Fine H.
Talampanel with standard radiation and temozolomide in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma: a
multicenter phase II trial. J Clin Oncol 2009; 27: 4155-4161
57. Sorensen AG, Batchelor TT, Zhang WT, Chen PJ, Yeo P, Wang M, Jennings D, Wen PY, Lahdenranta J,
Ancukiewicz M, di Tomaso E, Duda DG, Jain RK. A vascular normalization index as potential mechanistic
biomarker to predict survival after a single dose of cediranib in recurrent glioblastoma patients. Cancer Res 2009;
69: 5296-5300
58. Gerstner ER, Chen PJ, Wen PY, Jain RK, Batchelor TT, Sorensen AG. Infiltrative patterns of glioblastoma
spread detected via diffusion MRI after treatment with cediranib. Neuro-oncol 2010; 12: 466-472
59. Gerstner ER, Yip S, Wang DL, Louis DN, Iafrate AJ, Batchelor TT. MGMT methylation is a prognostic
biomarker in elderly patients with new diagnosed glioblastoma. Neurology 2009; 73: 1509-1510
60. Michaud DS, Holick CN, Batchelor T, Giovanucci E, Hunter DJ. Prospective study of meat intake, dietary
nitrates, nitrites and nitrosamines and risk of adult glioma. Am J Clin Nutr 2009; 90: 1-8
61. Aghi MK, Batchelor TT, Louis DN, Barker FG 2nd, Curry WT Jr. Decreased rate of infection in glioblastoma
patients with allelic loss of chromosome 10q. J Neurooncol 2009; 93: 115-120
62. Scott BJ, Quant EC, McNamara MB, Ryg PA, Batchelor TT, Wen PY. Bevacizumab salvage therapy following
progression in high-grade glioma patients treated with VEGF receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Neuro-oncol
2010; 12: 603-607
63. Drappatz J, Norden AD, Wong ET, Doherty LM, Lafrankie DC, Ciampa A, Kesari S, Sceppa C, Gerard M, Phan
P, Schiff D, Batchelor TT, Ligon KL, Young G, Muzikansky A, Weiss SE, Wen PY. Phase I study of vandetanib
with radiotherapy and temozolomide for newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2010; 78:
64. Peereboom DM, Supko JG, Carson KA, Batchelor T, Phuphanich S, Lesser G, Mikkelsen T, Fisher J, Desideri
S, He X, Grossman SA. A phase I/II trial and pharmacokinetic study of ixabepilone in adult patients with
recurrent high-grade gliomas. J Neurooncol 2010; 100: 261-268
65. Grisariu S, Avni B, Batchelor TT, van den Bent MJ, Bokstein F, Schiff D, Kuittinen O, Chamberlain MC, Roth
P, Nemets A, Shalom E, Ben-Yehuda D. Siegal, T. Neurolymphomatosis: an international primary central
nervous system collaborative group report. Blood 2010; 115: 5005-5011
66. Batchelor TT, Duda DG, di Tomaso E, Ancukiewicz M, Plotkin SR, Gerstner E, Eichler AF, Drappatz J,
Hochberg FH, Louis DN, Cohen KS, Chea H, Exarhopoulos A, Loeffler JS, Moses MA, Ivy P, Sorensen AG,
Wen PY, Jain RK. Phase II study of cediranib, an oral pan-VEGF receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor, in patients
with recurrent glioblastoma. J Clin Oncol 2010; 28: 2817-2823
67. Rosenfeld MR, Chamberlain MC, Grossman SA, Peereboom DM, Lesser GJ, Batchelor TT, Desideri S, Salazar
AM, Ye X. A multi-institution phase II study of poly-ICLC and radiotherapy with concurrent and adjuvant
temozolomide in adults with newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Neurooncol 2010; 12: 1071-1077
68. Plotkin SR, Halpin C, McKenna MJ, Loeffler JS, Batchelor TT, Barker FG. Erlotinib for progressive vestibular
schwannoma in neurofibromatosis 2 patients. Otol Neurotol 2010; 31: 1135-1143
69. Gerstner ER, Eichler AF, Plotkin SR, Drappatz J, Doyle C, Xu L, Duda DG, Wen PY, Jain RK, Batchelor TT.
Phase I trial with biomarker studies of vatalanib (PTK787) in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma treated
with standard radiation and temozolomide in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma. J Neurooncol2011;
103: 325-332
Tracy T. Batchelor
70. Kahn J, Loeffler J, Niemierko A, Chiocca A, Batchelor T, Chakravarti A. Long-term outcomes of patients with
spinal cord gliomas treated by modern conformal radiation techniques. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys2010 (Epub,
October 13)
71. Batchelor TT, Grossman SA, Mikkelsen T, Ye X, Desideri S, Lesser GJ. Rituximab monotherapy for patients
with recurrent primary central nervous system lymphoma. Neurology 2011; 76: 929-930
72. Abla O, Weitzman S, Blay J-Y, O’Neill BP, Abrey LE, Neuwelt E, Doolittle ND, Baehring J, Pradhan K, Martin
SE, Guerrera M, Shah S, Silver M, Betensky R, Batchelor TT. Primary CNS lymphoma in children and
adolescents: a descriptive analysis from the international primary CNS lymphoma collaborative group (IPCG)
Clin Cancer Res 2011; 17: 346-352
73. di Tomaso E, Snuderl M, Kamoun W, Duda D, Auluck P, Frosch M, Wen P, Plotkin S, Hedley-Whyte ET,
Sorensen AG, Batchelor TT, Jain RK. Glioblastoma recurrence after cediranib therapy in patients: lack of
“rebound” revascularization and change in growth pattern as mode of escape. Cancer Res 2011; 71: 19-28
74. Mohapatra G, Engler DA, Starbuck KD, Kim JC, Bernay DC, Scangas GA, Batchelor TT, Betensky RA, Louis
DN. Genome-wide comparison of paired fresh frozen and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded gliomas by custom
BAC and oligonucleotide array comparative genome hybridization. Acta Neuropath 2011; 121: 529-543
75. Dias-Santagata D, Lam Q, Vernovsky K, Vena N, Lennerz JK, Borger DR, Batchelor TT, Ligon KL, Iafrate AJ,
Ligon AH, Louis DN, Santagata S. BRAF V600E mutations are common in pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma:
diagnostic and therapeutic implications. PLoS One 2011; 6: e17948
76. Kim H, Catana C, Ratai EM, Andronesi OC, Jennings D, Batchelor TT, Jain RK, Sorensen AG. Serial MRI
spectroscopy reveals a direct metabolic effect of cediranib in glioblastoma. Cancer Res 2011; 71: 3745-3752
77. Emblem KE, Bjornerud A, Mouridsen K, Borra RJ, Batchelor TT, Jain RK, Sorensen AG. T(1)- and T(2)(*)dominant extravasation correction in DSC-MRI: Part II-predicting patient outcome after a single dose of
cediranib in recurrent glioblastoma patients. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 2011; 31: 2054-2064
78. Cote GM, Hochberg EP, Muzikansky A, Hochberg FH, Drappatz J, McAfee SL, Batchelor TT, Lacasce AS,
Fisher DC, Abramson JS, Armand P, Chen YB. Autologous stem cell transplantation with thiotepa, busulfan and
cyclophosphamide (TBC) conditioning in patients with CNS involvement by non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Biol
Blood Marrow Transplant 2012; 18: 76-83
79. Patrij K, Reiser M, Watzel L, Pels H, Kowoll A, Herrlinger U, Engert A, Linnebank M, Schackert G, VogtSchaden M, Egerer G, Lamprecht M, Batchelor TT, Schlegel U, Schmidt-Wolf IG. Isolated central nervous
system relapse of systemic lymphoma (SCNCL): clinical features and outcome of a retrospective analysis. Ger
Med Sci 2011 Epub 2011
80. Wen PY, Schiff D, Cloughesy TF, Reardon DA, Batchelor TT, Chabner BA, Flaherty K, de Groot JF, Gilbert
MR, Galanis E, Chang SM, Schwartz GK, Peereboom D, Mehta MP, Yung WK Grossman SA, Prados MD,
DeAngelis LM. It is time to include patients with brain tumors in phase I trials in oncology. J Clin Oncol 2011;
29: 3211-3213
81. Chan C-C, Rubenstein J, Coupland S, Davis J, Harbour JW, Johnston P, Cassoux N, Touitou V, Smith J,
Batchelor T, Pulido J. Primary vitreoretinal lymphomas: a report from the international primary central nervous
system lymphoma collaborative group symposium. Oncologist2011; 16: 1589-1599
82. Nabors LB, Supko JG, Rosenfeld M, Chamberlain M, Phuphanich S, Batchelor T, Desideri S, Ye X, Wright J,
Gujar S, Grossman SA. Phase I trial of sorafenib in patients with recurrent or progressive malignant glioma.
Neuro Oncol 2011; 13: 1324-1330
83. Drappatz J, Lee EQ, Hammond S, Grimm SA, Norden AD, Beroukhim R, Gerard M, Schiff D, Chi AS, Batchelor
TT, Doherty LM, Ciampa AS, Lafrankie DC, Ruland S, Snodgrass S, Raizer JJ, Wen PY. Phase I study of
Tracy T. Batchelor
panobinostat in combination with bevacizumab for recurrent high-grade glioma. J Neurooncol 2012; 107: 133138
84. Sorensen AG, Emblem KE, Polaskova P, Jennings D, Kim H, Ancukiewicz M, Wang M, Wen PY, Ivy P,
Batchelor TT, Jain RK. Increased survival of glioblastoma patients who respond to anti-angiogenic therapy with
elevated blood perfusion. Cancer Res 2012; 72: 402-407
85. Goldlust SA, Cavaliere R, Newton HB, Hsu M, DeAngelis LM, Batchelor TT, Gilbert MR, Lassman AB.
Bevacizumab for glioblastoma refractory to vascular endothelial growth factor receptor inhibitors. J Neurooncol
2012; 107: 407-411
86. Andronesi OC, Kim G, Gerstner E, Batchelor T, Tzika AA, Fantin VR, Vander Heiden MG, Sorensen AG.
Detection of 2-hydroxyglutarate in IDH-mutated glioma patients by spectral-editing and 2D correlation magnetic
resonance spectroscopy. Sci Trans Med 2012; 4: 116
87. Nabors LB, Mikkelsen T, Hegi ME, Ye X, Batchelor T, Lesser G, Peereboom D, Rosenfeld MR, Olsen J, Brem
S, Fisher JD, Grossman SA for the New Approaches to Brain Tumor Therapy (NABTT) Central Nervous System
Consortium. A safety run-in and randomized phase 2 study of cilengitide combined with chemoradiation for
newly diagnosed glioblastoma (NABTT 0306). Cancer 2012; 118: 5601-5607
88. Trippa L, Lee EQ, Wen PY, Batchelor TT, Cloughesy T, Parmigiani G, Alexander BM. Bayesian adaptive
randomized trial design for patients with recurrent glioblastoma. J Clin Oncol 2012; 30: 3258-3263
89. Chi AS, Batchelor TT, Dias-Santagata D, Borger D, Stiles CD, Wang DL, Curry WT, Wen PY, Ligon KL,
Ellison L, Louis DN, Iafrate AJ. Prospective, high-throughput molecular profiling of human gliomas. J
Neurooncol 2012; 110: 89-98
90. Chi AS, Batchelor TT, Yang D, Dias-Santagata D, Borger D, Ellisen L, Iafrate AJ, Louis DN. BRAF V600E
mutation identifies a distinct subset of low-grade diffusely infiltrating gliomas in adults. J Clin Oncol 2013; 31:
91. Rubenstein JL, Li J, Chen L, Advani R, Drappatz J, Gerstner E, Batchelor T, Krouwer H, Hwang J, Auerback
G, Kadoch C, Lowell C, Munster P, Cha S, Shuman MA, Damon LE. Multicenter phase 1 trial of intraventricular
immunochemotherapy in recurrent CNS lymphoma. Blood 2013; 121: 745-751
92. Norden AD, Lesser GJ, Drappatz J, Ligon KL, Hammond SN, Lee EQ, Reardon DR, Fadul CE, Plotkin SR,
Batchelor TT, Zhu JJ, Beroukhim R, Muzikansky A, Doherty L, Lafrankie D, Smith K, Tafoya V, Lis R, Stack
EC, Rosenfeld MR, Wen PY. Phase 2 study of dose-intense temozolomide in recurrent glioblastoma. Neuro
Oncol 2013; 15: 930-935
93. Emblem KE, Mouridsen K, Bjornerud A, Farrar CT, Jennings D, Borra RJH, Wen PY, Batchelor TT, Rosen B,
Jain RK, Sorensen AG. Vessel architectural imaging identifies cancer patient responders to anti-angiogenic
therapy. Nat Med 2013; 19: 1178-1183
94. Lu-Emerson C, Snuderl M, Kirkpatrick ND, Goveia J, Davidson C, Huang Y, Riedemann L, Ivy P, Duda DG,
Ancukiewicz M, Plotkin SR, Chi AS, Gerstner ER, Eichler AF, Dietrich J, Stemmer-Rachamimov AO, Batchelor
TT, Jain RK. Increase in tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) after antiangiogenic therapy is associated with
poor survival in recurrent glioblastoma patients. Neurooncol 2013; 15: 1079-1087
95. Batchelor TT, Mulholland P, Neyns B, Nabors LB, Campone M, Wick A, Mason W, Mikkelsen T, Phuphanich
S, Ashby L, de Groot J, Gattamaneni R, Cher L, Rosenthal M, Payer F, Jurgensmeier J, Jain R, Sorensen AG, Xu
J, Liu Q, van den Bent M. Phase III randomized trial comparing the efficacy of cediranib as monotherapy, and
in combination with lomustine, versus lomustine alone in patients with recurrent glioblastoma. J Clin Oncol
2013; 31: 3212-3218
Tracy T. Batchelor
96. Andronesi OC, Rapalino O, Gerstner E, Chi A, Batchelor TT, Cahill DP, Sorensen AG, Rosen BR. Detection
of oncogenic IDH1 mutations using magnetic resonance spectroscopy of 2-hydroxyglutarate. J Clin Invest 2013;
123: 3659-3663
97. Taylor JW, Flanagan EP, O’Neill BP, Siegal T, Omuro AMP, DeAngelis LM, Baehring JM Nishikawa R, Pinto
F, Chamberlain M, Hoang-Xuan K, Gonzalez-Aguilar A, Batchelor TT, Blay J-Y, Korfel A, Betensky RA, Lopes
M-B, Schiff D. Primary leptomeningeal lymphoma: an international primary CNS lymphoma collaborative
group report. Neurology 2013; 81: 1690-1696
98. Pinho MC, Polaskova P, Kalpathy-Cramer J, Jennings D, Emblem KE, Jain RK, Rosen BR, Wen PY, Sorensen
AG, Batchelor TT, Gerstner ER. Low incidence of pseudoprogression in newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients
treated with a VEGF inhibitor in combination with chemoradiation. Oncologist 2014; 19: 75-81
99. Batchelor TT, Gerstner ER, Emblem KE, Duda DG, Kalpathy-Cramer J, Snuderl M, Ancukiewicz M, Polaskova
P, Pinho MC, Jennings D, Plotkin SR, Chi AS, Eichler AF, Dietrich J, Hochberg FH, Lu-Emerson C, Iafrate AJ,
Ivy P, Rosen B, Loeffler JS, Wen PY, Sorensen AG, Jain RK. Increased perfusion due to vascular normalization
improves oxygenation and survival in glioblastoma patients treated with cediranib and chemoradiation. Proc Natl
Acad Sci 2013; 110: 19059-19064
100. Reuter M, Gerstner ER, Rapalino O, Batchelor TT, Rosen B, Fischl B. Impact of MRI head placement on
glioma response assessment. J Neurooncol 2014 (Epub ahead of print)
101. Wakimoto H, Tanaka S, Curry WT, Loebel F, Zhao D, Tateishi K, Chen J, Klofas LK, Lelic N, Kim JC, DiasSantagata D, Ellisen LW, Borger DR, Fendt SM, Vander Heiden M, Batchelor TT, Iafrate AJ, Cahill DP, Chi
AS. Targetable signaling pathway mutations are associated with malignant phenotype in IDH-mutant gliomas.
Clin Cancer Res 2014 (Epub ahead of print)
102. Poynton CB, Chen KT, Chonde DB, Izquierdo-Garcia D, Gollub RL, Gerstner ER, Batchelor TT, Catana C.
Probabilistic atlas-based segmentation of combined T1-weighted and DUTE MRI for calculation of head
attenuation maps in integrated PET/MRI scanners. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014; 4: 160-171
103. Chen Y-B, Batchelor TT, Li S, Hochberg E, Brezina M, Jones S, Del Rio C, Curtis M, Ballen KK, Barnes J,
Chi A, Dietrich J, Driscoll J, Gerstner E, Hochberg F, LaCasce AS, McAfee SL, Spitzer TR, Nayak L, Armand
P. Phase 2 trial of high-dose rituximab with cytarabine mobilization therapy and thiotepa, busulfan, and
cyclophosphamide (R-TBC) autologous stem cell transplant in patients with CNS involvement by non-Hodgkin
lymphoma. Cancer (in press)
Case Reports
Batchelor TT, Platten M, Palmer-Toy DE, Hunter GJ, Lev MH, Dalmau J, Hochberg FH. Chorea as a
paraneoplastic complication of Hodgkin’s disease. J Neurooncol 1998; 36: 185-190.
Multani P, Supko J, Batchelor T, Goodman AK, Seiden M. Case report: Effective treatment of leptomeningeal
metastasis from ovarian cancer with topotecan. Cancer Therapeutics 1998; 1: 33-36.
Henson JW, Yang J, Batchelor T. Letter: Vitreous methotrexate concentration after high-dose
intravenous therapy for primary central nervous system lymphoma. J Clin Oncol 1999; 17: 1329
Quinones-Hinojosa A, Friedlander RM, Boyer PJ, Batchelor TT, Chiocca EA. Solitary sciatic nerve lymphoma
followed by neurolymphomatosis: case report and review. J Neurosurg 2000; 92: 165-169
Ferreri AJM, Batchelor T, Zucca E, Armitage J, Cavalli F. An international collaborative group against primary
central nervous system lymphoma. J Clin Oncol 2003; 21: 1649-1650
Voloschin AD, Louis DN, Cosgrove GR, Batchelor TT. Neoadjuvant temozolomide followed by complete
resection of a 1p- and 19q- deleted anaplastic oligoastrocytoma: case study. Neuro-Oncol 2005; 7: 97-101
Tracy T. Batchelor
Gaviani P, Gonzalez RG, Zhu JJ, Batchelor TT, Henson JW. Central neurogenic hyperventilation and lactate
production in brainstem glioma. Neurology 2005; 64: 166-167
Gerstner ER, Frosch MP, Batchelor TT. Diffusion MRI detects pathologically confirmed, non-enhancing tumor
progression in a patient with recurrent glioblastoma receiving bevacizumab. J Clin Oncol 2010; 28: 91-93
Jeyaretna DS, Curry WT, Batchelor TT, Stemmer-Rachamimov A, Plotkin SR. Bevacizumab exacerbating
cerebral radiation necrosis. J Clin Oncol 2010; 29: e159-162
10. Chi AS, Batchelor TT, Kwak E, Clark J, Wang DL, Wilner KD, Louis DN, Iafrate AJ. Rapid radiographic and
clinical improvement after treatment of a MET-amplified, recurrent glioblastoma with a MET inhibitor
(crizotinib). J Clin Oncol 2012; 30: e30-33
11. Clark SW, Taylor J, Wang DL, Abramson JS, Batchelor TT. Plasmablastic lymphoma after standard dose
temozolomide for newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Neurology 2013; 81: 93-94
Other publications
Reviews, chapters, monographs, editorials
Batchelor TT, DeAngelis LM. Medical management of cerebral metastases. In: Harsh GR, ed. Management
of cerebral metastases. Neurosurg Clin N Am Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1996; 7: 435-446
Batchelor TT, Louis DN. Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital, A 67-year-old-woman with the
cauda equina syndrome. N Engl J Med 1997; 337: 1829-1837.
Batchelor TT. Neuro-oncologic diseases. In: Cudkowicz ME, Irizarry MC, eds. Neurologic disorders in
women. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann; 1997. p. 57-83.
Schiff D, Batchelor TT, Wen PY. Neurologic emergencies in cancer patients. In: Feske SK, Wen PY, eds.
Neurologic emergencies. Neurol Clin Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1998; 16: 449-483
Avgeropoulos NG, Batchelor TT. New treatment strategies for malignant gliomas. Oncologist 1999; 4: 209224
Jeyapalan SA, Batchelor TT. Diagnostic evaluation of neurologic metastases. Cancer Invest 2000; 18: 381394
Piscatelli N, Batchelor TT. Epidemiology of brain tumors. UpToDate in Oncology. Wellesley: UpToDate,
Inc. 2000
Batchelor TT, Hochberg FH. Primary central nervous system lymphoma. UpToDate in Oncology. Wellesley:
UpToDate, Inc. 2000
Ciordia R, Supko J, Gatineau M, Batchelor TT. Cytotoxic chemotherapy: advances in delivery, pharmacology
and testing. Curr Oncol Rep 2000; 2: 445-453
10. Batchelor TT. Commentary: Temozolomide for Malignant Gliomas. Lancet 2000; 355: 1115-1116
11. Batchelor TT, Cook SF. Clinimetric methods. In: Batchelor TT, Cudkowicz ME, eds.
Neuroepidemiology. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann 2001
Principles of
12. Batchelor TT, Piscatelli N, Alderson L. Brain tumors. In: Batchelor TT, Cudkowicz ME, eds. Principles of
Neuroepidemiology. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann 2001
Tracy T. Batchelor
13. Plotkin SR, Batchelor TT. Advances in therapy for primary central nervous system lymphoma. Clin Lymphoma
2001; 1: 263-275
14. Batchelor TT, Gattineau MP, Supko JG. Pharmacological considerations on delivering chemotherapeutic agents
to brain tumors. In: Chabner BA, Longo DL, eds. Cancer Chemotherapy and Biotherapy. Philadelphia:
Lippincott-Raven 2001; 657-677
15. Batchelor TT, Louis DN. Pathology and biology of high grade astrocytomas.
Wellesley: UpToDate, Inc. 2001
UpToDate in Oncology.
16. Batchelor TT. Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of high grade astrocytomas. UpToDate in Oncology.
Wellesley: UpToDate, Inc. 2001
17. Batchelor TT. Management of high grade astrocytomas. UpToDate in Oncology. Wellesley: UpToDate, Inc.
18. Batchelor TT and Supko JG. Experimental treatments for high grade astrocytomas. UpToDate in Oncology.
Wellesley: UpToDate, Inc. 2001
19. Batchelor TT, Stanley K, Andersen J. Clinical Trials in Neuro-Oncology. Curr Opin Neurol 2001; 14: 689694
20. Kesari S, Batchelor TT. Leptomeningeal metastases. In: Wen PY (ed) Neurologic Complications of Cancer,
Neurol Clin 2002; 21: 1-42
21. Plotkin SR, Batchelor TT. Primary nervous system lymphoma. Curr Treat Options Oncol 2002; 3: 525-535
22. Lawler B, Batchelor TT. Primary and metastatic brain tumors. In: Skeel RT (ed), Handbook of Cancer
Chemotherapy, 5th edition. Philadelphia:
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2003; 378-388
23. Ferreri AJM, Abrey LE, Blay J-Y, Borisch B, Hochman J, Neuwelt EA, Yahalom J, Zucca E, Cavalli F, Armitage
JO, Batchelor TT. Management of primary central nervous system lymphoma – a summary statement from the
8th International Conference on Malignant Lymphoma. J Clin Oncol 2003; 21: 2407-2414
24. Upchurch K, Batchelor TT. Clinical Features of Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma. In: Batchelor
TT. Lymphoma of the Nervous System. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2004
25. Henson JW, Batchelor TT. Intraocular Lymphoma. In: Batchelor TT. Lymphoma of the Nervous System.
Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2004
26. Drappatz J, Batchelor TT. Neurological complications of plasma cell disorders. In: Batchelor TT. Lymphoma
of the Nervous System. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2004
27. Batchelor TT, Dorfman MV, Hunter DJ. The epidemiology of primary brain tumors. In: Black PM, Loeffler
JS (eds). Cancer of the Nervous System. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2004
28. Batchelor TT, Dorfman MV, Hunter DJ. Epidemiology. In: Bradley WB, Daroff RB, Fenichel GM, Jankovic
J. Neurology in Clinical Practice. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2004
29. Voloschin A, Batchelor TT, Allen JC. Management of primary nervous system tumors in infants and children.
In: Bradley WB, Daroff RB, Fenichel GM, Jankovic J. Neurology in Clinical Practice. Boston: ButterworthHeinemann, 2004
30. Drappatz J, Batchelor TT. Neurological complications of plasma cell disorders. Clin Lymphoma 2004; 5: 163171
Tracy T. Batchelor
31. Jeyapalan SA, Batchelor TT. Brain Metastases. Curr Treat Options Neurol 2004; 6: 273-284
32. Ferreri AJM, Batchelor T, Cavalli F. World experts join forces against primary CNS lymphomas. Cancer
Futures 2004; 3: 113-116
33. DeAngelis L, Batchelor T. Primary CNS Lymphoma: Is there a role for prophylaxis against lymphomatous
meningitis? Expert Rev Neurother 2004; 4: S19-S24
34. Grier JT, Batchelor TT. Metastatic neurological complications of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Curr Oncol Rep
2005; 7: 55-60
35. Batchelor TT, Buchbinder BD, Harris NL. Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital, A 32 year old
woman with difficulty walking, headache and nausea. N Engl J Med 2005; 352: 185-194
36. Drappatz J, Batchelor TT. Leptomeningeal and Peripheral Nerve Metastases. In: Schiff D (ed). NeuroOncology Continuum 2005; 11: 47-68
37. Fitzsimmons AL, Upchurch KU, Batchelor TT. Clinical features and diagnosis of primary central nervous
system lymphoma. In: Abrey LE, DeAngelis LM (eds). Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma. Hematol
Oncol Clin North Am 2005; 19: 689-703
38. Mrugala MM, Batchelor TT, Plotkin SR. Peripheral and cranial nerve sheath tumors. Curr Opin Neurol 2005;
18: 604-610
39. Mrugala MM, Batchelor TT, Supko JG. Delivering anticancer drugs to brain tumors. In: Chabner BA, Longo
DL, eds. Cancer Chemotherapy and Biotherapy, 4th edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven 2005: 484-501
40. Batchelor TT. Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma. In: Vose JM (ed). Lymphoma Annual Update
2005. Clinical Care Options 2005
41. Batchelor TT. Neuro-oncology update: 2005. Curr Opin Neurol 2005; 18: 631
42. Batchelor TT, Loeffler JS. Primary central nervous system lymphoma. J Clin Oncol 2006; 24: 1281-1288
43. Grier JT, Batchelor TT. Low-grade gliomas. Oncologist 2006; 11: 681-693
44. Mrugala MM, Newcomer A, Batchelor TT. Primary central nervous system lymphoma. In: Gilman S (ed),
Neurobiology of Disease New York: Academic Press, 2006; 395-412
45. Eichler AF, Batchelor TT. Primary central nervous system lymphoma: clinical presentation and diagnosis.
Neurosurg Focus 2006; 21: E15
46. Batchelor TT, Byrne TN. Supportive care of brain tumor patients. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 2006; 20:
47. Voloschin AD, Batchelor TT. Paraneoplastic syndromes. In: Brust JCM (ed). Current Diagnosis and Treatment
- Neurology. New York: McGraw Hill 2007; 165-174
48. Eichler AF, Batchelor TT. Chapter 16: Primary and metastatic brain tumors. In: Skeel RT (ed), Handbook of
Cancer Chemotherapy, 7th edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2007
49. Gerstner ER, Batchelor TT. Primary central nervous system lymphoma. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther 2007; 7:
50. Batchelor TT, Loeffler JS. Update on primary CNS lymphoma. Am Soc Clin Oncol Ed Book, 442-448, 2007
Tracy T. Batchelor
51. Norden AD, Batchelor TT. Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome. Onkologie 2007; 30: 90-91
52. Gerstner ER, Batchelor TT. Angiogenesis-targeting therapeutics for glioblastoma.
Investigational Drugs 2007; 16: 1895-1908
Expert Opinion
53. Duda DG, Batchelor TT, Willett CG, Jain RK. VEGF-targeted cancer therapy strategies: current progress,
hurdles and future prospects. Trends Mol Med 2007; 13: 223-230
54. Drappatz J, Batchelor TT. Leptomeningeal Metastases. Curr Treat Options Neurol 2007; 9: 283-293
55. Jain RK, di Tomaso E, Duda DG, Loeffler JS, Sorensen AG, Batchelor TT. Angiogenesis in brain tumors. Nat
Rev Neurosci 2007; 8: 610-622
56. Batchelor TT, Byrne TN. Neurological complications of primary brain tumors. In: Schiff D, Kesari S, Wen
PY. Cancer Neurology in Clinical Practice, Humana Press: Totowa, 2008, 381-396
57. Batchelor TT, Ferreri A. Primary CNS lymphoma. In: Cavalli F, Stein H, Zucca E (Eds). Extranodal
Lymphomas, Informa Healthcare: London, 2008, 127-138
58. Chi A, Batchelor TT. Chapter 63: Primary brain tumors. In: Chabner BA, Lynch TJ, Longo DL (Eds).
Harrison’s Manual of Oncology. New York: McGraw Hill, 2008; 567-575
59. Jain RK, Duda DG, Batchelor TT, Sorensen AG, Willett CG. Normalization of tumor vasculature and
microenvironment as a potential mechanism of action of antiangiogenic therapies: Clinical evidence and
implications. In: Folkman J (Ed). Angiogenesis, 2008
60. Jain RK, Batchelor TT, Duda DG, Willett CG. Normalization of tumor vasculature and microenvironment as a
potential mechanism of action of antiangiogenic therapies. In Teicher BA, Ellis LH (Eds) Anti-Angiogenic
Agents in Cancer Therapy, 2nd Ed. New York: Humana Press, 2008
61. Reardon DA, Wen PY, Desjardins A, Batchelor TT, Vredenburgh JJ. Glioblastoma multiforme: an emerging
paradigm of anti-VEGF therapy. Expert Opin Biol Ther 2008; 8: 541-553
62. Gerstner ER, Batchelor TT. Advances in neuroimaging techniques for the evaluation of tumor growth, vascular
permeability and angiogenesis in gliomas. Curr Opin Neurol 2008; 6: 728-735
63. Gerstner ER, Batchelor TT. Leptomeningeal metastases. In: Rosenfeld M, Dalmau J (Eds). Neuro-Oncology
Section, In: Lisak R, Truong DD, Carroll W, Bhidayasiri R (Eds). International Neurology: A Clinical Approach.
Boston: Blackwell International, 2009
64. Gerstner ER, Batchelor TT. CNS lymphomas. In: Vose JM (Ed). Lymphomas (in press)
65. Gerstner ER, Batchelor TT. Primary CNS Lymphoma. In: Winn R (ed) Youmans Neurological Surgery, 6 th
Edition. New York: Elsevier (in press)
66. Mrugala MM, Ponzoni M, Rubenstein J, Batchelor TT. Biology of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in the central
nervous system. Curr Oncol Rep 2009; 11: 73-80
67. Chi A, Batchelor TT. Angiogenesis-targeting therapies for glioblastoma. Oncologist 2009; 14: 621-636
68. Gerstner ER, Batchelor TT. VEGF-targeting therapies for glioblastoma. In: Van Meir EG (ed) CNS Cancer:
models, prognostic factors and targets. New York: Humana Press 2009
69. Dietrich J, Wang DL, Batchelor TT. Cediranib, a novel pan-VEGF receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor, for the
treatment of glioblastoma. Expert Opin Inv Drug 2009; 18: 1549-1557
Tracy T. Batchelor
70. Cahill DP, Codd PJ, Batchelor TT, Curry WT, Louis DN. MSH6 inactivation and emergent temozolomide
resistance in human glioblastomas. Clin Neurosurg 2008; 55: 165-171
71. Gerstner ER, Batchelor TT. Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy for malignant glioma. Curr Neurol
Neurosci Rep 2009; 9: 254-262
72. Drappatz J, Batchelor TT. Leptomeningeal Metastases. Am Soc Clin Oncol Ed Book 2009
73. Jain RK, Duda DG, Willett CG, Sahani DV, Zhu AX, Loeffler JS, Batchelor TT, Sorensen AG. Biomarkers of
response and resistance to antiangiogenic therapy. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2009; 6: 327-338
74. Brastianos PK, Batchelor TT. VEGF inhibitors in brain tumors. Clin Adv Hematol Oncol 2009; 7: 753-760
75. Gerstner ER, Batchelor TT. CNS lymphomas. Arch Neurol 2010; 67: 291-297
76. Chen CC, Hochberg F, Batchelor T, Shih HA, Chakravarti A, Chapman, Loeffler J. Radiogsurgery as salvage
therapy for primary central nervous system lymphoma. In: McDermott MW (ed) Radiosurgery. Basel, Karger
2010, vol 7, 276-287
77. Quant E, Wang DL, Batchelor TT. EGFR-targeting therapies for malignant gliomas. Curr Cancer Ther Rev
2011; 7: 65-77
78. Batchelor TT, Grigg A, Thiel E. Chemotherapy. In: Batchelor TT, Deangelis LM (eds) Lymphoma and
Leukemia of the Nervous System, 2d Edition. New York, Springer 2012
79. Batchelor TT, Wang D, Neuwelt E, Gonzalez RG. Diagnostic Considerations. In: Batchelor TT, Deangelis LM
(eds) Lymphoma and Leukemia of the Nervous System, 2d Edition. New York, Springer 2012
80. Gerstner ER, Batchelor TT. CNS Lymphoma. In: Norden A, Reardon D, Wen PY (eds). Primary Brain Tumors:
Pathogenesis and Therapy. New York: Humana Press (in press)
81. Eichler AF, Batchelor TT. Chapter 16: Primary and metastatic brain tumors. In: Skeel RT (ed), Handbook of
Cancer Chemotherapy, 8th edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2010
82. Merrell RT, Dietrich J, Batchelor TT. Anti-metabolites. In: Wen PY, Schiff D, Quant E (eds). Neurologic
complications of cancer therapy. New York: Demos Medical Publishing
83. Brastianos PK, Batchelor TT. Angiogenesis and novel targeted agents in malignant gliomas. Targ Oncol 2010;
5: 167-174
84. Gerstner ER, Dietrich J, Batchelor TT. Role of cediranib in glioblastoma. Controversies in Neuro-Oncology
(in press)
85. Gerstner ER, Batchelor TT. Imaging and response criteria in gliomas. Curr Opin Oncol 2010; 22: 598-603
86. Illerhaus G, Batchelor TT. CNS lymphoma: biomarker better than biopsy? Blood 2011; 117: 2987-2989
87. Wick W, Weller M, Weiler M, Batchelor T, Yung AW, Platten M. Pathway inhibition: emerging molecular
targets for the treatment of glioblastoma. Neuro-Oncol 2011; 13: 566-579
88. Batchelor TT, Sorensen AG, Louis DN. A 54-year-old man with visual field loss and a mass in the brain. N
Engl J Med 2012; 366: 2112-2120
89. Gerstner ER, Batchelor TT. Anti-angiogenic agents. Cancer J 2012; 18: 45-50
Tracy T. Batchelor
90. Brastianos PK, Batchelor TT. Primary central nervous system lymphoma: overview of current treatment
strategies. Hematol Clin N Am 2012; 26: 897-916
91. Brastianos PK, Batchelor TT. Chapter 492: Primary central nervous system lymphoma. In: Aminoff MJ,
Daroff RB (eds).Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences (in press). Oxford: Elsevier
92. Baehring JM, Batchelor TT. Diagnosis and management of neurolymphomatosis. Cancer J 2012; 18: 463-468
93. de Groot J, Reardon DA, Batchelor TT. Antiangiogenic therapy for glioblastoma. Am Soc Clin Oncol Educ
Book 2013; 2013: 71-78
94. Tanaka S, Louis DN, Curry WT, Batchelor TT, Dietrich J. Diagnostic and therapeutic avenues for glioblastoma:
no longer a dead end? Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2013; 10: 14-26
95. Nayak L, Batchelor TT. Recent advances in the treatment of primary central nervous system lymphoma. Curr
Treat Options Oncol 2013 (Epub)
96. Ponzoni M, Issa A, Batchelor TT, Rubenstein JL. Beyond high-dose methotrexate and brain radiotherapy: novel
targets and agents for primary CNS lymphoma. Ann Oncol 2014; 25: 316-322
97. Batchelor TT. Flying solo: chemotherapy without radiation for primary CNS lymphoma. J Clin Oncol 2013;
31: 3051-3053
98. Forst DA, Nahed BV, Loeffler JS, Batchelor TT. Low grade gliomas. Oncologist 2014; 19: 403-413
99. Batchelor TT. Comment: Defining cure in primary CNS lymphoma. Neurology 2014; 82: 1373
100. Batchelor TT. Primary CNS Lymphoma. In: DeVita VT, Lawrence TS, Rosenberg SA (eds). DeVita, Hellman
and Rosenberg’s Cancer: Principles and practice of oncology, 9 th ed. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins
101. Ferreri AJM, Zucca E, Armitage J, Cavalli F, Batchelor TT. Ten years of International PCNSL Collaborative
Group studies. J Clin Oncol 2013; 31: 3444-3445
Batchelor TT, Cudkowicz ME. Principles of Neuroepidemiology. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001
Batchelor TT. Lymphoma of the Nervous System. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2004
Batchelor TT, DeAngelis LM (eds). Lymphoma and Leukemia of the Nervous System. 2nd Edition. New York:
Springer, 2012
Batchelor TT (Section Editor, Cancer and the Nervous System). In: Bradley WB, Daroff RB, Fenichel GM,
Jankovic J. Neurology in Clinical Practice. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2004, 2007, 2012
Batchelor TT (Section Editor, Neuro-Oncology). In: Chabner BA, Lynch TJ, Longo DL. Harrison’s Manual
of Oncology, Columbus: McGraw-Hill, 2007, 2013
Batchelor TT, Nishikawa R, Tarbell NJ, Weller M. Oxford Textbook of Neuro-Oncology. Oxford: Oxford
University Press (2015 publication date)
Tracy T. Batchelor
Narrative Report
I am a neuro-oncologist with an established record as a translational investigator, clinician, teacher and administrator.
My primary research interest is to identify and study novel therapeutic approaches in patients with high-grade gliomas
and primary central nervous system lymphoma. Based on my publication record, peer-reviewed NIH grant funding,
trainee record and clinical practice I have achieved both national and international reputations as a translational
My work involves the development of novel therapeutics for malignant primary brain tumors. Our investigations in
glioblastoma emphasize the development of imaging and tumor markers of sensitivity and resistance to antiangiogenic therapeutics in preclinical models and humans. We employ novel MRI and PET imaging techniques in
order to define subpopulations of glioblastoma patients most likely to benefit from agents targeting vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF). We are also involved in defining and exploiting alternative pro-angiogenic
targets in order to augment and extend responses to anti-VEGF therapeutics. I am also involved in early phase
human trials of targeted therapeutics in molecularly defined subsets of glioblastoma.
I have played central roles in defining the optimal diagnostic and treatment pathways for primary CNS diffuse large
B-cell lymphoma (PCNSL). I co-founded the International PCNSL Collaborative Group more than a decade ago
and I remain the chair of this organization of over 125 hematologists, neurologists and oncologists from more than
20 countries. In the setting of local, national and international studies we have established the currently
recommended diagnostic evaluation for newly diagnosed PCNSL patients. I have also spearheaded key
chemotherapy trials for PCNSL contributing to currently recommended treatment guidelines for PCNSL.
Tracy T. Batchelor