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Equine Science
Digestion and Nutrition
General Description
All parts of the horse involved in taking food into the body and converting it
into useable forms for maintenance, growth, and reproduction.
Approximately 100 feet long with a capacity of 40-50 gallons!
Major Part
% Capacity of Total System
 1%
Small Intestine
Large Intestine
Mouth – grab, prepare, and go
From the lips to the pharynx.
Loose Feed – use lips to pickup and tongue to pass into mouth
Grazing – grasp with incisor teeth
Drinking – uses tongue drawn back in mouth as piston,  1 cup/gulp
Grind between molars and mix with saliva
Bolus Formation
Ground up food, called chyme, molded into ball (bolus) by tongue and
Base of tongue forces food into pharynx
Pharynx – four-way intersestion
Short, funnel-shaped, muscular tube in back of throat
Differs from humans because of soft palate…mouth is one-way!
Horses cannot breathe through their mouth!
Horses cannot throw up!
Esophagus – transfer bolus from mouth to stomach
Muscular tube connecting the pharynx to the stomach
Peristalsis – wave-like action of smooth muscle moving food through
digestive tract
Regurgitation also impossible because of odd angle of esophageal
Management Tip: Food or water from the nose is a sure sign the horse
has choked!
Stomach – primary digestion of food
U-shaped muscular sac in front part of abdomen
“True stomach” is where the HCl or gastric juices are secreted
Stomach fills up from back to front
Four Regions
Esophageal – sphincter
Cardiac – secretes HCl
Fundic – main body of the stomach, protective lining
Pyloric - sphincter
Small Intestine – further digestion and nutrient absorption
Extends from stomach to cecum; about 70’ long, 2” in diameter with 12
gallon capacity
Distinct u-shape, folds and coils near left flank
Supported by the mesentery, fan-shaped membranes
Three Regions
Duodenum – bile (liver), enzymes (pancreas), mucous, and others
Jejunum – majority of absorption
Ileum – final absorption
Large Intestine – cellulose digestion through fermentation
Rely on bacteria to digest plant material, material moves slowly to give time
Five Regions
Digestion and absorption of nutrients
Elongated sac extending from high right flank down to the
4’ long with an 8-gallon capacity
Contents are always liquid
Large Colon
Bacterial action and come further digestion
12’ long with a 20-gallon capacity
Usually packed with food
Small Colon
Moisture re-absorption
Solid content, formation of balls of feces
10’ long